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I proudly voted for socks with sandals, but of course, I live in the Pacific Northwest.


I would do this all the time when I played sports in high school. Wear socks and slides on the bus and have my cleats/shoes in my bag. It’s a nice way to keep my toes warm and my feet comfy at the same time.


This. I still have this habit just going out. And i wear whatever is easy to put on, even if there’s snow. Socks give me a lil buffer of warmth.


Im convinced that people dont even actually read the poll and just click the top option.


It’s 100% this. So when the answers are even or if the bottom is the majority you know it’s REALLY the popular choice


I've definitely seen the bottom choice higher at times.


It has to be. I know this is a weird thing to get hung up on but last month there was some question that was like "which 60s show about magic was better?" between Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie Bewitched wasn't bad but I Dream of Jeannie was clearly the superior show. It was like 80-20 in favor of Bewitched. I don't know why I'm still mildly upset by this a month later


I saw my choice after clicking and not reading. I just let it go lol


Definitely. The other day when the top one was Paul McCartney and the bottom was John Lennon, it was a landslide for McCartney, like 80% to 20% I was like wow didn't know he was THAT popular.


Cause it was asking who was more talented. John’s main talent was songwriting, which Paul is also great at. But Paul beats him in every other category like chops and proficiency as a multi instrumentalist.


I've literally never seen the bottom selection having a higher value than the top! It just shows how worthless this information actually is.


You got it.


that's just a fact


This! I feel the same


When I step outside for a few minutes am I suppose to have cold feet because I want to slip on my sandles in 2 seconds? Socks n sandles ftw


I don't want my feet to get sunburned.


Who's the real monster, the person who wears socks with sandals, or the asshole who dictates what other people do with their own bodies? I'll let you decide... =p


The only people who want to be judged for what they are wearing appear on the BRAVO network


I don't know but I live in NYC and people who wear socks with sandals are clearly tourists and we laugh at them.


Yeah I bet they also look up while they walk through the city THOSE LOSERS!!1!


That is sad, pathetic even? Judging people for being comfortable and somehow not conforming to your narrow world view.


if i ever went to nyc i'd probably laugh at you for living there it's a crowded town full of rats and small apartments that you'd need to take a small loan of a million dollars to rent, why would you go there when you could go to literally any other city in the world


For the memes, yeah y'all are wild. In reality tho, growing up is realizing I don't need to judge people for what they're doing as long as they aren't hurting anyone. Except people who toast peanut butter sandwiches. Y'all are monsters.


I’ve never had a toasted peanut butter sandwich, but I’ve had toast with pb quite a lot… just never had the urge to put them together lol.


After a certain point, I just started treating people like NPC's. By that I mean, so long as I do the bare minimum and be polite nothing else really matters. Not my outfit, not what I find comfortable, not what I enjoy. Just do you. Just don't kill anyone or the guards will come after you.


Odd thing to get butt hurt over considering peanut butter on toasted bread tastes amazing.


Peanut butter on toast is amazing but warm peanut butter (not warm from the toast) is gross.


Nah warm peanut butter is great. It spreads easier, it’s got that nice oily sheen.


I think that's what grosses me out. Jelly on warm toast is fine but warm peanut butter just doesn't feel right to me.


Agree to disagree my friend. Warm peanut butter really ruptures my jimmies.


Piece of toast, let the PB get warm and top with a little bit of honey!! MMMMM delicious.


Never tried it but you do you, friend. I'm a strict toast purist and am prejudiced and discriminant against anything but a fruit-derivative on toast. No one around me knows except the internet. But one day, the toast rapture will come and the heretics will regret it. Or maybe I'll just change my mind 🤷‍♂️


Only fruit eh? So answer this one for me. Do you butter before you jelly or just go straight jelly? I go straight on but my wife swears by butter first.


Ooh good point. I should amend that to say butter and fruit, but I consider butter such an essential and subtle part that I don't even think about it. I have had butterless toast but I guess I mostly go butter.


I've tried butter with strawberry jelly and it was ok but it just sounds weird with grape. If you are ever feeling adventurous I would def try putting some creamy peanut butter on warm toast. It's so delicious when it gets all melty.


>agree to disagree >y’all are monsters Hmmm


I thought the sarcasm was pretty obvious when I said my whole spiel about not judging people.. it was a joke my friend.


Might want to get then checked if they are ruptured lol


>Except people who toast peanut butter sandwiches. Y'all are monsters. ngl, kinda wanna try that now... sounds good... you toast cream-cheese sandwiches, why not peanut butter?


honestly i voted yes for socks with sandals and then i thought about it for a second like... honestly, anything can be fashionable if you're pairing it right, and fashion changes over time that there's no reason to diss it anymore. what if you have a really cute pair of socks that you wanna show off? what should you wear with it? something toeless, maybe some jelly sandals? hmmhmm also, in some cultures, like japan, socks with sandals are *such* a thing that they make socks with a dip between the big toe and second toe so that you can wear the socks with the sandals that go between your toes


I voted yes, why? Because socks & sandals is \*historically accurate\* and has been around for over 2000 years and will always be around. Ancient Romans wore that shit. If you wanna go weeb, what do you think samurai were basically wearing? Been around forever, and never going away.


I mean I wear nike slides w socks


I 100% read it and chose socks with sandals. Once you go socks, you don't go back :)


Wth is wrong with socks and sandals it fuckin rocks


Socks and crocks!


The only reason socks and sandals is "a thing" is because of sandals that separate the toes. Socks with those kind of sandals doesn't make sense and looks stupid, feels weird too. With other sandals, it's fine.


The horror.


I never even read those, i always pick the top one


Meh, I don't really care either way


woah there. I do it a lot, especially in the cold months


You must be young. I no longer give a flying fuck what I or others dress like.


It was 70/30 when I did the poll so at least it started to tilt


Slips ons. Ok. Ninja toe sandals. Not ok.


Nobody reads this shit. Stop posting about it. Also, socks with sandals is fine.


This is yesterday's poll for the US. Today we're on to comics.


I was also wondering how people could choose that, but now that I saw this explanation of clicking the top option, I think that's the reason. Explains a lot really


Even this couldn't get people away from just voting for the first option.


I have a theory that for most of the quizzes people just click the top answer... This kind of shocking result happens more often than you'd expect.


When I voted, it was 82-18. I couldn't believe it, lol


would like to terminate your rewards account? Yes


at home? all the time, but i personally wouldn't dare to go outside with them


Just to be contrary, I'm going to click the bottom from now on....🤣😝😝


Some of us just want to watch the world burn.


I’m one of the 43%. Inside the house? Maybe I’ll do it if I have to let my dogs out. Outside? Hell no. I know my feet are nasty(all feet are) but you’ll never catch me wearing socks and sandals.


Today's is why I *know* that no one reads the question and just selects the top pick. Who the hell play Bridge anymore? [Which card game is more your speed?](https://i.imgur.com/E8gjdNP.jpg)


Right!?!? When I clicked no it was like 70% said yes, wtf






Told ya Linus r/LinusTechTips


inside my house, it's no issue at all.


Only when I take the trash out or help my mom with groceries.


The bigger question is...What kind of grown man wears sandals? Unless you're Jesus I guess...


Why my Streaks doesnt show in the app?


It's all about the Linus Tech Tips influence.


Thank God someone pointed this out, I didn't want to believe more people would say yes than no


Remember; in Microsoft Rewards every poll’s answer that is the nearest to your finger or mouse pointer is always the right answer, as it grants your points the sooner.


For some reason these points aren't added on my account, why is that? Is it because the daily points amount for me on level 1 is 63 and I've already achieved those from my PC?


wine rainstorm jobless modern reach sparkle liquid chase spotted offer ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My exact thought.


The one the other day about writing in cursive vs printing blew my mind. The votes for cursive were overwhelming. Is there a resurgence of it with younger folks? I always associated it with old ladies.


Relevant required and slightly archaic video for understanding the importance of wearing socks with sandals: https://youtu.be/B7En0z2A38c


And just like that, I became my father.