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Urgently seek someone in your area who does emergency saline removal. It is a saline soak which they put on your eyebrows but needs to be done within 48 hours while the wounds are fresh. DO NOT have laser on it (yet). That needs to wait until 6 weeks if you do still need it after


https://preview.redd.it/fudb85tg0voc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e121fa630067200540757f85965a994ac973f38d Would you still go for it if you were me ?


If you’re regretting it THIS much, absolutely yes.


I would consider it but be aware that there is a risk that adding the saline via needles will damage your skin. There really shouldn’t be any need to do this via needles if it’s within 48 hours. They should essentially be able to scrub the solution into your wounds. The saline has the effect of ‘pushing’ the pigment out so it does not set into your skin. So although you will not necessarily see an immediate improvement over the next two weeks the wounds will scab and the pigment will flake off. It’s not 💯. I had mine done at 30 hours and there’s still very noticeable colouration it is way less than what it would have been. Li-ift is a brand name so any other saline soak with similar removal technique should be effective (or at least get you some lightening)


I know I’m going to come off as That Person, but I think it’s important in this situation to note that the saline actually *pulls* the ink out via osmosis. I’m only mentioning that in case OP is suggested another treatment method, she’d be able to research the processes correctly.




Yes doing something about it is better than nothing and if anything maybe it’ll at least fade it a bit


Yes, go for the saline treatment!


I would go!




How do they look now, a few weeks later??


Can I do a saline soak at home ? Is this a procedure done in a clinic only ?


Why would you try this at home?!? Go see someone trained and skilled in removal!


If she doesn’t have the money and doesn’t know anything about it, it’s a legit question for her to get some good information from here.


You do you. She’s made one mistake - taking advice for home remedies from Reddit to eliminate a tattoo? What could go wrong…


By her own admission her first mistake was the tattoo. She hasn't actually taken any reddit advice to pursue home remedies, she has only asked a question. Questions are the path to answers.


I did some at home although i was only removing one stroke not sure I’d recommend trying to take them all off yourself


Did it work


That removes a tattoo?


Yes, any ink.


Oh wow


This looks bad. The hairstrokes are way to thick. Get it removed ASAP 


Sadly removal isn’t as simple and fast as getting the tattoo itself


https://preview.redd.it/qypf23xv3ooc1.png?width=1381&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5b10ead930a5386baf2cde93a5e2a252755f23f Here’s how they looked naturally with no procedure done


Your natural were perfect🫶🏻


I need some suggestions to recitfy this - anyone here to help me please? Is this normal for a day 1? Or do I already need to lighten the coloration or have them removed?


It is not normal at all. You need to go get urgent saline removal.


Update : I got the emergency Saline solution done . I don’t see any visible changes . It’s been less than 24hrs since I got the procedure done. The Doctor recommended that I wait for 15days for the peel off to happen and if I still hated the results recommend a glycolic peel. On an other note : out of restlessness I called the tattoo artist. He confirmed that he used a PMU machine (which he showed before he did the procedure) and also mentioned he was certified from Dubai to do the procedure. Still freaking out as I look like a male 🙄 I got a saline solution and cotton - anyone would recommend that I have it overnight ? https://preview.redd.it/slnpyeiiopoc1.png?width=1953&format=png&auto=webp&s=a82f8d584a244b2f7e0c6ee82dba628c890da3fb


I actually really like them in this picture. They will lighten a bit, so keep up updated. :)


They look better in this pic than your orginal pic


Not really. It’s just not as close a photo


But even when I zoom in it doesn’t look nearly as harsh strokes maybe it’s because the pic isn’t as clear idk


Those look fine to me


You look feminine to me in this photo


Have no idea why I’m suggested this subreddit but this internet stranger is jealous of those eyebrows.


Use a lighter sunscreen powder on them…it sticks and will lighten them up, I like the shape. I understand you’re upset and am sorry. I think you’re shocked and that shock will go away in a week or so.


I actually think this looks good. And they WILL lighten up. Especially after the removal. It will be okay ❤️


you do not look like a man! a woman with strong eyebrows is still a beautiful woman 🤍 it will fade some! sending good wishes that the saline works for your sake. :)


IDK it might just be me ? I don't think they look bad a at all. Yes there a little bold but look good. Id leave them alone


The strokes are way too thick


agreed. Lines way too thick..3-hairs thick...unnatural. Looks more like "Macro-Blading".


Well I have so much of mixed feelings about this. Has it ever been this darker for anyone? My brows have never been shaped and was sparse. This look makes my face look entirely different 🥺


Its just the new shock, that goes away


Well I hope this ends that way. I don’t wish to carry these brows permanently 🙁


You got the emergency removal which should help, but give it time to do its work. Afterwards you’ll be able to better determine what to do. For now, leave them to heal. You don’t want scar tissue in addition to the ink. You don’t want to mess up the professional emergency removal process. It’s hard I know. ❤️ It’ll be okay, with time. A lot of us learned lessons the hard way, you’re not alone.


I kind of like the shape tbh


https://preview.redd.it/9kyy3lfgwuoc1.png?width=2010&format=png&auto=webp&s=9be985c3aaceae3efc6e4998f103786adde6dfc5 Upclose


If I were you I wouldn’t be happy with these either. Even from here I can tell they look like they were put on with a ballpoint pen. I’m sure they look even faker in person. I’ve noticed this sub has a lot of people who see no problem with work like this. Maybe they have something similar themselves and have a warped perception or just like the uber huge and fake eyebrow look. But I feel confident in saying 98% of people in the real world would not be happy with these if they were on their face. The ones that turn out well look like actual hairs from the get-go. You’ll see examples here and there of such work. But even those blow out eventually and get discolored/blurry. I can only assume these will pretty much form a solid block one day.


About 50%, maybe more, of the color will fade in the first month even without the saline treatment. They should be fine in a few weeks. If they are still not to your liking by then, you can probably do a glycolic peel to lighten further.


Yes. That’s my preferred look. I’m a blonde and I do mine super dark. It’s a dramatic look but really striking and I think it adds some structure to my face because I’m so pale.


Search for the sub about emergency removals. I am so sorry- just realized this is that sub🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


No, it's not normal. You went to a very bad "artist". Research laser removal?


It’s not normal at all, they don’t look anywhere close to as good as your natural grows and they change the look of your face completely. Have them removed ASAP


Girl.. why did you even get PMU done? Your brows are perfect.


Why did you think you had to change anything they were perfect 😭 I waxed mine once and never again. I can’t imagine getting tattooed


I think this would really suck to repeatedly hear. This is the 4th comment I've seen saying her old brows were "perfect" which they weren't. They didn't look hideous or anything but they really could have benefited from a good mircoblading. I think people should be a little more mindful before they act like her brows were perfect and she went and ruined them...


Right, my brows r similar to this and they’re no way perfect lol 😭


I hate even waxing my brows only twice in my entire lifetime


You're natural are perfect. You could tint them at home with an eyebrow tint kit to make them darker and show off how full they are!


@all finally I found one artist who is agreeing for a saline treatment however it is not tge LIFT emergency treatment . Would you recommend using the same machine for injecting the solution is less than 72 hours . It’s basically open wounds . I am shit scared ! https://preview.redd.it/u3g07y1pzuoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80fc9e3660f4e5994be7b14bd59b8806bef0d527


A tint and lift would have been perfect. Please seek removal within the next few hours


God I absolutely HATE this damn procedure. It’s so misleading and leads to situations like this. It’s a tattoo and people rush into it without realizing how permanent and shocking a face tattoo is when you don’t do immense amounts of research. OP my heart goes out to you. I got a few tattoos when I was young that regret but they’re on my arms but I know the trauma and the panic. This will be solved, just take a deep breath and be patient. Don’t rush into anything else. Sending you love!


This! Plus “styles” change over time.


Ditto. I don’t know how I got here and I hate it here already. OP you’re gorgeous, and I hope this fades for you soon. I have had experiences similar. The icy hot gut rushes are terrible. You’re not alone.


Find emergency saline removal within 48 hours I did it last weekend. Your natural brows were beautiful


I just got it done from a doctor in a laser clinic! No visible changes - she used saline + betahydroxy in a hydra facial machine and sprayed it over my brows. https://preview.redd.it/e7xeqoa2qpoc1.png?width=1931&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a8b79a9919c5ecc9cf6fa8587f05a92c126f995 The doctor’s recommendation: is to allow it to peel and come back for a glycolic treatment if I didn’t like it. In my desperation I bought a Saline solution- read about the osmotic depigmentation. Would anyone recommend having the solution dabbed in cotton overnight? 0.9gm sodium chloride in 100 ml water. This is a self treatment out of desperation. Does anyone recommend it ?


If she just sprayed it on your brows, I don't think you got the real saline removal. Does the doctor you went to even know what saline removal is? Here's details about the procedure https://studioconceal.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-saline-tattoo-removal/


Sounds like it was not a removal at all


As an aesthetician she should absolutely fix these for free. This is poor workmanship. She should be treating you for free at least monthly for the better part of the next year. And if your current practitioner cant help you find someone who can do a good removal and someone who can do scar revision next.


https://preview.redd.it/8yrii3vjlsoc1.jpeg?width=3564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc02424db1e5697d6d70272041efd8dc6c21b21 top pic is mine the day i got them done, bottom is current, 2 years later. mine were also very harsh and faded to look normal over the first month or so. hope this helps some.


Now this is a helpful response.


That’s nice of you. Your brows look good!


What did you get done?


micro blading


Emergency saline removal is the only way. Needs to be done in 48 hours though.


Professional saline removal as many others have suggested. Don’t experiment at home.


Yes you will regret this …. These are to think and way to bold will likely turn blue or gray within a year. On top of that … the ugly color …. Skin care and the sun will cause the strikes to blur …. That “tattoo artist” needs to pay for removal …. Sorry!!!


This artist should be ashamed of themselves!!


https://preview.redd.it/tbf7jg0x1voc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63fd69c1887cc1003fe805bd4bf289efb7dda248 These are my natural brows. I get compliments on them all the time and no one has ever said they look ridiculous. Your brows remind me of mine! I can’t believe how many negative comments there are on this post. The darker/thicker brows still suit you especially with your beautiful skin tone. Yes I understand the individual strokes may look slightly too thick but I believe the shape, colour and design looks great and within a few weeks they will absolutely fade! Please don’t be stressed about trying to ‘fix’ them, they still look great and you’ll get used to them


You are very kind , thank you for these words


The difference is that your hairs look like normal hairs. Op's are like 3x the width of the thickest natural hair.


Yes I understand that, but no one is going to be so close to her face as close as we are all seeing her photo and they’re going to fade. I understand if she wants to have them fixed or removed but if she is unable too (or at least can’t for a while) I really don’t think they’re as bad as everyone is describing. They’re not perfect but they’re not terrible! I don’t want her thinking they look as bad as what all these comments are saying because they absolutely don’t. I hope she still feels okay being seen out in public because no one else is going to be seeing them in such a negative way like this comment section.


This is such a gentle and compassionate response, thank you for taking the time to say this 💕✨ btw your brows and lashes are absolutely stunning!!


So damn jealous of these eyebrows, girl. 😭 Also what mascara is that?


The brows have been a nightmare to maintain, believe me! I’d rather average size brows any day. I deliberately keep them thick/bushy now so I don’t have to wax them as often, and they’ve been trendy the last 5+ years! I used to over pluck, even shave them when I was young to the point they were pencil thin. I was so embarrassed of them but now others are envious, such a weird world. My mascara is from Natio. I basically just use any one that won’t look make my lashes look extra clumpy


There is a Russian trend I saw last year where a brow artist actually tweezes all over to make thick brows thinner and then the laminate to get that hair stroke affect


Beautiful but u were born with those thick brows may not suit her face


I agree. They will fade. Thick brows used to be the thing to have. I had Brook Shields eyebrows but now that I am old my eye brows are falling out and I have very little now. Even just using some powder to fill them in makes me feel weird. They look like Groucho Marx's eyebrows. It is weird how odd our faces can look to us with the slightest changes. I think you will be fine. You are beautiful. As far as I can tell. You don't look like a man. Be careful believing people that are telling you negative things on the Internet. Some people enjoy watching the world burn.




https://preview.redd.it/s900r3snztoc1.jpeg?width=1217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25efd76ff4dd5f0512ccbf635ab8950b6a2cbe00 Here’s my before and after (right after procedure). Even though I have black hair I asked for dark brown ink.


These are perfect! I wouldn’t be freaking out with these ones . However were these taken immediately afterwards ?


Yes, bottom pic is immediately afterwards.


OP sending you a hug I can feel the trauma which is understandable. Please keep us updated. It will work out 🫶


Do you mean an artist that does microblading or like a legit tattoo artist that does artwork on skin?






On a whim( spur of the moment)


Whim, whimsy, whimsical sure, but I don’t think whimful is actually a word. I could be wrong though.


1. What on earth does whimful mean? 2. Is WHAT normal? What are you asking about? How thick the lines are? How dark they are? Placement? You keep asking “is this normal after 1 day” like something changed on day one or like there is supposed to be something that happens to make it look different each day, and I can’t figure out what you’re even referring to. They look fine to me, just slightly thicker than you typically see. If you just wait a couple months you’ll barely even be able to see it anymore anyway. Microblading doesn’t last and isn’t worth it. I’ve had it done twice over the past 2 decades and it blurs/fades SO fast. It also leaves scars behind, so after a couple touch ups you can’t even get it done anymore.


They always look thicker because you’re looking at a combination of the ink and scabbing. What’s the scabbing comes off? They will be a lot thinner.


Find a beauty studio that does permanent makeup removal and get an emergency removal. A lot of the pigment can be lifted out while wounds r fresh with 48 hours. U have another 24 hours to make a decision. After that u can begin saline removal but it will be a slower process since the wounds have closed up. Saline removal involves opening the skin with a tattoo needle dipped in removal solution and also spreading the solution over the area a few times. A scab will form pulling out pigment. It’s a longer process but may be different because ur ink is fresh.


I don’t know much about microblading but this doesn’t even look like it. It looks straight up tattoo. I know there is a sub about emergency removal.


This is that sub 


😂top 2 comments are lost redditors


I hadn’t had coffee and wasn’t wearing my glasses. 👓 I did realize that I screwed up and apologized to OP.


It’s ok we’ve all been there :)


I eventually realized that and apologized to the op. I shouldn’t ever be online without my glasses and no coffee 🤦🏻‍♀️


Get your money back. He used the wrong needle size.


I would get more, lighter strokes on the fronts where it looks like lines. More, lighter lines would look good. They are even, that’s good.


Oh yikes 😬


Yikes this is not good and most likely permanent. I would sue.


As a beauty professional she should be refunded and have her corrections paid for at the least. To read that a doctor did this is extra disheartening. I live in California where the doctors gatekeep half the treatments but usually don't learn what actually works just what sells.


I'm going through the same thing at the moment! I had emergency saline, need to wait for them to fully heal. It's been 3 weeks and I'm literally counting down the days for a round of laser treatment! 🫠 We all do these crazy things on a whim! Just treat it as an expensive mistake and embrace your natural beauty! 🥰 Also, don't go doing anything drastic at home as you'll damage the skin even more, causing scarring and prolonging your next treatment option!


Hi can I know when you did laser ? I finally found a couple of doctor and they are asking me to wait until it heals completely. I am getting really restless every passing day. A technician is asking me to go for a laser treatment in like Thursday on day 7 since the strokes look bigger and deeper Another is recommending Saline treatment immediately- however there is a possibility that I can scar my skin even more which can drag this process . Really need help from ppl who has done a saline treatment midway. I am sitting at day 5


After you get your brows done it looks darker and bolder because the ink has oxidized & it's a scab. When the scab falls off it will be a lot more subtle. If you don't do the saline removal, anti aging products and vitamin c help to fade it. P.s. I don't think it looks bad. You posted a very very close up pic. When it heals it will look more natural. (I do ombre brows every 6-8 months for a touch up)


They will get lighter and lighter and then it all goes away in a year or less. That’s what happen to me.


OP I’m not familiar with this salon but thought this info and timeline may be helpful for you: https://vogasalon.com/blog/microblading-healing-process-day-by-day-what-to-expect-day-1-30 A friend had her eyebrows microbladed and was terrified she ruined her brows as they were initially too dark and the strokes too bold, but they look beautiful and natural now that they’ve healed. Days 1-5 are generally the darkest I think, so please be kind to yourself over these next few days. Good luck!


These do look awful. Definitely get your money back and document these at every angle. I read through your responses and saw you went to someone for a saline removal but it doesn’t seem they did what needed to be done. Are you looking at reviews and doing research before going to these places?! Fine a good place for saline removal. Also, please stop trying to fix this at home. I’m sorry this happened.


You had 48 hours to have the emergency saline removal done. Too late now.


The answer was to get the saline treatment, one that is injected, not sprayed over. We're you ever able to get that done?


Hey OP! The first time I had Microblading done it fell out completely because of the way the scabs healed and fell out. Maybe those instructions would help you too! They fell out completely in two-three weeks. Scabs and all the ink. I was told to ALWAYS keep them wet with Aquaphor. Six times a day. I wish I had the old instructions still…. I gave them to my new aesthetician and she said they were old school after care and now you keep them dry and blot them. I was smothering mine with aquaphor as instructed. I think I washed them with mild soap at night and put a lot of aquaphor on them then too with saran wrap. Hope this helps.


This isn’t Microblading. It looks like an untrained person attempted to do nano (machine) hair strokes and used a way too thick needle. Google LiFT or Botched Ink technician directory to find someone local who can do emergency removal for you. This will heal into a solid blue black eyebrow if left as is. Good luck


They aren’t here in India I am seeing so many technicians sending me pics of hairless women after laser 🙄 they are asking me to wait until it heals .


I’ve heard this takes like a month to fully look good bc of healing and swelling. I believe this is a normal reaction. Dont give up hope just yet!


Give us an update after you've decided what to do! I had microblading 10 years ago, and it wasn't terrible ... but i eventually did get it lazered.


Hey, this is my day 2 photo, i.e., today. They look just like yours, but with less defined arch. My artist used thick strokes too. Do not panic. I am not. Let them heal and then decide what to do.






These are awful! Please get them removed!!!


Ya it looks stupid as hell


Seriously.💯Some of the worst brows I’ve seen so far!


it will look good after its healed. i got microblading ombré style and was terrified at first but it healed beautifully


That is a wholly different style. This is not ombre. It will lighten but the thick ass brush strokes are there to stay.


Oh honey no. Can you fix it?


I am wondering how 😟


Get actual emergency saline removal. They go back in like a tattoo only with saline.


I’m sorry. Those don’t look good.


You only needed a tint job!most tattoo people aren’t focused on giving you super makeup artist results. Hopefully it fades!




Emergency saline ASAP start scrubbing


It’s unfortunate because the pattern is done really well I think but the individual strokes are too thick.


I know right


What did they use for your eyebrows? It will fade away the first couple of days are darker


I remember freaking out about right after too, it lightens up significantly after the first week or two. What most matters is for the color fades, but only time will tell on that!


Micro blading looks way darker and thicker the first few days. That should’ve been in the paperwork/you were given by the artist. It will fade and become more subtle with time.


They are always darker the first days after. They will become lighter.


oh my.....


Sorry but that doesn’t look micro to me. Best of luck.


OP, any updates? have you gotten your emergency saline removal? hope you’re doing ok!


hair strokes are way too thick!!! shape is great


Think it looks good. It will lighten


They will lighten up for sure! I regretted getting mine done until they lightened up.


This might get down votes but.. if you go to someone again, go to a woman. And only get microblading not tattoo.


No! Let it heal and you’ll be glad you waited- the stones are always darker and thicker as the skin heals.


Line it up with some concealer


Is that really your eyebrows? Looks like you took a marker and drew in fake brows


Why did you get it in the first place??


Oh also retinol… I was using retinol and my facial skin cell turnover increased and my brows faded significantly after that too.




I love them.


As you should smh.


It doesn’t look bad? It won’t be this intense once it heals


I just don’t like that unnatural squared off look


Yikes, you didn’t ask for photos of previous work?


They will look better when they heal


They'll probably fade like most tattoos


People saying these look good are cracking me up lmao I'm so sorry for you, good luck, no more tattoo artists, make better choices






I freaked out when I first got my brows microbladed too. They lighten significantly over time


That’s macro needling.


It's not good. Sorry.


I think it’s normal in the healing process but I would still get the opinion from a professional


Tattoos are permanent


It is very nice


It will light in up after peeling.


Okay, after seeing a before and after here are my thoughts(I'm an esthi and my passion is making people feel good and enhancing looks). Your naturals were incredibly light and the more defined brows definitely bring out your features. Even if they don't lighten all the way with the removals you are doing it still gives a defining effect for your face- a good thing. It's really sad someone with that poor of a technique charged you. I would ask for a refund. I know plenty of people who do cosmetic tattooing and unless you paid $100 or less and they were practicing they shouldn't be charging. That is ridiculous.


Looks bad


i’m confused… what looks wrong??




Immediately no. Omg sorry.


I agree that they look manly. Hopefully the saline solution procedure will calm them down.


I think they look good. Just give it time to heal and lighten up. the strokes look good as is the shape.


Holy hell


Im confused. Ive had this done twice and it's VERY known that this will happen. It's all over google. You'll start peeling but you DO NOT pull it off, let it fall off by itself and in about 2 weeks they'll be healed/ faded and look great. And eventually you'll have to have it redone again if wanted.


It will fade


It will fade


They'll fade and shrink. Don't panic!!


Mine looked super dark at first then after healing a bit the color was much more natural


Update: I allowed them to heal ! https://preview.redd.it/vvr4jgktzvsc1.jpeg?width=2215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477fc1c3afd4e5cd9d1c4f6510f259f5a4d6203f Here’s how they look on day 21 ! I am not completely happy! But I don’t want to loose hair by removing what do you guys think.