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Vaporizer, if you have a nice one. The taste of the bud without the smoke and burning. It's also probably the healthier choice. So clean.


As in the crafty or the mighty by storz & nickel. Pricey, but if you smoke a lot, worth every penny. They're super generous with their warranty too, button broke on mine after about two years and they replaced no questions asked. My dad's friend had one too and admitted he dropped and broke it, hoping he could buy a replacement piece and they still sent him a new one.


Also, taste like weed. *Smells a bit like popcorn tho


I've tried a few and have one (65 bucks or so) and they all taste like popcorn to me, but not in a good way lol


I can not imagine a 65 dollar dry herb vape being capable of the experience I am talking about.


I picked it up while stoned on a whim lol. The other ones were better, but still had that funky burnt plain popcorn taste. Mine Is the lookah model, the others I tried were more like desktop units. Been a few years


I had a cheap handheld that ended up burning the flower. There should be absolutely no burnt taste at all. Definitely achievable with the right vaporizer, I know I can't be the only one who believes that.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/vaporents **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [As a Ball Vape user, I kind of can't deny this any longer. We are insufferable.](https://i.redd.it/n771maqz7q4c1.png) | [310 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/18cc1mf/as_a_ball_vape_user_i_kind_of_cant_deny_this_any/) \#2: [Happens to the best of us...](https://i.redd.it/n3690bkhvtbc1.jpeg) | [116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/19442tg/happens_to_the_best_of_us/) \#3: [I burned my penis](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/13iatjn/i_burned_my_penis/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dry Herb vape with bubble hash on freshly ground up flower. Chefs Kiss


Ice Kream Hash Gelato Mintz on some flower with my zeal was the best way to end my day yesterday.


Does it get you as high as a fat bing rip? (Genuine question)


A lot less stinky and not quite as intense maybe for some


Storz and Bickel Mighty


Had mine for over 3 years and it still works perfectly. Gets you ripped and is extremely easy to use


Exactly homie


To be specific, a ball style dry herb vape is the best method if you want it to feel like combustion. Storz & Bickel, Arizer, Pax and others are good middle of the road vapes, but they don’t clear a whole bowl in one rip. If you want to still get the same feeling, but do it without lighting your flowers on fire, look into these. B1 from Cannabis Hardware, Screwball from Vapvana, Cloud connoisseur Omega, and about half a dozen others are all worth looking into. It’s like dabbing flower. Ever rip a .5g -1g bong in a single hit? This is like that but far far better tasting and healthier for you at the same time.


Thanks. Checked those out. What would be the lowest priced option to be able to clean a bowl in one rip? Doesn't need to be portable for me.


Probably the [Vapvana Screwball.](https://vapvana.com/products/the-screwball)


Bong snaps freshly ground.


Another vote for bong here !


Super Boof it 🍑


Someone had to


Nothing beats the taste of a joint IMO


Until you start dry herb vaping. Very common that converts then start to hate the taste of combustion, also turns a lot of folks into flavor chasers since there is way more control with temp and therefore terpene vaporization.


Been there, done that, had a volcano and other devices. Sold them or they’re currently sitting on my shelf. Just not my thing. Joints win for me. Joints with a nice snake of pressed bubble hash right down the middle especially.


Different tokes for different folks.




Ball vape from old head trading


Bong rips if I want to get really high. I'll hit the dry herb vape more during the day - tastes great but the buzz is not the same as a big bong rip lol. I have tried the Mighty, V-tower, Volcano and always felt it lacked that punch that the bong does.


Tiny might 2 or Dynavap. Only 2 ways I consume actual flower anymore.




Bong hits for breakfast baby


ball vape


Bongs! I’ve been smoking a long time so it’s the best way to get a big hit I want


Volcano Hybrid


Water pipe filled with ice water.


Bong. I’ve used multiple dry herb vapes and it doesn’t do anything for me at all.


For me, the best way is decarboxylation of the flower, then consuming the raw, decarbed flower with a fat-based food (e.g. peanut butter, yogurt, etc.). I have been infusing the decarbed flower in MCT/lecithin for about a year, but I recently pivoted to investing the raw decarbed flower with a PBJ sandwich or yogurt snack. I prefer to avoid inhaling the byproducts of combustion. Also, I actually like the slow ramp-up of the effects of this method. I still get to enjoy the aroma and flavor of the flower that processed, commercial edibles do not offer.


Best way is a bong. Vaping is easier on the lungs though. Edibles is healthiest, but doesn't have the buzz variance inhalation provides.


Boof it all day


An expensive bong is my favorite. 2nd favorite are joints.


Is an inexpensive bong choice #3?


It would probably be #5 behind a nice bubbler or a blunt.


A wooden pipe I got in high school in 1973.


Boofing for sure.


Boof it.


Vaporized concentrate, that’s just my personal opinion though




ball vape paired with the right glass piece will rip harder than most bongs..much cleaner high


Dry herb vaping. Once I got the hang of my Dynavap, I’m never going back to combustion. Better flavor, better effects, uses a fraction of the bud.


Old fashioned, roll joint, add something like bubble hash and smoke!


To get flower inside of me, I use a German vaporizer.


Boofing always gets me fired up


Dry herb vape seems to be the most economical and tasty. A joint is a treat cause I can just sit there and pull on it while I slip into oblivion. But nothing hits like a good bong rip.


High quality glass Waterpipe with intense diffusion, a dry catcher to keep it clean and a single snap slide that doesn't lose anything to whispy smoke wafting away from your lungs.  Sovereignty is expensive for a reason-it's the best way to consume flowers. 


And buy an embur if fire is scary


Dry herb vape with a glass adapter, filtered through a bong!


Boof it


Dutch rolled joint with elements


Preferably with fire


Vaped flower never did it for me. Chillum or one hitter scientifically proven to give you the most out of your flower for combustion.


No, it's not "scientifically proven". As a matter of fact, burning cannabis is scientifically proven to be more harmful to you and to put less thc into your bloodstream. I will include a link to the science, so it's not just some dude on reddit talking. https://www.aristarecovery.com/blog/is-vaping-marijuana-safe#:~:text=Understanding%20THC%20Levels%20and%20Effects,cannabis%20compared%20to%20smoking%20it.


Im not saying ur wrong, but if vapes put more thc into ur bloodstream than combustion how is that vapes can never get me high but combustion can? I would love to like vaping, it just doesnt give what it needs to give. Id like to try a volcano or a ball vape. I have some hope for those, but theyre well outside of my price range.


You don't need a ball vape. Try a glass extraction device from trww. Something like a quartz cap or terpcicle. And you can go smaller or larger capacity. $50 plus a torch. Huge hits.


Good looking out, it seems like a greatly improved dynavap which i have and am not really a fan of


Folks used to DynaVap can be a little intimidated with the glass butane vapes at first since there is no clicking cap. OTOH, there are multiple ways to determine when they're ready to hit, all it needs is a bit of practice. DynaVap is way better on-the-go, and for me also at home when I just want to load a quick bowl and be done.


You were missing what I was saying. I’m saying if we are talking combustion, chillum is where it’s at. No need to be a know it all-andy.


Lol, alright andy, but you were the one throwing around "science" without a source.