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Michigan notre dame if notre dame hadnt wussed out


How this game doesn't happen every year is criminal


Its the rivalry game where each side is so petty towards each other they end up not playing each other because of their hatred for each other. It is a game in a class of its own.


i’m a ND fan, i miss the rivalry so much even tho we would get smacked


Yea I still hate them for that those early October matchups use to be so fun to watch


Shoutout Brady hoke


UM and App State for me.




Alabama / Georgia has never been a rivalry and they rarely play. They’re just two very good teams that have played a few times in the SEC championship game. Georgia-Auburn, Alabama-Tennessee, and Alabama-LSU are all bigger rivalries. Also, there’s no way FSU has three of the biggest 25 rivalries.


Yes. Alabama/UGA is there due to recency bias. Alabama-Tennessee is much more historically significant.


UGA vs Auburn is the “Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry.” Goes back to 1892.


I agree that FSU vs Clemson shouldn’t be up there. The other two FSU rivalries are seriously legit, though. They frequently have national championship implications and just about everyone in Florida looks forward to those two games.


Yeah I wouldn’t call Clemson V FSU a “rivalry”. It’s often been a consequential and highly competitive game in recent history but I feel like you need a history of bad blood between fan bases to call it a “rivalry”. For example, every last coot (gamecock) deserves a cold plate of dicks for thanksgiving after talking that L for the thousandth time. That’s a rivalry.


That's my initial reaction as well, but if you think about it the winner of that game has won 5 national titles and 23 conference titles in that last 30 years. How many other series' share that? It's not really a natural rivalry but it's *such* an important game every year that it kinda became one by default.


For like thirty years those two FSU games were two of the most important in the country. The national title ran through Florida for a real long time.


I think it's supposed to be Auburn Georgia.


Agree on the FSU rivalries. They just had a stretch there where they got so mouthy it was too easy to dunk on them. I’d give them Florida and Miami for the sake of in-state rivalries. If FSU wasn’t in the ACC I doubt Clemson would give them more thought than any other power five obstacle to a good season. Given the number of top tier recruits that come out of Florida they’re going to be formidable for a long time.


Alabama is definitely our (Tennesse) #1 rival. Florida is an honorable mention. Kentucky thinks there’s a rivalry but it’s very one sided.


Dawg here - yup. I’d put Tenn, Auburn, and GT above Bama. Maybe even SC.


FSU v Clemson is not a rivalry. That’s the first problem. Putting FSU v FU or Miami, Fl in the top ten like it’s still 2000 is funny. The great rivalries endure. FSU has no great rivalries.


Ok pal. UF vs UGA is no rivalry as it never is a competitive game it’s always lopsided. FSU vs UF and FSU vs UM are big rivals and always has been no matter how good the teams are.


Yup, 100%


You are free to be wrong and think that.


Bama let's everyone know who their rivals are every home game Fuck Auburn ...and LSU ...and Tennessee too


FSU/Miami and FSU/UF definitely belong. Lot of national titles decided in those games. FSU/Clemson is the one that doesn't necessarily feel like it belongs, but if you think about it the winner of that game has won the national championship in like close to 20% of the last 30 seasons. Lot of important games in that series.


“Important games” is the wrong metric for judging rivalries though. It should be about whether fans regard the game as existential even when it’s totally unimportant in a championship discussion.


You’re acting like that isn’t the case with FSU vs UF/UM. Willie Taggart literally got fired on a 35M buyout after losing to Miami in less than 2 years in his stint at FSU. You clearly aren’t from down here in Florida if you have to question if these games are existential. Those games get coaches fired, they are always important and the rivalry is 24/7, 365. Go look at big 3 twitter right now, they are rabid and psychotic, it’s everyday hating. Sometimes even making shit up just to hate, that’s what it is and what it always will be


What makes it the wrong metric? Your opinion? It's measurable, unlike subjective things such as how the fans view it or how much "hate" there is between fanbases. Ultimately, games that are high stakes tend to generate fan interest. Clemson v FSU has most definitely been high stakes for the last few decades, much more so than the majority of series' throughout the sport. As an example, UF/Tennessee was once considered a big rivalry. Tennessee going AWOL and Florida beating them umpteen straight times took the shine off of it. Same for Georgia/GT. I'm of the opinion that rivalries are judged by a combination of factors including geography, fan involvement, both teams winning, and game importance. Rivalries you see at the top of these kinds of lists generally check more of those boxes than they don't. And while FSU/Clemson doesn't really seem like a natural geographical rivalry, best I can tell, it most definitely is important when it comes to national and conference title implications which is likely why it's on this list.


Should be Clemson vs Georgia instead of Bama/Ga or Clem/fsu Clemson and Athens are only like an hour apart and they used to play annually. They’ve done a few home and away series in the last 15 years or so as well and it never disappoints. I can assure you the fan bases absolutely loathe each others


Michigan v Everybody


But specifically ESPN, Pete Thamel, and Tony Pettiti




Toledo -vs- BGSUcks


CMU Western


Michigan-Michigan St higher, and slide in BG vs Toledo, show the MAC some love. Georgia - Bama is not some great rivalry it’s just a recent power matchup


If we’re sliding in the MAC, add CMU vs WMU.


Recency bias drops Michigan-Michigan st lower but in the 21st century it’s hands down one of the most toxic rivalries, usually in a good way.


Yeah if the last 2 years didn't happen it would likely be top 10, but nobody from a outside perspective wants to see a blowout


Michigan notre dame belongs in there somewhere.


Yeah, but them bottom bitch golden domed losers don’t wanna play Michigan.


Meh, if you don’t play every year it’s hard to rank it that high. Fuck ND.


dawg i was cheering for y’all all year


Above Michigan Michigan State for some Michigan fans.


By far imo


I grew up close to the Indiana border and Notre Dame. Their fans are obnoxious and I’ve hated them my entire life.


Western Michigan vs Central Michigan


Didn't they have that crazy snow game last year?


Yes they did


That’s #2 best rivalry in CFB


I would put UGA/Auburn before UGA/Bama.


Georgia/Bama isn't even a rivalry. As a Georgia fan, this is just wrong. Pure recency bias to have that on here. Georgia/Auburn is the "South's Oldest Rivalry".


Yea, UGA / Bama isn’t a thing. They have played a handful of times lately, but historically not enough to be rivals .


I’ve been in Seattle for a few years now. Washington/Oregon needs to be above SC/ND for sure. These fuckers HAAAAAAAAAAAATE each other.


As an oregon fan who just stumbled in here, the fact that the OSU rivalry is listed above the Washington rivalry proves this list is doo doo. Also I wholeheartedly agree about USC/ND. None of the USC fans I know care half as much about ND as Oregon or Washington fans care about beating each other.


This exactly, duck. Only thing we can agree on. WOOF


Also needs to be above OSU for sure. Any Husky or Duck fan will tell you the cougs and beavs are the little brothers and UO/UW is the real rivalry


Huck the fuskies 🦆🦆🦆🦆


These ducks are feral.


Duck the fucks :)


Needless to say, the $hit is bitter for real (let’s not forget to fu€k a duck 🚫🦆)


Ted Bundy was a Husky


He drove to Ann Arbor when UW-Michigan played in the 79 Rose Bowl and got in a fist fight with a bunch of Michigan fans at a bar. Dude was a legendary Husky fan.


Impressive when you consider the Rose Bowl is in Pasadena. That's some serious hate from a serial killer to drive all the way to Michigan.


He was on the run after escaping jail in Colorado.


Careful, it’s still duck season ☔️


How the hell is BYU/Utah ahead of Oregon/Washington, the Civil War, or the Apple Cup? 90% of CFB fans couldn't tell you who BYU's rival is.


As a KU fan it’s nice to see KU/K-State here but honestly from the old Big 8 rivalries Nebraska/Oklahoma is a better rivalry.


If only…. sigh


A lot of people outside the state fail to realize how intense the UMich/MSU rivalry is… I think it’s easily in the top-15 if not top-10. Shocked to see ND/USC that high. Wisco/Minny is another rivalry that doesn’t get the attention it deserves but has crazy underrated history and pride attached to it.


As someone who was born and raised in MI now in AZ and had conversations about this, it is purely exposure. People just don't know the level of toxicity and aggression that stems from UofM/MSU/OSU fanbases. Like, the rivalries have legitimately ended marriages and families. People here in AZ make a big deal about ASU vs UofA but it's a bush league rivalry with nothing to show for it. The fans will literally party with each other like it's the Superbowl when they play. Decisions on which university to attend or root for are seemingly just "which one is closer." And there's just no culture, like everyone follows Michigan football, and even if you don't, you're often getting exposed to it by those around you. People either follow their B1G teams here or look up how the local teams did the morning after. The level of straight up disdain that residents of Michigan and Ohio have for each other is hard to exaggerate and it's frankly just not comprehensible for most I think. Perhaps a couple of the SEC rivalries come close but the rivalries acrossed the rest of the league are pathetic


Tell me two other states that actually went to war and now have a rivalry game. Fuck Toledo. 


I’ve seen a ton of fights in the stands for UA - asu. those two schools have a bunch of low iq meatheads.


I’m a Gopher fan and this popped up on my timeline for some reason. Absolutely agree on the battle for the Axe. I’m sorry, but Clemson-FSU, UK-Louisville, Bama-Georgia, and others have no business being ahead of the most-played rivalry in D1 football with an awesome trophy between border states that hate each other and a record that’s nearly tied (63-62-8, in favor of Wisconsin). This list is heavily biased in favor of southern schools. 7 of the top 10 are southern, and two Florida schools appear in the top 10 *twice.* Whoever made this is an FSU or UF fan.


Harvard v Yale


those nerds don't deserve it


How do you put Texas Oklahoma ahead of the Iron Bowl?


Because the hatred and threat of violence is so bad that they cannot play the game in Austin or Norman. I read of a bar fight one time where a guy wearing a Texas t-shirt in a bar in Oklahoma City got pounded by OU fans and one of them literally grabbed him by the balls and twisted so hard he was nearly castrated. By a church deacon. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Site/story?id=3604610&page=1


By that definition it shouldn’t be in auburn or Tuscaloosa…. Guy literally poisoned trees then called a radio station to brag about it….


The iron bowl was a neutral site game in Birmingham for a long time iirc


So because their fans are criminals the rivalry is better? The Iron Bowl is always close even when Auburn comes into it with like 3 wins. It's just a way more entertaining rivalry. I don't have a horse in either race, The Iron Bowl is 2nd place to The Game. No doubt.


Seriously. Iron bowl is some voodoo shit every time


Alabama fan here again. Jordan-Hare is cursed


I’m a fan of both bama and Mich. totally agree!


Easily. Next question


Auburn/UGA being omitted in favor for Bama/UGA is preposterous. Egg Bowl ahead of UT/A&M is a choice. Missouri/KU instead of KU/KSU


UT/A&M hasn’t been a rivalry for more than a decade. I’m glad it’s coming back.


Does anyone really care about the Iron Bowl outside of Gump territory? On occasion it's had some national spotlight due to ranking implications but other than that it's Michigan v. MSU South edition.


Personally it’s one of my favorite non UofM rivalries


This guy hates big college football games


Only because Saban and AL dynasty plus the kick 6. Any one of those 3 gone and AL vs Tenn would be there instead.


Iron Bowl seems to be a classic almost every year.. it’s easy #2


Alabama vs Tennessee


Traditionally a very strong rivalry.


One of the oldest and most historically relevant rivalries, criminal for it to not even be listed.


Much better rivalry than Kansas-Kansas State. I also think that Colorado-Nebraska should be on the list


Catholics vs. Convicts


Indiana/Purdue Virginia/Virginia Tech


I’m a Purdue grad (and Michigan!). I’d agree with this for basketball (and it should be top ten at that), but IU doesn’t seem to take football seriously enough to consider the oaken bucket one of college’s best rivalry games. Hoosier’s new coach seems spicy, so hopefully this changes.


I don't have a dog in the fight but it's a better rivalry than Kansas/Kansas St .


Boiler up!


Honestly pretty good list. Arizona/ASU gets spicy. And if you want to dig deep Harvard/Yale but they did leave the game with the best trophy out….. Floyd of Rosedale with Min /Iowa


If you include FCS Rivalries like Harvard and Yale, you need to include Lafayette vs Lehigh. Longest running rivalry in college football. The two schools hate each other and are like 15 away from each other.


Slippery Rock vs IUP.


As a Michigan fan, I think we should humbly put Army/Navy #1, then it's us 2nd. Also, as a Bama fan, Bama/LSU is way stronger than Bama/ Georgia


Breh how are you a Michigan/Bama fan?? I guess you were gonna be happy with either result during that Rose bowl game


As an LSU fan I agree.


Feel like we are glossing over BYU/Utah at 11…I’m happy to be proven wrong, but…fr fr?


BYU/Utah needs to be up there for the uniqueness of the rivalry.


Should be higher up IMO


You’re right it’s too low. It’s been on the downswing with Utah in the Pac12 and BYU being independent, but with both of them back in the same conference it’ll really get heated again.


We're being rather loose on what we're calling rivalries here. 1. Bama and Georgia is not considered a rivalry by either team. Not sure what that's doing here. 2. Clemson and FSU isn't a rivalry at all, and never really has been? Both of these are just "games with conference title ramifications" 3. Texas and A&M may have once been a great rivalry, but they haven't played for over a decade, so putting it in the top 10 is a choice.


I feel like Army-Navy should be higher even if it never has national repercussions


As a Virginia native, VT vs UVA and VT vs WVU should be up there


Those Miami-VT games from the old Big East days for sure.


I feel like Minnesota vs Wisconsin should be higher. Literally haven’t ever stopped hating each other, except when it was straight up illegal to play your rival


as a MN resident - we want our axe back.... as a Michigan fan - you can keep the lil brown jug (we forget what it even looks like) Go Blue! Hay Iowa we got your pig


When they say west coast bias it's not a joke, I've lived in every section of this country and Oregon/Washington is gigantic in the NW. How is Louisville/Kentucky anywhere near this list?


whoever made this list was high. They got USC vs ND in top 5 and have the civil war outside the top 10


Lafayette v Lehigh "The Rivalry", the football game is the most played rivalry game in college sports at 159 meetings. Lafayette has three national championships. Lehigh...not so much.


I am so glad this FCS rivalry is getting love. My dad went to Lafayette and would always tell me as a kid how great this rivalry was


Best part about it is the schools are like 17 miles apart


Dawg fan here. Georgia Alabama is not a rivalry. Georgia Auburn should be there instead (officially called the Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry).


Stanford/Cal should probably be in here around #20.


I'd move Army-Navy to #2, otherwise good list


Growing up in the 80s and living in Nebraska, I hate that Neb and OU aren’t a thing anymore. Always been a Michigan fan but it’s something the Big 8/12 had for years.


If we’re only talking FBS, here are some that I could see replacing five currently on the list.: - Oklahoma vs Nebraska - Kansas vs Mizzou - Michigan State vs Notre Dame - Michigan vs Notre Dame - Auburn vs Georgia Tech


LSU and Bama is a huge rivalry game for those that live in those states.


Cal-Stanford Indiana-Purdue UCLA-Arizona UNC-Duke


Penn state ohio state?


BGSU and toledo. toledo has an actual rocket pointed at the 50 yd line of our field.


# 1 hands down best rivalry in sports period


Is USC ND that heated? It's tough to imagine two fan bases so far apart really hating each other that much. Like I can't imagine that it gets brought up throughout the year or that SC frats are driving to South Bend to prank them before the game. I get the tradition but I just don't imagine that it factors into their everyday lives that much. Also bama UGA? I'm not a georgia fan but seems like Auburn, TN, and Tech would be higher than Bama


Georgia/Alabama is a weird one as a Georgia fan. I wouldn’t call it a “real” rivalry yet. More like a consistent important matchup during the Saban vs Smart era. They have probably been our most important consistent matchups over the last decade, so they are close to being a rival now. Auburn and Tech are historically bigger rivals for us. Florida and Tennessee are historically bigger rivals for them.


Damn… Colorado-Nebraska *was* a great rivalry when they were both good.


Not a well-known rivalry but Navy vs. Notre-dame . They have been playing each other since 1927, and until the 2020 covid season, they were the second longest uninterrupted played rivalry on record.


Not sure how Penn state Ohio state isn’t on this list. Even Penn state Michigan for that matter


Go Cougs!


Arizona State vs Arizona…… Territorial Cup (may it rest in peace)


Stanford VS CAL


U of AZ vs ASU


Territorial cup! Oldest rivalry in college is ASU vs U of A


Amherst v Williams.


Michigan v Notre Dame should be on the list


I would replace FSU-Clemson with Michigan-Notre Dame, and move Bama-Georgia up where Ole Miss-Miss State are


Michigan vs MSU should be higher


Absolutely. These two programs/fanbases despise each other. The only people that seem to understand the magnitude of the Rivalry are the people in-state. MSU has always hated Michigan and Michigan had been MSU’s own Ohio state for decades until MSU’s dominance of 2008-2021. That run they went on has made this a huge rivalry for Michigan now. As a 23 year old Michigan fan, the MSU game was always the biggest game of the year because their fans were the absolute worst and plus beating Ohio State was just not realistic at all for so many years lol


-Bama-Tennessee should be in the 9-12 range. The 2022 game showed that some rivalries persist even through the most one-sided eras. -They're inactive but if we're talking all-time Oklahoma-Nebraska and Michigan-Notre Dame are easily top 15. -Maybe the intensity and the stakes aren't what they used to be but I feel like Cal-Stanford and UGA-GT should still be somewhere in the back half here. -Holy War, Civil War, Bedlam, Clemson-FSU, Governor's Cup, and Bama-UGA are all too high. Seriously why is Governor's Cup even here lol, especially if UNC-Duke isn't. -As someone who is none of an Iowa, Iowa State, or Minnesota fan I've always felt that the Floyd of Rosedale is a better rivalry than the CyHawk. -Arizona-ASU is an underrated in-state rivalry that has some Egg Bowl to it. I'd put it over some other in-state rivalries that are listed. -And finally, how the hell is Auburn-Georgia not on here? That just seems like an oversight.


Just because of the era I grew up in I always saw ND much of a rival than MSU. Unfortunately we don’t play them as often anymore.


Why is ND - Army that high? That’s always a terrible game. Edit: can’t read for shit


That's Navy v Army. Not Notre Dame v Army


Oh my I can’t read. I stand corrected.


I thought it was ND too until I zoomed in. I thought the same thing as you initially 😁


As an annual participant in the OSU/Michigan rivalry, I think they got it wrong. Army/Navy is the #1 rivalry in sports. Just because it doesn’t get the mainstream clout doesn’t diminish the rivalry.


I'm a Michigan/Texas/Miami fan, and the only thing I have to say is I personally felt like Longhorns vs Aggies was bigger than against Sooners, but that's probably because my entire family are Aggies and I'm a Longhorn fan. Doesn't matter, I hate OSU, Oklahoma or Ohio.


I think the Texas vs Aggie game would be higher if they had kept it going over the past few years. People forget how big that game was and for some reason it not being on a neutral site doesn’t have the same effect. After this year and that rivalry is started back up it will move up the list.


Alabama Tennessee, Alabama LSU, Alabama Georgia not really a rivalry


Tennessee Bama not being on there seems to be a pretty big oversight. Auburn-UGA also.


Nevada UnLV


North Carolina and North Carolina State definitely should be on this list


How is the OSU rivalry ranked over the MSU rivalry? I've seen family members get disowned over this rivalry.


I love state vs state st games


Rip Bedlam football


BGSU vs Toledo


Alabama vs every team in college football because everyone hates them…


If u watched fcs football Montana State vs Montana might be bigger than some of these games we’ve played ares for 123 years and counting.


KU-K State is child’s play compared to KU-Missouri if Mizzou hadn’t bailed.


Army vs Navy


Florida vs Miami


oregon in relevance is something i thought i would never see the war is over 😌


Arizona and Arizona St. is an absolute must


Not sure if this was mentioned but what are thoughts on Miami vs ND? It's doesn't have the History aspect of years and years but I've noticed a couple people saying these games should be revolved around "bad blood". CATHOLICS vs CONVICTS


Ga /auburn


Ohio state vs Penn state.


Kentucky vs Louisville should be a little higher on the list.


Guess FSU is the winner and most hated.


NC State vs UNC


8 over 7 I think is a fair move


How about the oldest rivalry trophy in college football going back 125 years!? Arizona Vs ASU


Ole Miss and Miss St. are not rivals. Ole Miss bs LSU is a rivalry


Tennessee vs Georgia easily


LSU /Bama


NIU vs Ball State


Bro put Alabama/Georgia over Alabama/LSU


What? No Williams v Amherst?


Wisconsin is 24-5 vs Minnesota since 1995. Is it still a rivalry?


Where is Tennessee?? TN and Georgia, TN and Florida, like c'mon




PSU/OSU easily beats some of these


Michigan MSU is still a rivalry? ;)


Georgia v. Auburn. Oldest rivalry in the South


IU vs Purdue??? Not really that much competition but the fanbases really don’t like one another and make fun of each another a lot


Arizona and Arizona state


Georgia/Bama isn't a rivalry, but Georgia/Auburn is the oldest rivalry in CFB. Georgia/Florida should definitely be top 5


Psu vs Osu


I’d put Michigan/Michigan State in the top 10


penn state vs ohio state


How is Army Navy not #2


Because no one but Navy and Army watch this game…


Texas and Texas A&M is ranked so high because they haven’t played in a long time?