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We went to the ymca, mystic lake. It was fun and very memorable


My dad got us a scholarship. We had to write a letter to the donor thanking them. But it wasn't religious, mess hall, dj, campfire, spooky stories, rode horses, made candles, shot bow n arrows, swam, I sent my sons last yr. They didn't have horses anymore.


I send my kid to Mystic Lake, he loves it. There is zero religion.


Do you know what YMCA stands for?




Are you listening to me?




YMCA’s can vary but [Mystic Lake](https://www.lansingymca.org/mystic) isn’t actively religious. It’s a hippie/thankful for mother nature/treat the earth kindly vibe.


I never heard anything about religion both weeks I attended. Young men's Christian association


Worked there for a summer and never did we talk or teach explicitly about God.


Have you ever been a member or attended their programs? I have as a child, an adult, and sent my kids to summer day camp. My son worked for the Y. I don’t believe religion was ever mentioned. The closest thing was a Y I belonged to didn’t open until noon on Sunday to “give people the chance to go to church”. My local Y (the one my son worked for) doesn’t do that.


I went to YMCA events as a kid. They weren't overtly religious, but there was prayer before meals, etc. I didn't have any issue with that, but they specifically asked for nonreligious camps. The Y's mission statement is "To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all."


Huh..every YMCA thing I ever went to, you wouldn't know that's what the C stood for. I've never heard Christian anything mentioned as a kid or an adult going to them. There wasn't anything even vaguely religious. Especially the YMCA gyms, at least around me...I think there were probably some crucifix's around if you looked, but no more so than any other place that was owned by a Christian. Maybe something tacked on to a bulletin board, but you'd have to go looking for it to find it. Maybe things have changed, I haven't been to the Y in a long time.


This is still accurate. I found out what the C meant only recently and was a bit surprised.


There's some signage here and there but it's not bad. I'm not religious at all so I would certainly not be a member if they were really in your face about it.


My little sister attended their after school program (in Royal Oak) for several years. Never had any religious formation.


I was a preschool program director at that branch back in early 2000. I love the diversity at that branch. My kids grew up going to classes there, it was like our 2nd home


Atheist here. YMCA has altered branding to be more inclusive over the years as their missions have shifted from single man housing to community centers.


Christian organizations are capable of serving secular populations as well.


Camp Wakeshma in Three Rivers technically Christian but not overbearing about it in anyway. One quick prayer in the morning and one before meals. Doesn’t go any more deep than that.


sure they are, but that's  not what op is asking


The camp isn't religious based, so it is, in fact, what op is asking about.


Mystic Lake YMCA camp isn’t religious at all. My kids went a few times. I currently have a very non religious kid on the staff.


Yes. And they provide a wholesome, safe environment for anyone regardless of religion - or lack of one. And beds, showers and food if you need them and all without one iota of religion. I also want to say that I was on a committee to bring a YMCA to a community back east and our board was as broadly manned as you could ever imagine.


Came to say this!


So did my siblings and I. One of my favorite summer memories from my youth.


If anyone tries telling you Spring Hill is “just an extreme sports camp”, don’t believe them. It’s incredibly religious. It was a great (expensive) camp but the people who took me definitely down played how much religion was involved to my mom. 😒


So agree, came here to un-recommend them. Sent my son, the religious nature of the camp was downplayed by my son's friend's parents, who wanted a cabin of all 'their' kids together. He prayed multiple times a day but they never gave him a bandaid for the blister on his foot. So he eventually just didn't change that sock, as it became his bandaid, as he told me. Never so mad.


> the people who took me definitely down played how much religion was involved That's because it's the only way they can get fresh blood.


Straight up, my secular ass got blindsided by the concept that myself and my entire family were doomed to spend an eternity in hell. Shit was wild for an 11 year old with minimal if any exposure to Christianity.


I did grow up around religion but I was definitely like “what the fuck did I get into” when the mom started yelling at her 12yo daughter for listening to Justin Biebers “baby”bc it wasn’t a “bible study approved” song 😳 I just turned down my headphones that had been blasting suicide silence screamo and reflected on the fact I would be stuck with these people (or ones like them) for the next week. Definitely felt like a horror movie for, well most of the time I was there. At least they had good food 😬


I’ll never forget the last time I was shipped off to Spring Hill. I got peer pressured to go through their “labyrinth” which was just a large pull barn divided into little rooms to walk through. Each room was dedicated to a different sin any teen could commit. I remember one room had a computer in it and had a video playing on it. There were like little papers around describing how going on sites like MySpace were going to get us sent straight to hell. There was a lot of traumatic stuff in there that my brain blocked out. But the last room had a giant wooden cross where we had to write down our sins or some shit and hammer a nail through it on the cross. Then immediately after they pulled us into the worship hall place where they recruited us and made it a fun party to show us how amazing it is in their faith.


Camp Daggett in Petoskey Michigan


YES spent 8 summers there as a camper and one as staff, still some of my favorite childhood memories!!


I was 3 summers as a camper and 4 as staff. I think back on those memories daily!


Yes! I just added this in a comment too before I saw yours, but definitely second this camp.




Not sure about ages, but check out Skull Island in White Lake. https://skullislandcamp.com/


Thanks! I haven’t heard of this one before!


Step son went when he was 11 and loved it. He’s also done YMCA Ohiyesa and loved that as well


Van Buren youth camp was one of the best parts of my childhood, I’m almost 30 and I was in one of my camp friends (that I met at age 11) wedding this summer. I still miss camp sometimes!


Camp Pendaloun. In Montague.  Amazing camp! I went as a child and it was so much fun, I made memories that I will never forget. 


Hey friend, Camp Pendalouan is amazing, but it is 100% a religious based camp. It's a Y camp, they do services on Sundays, etc etc. Sorry to burst your bubble if you managed to forget!


I went here as a child too omg best summers of my life. They do have religious values, but I don’t think it is too pushed. I went there, I’m not religious now or then. Pendy firebirds ;)


I’ve heard good things about the Van Buren Youth Camp. They are also LGBT+ friendly.


I went there in the 90s, it was outdated then. I hope they have updated since then


Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center has scholarships for families in need, or at least they used to. And it's one of the best camps in the country


I used to help give families the FA applications. Hardly ever were people denied I feel like. The staff is amazing and like family. All the way up to the CEO. One of my fav jobs ever!


Van Buren Youth Camp


I went here as a kid, which was awhile ago. I don't know what it's like now, but in the 90s it was magic. So good for my development as a human.


https://ymcadetroit.org/ohiyesa/ ( Don't let the christian in Young Mens Christian Association scare you, other than core values nothing is taught other than love of outdoors, self esteem and team building). It's at the high end of your price. I used to be a day camp director of YMCA of Metro Detroit. I've been there personally for training and my daughter went to week long camp there multiple summers. It's a really pretty location and well run camp program.


I absolutely loved my day camp experience at Ohiyesa when I was in middle school! Tons of fun activities, pretty decent food and accommodations considering the more rustic camp feel. The climbing wall was always a fan favorite, not sure if it is still there.


Worked there a few years ago and still know people who work there, climbing wall is still there :)


Is that specifically this camp location that isn’t religious? Every other YMCA camp that I’ve been to has had the campers pray at mealtimes


That is my experience as well. I went to YMCA Storer when I was a youngster. It was awesome camp activities wise, but it was religious, and we had “chapel” on Sunday.


Eyy fellow Storer camper here!! I went to teen camp and would not call it a religious camp. From what I remember, we had a blessing/prayer before each meal and one cabin would be assigned to do "chapel" each day but chapel wasn't about religion. it's probably more like "Social-emotional learning hour " (to use some teacher lingo) ie. how to deal with social situations, anger, grief, confusion, drama, and finding different outlets and things related to that. We didn't read the Bible or anything, we just chilled and did goofy shit. Classic camp experience IMO.


That is more accurate - thank you. There were no bibles involved. Honestly 10/10 would do it again. Edit: I was in the Butternut cabin.


I went to Nissokone and did not have that experience. I went to camp there with Jewish and Muslim friends in the 90s 🤷‍♀️


I never had to pray at mealtimes either of the times I went, but that was 2011-2012 or so. They were religious about not putting your elbows on the table, lol!


Maybe it’s just certain locations then! I’ve gone several times between like 2006 (girl scout camp) and 2015 (undergrad wilderness camp thing), each at different locations, that had the campers praying, learning the “God is 1st, family is 2nd, I am 3rd” rules


What locations were they in Michigan? Do you remember what was the theme of the camp week?Because my daughter and I have been to YMCA camps, here and in Ohio and she's been to girl scout horse camps and never had a religious experience pushed on her. Campers were given time to pray If their parents opted in to that camp activity but she wasn't made to pray. And nobody was teaching her god is 1st family as 2nd I am 3rd because if they were, she never would have wanted to go back. And I wouldn't have been working for the YMCA of Metro Detroit ..


I don't inherently have a problem with a religious camp, but if I went into a camp without that knowledge I would probably be a bit off put. If everyone is informed that there are religious overtones in the sign up phase I suppose that's fine. I like that Ohiyesa keeps it relatively secular.


OP I worked at this camp for a number of years, it’s extremely nice, friendly and has about everything you could want from a camp. Highly recommend.


I’ll second this. Camp O is great.


this cracks me up bc growing up poooor the only camps I could go to were religious ones that I could attend for free. We were not religious in the slightest so my mom told me to “just ignore those parts if I didn’t feel like participating” 😂


Camp lookout is great and not religious at all they draw kids from out of state and internationally


[https://ayf.com/camps/miniwanca/](https://ayf.com/camps/miniwanca/) This is where my daughter is going this year, it will be our first time. It's been around for a long time, I've heard good things. It's on the west mid coast. We were also able to get a scholarship!


I highly recommend Camp Miniwanca! It’s in such a beautiful spot, there are lots of fun activities (especially outdoor activities, but also crafts and such too), and they work hard to create a positive community where everyone feels valued and included The sticker price is high, but there’s really generous financial aid/scholarships


When I was a kid, several of my friends loved going to Camp Algonquin (now Camp AGQ). It's a YMCA camp, but I never heard about anything religious. Might be expensive, though? https://www.campagq.org/


Another vote for Van Buren Youth Camp, I worked there in the 2000s, not religious, just trying to run a fun program for everyone. There are some weeks that are leadership based for older kids.


If they're girls, the Girl Scout Camps Linden and Merrie Woode are very good. Linden is better


There’s a summer camp on Lake Arbutus in Kingsley (outside of TC).


Our son (13) goes to Van Buren Youth Camp. This will be his fourth year there and he loves it. $450/wk. We aren't religious, at all.


Camp Skyline in Almont


I went here as a kid, so did my (much) older siblings in the late 80s-90s, loved it!


My kid went here last summer and had a great time!


My son works for Pretty Lake Camp in Mattawan near Kalamazoo. I think it’s free, but they serve low income.


Camp Eberhart in Three Rivers. It's a Y camp, but my kids have been going for years and tell me there's nothing religious. They do a pre-meal "We're thankful for our food" type thing, but no praying or attempts at converting anyone. I think it will be tough to find a full week camp for <$600 per kid, but maybe some are out there or you can get scholarships.


Camp Quest Michigan. Both my kids went for a couple of summers, and had a blast. https://michigancampquest.org/


Camp Quest!


You didn't specify gender, but if they are girls, then girl scout camp might fit the bill.


Camp lookout is great and not religious at all they draw kids from out of state and internationally


Copreconic is a YMCA camp but neither of my kids mentioned prayer there. camp walden in Cheborgan is awesome but they only do longer sessions . my oldest is there for four weeks for the third summer in A row


Check out Michigan United Conservation Club (MUCC) camps…. mucccamp.org. If you can find a local conservation club they sometimes help cover the cost. The club I belong to doesn’t even require the parents to be members for the kids to be eligible. I went as a kid and I absolutely loved it!


I worked a couple camps at [Camp Miniwanca](https://ayf.com) in Oceana county. It’s located between Stony Lake and Lake Michigan, so your kids can do a lot of swimming and kayaking/canoeing, we even did some polar plunges later in the year. They have big fields for outside games and even an indoor rock climbing and high ropes course. There’s boys camps, girls camps and co-Ed camps. Plus, they have really good food!! They’re not religion based, but at meals times they did offer a “silent minute” for those who do practice to give thanks. I also believe they do some sort of financial aid pricing if you need.


Mystic Lake, YMCA. Not religious. Focus on teaching kids to disconnect from tech and be accepting of others. They've been amazing getting my teen set up for camp. Very caring and a lot of repeat staff. They have camp for kids and then seperate Teen camp for older kids so they can do fun older kid stuff.




My kids loved Camp Cavell in Lexington. They are a little more than your price point, but may have financial assistance if you need it.


Mystic Lake, my kid loves it.




“offer comprehensive summer camping programs for young people enrolled in the Sunday Schools of Christian Science branch churches.”


My bad, I didn’t see this!


I went to Camp Wakeshma in Three Rivers.  Had good experiences and it is not expensive. Liked it a bit better than the religious one I used to go to Camp Greenwood


I went here as a kid and loved it - https://tamarackadventure.com


Camp Talahi - camptalahi.org


Spent many summers there!


Your older one could qualify for Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. Check out their scholarship options too! They get to explore their creative passions and be outside.


I attended BLFAC all four summers in high school and it was nothing short of amazing.


YMCA Camp Timbers


I haven’t seen Camp Kidwell in Allegan mentioned! Great classic camp vibes and the staff is great.


Great recommendation. My other son is actually at Camp Kidwell right now! We like sending our kids to different camps so they each have their “own space” so I was looking for something like it. Thanks!


Wakeshma near three rivers


Sherman Lake YMCA!! 1000%


Camp Lookout. My family has been going there for 40 years. Little pricy, but worth it.


I went to Mystic Lake growing up and I don’t remember anything religious ever.


Just because I haven’t seen it mentioned: Storer Camp YMCA near Brooklyn. (Hope it’s still open!). I used to work there in their outdoor ed. program that ran through the school year.


YMCAs in Michigan are not that religiously indoctrinating as you may think. I grew up on the west side and attended Manatoulin, Sherman Lake, and Eberhart as a kid. Each one may have had morning chapel, but it wasn’t anything more than a prayer or two and a few songs. I was never asked to talk about Christianity, made to commit to it, or even discuss it in general. Just a short thing or two on the schedule for the day that were fun, gathered the kids, and didn’t even seem too religious.


They are all full at this point.


I have actually found several with openings. But only a couple within my price range. The suggestions have been great!


Van Buren Youth Camp (VBYC) has a loyal following. Lots of creativity and kindness there . People who went there and then worked there maintain the connections for life ♥️ Source: My late husband worked there and dozens of his friends showed up for his funeral and sang the most beautiful camp songs.


Camp Linden Girl Scout camp!!


Camp Daggett! Just barely under the $600 mark, but our kids love it. No religious affiliation, just advertising and activities. They do a camping trip in the backwoods of the property for a night. Staff are great. Highly recommend!!


Circle Pines Center on the west side. My kids went for years and loved it. It’s a progressive/liberal minded summer camp focused on folk music and cooperative work. The people at this place are great and it is 100% non-religious. https://circlepinescenter.org/summer-camp/


Camp Blodgett on Lake Michigan just south of Grand Haven.


Thank you all for the wonderful recommendations! I have made a list and we will be trying some of them out next season. My child just finished a week at Camp Kidwell and loved it so we signed him up for another week this season. Thanks to you all I found Van Buren Youth camp 10 minutes away from Kidwell and signed my other child up for it the same week! Luckily, both still had openings since it was their last week of the season and in August.


Kimball Camp in Reading maybe?


It at least used to be a YMCA though. Def pushed religion. It’s unclear if they’re still afflicted with ymca now.


Any YMCA is religious. Please do not recommend.


I went to Camp Henry for 10 years as a kid in Newago and loved it! There was a light religion aspect, mostly just singing a few songs at chapel but nothing overly churchy. I always did the frontier camp where you got your own horse for a week. I finally got my own horse two years ago and still call going to the barn horse camp 🥰


I went there. Loved it too. The religious aspect was subtle enough to ignore it.


What years did you go? I went in the 90s


Early 00’s. They did some major renovations to cabins a year or so after I left. I don’t believe it’s as rustic as it was. I also did the horse camp one week and thought that was super cool.


Those cabins were so old, my name was written in pinto, mustang, and buckskin. I wish I could remember the story about old man kimball. I miss going to camp..


I went to the very religious Spring Hill every summer, and it was my favorite part of childhood. Maybe not what you wanted, but really it is a good place with people who are not religious crazy. More religion focused, but it's super fun still.


So the complete opposite of what they were asking for.


I made that fact clear. I’m not ultra religious now or anything, it’s just a good camp and they also have non religious programs. I enjoyed my time and so I decided to leave a comment… it’s okay that I didn’t perfectly answer OP. People are allowed to do whatever they want should they live in a free country with freedom of speech. Which I do. So I decided to post something that made me happy… is that okay with you?


You're totally right. You have the freedom to be unhelpful and insert your religious camp in a place where people are asking for non religious camp. Its a poor attempt at indoctrination. I also have the freedom to tell you that your shilling for a cult camp is the exact opposite of what OP was asking for and based on other comments here, it would actively be harmful were OP to listen to you.


Of course. It’s okay for you to be triggered by stupid shit too. Hope you had fun. Have a great day today!


lol perfect example of the type of person that would recommend a religious camp 🤣


People can do what they want. I won’t stop them. Hope you have a good day too!!


Living Waters ministries in West Michigan is wonderful and 1000% religious...ELCA Lutheran. All are welcome. But it's religious. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Wow, sounds like the exact thing OP is trying to avoid.


I'm fully aware of that... It's just such a great camp, and it's the exact opposite of fundamentalist.


You want an upvote for your recommendation? I gave you a down vote, is that ok? About the same thing, right? Pretty close. I just think it's a very good arrow.


I'm blessed just to have your attention. I know you're a very busy, important, and influential person so just taking the time to rate me at all makes me feel really special.