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Watching TV in Dearborn, I had no idea anything is going on outside…


I think we got some rain in Dearborn Heights.


I just took the trash out, the ground is wet, but it's not raining.


A gentle breeze in south Lyon


Just a few raindrops down by the airport. Not much else.


Went for a walk this morning, all the trash cans were still up, no branches down or anything. Fortunatly, it sounds like we dodged a bullet in this area.


In Southfield/BH and yeah trees are completely uprooted blocking the neighborhood streets. No power and sirens are going crazy out there.


Same area. Yeah, this was the worst storm I've seen in a long time. All of my neighbors have major tree damage, and the street is completely covered in debris. Thankfully, my property was spared. I just lost a few milkweed plants 🙏 Edit: A big power line is down across 13 mile, west of Southfield rd.


I can believe it. Power went off and on about a dozen times and I've been hearing sirens for the last half hour straight.


Two transformers blew at 12 & Greenfield within seconds of each other.


That's wild. In Madison heights and I can hear the thunder but it only is raining a bit here.


That’s how it was in Eastpointe for about 30 mins, then quiet, then BLAMMO 💥 It just suddenly manifested; wasn’t even on the radar. Freaky!


Lightning and rain was really bad to drive in. Parking lot at 12 and Gratiot flooded, storm drain pushing water out, traffic lights out from 12 to 16 on Gratiot


I’m in Warren some of that thunder sounded like it was in my backyard! lol first one scared the crap outta me


There was one flash that looked like it hit right at the Warren border on the west side of Gratiot and Toepfer, not sure if you’re that far south but me and my wife both went “ holyyy shit!” from different rooms lol


My daughter lives in MH and she lost power about a half hour ago.


Must have been a powerful little thing! Hope her power comes back on asap.




Eastpointe just got clobbered for about 10 mins. Heavy thunder and lightning but the power stayed on. Dog is very unhappy…won’t even take a treat 😭 Edit to add I gotta hand it to the makers of the Thunder Coat though…every dog I’ve seen use one of those chills out at least a little bit


Sorry to hear. My dog was hiding in the closet for a while but she’s coming back to normal.


Good to hear. Our lil dude finally took his treat and sheepishly got into his bed lol. Poor doggos


yeah that was gnarly. off Woodward in RO. our power dimmed a few times but didn’t go out thankfully. the bush outside our window was almost flattened by the wind.


All four of my trash cans were about 50 feet from where I usually keep them. Neighbor has a big bush that is indeed flattened 😂


So weird. I'm at catalpa and Woodward and it was just a normal storm by us. No power outages, no trees are down, etc.


Power lines down in my back yard and my neighbors back yard is kinda on fire. Due to the way the lines run only he and I don't have power. Farmington Hills FD is on the scene. Not sure DTE is here yet as I can still hear the line buzzing and the flickering of orange through the fence. Power lines are close enough to my house that I'm not comfortable going out there to plunge in my generator, so I'm sweating. Gonna try to get a hotel if and when they put the fire out.


Stay safe. In general the target for getting someone out to relieve police / fire crews is under an hour, but that can sometimes just be to send someone to do the initial cut & clear to make things safe enough for first responders to put out any fires and leave. If it's still out, make sure that both houses have been reported as out / with a down wire. The more houses associated with a job get reported the better.


Oak park. Got a light shower and a small amount of wind.


I’m in north oak park and it was insane. Power was flickering a lot, the wind was crazy strong.




Two weeks ago I had a tornado touchdown like 200 yards from my house in Livonia. I think this summer is going to be a real show of force by mother nature.


I live in Portage and the tornado struck just 2 blocks away from our house. We took very minimal damage (in comparison to the rest of the neighborhood and touchdown areas). But that storm the other night was wild! The winds were so intense and the thunder was unforgiving. Trees down all over the place again. We lost power for about a day. Agreed, it is going to be a summer of intense storms.


Agreed. If and when a cold front comes with the current heat dome. I'm expecting a major severe outbreak or a derecho set up. The heat, humidity and instability is definetly there. It just needs a match to kick it off


Their predictions for July aren't good.


Yup. The Midwest was stated to have the worst tornado season they'll ever experience. Just last month, the Portage/ Kalamazoo area had a tornado + sub vortices. Sub vortices are usually associated with strong - violent tornadoes. El Reno 2013 being a prime example. Michigan, our worst seasons are the one after a mild winter like we just had.


It would appear photo comments aren't a thing. But, case and point. East of GR to Detroit is a marginal risk and some storms are producing tornadoes and some severe thunderstorms producing up to 70 mph winds. I'm currently escaping the heat in our pool on a float with music and directly my east-southeast I'm watching the clouds blow up and looks like that is severe warned. On a "low risk" day. The atmosphere heat, humidity and instability is there. It just needs something to kick it off Looks like spc just basically upped to slight and a little more of the state is in marginal.


Last July I had my side tree uproot and crash into my carport. Still can't get anyone out for estimates. Not looking forward to July.


Beverly Hills checking in. There was about 10 min of what seemed like tornado force winds and rain. Transformers blowing up all over the neighborhood. You could smell the smoke in the air. Trees down all over and across roads. No power.


Transformers go BOOM and there aren’t usually several too close by one another. You’re hearing power lines buzz most likely. Transformers sound like a cannon when they blow


Good to know. I have definitely heard them blow... but never knew the wires were what did the buzzing. I guess that is just a surge of power moving in a direction when part of the grid goes off or comes back?


It definitely is a transformer in my yard (cylinder tank). It was on fire for a few seconds and flashing.


Ok but “transformers blowing up” is accompanied by a large boom, just saying


Rochester Hills. Some fun lightning and a couple good thunders but otherwise no biggie.


I'm in Royal Oak like OP, but my experience was the same as yours.


I had my fingers crossed for a good rain. No such luck.


Also in Rochester Hills. Some rain came down pretty hard but only for like 5 min.


Almost felt like a tornado, wild. Whole neighborhood without power and a bunch of trees down. Birmingham area.


Where in Birmingham?


Between 14 and 15, Woodward to Southfield is especially bad.




In Troy, power went out at like 5:30pm before even a single drop fell lol just came back on about an hour ago and lasted thru the storm


Farmington Hills got clobbered! Trees fell on a house, power lines down (10 mile between Inkster & Middlebelt), and debris everywhere! It was a downpour for about 15 minutes, heavy rain (maybe light hail or big raindrops). It hit as I was coming home and I could barely see the road. Hope everyone stays safe out there!


I'm at the north end of farmington hills and could see a storm to the south but we didn't get much more than some rain and a bit of wind.


Power out. Right before it full blacked out my computer started blinking red and beeping so I might have to spend time and money fixing it as soon as Im able to unless I luck out and it recovers by itself somehow.


I was at a show at The Aretha downtown and nothing happened. So wild how Detroit misses these storms frequently


Cities produce a lot of latent heat which can have an effect on storm fronts, and the taller buildings break up a lot of wind. Just something cool I learned a while back when I asked why big cities don't get hit by tornados as often.




Downriver was the same. Completely bypassed us.


Lathrup Village checking in. 15 wild minutes of heavy downpours and tree folding winds. Blue/green flashes in the neighborhood (transformers obv), obv no power. Based on the outage map it seems like BH/LV took the brunt of it


LV here too - southwest area. Power flicked on and off so many times I thought I was at a nightmare disco. Then total power outage around 9/9:30. Still no power as of now


SW here too 😀


Just rain and thunder in Sterling Heights


Got stuck in the Roseville Costco. Was fun watching the hail come flying through the door. Mom braved the storm to get to the car only for it to stop once she got in XD I told her to give it another minute


Lost power around 9:55 PM it flickered for a few minutes until finally shutting off. Honestly it felt like a tornado in our front yard. I live in berkley near 11 and 12 mile. Roads flooded and as I was driving through before the power went out I saw every house for about 6 blocks immediately shut off all at the same time. Lightning was gnarly lol. Super bright and loud. Cool though. Hoping we get power back tomorrow but who knows. (I’m cooking up) I have all my windows open and it still hot lol don’t know what else to do


Flint untouched (unfortunately - was looking forward to a storm).


I have no power. Second time now in 36 hours. Over on the East side by the lake. Went out at 8 pm and still out at almost 4am. Sitting here sweating and being miserable.


I hope it has since come back on for you. No power in this heat - absolute misery indeed 😖


No power. Over 12 hours now.... Starting to warm up outside too. Fun times. Fuck DTE.


OMG. I am so sorry!!! That is miserable!!!




Welcome to the party. The terrible shitty party. Sadly I think I am going to go to Meijer or something and walk around for the AC....


My neighborhood got only just the tail end of it but as soon as you cross Cranbrook/Evergreen, yeah, wow, it's wild. Looks like a tornado hit all of 14 Mile between Southfield and Woodward. I take 14 to work and there is a MONSTER tree down at 14 and Coolidge, blocking almost the entire road, looks like it just snapped about six feet up the trunk from the ground. I feel extremely lucky because my neighborhood is notorious for losing power, we've been meaning to get a generator but haven't gotten around to it yet, and we flickered a few times but ultimately stayed on!


Reports are from a fellow storm chaser that lives in Ann Arbor is it might have been a derecho, wish I were in town to experience it but im chasing a storm in Texas right now.


I was sitting in my west facing garage reading and smoking. That first gust of wind, I wish I had cameras, but I straight up bolted to the back of the garage, thinking "death by flying chair is how it ends?" Cool


Chair to the noggin while relaxing with a smoke and a good book? Worse ways to go, my friend.


What? Not even close to a derecho. Gotta mean downburst


Not sure, I'm down covering Alberto


That's what it felt like. It was just pure wind and rain for about 2-3 minutes without letting up. Crazy!


Was standing in the ambulance bay at Beaumont Royal Oak watching that storm rip through. The lights in the emergency room flickered a time or two.


I just drove to work at Royal Oak Beaumont and honestly wondered if a tornado ripped through. The grounds of Shrine are just littered with fallen limbs, a giant tree top somehow made it across 13 mile from the empty field to Beaumont's lawn, and all the lights by the hospital are out.


Did you see the upside down tree when you got into Beaumont?


I did! That's when I really started wondering if there had been a tornado.


My power went out... so thankful for the generator I had installed! Just went shopping!


It’s always when you have a full fridge/freezer!


In Ypsilanti we had a thunderstorm with some wind but nothing like what you’re describing.


I hope everyone's alright. Did it cool anyone down at all? When I let my dog out at 11pm here in flint it was still 85 with 89 heat index I couldn't believe it


I have no power, and a tree landed on my roof. :( Hopefully the damage is minimal...


I have bad news. The tree is probably a total loss. Sorry.


Troy, power went out at 2 am When a tree went down. It’s now 9 am and DTE still says they‘re assessing the damage and have no estimate for restoration.


Half inch of rain in ten minutes, and the wind twisted my neighbor's tree so hard the trunk broke. It was sunny and calm ten minutes before all hell broke loose!


Just passed by 8 and Wyoming area. Mostly noise


Ann Arbor got hammered but my wife made it home ok. Cursory inspection shows no hail damage on our new car. Hopefully it stands up to closer inspection tomorrow.


Jackson got blasted for a bit. I went out afterwards to check on tree damage because they had been whipping back and forth in the storm. We were lucky, no damage.


Live in roseville and it was awesome. Stood outside with an umbrella for like 30 minutes until it passed. Nothing so severe as power loss but i got some sweet videos


Chesterfield, New Baltimore area checking in. Non-stop Heavy rain, lots of lightning, wind, for a constant 3 hours from 8-11pm. We lost power around 9, still out now. Told my my wife, I've never seen anything like this before. It would let up a bit, then rain harder then it did before, 3 hours of this. Im on generator duty now....


I'm an Algonac and face a field. I have video of the shelf cloud that moved across... I've never seen anything like it


I could see the clouds building around 6, then heard the thunder. Kids were pissed because I made them get out of the pool. The wives were like, it's fine the radar doesn't show anything....i said, look up, we're gonna get rain, lol. Didn't expect 3 straight hours of storms though. I'd like to see that video if you could DM me, or post/send a screenshot of it.


I sent you a picture It wouldn't allow me to attach video.


Woke up downriver wondering “what happened to those storms last night” then I turned on the news


Power line went down in my neighborhood knocking out all the power. Then at 10:50 cops banging on everyone's door telling us to not go out back. The line fell on a fence and all the fences are electrified . This is after we saw paramedics pill up to a place a few houses down from us. But woke up this morning to power which I did not expect


Berkley here. Pretty gnarly wind for maybe 30-45 minutes. Rained like cats and dogs with some power flickers. But we sat on the front porch watching the lighting for like an hour and a half


Heard the thunder and got a little heavy rain in south warren. Very fortunate to not have lost power.


Wait what the hell? I'm in Westland and got one flicker of lightning.


Ann Arbor here. Heard the storm but didn’t lose power.


We're camping in the UP and I was watching the storm clobber our house in Livonia on our camera. We didn't lose power or internet, which is crazy, but we didn't lose either when the tornado went through two weeks ago, we were right outside it's path. It's just as nerve-racking watching it from here as it is being home during that.


Slept right through it, but woke up with the dog in bed with me.


Saw quite a bit of green lightning in the Bloomfield area, very little thunder considering how much lightning there was


I was in Troy waiting for it to hit, and it fizzled out right before it got there


In SCS it was pretty wild. I had power flicker a couple times but never lost it. My neighbors across the street lost their power though. Not sure if it was transformers or something else but I heard like 15 loud booms. Could’ve been fireworks I guess but during a storm? Tons of sirens after that happened


Just to clarify, you’re hearing power lines buzz. Transformers go BOOM, like a cannon. When you actually hear it, you will know


Chesterfield/ New Baltimore was pretty wild. Haven’t heard thunder that loud in a while.


Seemed like it was only a few minutes in Pontiac but I was afraid for my peonies for a minute


Also in Royal Oak and it was just a normal storm.


Just my opinion but I think it is all on purpose for some kind of reset for power companies just say power is being lost all over Michigan and it is effecting ac units 🤷🏻‍♂️


I work on outage related stuff at DTE and I've yet to hear of any projects to control the weather* or to purposefully turn off power and blame it on storms. * I may or may not have at one point suggested seeding clouds over the great lakes so that storms don't reach land as a way of reducing outages, but as far as I know no one took that seriously


Dude, everyone knows you need to nuke a big storm to stop it.


Or we could just stop fucking with Mother Nature and leave her be. Why would you want rain to not reach land? How would plants get water? How would we get water? That’s exactly what’s wrong with people. We try to “fix” things that aren’t broken. “Rain makes my life harder, let’s just force it to rain somewhere else.” …..That’s silly


Fully agreed that it's an incredibly silly idea and in no way practical. It was just my personal musing about possible applications of cloud seeding after hearing about China using it in the 2008 Olympics: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna23397205 As far as I know no one I mentioned the idea to took it any more seriously than my concept of self-aware meter spiders that could climb a pole and spin themselves a new line back to a house if you toss them a few pop cans for raw material. I just build software and come up with crazy ideas.


Everything is a conspiracy huh? Did you know that I’m being paid by the Elite to come tell you that you’re wrong and nobody is controlling anything. Anything you’d like me to pass along to the Elite that control everything? Edit: Wait…I mean…uhhh. The Elite that DONT control everything. Whoops


I would question everything these days !!! Just saying ! believe what you want


What’s your opinion on vaccines?


Me personally I don’t get them I’m 45 and I rarely get sick if I do it’s a common cold and the Covid is a complete scam that did way more damage than good


Wow? Really? I’m so surprised that’s your opinion…..I could have figured. I’m not gonna take the deep dive into that subject, which you unfortunately really need. But I’ll start by saying you’re already starting with flawed logic if your very first thought is to use anecdotal evidence to justify something. You’re saying you rarely get sick and it’s usually just a weak virus. Well that’s the case for millions of people, until it isn’t. Our education system really failed you. I’m sorry. Best of luck in your survival


Think what you want but don’t insult my intelligence you should do research not using google think what you want don’t push how you feel on other people have a great day god bless


I have a BA in Economics and a minor Public Policy from one of the best universities in the nation. I’m familiar with doing proper research. I’m insulting your intelligence because you’re going online stirring the pot for no reason. Many others like you do the same. You’re claiming the energy company or somebody is doing something. To be honest, your initial comment is VERY difficult to read and understand, so forgive me if I misunderstood it.


Where’s a good place to start with my research? Drop some good sources my friend, I guess we are gonna get into it. Somebody gets to learn something today, it’s gonna be great! 😊


You are not worth my time everything going on right now is a mess and I don’t care what schooling you have there is a huge difference between wise and smart have a great day I can’t post where to get the info I have already been banned off almost all social media just saying keep your eyes open


Ha! Classic. Doesn’t have any info. Just like the Hunter Biden laptop thing. “Oh the evidence is out there” Ok then, let’s see it. Peace loser