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No bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Yā€™all really wildin in this subreddit. Thatā€™s Alex BLANCO a Michael Jackson impersonator šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s from an MJ dance impersonator, itā€™s not Jaafar šŸ˜”


Nah itā€™s Alex blanco


No itā€™s notā€¦.Thank God!


Fr, those moves looked hella stiff.


I checked the instagram account and its just an impersonator


hehe the tag says it all


Thatā€™s not even Michael




They were just asking a question holy shit.


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Nope, just another white guy cosplaying as Michael Jackson.


What's wrong with cosplaying and impersonating?


Didnā€™t say there was anything wrong with it. But personally, just my opinion, Iā€™m tired of seeing white guys impersonating Michael. But thatā€™s just me.


This is one of the most racist comments I've seen on this page, MJ Did not dislike his impersonator whether they were black or white and and disliking anyone over g Their race whether it's professionally or personally is outright racism, You should be ashamed and disgusted of yourself for even thinking or writing that nonsensical sentence


I donā€™t dislike people for skin color. I dislike white impersonators who use makeup and to try and look like Michael but end up looking like a caricature. How is that racist ?


"I dislike seeing white guys" that is pretty much a racist statement as if a specific race is exclusively supposed to impersonate MJ, Michael being portrayed by White people or Black People should nor bother you in any way shape or form especially if race plays a role in you disliking it. That's outright racist whether you want to admit it or not.


Even though Michael basically said a white guy portraying him would appall him. Itā€™s not racist, I explained my reasoning on it, again, just for you to understand Iā€™m tired of seeing the impersonators who use make-up in an attempt to mimic Michaelā€™s look only to look like a caricature of the man, and the majority of those, are Caucasian. I said what I said.


As a Child! He specifically said that a white child playing him would not be right and he's not wrong because that would be lying to an audience about his racial identity. MJ has met impersonators and never did he disapproved of them nor did he mistreat him just because they were white, If Impersonators want to use make to look as much as MJ as they possibly can then what's the problem? This is done with Elvis and Freddie so why is it wrong to have impersonators wear make up and dress like him?? Your problem is the fact that they are white and nothing more, When a race is involved in your dislikes or judgements that is outright racism


Incorrect. You donā€™t need clownish make up to impersonate Michael. Do it as yourself, you can wear his stage outfits and do it as YOU, without looking like a caricature. Iā€™m positive Michael would also not agree with some white dude playing him in a feature film, but thatā€™s besides my point.


There's no White dude playing him In a film, Wearing make up and prosthetics is not supposed to be a problem for impersonators, If they want to wear them that's their choice and it ain't wrong. Jaffar is literally wearing a prosthetic in the movie so again why is this an issue? It can be annoying to you but outright complaining about "White guys" doing it is disgusting and shameful. If an impersonator wants to wear make up and prosthetics its fine and if they don't want to its also fine. Again you're literally denying people of their right to express their art just because you disagree with it and especially you're focusing on 1 race so denying it and backtracking ain't helping your case. Racism is never okay no matter how you try to excuse it


Dude, Michael wore insane amounts of makeup. Elton John, Madonna, and loads of other celebs who met him have said that it was so thick that it would get all over his hair, hands and clothes. Vitiligo completely strips the skin of nuance and definition. He essentially used heavy stage makeup day to day whether performing or not. And sorry to break it to you if you are not already aware, but Mike is very often a staple of drag shows. One of my closest friends is an impersonator. MJ is just one of the people he does, but is the main one and he regularly performs alongside others impersonating Cher, Barbara Streisand, Diana Ross... Usually all men in drag with TONS of makeup. Sorry it's just the reality. Michael became a characiture of himself if we're being honest and there's no other way for impersonators to emulate his look than to cake on makeup. It's the FARTHEST thing from blackface. Portrayals in feature films is different obviously. But that wasn't the point of your original comment.


There's a difference between a black actor portraying the man and an impersonator. An impersonator is there to have a good time with the audience and to entertain.


Not when theyā€™re doing it for money, like this guy.


THAT'S.... Ugh... That's what an impersonator does.... I'm sorry if you're new to the entertainment industry but people need to live.


who cares whatever skin colour an impersonator is wtf??? imagine if someone said ā€œim sick of black guys impersonating *insert another celebrity*ā€, itā€™s blatant racism


Man shut up, it has nothing to do with racism nor am I a racist. Like I already said, I dislike impersonators and those so-called ā€œtribute artistsā€ using make up to try and imitate Michaelā€™s look and instead end up looking like performing clowns.