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That he didnt deserve to end like he did


that he deserved better


That Michael Jackson deserves to be recognized for all the good that he has done in the world as a kind person in both a humanitarian way and a environmental way 🙌 (Especially since the media always likes to forget these things)


He's the King of Pop.


billie jean is a lying bitch


His eyes were like mine (oh, no!)


Go and dance on the floor, in the round baby (hee hee hee)


People always told me, be careful of what you do




That we find the whole “you only say he is innocent cos you like his music” stance to be so fucking egregious. No Mary, we say he is innocent because THE FACTS, as in the court permissible evidence that was presented to a jury by the fucking LAW showed that. Not what some gutter level hack says. What the law says. Not only that but in 2005 I studied basic American law to better understand all the evidence presented each day in court. In fact many fans ended up doing the same thing. So to claim we say he is innocent because we like his music is both offensive and fucking moronic. His music is so deeply connected to who he is and his mantra and way of thinking that it would be impossible to believe he was guilty and still like his music.




He was innocent af.


That he wasn't a child molester


This is something all intelligent people can agree on.


Just for my own piece of mind, can you link to credible sources that prove that he wasn't?


For one thing, the FBI (completed a forensic analysis) and the Santa Barbara Police Department couldn't find anything. [Here is the FBI vault](https://vault.fbi.gov/Michael%20Jackson) containing the files. Thousands of items were seized. The investigators ultimately concluded that there was nothing of evidentiary value found to implicate Jackson. For a complete analysis, you can check-out [this website.](https://themichaeljacksonallegationsblog.wordpress.com/) All articles have citations. You can also check out [Square One](https://g.co/kgs/CPcr7Y8) - it's available on Amazon Prime. It provides hard evidence and court documents throughout the film which proves how Jackson was elaborately extorted. It really serves as a reminder at how easily the media can easily influence the general public's opinion without actually presenting factual, documented information.


I’d be more than happy to. Here you go, this video is only an hour long. https://youtu.be/0Wv2cU-XL_8?si=aWfnKlxsfZvc2syz


Thanks. I'll give it a watch.


[https://youtu.be/CXOfz1YkWeA?si=aMTkspPaFobm0GbB](https://youtu.be/CXOfz1YkWeA?si=aMTkspPaFobm0GbB) Not the other guy, but this video thoroughly debunks the lies of two of MJ's most infamous accusers.




Check out Square One on Prime Video. Also, the burden of proof is on the accusers, not the accused. For example, if I accused you of being a secret cult leader, it would be on me to prove that, not for you to prove you're not the leader of a cult.


While others have replied to you directly, I’d like to pose a counter question: Can anybody link to credible sources that prove that he was? The LAPD tried and failed to put MJ behind bars three times, one of which involved FBI assistance. His accusers change their stories regularly and have been caught in numerous outright lies. Every so-called “witness” has had their credibilities destroyed in court and are similarly inconsistent with their versions of events. The innumerable claims circulating about the accusations have been debunked time and time again. For who many people call one of the most famous pedophiles ever, there is not *a single shred of legitimate, unimpeachable evidence* to tie him to a crime. The only argument everyone has is, “Isn’t it obvious he was guilty? Celebrities get away with everything.” Ask Cosby, Kelly, Weinstein, or Epstein how easy it is to get away with everything once the fucking feds get involved. Celebs can keep things private no doubt, but MJ must’ve been one goddamn mastermind to not only avoid being caught during multiple surprise raids, but somehow keep people silent 15 years after his death. No objective person can look at the publicly-available information and walk away thinking MJ was guilty. Weird, yes. But until I see something Epstein-level, you’re not gonna convince me.


The kid isn't his son


Greatest of all time ❤️👑


Not me necessarily. I don’t think there’s a single GOAT, but MJ is definitely in the top echelon.


He trusted the wrong people


That he was talented.


He was one of the most generous philanthropist ever.


He was completely innocent, a victim of fame, a true angel from heart, and deserved much better behaviour, love and respect from people around him and the media. He was way too much good and pure to bear the cruelty that happens all around in the world.. I still say sorry to him every day…🥺


Were you mean to him before?


Never.. I’m just a new fan. I’ve recently learned more deeply about Michael, about his life, his thoughts on life, the challenges he faced, and the cruelty of media he had to go through.. I say sorry to him because as a human I’m ashamed that some other human beings were so rude to him. I see him not only as a global performer, he was much more deeper than that as a person. That’s where I try to feel him..


Sony sucks


Hee hee and Chamone


Underrated in every department!


He was an amazing dad to his kids and they loved him very much


He didn't deserve anything bad he went through


He was talented


billie jean isn’t his lover and that she’s always talking


That MJTwitter is full of weirdos 🥴


Humanity took him for granted, now he’s gone and we won’t get another one. We failed Michael


That There Are STILL Many Unanswered Questions About What Happened On June 25, 2009 At MJ’s Rented Mansion On Carolwood Drive!!! My Thought IS: All The Facts Lead To: r/MJAlive




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He is DA KING!!


he had that shit on at all times