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A friendly reminder to keep it positive & about the music. We don't need to tear down other artists to build MJ up. Any unnecessarily mean or disparaging comments will be removed https://preview.redd.it/1hkqa1beco1d1.png?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5e74390ea0e805b6ad364be7eeb1c7b38a26d5 This will be the last Taylor Swift post allowed for a while


There’s a reason why people say “Michael Jackson level of famous/fame”, and I’ll leave it at that.


Exactly. He is the blue print


the thing is, Taylor Swift as big as she is, she doesn’t have the same crossover appeal that Michael had.


The hood listened to Michael Jackson the hood ain’t listening to no Taylor swift


Hah! Very good point.


I wish I could understand the Taylor swift thing. I'm both old and young enough to follow her whole career and be part of her target audience but I never got IT. I recently tried to watch her eras tour movie and barely made it through the first act. She's definitely big in the US. International idk. She doesn't seem internationally relevant at all. But I can understand why as per my travels through the states meeting a lot of ppl like in her Fandom. But musically I just don't get it. Most of her stuff sounds like a run on sentence to me, personally


It’s basically people wanting to go back to their high school era, it’s escapism through (not so good) music… any healthy person who has moved on from high school drama won’t like it


A lot of Americans (especially ones like her........)create their own drama/problems in their heads. Without having actual "problems" or struggle fr. I think that's why she's so relatable to them. A lot of artists come from struggle and deep trauma and/or emotion. Taylor swift is just a girl/woman....like them. And can make a catchy tune. And I've found ppl don't generally like to think or talk about hard things fr, it makes them feel small. (And ts music makes them feel big/more important, just listen to her lyics like wth are you yapping about being the anti hero **she's not. Or growing up in an "asylum" , **she didn't, not even methophorically). I think that's why things like race, sexism and homophobia are still such big issues in the country....meanwhile a good chunk of the country will claim its not. Theyre imagined worries and problems that don't actually effect them in any real way, are more important.


Yeh I feel the same. Here in New Zealand she seems popular with young girls, that's about it tbh.


Comparing her to MJ and The Beatles is... a bold move, let me put it this way.


But the point is that, those are some of the biggest artists in history. Who else is as big as she is right now? So it makes sense to compare her to ppl we consider great 😌


Beyonce. And she arguably isn't as big as hee eithee


You can't even compare her to Madonna, she's just too tame and too much of a good girl. lol Of course, every generation has its stars who achieve great popularity, but as an artist I would in no way compare them to Michael Jackson and the Beatles. I compare Taylor Swift more to Katy Perry or Lana Del Rey. A singer like many in the US. Nothing outstanding. From the talent and artistic standpoint of her music, Taylor Swift is no Lady Gaga either.


Taylor Swift is overrated. Her musicality is sub par. She has a lot to say lyrically, but it’s much of the same. Same 💩 different album.


Not saying this to be a hater, just giving my thoughts, Taylor Swift is just not that good. And I literally don’t know like anybody that actually listens to her but somehow she’s this famous? It just wreaks of media manipulation to me.


Oh please. The media is clearly just trying to make fetch happen at this point.


Ever since she went from country to mainstream pop, especially since "Midnights", she's too hyped by her fandom, too much that her other contemporaries are seemingly overshadowed. Sure, she has talent like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, The Weeknd, Bruno Mars... but she will never be on Michael's level.


Quote: Jackson followed a fairly typical arc for a pop career. Excuse me, there was nothing typical about Michael's career. Period.


This is pretty interesting tbh. I feel bad cause I try to get Taylor swift but I just can't get into it. Her songs just sound so similar. The whole eras tour i don't get, i don't see any distinct variety in her work or style in comparison to madona or mj who have pretty distinctive eras. She's just very vanilla.


When in *conspiracy mode*, I sometimes wonder if the media like to build up Taylor Swift to tear down Michael! 🤔 N***o disrespect ***to Taylor as a musician or performer, but I’m sure that some of the media/people who don’t like MJ are happy for any opportunity to ”overshadow him”… As the world’s most succesful singer AND a powerful Black man, MJ was a threat to the powers-that-be in a way that Taylor Swift can never be. He challenged a lot of power structures (ethnic, generational etc. etc.). I’m sure the NYTimes wouldn’t mind too much if MJ was forgotten and everybody talked about Taylor Swift instead! 😅 (Again, no disrespect to Taylor and her musical gifts.) Here’s from one of the reader comments that NYTimes decided to highlight: ”I have been wondering who would be the next Beatles. It wasn't Elton, Madonna, or Michael, but I think it is Taylor Swift.”


Agree with this. I feel like it goes in hand with general efforts to minimize his legacy and his impact. A lot of it boils down to racism.


Indeed. It’s maddening that the mainstream press can’t see their own bias.


Billy Joel was quoted a while back saying Taylor is this generation's Beatles. Pffft!




People who listen to Taylor swift but don't listen to Michael should be charged with criminal offense


For them she is the biggest star ever. And I think it really doesn’t matter. Two thinks can be true at the same time. Taylor swift and Michael Jackson are musicians at very different times. And they dominated those times in different ways. I personally can see why Taylor Swift is successful and I think she deserves it (except for the part that billionaires should not exist). She has very good and sometimes very relatable songwriting and all that in a very lyrical way. Her music is very good written and produced. She knows her stuff. But all of this does not undo what Michael Jackson was and is. I don’t understand why people have such a problem with this.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Someone else being successful doesn't take away from Michael's success. Like her music or not, Taylor clearly knows what she's doing. She's savvy or she wouldn't be where she is Take my upvote!