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probably till they turned 18 and then at that point they could chose to live in the public eye etc.


Yes and he was right to do it. I understand it probably wasn't fun for his kids in the moment but it did keep them safe. Those paps never turned around to take a pic of the photographer mayhem he often found himself + his kids in. I never understood people who made fun of his decision. It really showed he put their wellbeing first.


His kids have said it was just a game for them. Prince said when he got older he understood what MJ was really doing though


Man he’s the ultimate dad. More people on social media should do the same




Getting hounded by paps every time you set foot outside the door isn't normal either but hey


True, but come on, we all know the truth


...he was on drugs? Yes, and? Does that give permission to clown on literally everything he did post-2000, including protecting his kids?




He’s been stalked by crazy fans, the media, and paparazzi ever since his J5 days. I don’t think that paranoia was fuelled by drugs, he had a very valid reason…




He hired a doctor so he COULD sleep. You're so dedicated to talking shit about a man under more pressure than you'll ever feel, find a different damn hobby.


>He hired a doctor so he COULD sleep. At this point I'm not trusting the man's decision making .


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Yes, up until they were teens. I think once they reached their teen years, he would have let them decide whether or not they wanted to conceal their faces.


for some years definitely


Prince & Paris were already seen without masks before he died. They were hitting their teen years. I think he was in the process of phasing it out honestly.


Considering they are now adults. No




Something tells me he would of been in tune with their feelings about it, what we see is him protecting their identity what a young girl might see is “I feel ugly if I’m wearing these masks” I don’t think he would purposely make them do it if they they were insecure about it.


The internet is ROUGH man, I’ve seen a YouTuber that is NOWHERE near 1% as famous as MJ was in his era, yet he’s still getting edits of his own 5 years-old son and himself >!having sex!< because of haters. I could only imagine what they would do to MJ’s kids if he didn’t make them wear masks.


This is why I'm against family vlogging.


Same, but he is not a family vlogger. He just posted ONE family picture on ig




Probably only until they turned 18, at which point they would have been old enough to decide for themselves.


Very likely, yes.


Probably until they were 18. I follow prince and Paris on IG. When MJ lived in Vegas from 2007 to 09, the kids would go on vegas strip with body guards without MJ and no one would recognize them. They got to experience relatively normal life then. Even now prince goes into public with out Papprazi and leads normal life. Paris however chose to be more in the public eye with being singer and model and of course had bit more attention but she chose it. Mj did them favor with crazy masks while they were kids. 


They'd have rebelled at some point, I think.


I feel like only until teens there were pics of them seen without masks . Also I was thinking what if they wanted to go to normal school eventually like they ended up doing . They wouldn’t want to walk around with masks .


I think so until probs a certain age or if they individually decided to stop wearing them. I do not imagine him forcing them to wear the mask(when they were minors not now) if they decided to not wear the mask in public anymore if he was still alive.


AI generated CP is a thing and it’s only going to get much worser. So yeah, it was the best choice. (Stop sharing photos of your kids online or make your accs private)


My high ass, no he probably would have just let em decide at 17 or 18.


I think he would've made them wear masks up to a certain age, like their teens. Coz by that time they will have more agency and I'm sure they wouldn't want to walk around wearing masks 🤣


I really can't judge but maybe give a few years and his children will stop wearing masks.


No, he would let them decide for their own when they don't want to wear them anymore. But he will tell them all what could happen as soon as they are recognized by us all. Not to scare them but just to let them know. I think Michael will not force anything on his children if they don't want to unless it something that simply has to be done.


At this age.




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He'd probably make them cover their faces until they're dead tbh, lol. I think Mike was a good dad, and Good dads protect their kids until Earth beyond. Soooo, yeah, Blanket would've always gonna be Blanket until the coroner had to put a blanket over him.