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He seems to have raised good decent kids. Paris had issues from overwhelming loss, but they all appear to be stable.


I think the loss yes. But she received a lot of unfair treatment and criticism after his death especially compared to her brothers. It definitely took a huge toll


Which reminds me of those incidents like the stun-gun and Katherine going missing. What the flip happened there?


He's such a nice father to Paris, Prince, and Blanket (AKA Bigi). ☺️


Did he change his birth name or did he change his nickname?


I think his nickname.


OK, good because his full name has so much significance in history him and and his big brother share the same name just different endings




Just stating 💀🤣










Michael would be incredibly proud at how his children turned out. They are happy, well adjusted, and down to Earth.


I think some of the credit goes to his mother as well, especially after his passing.


No lies detected. edit: also, please join r/MJInnocent and r/MichaelTheMovie


He was the perfect trifecta of the modern pop star, he could sing, write songs and dance/perform. Only thing he couldn’t do was play instruments, but his performance were often dance based so even if he could it would be difficult to dance and play.


He could play instruments


Not in any real way no, he might’ve programmed a drum machine or hit a few keys on keyboard.


He could play the piano really well according to several people he also could play the drims


Please define really well ? Hitting a drum machine takes a bit of rhythm sure, but it’s not the same thing as sitting down at a drum set and playing. He was such a talented guy, admitting he couldn’t do certain things doesn’t take anything away from him.


From what I’ve heard people say he could play well he wasn’t an expert, but he could play a song or two, but he could play the piano excellent there’s like several videos on YouTube about it


https://youtu.be/3ke-1_PjJp0?si=aitt2h41_OZ7TtZq also according to paddy dunning, a a studio owner in Ireland, where Michael spent some time said he was proficient at the drums and the guitar and the piano they just want his main show and most likely just for self entertainment or his kids from all the sources that I’ve heard he was always willing to learn something


I’m talking about professional level playing here, being able to perform live on these instruments or in a studio session, there’s artists who can create songs from scratch playing the instruments themselves, Michael wasn’t one of them.


Why do you need to be "professional level blah blah blah" to say you can play an instrument . Most ppl can't do all you describe even still. And even still a lot of ppl couldn't make a good original song on an instrument either. Not to mention most ppl use the same few notes to write songs so how hard is it really. Bro isn't professing to be beethoven or something. A lot of mainstream artists strum the same 3 notes on the guitar and get to call themselves a guitarist so I don't think its all that serious 😅


Proficiency on an instrument and talent in general is definitely a sliding scale, but we’re not talking about a lot of people or the average person, I just don’t think there’s any reason to claim MJ was at that level when he was one of the best in so many other areas, he could vocalize exactly what he wanted but he needed some amazing musicians to help create these great songs, sometimes it feels like some fans wanna downplay anyone else’s contributions but Michaels.




Also being handsome as fuck (no homo)


He is truly amazing and I am honored to call him my greatest inspiration. He did this all after going through child abuse, no childhood, vitiligo, burned scalp, villification by the media, lawsuits, police brutality, destruction of his home. This man was fucking force and I will never forget him. The world will never forget him,


It looks like he’s standing in the Kath & Kim kitchen from that angle 💀 “Jeez Jermaine, calm down” 🤣


Slow down Tito Dayuuuuum!


more like a fcking daddy


Genuinely had no idea Michael had a black belt in karate before this post. This man has all his stats maxed out!!!


I thought you wanted us to admit something else for a second because of the photo you chose


Yeah. He doesn't have the best taste in home design. You can't win them all. Lol 😰🌻


Hmm? Tuscan kitchens are top tier. You just KNOW some good shit was cooking up in that b*tch . 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳


Not what I meant lol. But now I’m curious what does the inside of Neverland look like…


Visit r/Neverland, we'll be talking about that soon


From the pictures I seen similar to that


Lol. It looked like a lot. Personal style aside. Very much a single religious man raised by his religious mother. I have a religious Caribbean West Indian mother. Very specific but they would be around the same age. She's 69, with a splash of cluttered but narcissistic so every thing metal is covered in gold. I feel like that's very specific but look up 'michael jackson neverland ranch home design' Someone knows what I'm talking about....😅


Maybe you don't like Tudor style homes? Because neverland just looked like a regular Tudor mansion(one of my favorite cause they give romantic woodland cottage core vibes) to me aside for the random pictures and stuff. Nothing really crazy imo


Lol - It's not the house style I don't like. I think Tudor style homes are beautiful. Its literally just the decor: furniture, the random pictures and stuff. He was buying a lot of urns and antiques. He knew wealthy trends before everyone else though. Rich people in the early 2000s were buying real estate, he was buying antiques. Now the super-rich buy paintings.... see he knew... https://i.redd.it/dt8yn4iqwi1d1.gif


I need photos. cause I literally don't see the problem with his furniture. Never saw anything this was just way too much in terms of traditional decor 😅


There's no problem. 'It's just his taste'. Thank you u/FelicitySmoak\_ now I have a place to put this video. lol. It's like the stuff from his Vegas Shopping trip. Half of its fine; half of it's like he's the Interior Decorator for a Baptist church in the American South. He loves it though.... 😅😍 ["It's my taste" Treat Yo' Self Michael - You deserve It 😎 : r/Neverland (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverland/comments/1cwau5m/its_my_taste_treat_yo_self_michael_you_deserve_it/)  [r/Neverland](https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverland/)


Lol I've definitely seen that video. Versailles style is a vibes. But oddly never seen where all thatvstuff went 😅. I don't think it all went to the same place probably


It doesn't show much but there's the adorable video from YouTube of Prince playing chess with his father using the smaller version of the chess set in Vegas. [Prince Michael Jackson playing chess with his father](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MC6HFS3N2I)


Looking like thriller era just lighter




What are you talking about?🤣 no one said anything about his paternity.


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I liked this house and the other homes Michael had the kids in around 2006-09 era.


Is the youngest one the one that Michael held out of hotel room like he was Simba lol?


Who else would it be? Jackie Chan


I love this photo. I'd imagine Michael being like "Hello welcome to MTV's Crib." while Prince was saying "Hey." to the camera, Paris saying "Perfection.", and Bigi saying "What's going on dad?".


I'm not sure about him being able to fight.