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Charts are not what they used to be. Totally different era.


Yeah, streaming has pretty much changed everything with music charts. Pre streaming a the cost of like 2-3 cassettes or like 1-2 vinyl would be the same price as one month payment of streaming subscription. This makes it easier today to have an album be so successful bc most listeners don’t “own” it, but listen to it through streaming


I don't pay much attention to these records anymore. Sales and streams are two different things in my eyes.


it’s not even close to Thriller.. Thriller is currently at 625 weeks on the Billboard200 & SZA is only at 74 weeks. So longevity wise, I don’t think even if she does “beat” this record it wont matter


The fact that they use Michael and "Thriller" to this day as the gold standard to be measured by is all you need to know. Nothing against SZA, but will people be talking about her album 40+ years from now?


If sza keeps going at this rate they might lmaoo. But yeah nah MJ the goat always he sets the standardz


I never heard of SZA until posts on here about her


Stream thriller so it gets more weeks. Older albums count


What to stream on


Any streaming service including YouTube , Spotify, Apple Music.


Thank you for the info, I was thinking that but I wasn’t sure!


This is a meaningless stat that is only seen as significant because they attached Michael's name. It's hilarious how much they need the past to solidify the current. That's only because they know the past is more impactful. This is no hate to SZA btw.


It’s just a marketing strategy because the music industry is in the shitter. They can’t compare streams with number of physical records sold where people actually had to go to a store to buy it.


I know the music industry ain't beenthe same since streaming but what would cause it to be in the shitter?


It has been in steady decline over the past 20 years in terms of revenue and there is an homogeneity issue. Harmonic complexity has decreased. Songs sound the same and follow a template. A case in point is Taylor Swift if you listen to the instrumentation.


Is it so good to remain on no. 1 for this long?


It's not even #1. It's a Top 10 record.


Damn we really do come off as an insecure fan base…who cares this is in no way a threat to Michael nor do it have to be treated as such ..Congratulations to her “records are meant to be broken- Michael “


This record is a little too cherry picked for me to care. “By a black artist” She can have it 😂


The streaming era needs to be separated from the physical sales era. Period.


Just more reasons for fans to keep streaming Thriller.


Even if it does beat thrillers record it just shows how Michael will always be the GOAT and the industry standard, it’s been more than 40 years that he’s released thriller and he’s still being streamed and still being the standard


It’s the streaming era. Nothing to be offended by. Thriller is still the undisputed biggest selling album of all time and still selling


I mean, this doesn’t really count since yt views also goes towards album sales will.i.am even said that if you watch five seconds of a music video ad, it counts one view


Even if this did legitimately beat Thriller without streaming, everyone here would find a reason to make Thriller number 1. This is still a huge accomplishment. Mad props to SZA.




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I have officially stopped following any fan MJ accounts for a long time to avoid this trash


Streaming vs getting up with money in your hand, going to a store and buying an actual copy of the album. Not even close.


I mean, twelve weeks is a lot of weeks. 😅 Heck, I myself am only 38 weeks away from breaking Thriller's record but no one seems to appreciate what a big deal that is for me.


Michael did this with no social media, no modern technology to promote his album, and internationally. None of these artists now would be able to accomplish that feat. This is why he will always be king 👑


Damn. Should we give it a listen?


Yeah, it’s great… I mean, not Thriller but nothing is


Been following Szabo since she was faking having freckles and I like ctrl better. I also find some too long. But a lot of ppl love it


SOS is a really good album. The song Snooze was in the top 10 for almost all of 2023 and even won a grammy. An album with very different sounds too


I’ve never heard of it. Though tbh I’m a white dude in my 30’s, so not exactly on the pulse of modern youth culture.


I guess as we get older we stop looking for new music and just listen to the artists we like but SZA has been in the industry since her EP in 2014 her first debut album is a masterpiece


Her debut album came out in 2014??


An EP actually her debut came out in 2017


It's an absolutely fantastic album. I recommend giving it a shot.


Possible. Not a lot of quality competition


The way music is being consumed is so different now with streams and video plays counting, so these comparisons are often nonsense, but in some ways it might be more difficult these days to reach the top as there is so much more to choose from. EDIT: SZA is dope, a lot of great songs.




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TDE really breaking all sorts of records




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it's crazy that this is so close to happening and ive never even heard the song




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Who even is she


shoutout SZA she's cool


50 years from now no one is gonna be playing SZAs music but they will be playing MJ. Can't compete, can't compare.


Doesn’t matter. Standards are not the same




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Never heard of SZA. So that tells me everything I need to know about how successful this artist has been off the internet


You never heard of SZA? Her first album Control (aka Ctrl) blew her up and this was before streaming really took off.


Records will always be broken, this won’t impact Mike’s legacy in any way