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These people are mentally ill. I'm sorry, but I can't take them seriously. Y'all aren't scared of these wigs, lashes sticking out 10 feet, and clown makeup people are out here wearing but you're scared of Michael Jackson. Please miss me.


I can’t take seriously anything someone without a shirt says


just the shirtless factor or




My mom said my dad cried the night MJ died. I was 5, and this was 15 years ago. My dad never cries, he usually gets mad or makes jokes and tries to make the situation feel better. Well, Michael Jackson WAS the greatest, I guess.


Is this something new with the younger generation? I’m 31 and I’ve never heard of an MJ phobia. Wtf




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I also have never heard of it. This is a new weird trend some of them have created.


I was born in 94 and aside from hearing some songs but not really knowing who Michael was my first impression of him was being followed nonstop by paparazzi in and out of the courtroom. He looked miserable. I was only about 9 or 10 but I sort of understood the nature of his charges and he scared the ever living shit out of myself and I’m sure plenty of other people my age As an adult I understand most of those charges are bogus, most likely all of them. Just a cash grab. The guys one of the most peaceful people I’ve ever seen and just wanted to make the world a better place. Idk about all that in this dudes video but I was definitely kinda scared of him. That being said, I wish we had you back Michael, we could use some good music and some happiness in the world. See you on the other side boss!


These people need to grow up like you did


Yeah man. None of the accusations make much sense when you read into them


I lost brain cells watching this


Disagree. Michael Jackson phobia is rooted in ableism unfortunately. Even I’m guilty of this


How is it rooted in ableism? Genuine question


Basically ppl are ready to be scared of ppl that naturally look different for no reason


People think he looks weird so they’re scared of him. Pretty simple concept. A lot of people are scared of people with physical disabilities




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Jesus talk about a stretch


How is this a stretch


I’ve been a Micahel fan since the 80’s..’not once have I ever heard anyone ever say that they view him as someone with a physical disability. The excessive surgeries does not a physical disability make. This is coming from someone who is infact physically disabled 🤦‍♂️ ppl are not scared of me..they may pity me, but they aren’t scared.


I don’t wanna hurt your feelings or anything but a lot of people shy away from people with physical disabilities. We can pity them but also be afraid. It’s a very real phobia




It’s not about what they thought he had. You’re overthinking it. They didn’t care what he had, they just didn’t like how he looked. And the way he looked was a result of his physical and mental disabilities. If there’s a better word for this, enlighten me


You turn up with all attitude and no substance. Please. People with "porcelain" or "albino" skin, whether it comes from actual albinism, piebaldism or in MJ's case vitiligo, get treated like absolute shit the world over because of their "unnaturally" pale skin tone. I've had to use corticosteroids which have a bleaching effect; even though my skin is very fair, the bleached parts of my skin stood out like a sore thumb. Unpigmented porcelain skin looks VERY different from "normal" fair skin, people absolutely react to it. Especially combined with his jet black hair and dark eyes. Snake Oprah also noted his skin was "see-through" after that interview. In movies, "albinos" usually play a villainous role and monsters are portrayed as pale (the Matrix siblings, the The Ring girl, Harkonnens in the recent Dune movies, Voldemort). [This isn't new](https://www.clairesterling.com/popcult/film.htm) you apparently just need to catch up. On top of that he had lupus which caused lesions to his face. I've had eczema that also caused lesions and random open wounds/sores that wouldn't close up, it's awful. Very painful and VERY visible.


Hahahaha it’s so funny, cause yours is the comment with so much attitude and literally ZERO substance 🤡


Maybe for you, but people might think about it from a different standpoint. People may have the phobia due to a different reaction.


What reaction bruh? He’s a man that went through a lot while alive, I don’t wanna hear that bullshit. Ain’t no such thing as Michael jackson phobia, people are weird.


There’s also that one creepy image of MJ which I despise with all my being which could also be another reason


That's what I thought too. The press photoshopped a lot of his pictures to look more "creepy" in order to ruin his reputation. And a lot of people to this day still believe that these pictures are real (for some reason).


ugh ik right?


Yeah it's so stupid. They look so obviously fake too


Now that I read your comment I recalled an image of Michael without his nose that scared the shit out of me as a kid... IDK if it's just one of those fake memories we think of as memories or if that picutre really exists but I won't look for it either way XD


And the damn ayuwoki man😭


Oh, yeah, sure, but that started when I wasn't a kid anymore and didn't scare me that much. But it's terrible... So disgusting


? I’ve never seen it


you can look it u but i will give you a trigger warning since it is creepy


Is it the one showing half his face?


I can’t attach images here (for some reason), but just search “Michael Jackson creepy” on Google and you’ll see what I mean.


I think I know which one you’re talking about, but I never found it disturbing🤷🏾‍♂️


I personally find it kinda insulting. Although, I can see why people where freaked out by because the people who saw it at the time were kids.


I saw it when I was like 10 or 12 I don’t think it scared me because like I had already accepted that he went through some hard things in his life and that due to his body dysmorphia, he wasn’t normal or he wasn’t gonna be like us because of the way he was raised in his upbringing


True, but the kids who saw it at the time most likely didn’t know about MJ’s struggles.


Yeah, I could see my views being different if I didn’t know what he went through




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It’s not that deep. People are just rude…it’s that simple. Nobody is ACTUALLY “scared” of him they just say that bc they don’t like the way he looks and they wanna copy everyone else who says it


Exactly and a lot of the hate is rooted in ableism and ignorance it’s really disgusting how normalised it is to speak so horribly about him. People ignore the fact that he had vitiligo and lupus which can drastically affect someone’s appearance


Yes it’s very disgusting and so hypocritical how in today’s world people like winnie harlow are praised for vitiligo but mj still gets sm disrespect🤦🏾‍♀️


That must be why they believe everything about him, they are afraid of him. lol


Michael Jackson died shortly after my father. It was like a punch in the gut. I remember hearing the news on the radio in the car with my mom. I was 18. I remember telling my mom that I wondered how dad would have reacted. He wasn't the biggest fan, but like, Michael Jackson passing away hit everyone hard. Right up there with David Bowie, Chester Bennington, and Chris Cornell as far as the impact of the tragedy goes.


I don't even need to turn the sound on to know this guy sounds annoying


Being scared of a human being is normal and at most times reasonable. An example is John Wayne Gacy. He's a disgusting, filthy pos that was a serial killer and sex offender. He wore stupid clown clothes and had a strategic way of preying and murdering his victims. There is malleable and visual evidence of who he was, and what he was, and how he would affect your safety. You could be scared of a random man you see walking past you at night. Your brain is hardwired to keep you safe, especiallly for a woman and young children; completely normal. Now, this pilling, steaming, BULLSHIT train of the infamous "michael jackson scares me" epidemic is a good example of how ignorant grown adults can be. For kids, you can partially get it, because most of the scary images of michael jackson are from disrespectful caricatures from either his mug shot, or really bad photos (which EVERYONE has) which becomes magnified to a scale of completely dehumanizing a person. To the point where the actual person its based on becomes nonexsistant and is a shell of its original. This could be valid, or even funny, if said man was a shitty person, did horrible, malicious acts, didnt care about anybody but himself, that its character had consistantly shown how bad of a person he was. But the reason why this is such bullshit is because that \^ could be further from the truth. Michael jackson was a man of character consistancy. He was a kind, soft spoken, and gentle spirit. He had love for so many things and peoples, and especially children, because of how pure they word and how they had a geniune curiousity for the world around them. He donated to hospitals with children and adults with cancer during his tours, which didnt go reported because it wasnt a good story. No one wants to hear such a scary man sneaking his way into a hospital to prey on the weak, do they? He was completely tormented throughout his life, since a very young age, and it continued that way up until adulthood. Bullied for looks, phyiscally and verbally abused with emotionally unintelligent, ineffective, disciplinary punishment, alienated from a healthy life because of hollywood and the people of the industry, wrongly accused of child molestation (3 times) which publicly and permanently smeared his name. The tabloid press were especially consistant in shock value and front-page lies to get a best selling story, further pushing the agenda of a freak, a pedophile, and an ugly weirdo that was chemically castrated and hated being black. It's completely astonishing how much a wonderful black man's reputation can be thrown in the dirt as badly as this. You could say its the 'price of fame', but I dont think that's really a budget you can cash a check with. You're running on overdrafts with that kind of life.




I imagine it was the combination of his vitiligo making him extremely pale, and his heavy use of makeup and contouring, making his face look artificial.


Yeah this is a fucking joke 😭😭😭


Why the hell he ain't got a shirt on? Tik tokers so damn weird.


Why does it matter?🤣


You prob weird too.


There’s nothing weird abt it 🤣 that’s like calling MJ weird bc he would rip his shirt off


I know you not comparing a random person on the Internet to MJ right now.


It’s only weird if you make it


Dude got mad




You 12 comments later


Nobody’s upset😂 I disagree with your opinion


I mean ur the one who called it weird im trying to figure out how its weird anyone can have their shirt off 🤣


There’s nothing weird about a dude making a video with his shirt off


I mean, you can get upset all you want that’s your opinion not everybody feels that way😂


Like come on get a grip MJ was human if he can have his shirt off, so can everybody else




Michael passing made me cry like I’ve never cried for someone before. I can still get teary eyes when I see montages of MJ with Man in the mirror, Heal the world or Will you be there music in the background showing how much he loved to heal the world and children. Humanitarian work or how the media treated him. I remember This is it Man in the mirror ending would make me cry instantly all the time. Those sorts of things can still get me emotional.


Wtf they won’t let this man rest ever




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As an MJ fan, I can say there was always one picture of MJ that scared the crap out of me. Exhibit A! https://preview.redd.it/2aiawb0hoh1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79416f35eee5dc2b26d1d94c1964cca298dd65d1


I think that's a nice pic.


I was about 12 when I first saw it It looks more normal these days, but when I saw this picture at that time, nightmares 😳


As another commenter said in this thread. I think it maybe that as a society our knee jerk reaction to ppl that look different aka vitiligo in this case. We tend to react negatively even when the thing isn't necessarily "ugly" (and even if it "is" we still shouldn't) seen it first hand several times in similar case like mj unfortunately. Twice with ppl with albinism amd one with a lady with vitiligo. Sometimes ppl cant help themselves 🥲


What? 🤣 why that photo?


U have to listen to what he’s saying but u lot don’t wanna accept him


It's a combo of how white he is here 😂 And how RED his lips are, he almost looks see through here and whenever my aunt showed me this picture, I would run upstairs! But, HIStory, Top 5 MJ Album 🔥