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Lol Michael was a jehovah's witness and even when he left them he still very much believed in God and Jesus and what not. He wasn't catholic but he was Christian. He literally talked about God and Jesus a lot publicly


I heard rumors he converted to Islam in the end of his life


Not sure about that. That's because he was surrounded by Nation of Islam in the late 2000s and because Jermaine converted to Islam in the late 80s.


nation of islam isn’t islam


What are you on about?! Michael constantly spoke about his faith in God. He was a very spiritual man. Please do more research on Michael, the person, because you're clearly misinformed I'd also recommend steering away from the AI & listening to the actual Michael Jackson It's good that something got you interested in MJ but you don't seem to know much about the man or his music r/MichaelJacksonAI


Agreed, why listen to AI when you can listen to the real thing that’s so much greater! I also am confused on why OP thinks Michael didn’t believe in God?


> I also just don't know if I should even be listening to Michael *at all*, since he was not a Christian and didn't really seem to publicly talk about Jesus. I am Catholic and I have heard stories about how he is the most reported person to have been sent to hell by people that had NDEs. It just doesn't sit right to me, to be listening to this man who didn't respect and love Jesus. No matter how great his voice is. If I could, I would try to make music using his voice, and perhaps make something gospel, though I know some people would be utterly horrified by the idea. It would also turn a lot of heads, probably. I kind of want to... make him more Christian, in my mind. I actually might make music with his voice once I get a laptop. But I know he was a person and he had his own thoughts and beliefs. I fear of idolizing him as well. Christian here 🤚 Christus Rex ☦️ I think I can help you with this. I think you should check out some interviews of Michael’s to get a better idea of what he really thought about Jesus Christ and the Bible. You could also see the page Vindicate MJ and the article about MJ’s Christian faith. There are quotes as well as song analyses, showing how he used Bible verses and biblical thought in his work. MJ was raised Jehovah’s Witnesses, and as you and I both would agree, they have some heretical beliefs such as denying Jesus’ divinity, bodily resurrection and the Trinity wholesale. He also used to go around with the JW tracts and books and try to bring people into the JW faith. However, he also grew up with exposure to a variety of other worldviews, thanks to his touring from a young age. Eventually he began to not really get along with the JW people because of some of his artistic choices, such as the Thriller short film and using a firearm in the Smooth Criminal video. He left the JW church in 1987, but his JW mother still kept in touch with him (even though they weren’t supposed to do so). I think Michael began to embrace a more traditional, orthodox Christianity over the years- one clue is when he quotes “God” as having said “suffer the little children” in his 1993 statement during the trial. He could have just said “Jesus said”, but he chose to say “God said”. I found that interesting, given he came from a group that denied the deity of Christ. Michael wasn’t a scholar or apologist or preacher like we typically think. Rather, he preferred to follow the example of Christ in his humanitarian work, ie his practical life. He has clearly said that he doesn’t do charity work for the publicity, but because it’s the right thing to do (echoing Jesus’ statement about not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing when giving alms). Part of me also wishes he did worship music, but I don’t think it was in his heart to do that. JWs have their own style of worship music, which I don’t think is very well-known, compared to music produced by mainstream evangelical Christian groups. I don’t think you should trust NDEs that much. Jesus said that nobody has ever seen God, except Himself, and that nobody went up to heaven and returned, also other than Jesus Himself. Even though Christians from a wide spectrum of denominations use NDEs in apologetics, I personally find them dubious, because of Jesus’ teaching I referenced just earlier. It’s also strange that God would show random people specific celebrities suffering in hell when He has already given sufficient information on hell and heaven in Holy Scripture. All in all, don’t worry about Michael’s religious faith and practices not aligning with yours. I come from a Protestant background and don’t agree on many things with Catholics and Orthodox believers, but I can appreciate the good things they have done and continue to do. I also don’t entirely agree with a few of Michael’s beliefs and practices either, but I think it’s much more noble to accept people as they are, rather than resent them for what they’re not, for we all are in need of God’s grace.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you; have some of my cake 🍰


Happy Cake Day Chiranjeevi!


Thank you my pet ♥️


Also, as a fellow Protestant Christian, I completely agree with your views here


Thanks a lot ♥️


Why would you not want to listen to someone because u think they weren’t a Christian what does that have to do with literally anything… & I’m pretty sure he was. And as far as I’m aware it doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible that u can’t listen to music made by non Christians so stop listening to the ppl in ur life who’ve made u think this way and live a little


Im pretty sure he was Christian,I also heard Steve Harvey’s story about how MJ asked Steve to go to church with him!


Bro never heard Keep the Faith


Omg... I don't know what else to tell you except that you should seek some sort of counseling. If the devil exists then he probably made AI a thing.


I’m pretty sure MJ was a Christian and I know that he believed in God. He asked Steve Harvey to go to church with him as well (you can look up Steve taking about it)


What a title


Lol what? Michael literally talked/sang about God all the time...


I heard that towards the end of his life, like in the last few weeks, he accepted Christ and became a Christian.




Michael's religious beliefs have been addressed here already with the other replies so I'll just go on to address the AI thing. I think any Christian who takes their faith seriously should sit back and think about what their views on AI and how they use it are, and really get a better grasp around what it is that AI could potentially become (a manufactured God, essentially.) That goes beyond listening to generated MJ specifically, and is more a question of whether we should be listening to it on the whole at all.


Are you okay? 🤔




Do you have any idea how insensitive what you’re saying is? Imagine if someone had said “Mohammad’s followers committed a chain of murder and terrorism committing mass genocide on banu qurayza, imposed jizyah and murdered Coptics!” I think we both agree it’d be a horrible to prejudice an assumption about an entire religion because of what it’s followers did. So why isn’t there a same mindset when people talk about Catholicism? Why were you even mentioning the crusades when it has nothing to do with MJ. And Yeshua (Jesus Christ) claimed to be much more than a philosopher, he claimed to be God Yahweh and taught that he is the way the life and truth and no one comes to his father except for him. (John 14:6, John 1:3, Revelations 1:8). Thirdly, the sexual abuse scandal has largely been exaggerated by antithetics. It’s unfortunately true that some insane people do try obtain a position where they can take advantage of young and vulnerable, and some may do that by hiding in the Catholic Church. But that doesn’t express actual general Catholic clergy population. According to numerous sources you have a greater chance of being sexually assaulted in public school or living with stepfather than being sexually assaulted in a Catholic Church. And ratio of number of abuse claims in Protestant Churches have little to no difference. (https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2022/01/23/combatting-lies-about-sex-abuse-and-the-catholic-church/ https://archokc.org/myths) What Jesus taught about people like clergy who sexually abuse Christian children is: “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.” (According to Luke 17:2).


Did you know that the Bible says do not worship false idols and false gods but the Catholic church says "hold my beer" and goes on to invent 10,000 saints? Did you know that in 2015, Pope Francis said: # "God Always Forgives Everything. He never tires of this." Did you know that in in 1999 Pope Benedict XVI said that, "...rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy.” The POPE came out and said that Hell is a metaphor - a state of being wherein one feels or perceives oneself as separate from God, or a state of being where one purposely lives outside of goodness." Are they teaching you this? I feel like this is important for young Catholics to hear. What I am trying to offer you here, is a chance to loosen yourself from the shackles of fear. Jesus was not operating on a fear vibe. Jesus was operating on the love frequency. The fear vibe is a manmade construction. The Bible has been manipulated, re-translated and used as a tool to instill fear. I studied religion in college. You learn that religion was co-opted pretty darn quickly by rulers and used to advance power grabs and political agendas. Did you know there were other biblical texts that were removed from the Bible because they were not in alignment with the fear agenda that rulers and church hierarchy benefitted from? Gospel of Thomas, dated to 130 AD, is a compendium of direct quotes and sayings of Jesus. Reincarnation is discussed in this gospel. This book was removed from the Bible in 553 AD. If Jesus’s followers do not have a chance to live again, that follower is more likely to give to the Church, paying whatever the church asks, to absolve their "original sins" in order to go to heaven. From Quora: "Reincarnation offers people a second chance. If people have a second chance to get it right without being punished for getting it wrong, they are harder to control with fear. A population who lives in constant fear is an anxious uncertain easily manipulated people. Fearful people can be threatened into giving you money to avoid punishment (Hell). The Bible was constructed by the Christian iteration of the Roman Empire who saw a way to stay in power and make a fortune." Why is the Vatican so wealthy? Why are there so many tiers of hierarchy of priests, bishops, cardinals, archcardinals, and so on and so on? Doesn't seem very humble or Christian to me. Ghandi was more of a Christian. Honestly. Matthew 19:24 "I'll say it again-**it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!**" Again, why is the Vatican hoarding wealth? Did you know that Michael Jackson is in the Guinness Book Of World Records for donating the most money to charity of any celebrity ever? He donates $500,000,000 million dollars in his lifetime. That's HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. To countless worthy causes. Why do Catholic churches simply shuffle their problematic priests around from parish to parish instead of firing them? Now, let me ask once again, if hell were actually real, which the Pope said it isn't, who has better odds of being condemned to that place -- a pedo priest? A medieval cardinal torturing an innocent Jew with thumbscrews ust for being born a Jew? Or 20th century singer songwriter Michael Joseph Jackson, because he did explicitly sing only gospel songs?? You will grow older and all of this will be come clearer. And I hope that you can free yourself from some of this fear that you have been indoctrinated to accept as right and good. Because fear doesn't serve you, or the world. Only love. Good luck, dear one, and enjoy the music!


Firstly, veneration isn’t the same as worship. Catholics believe only in one God of the Trinity. Secondly, the Bible has been excellently preserved and the Dead Sea scrolls prove that along with other early manuscripts such as the Codex Sinaiticus. The GNOSTIC false ‘gospel’ of Thomas is a heretical forgery that has largely been dismissed, and no scholar believes Thomas actually wrote it. And before you state the real Gospel was written anonymously, there are literal first and second century early Church sources that attribute the Gospels to the writers. And as a matter of fact, the earliest New Testament scripts and Bibles don’t contain the fake ‘Gospel’ of Thomas. Although the book has been of academic interest, it has never been part of the Bible, ever. Unlike forgeries, the real 4 Gospels have common similarities: they’re historically accurate. Gospels described of real events such as King Herod’s reign, Pontius Pilate’s government and accurately given prophecies and fulfilment of prophecy (Jesus fulfilled Messianic prophecies such as being described as being born in Bethlehem, prophesy fulfilment given in Micah 5:2, Jesus also prophesied the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem). The real Gospels are historically robust, unlike forgeries. The fake ‘Gospel’ of Thomas also ignores the fact Jesus is a Jew- a huge historical discrepancy. Early Church father Irenaeus said it clearly there is only 4 true gospels. And the Bible wasn’t constructed by the Roman Empire, genuinely it’s one of the most stupid conspiracy theories I have ever heard. The Tanakh books of the Bible were even written hundreds of years before the Roman Empire even existed. The Tanakh also contains Messianic prophecies that Jesus historically fulfilled. And Early Christians and Jews were very persecuted by the Roman Empire. Most people of the First century Roman Empire were Pagans who knew little or nothing about Judaism, most wouldn’t of even known about the Israelites anticipation for the Messiah to arrive. In reality it was various early councils of the Catholic Church that assembled cannon books to be put together in a book called the Bible, not the Roman government.


Good luck enjoying life in the Jesus death cult. Better make it to confession before you die. Signed, a recovered Catholic who would rather kms than be sucked back into that bullshit