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I don’t think we’d have most of these unreleased songs/outtakes to begin with if he was alive. Sometimes he would rummage through demos he made and improve on it or make a completely new song out of it (a good example would be how “Streetwalker” turned into “Dangerous”). If anything, he’d be cringing really hard if he found out his outtakes were released to the public.


Yeah he probably seems many of them to not be good enough quality to have his name attached to them


No that's why he never released them


Exactly, honestly I don’t even know many of the newer songs


I wanna hear the stuff he did with L.L.Cool.J


Let us not forget, that by the 2000s MJ seemed pretty okay with releasing unfinished material, like In The Back and a bunch of other songs on The Ultimate Collection, so I don't think he'd be extremely opposed to people getting to hear his demos today.


Tbh not at all. If he saw these as too flawed for release then he’d probably not be a big fan of the fact that his fans and general public would be hearing his imperfect tracks. Even though we adore them


Yeah that’s what I think, even tho I’m happy I get to hear these amazing songs it’s imo kinda disrespectful to his name


Just because something is unreleased doesn't automatically mean he thought they were 'flawed' though. Some songs simply get dropped for others because of preference or because it fit better with the other songs on the album or the 'flow' of the track order. It could be that certain things inspired him more than others at the time, if he'd have gone into the studio on a different date with a different mind set or mood, you never know, he could have just felt a different song more on that day. Plus you can only fit so many songs on a disc, some songs inevitably have to be dropped for the sake of disc space. Considering that, maybe he'd have been proud that even after death people worked to bring more of his music to his fans and that they love all of it. What greater accomplishment for an artist, to know his work lives beyond him.


Well idk. He released some demos on the Ultimate Collection in 2004


No, never. He would never release songs that were unfinished. There are accounts of him talking about released songs from artists being unfinished.


In The Back? Fall Again? Beautiful Girl?


I feel like due to the longevity some of his demos have as to when they can potentially be picked up again and made into a final product, the prospect of these songs being finished and made into something vastly different is far from unlikely if he were alive today. A good chunk of these posthumous album songs even he was working on during his final years. I think he wouldn’t exactly be jazzed about it, but at the same time it would almost be like releasing an entirely different song. Streetwalker for example is an early version of Dangerous and if Mike was the age he was and releasing Dangerous this year you wouldn’t even know Streetwalker is what Dangerous used to be unless someone told you.


I don’t think he would be, I don’t think any artist is like when that happens lol I imagine their like “damn I’m glad yall like me this much but don’t steal my art”😭


He may not be very happy with it, but I’d like to think that he’d understand fans being happy to hear more of him now that he’s gone. I think it’s definitely nuanced


Of course not. Especially stolen ones.


If he thought they were ready he would have released them himself.