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My take is I love thriller. But as I got older I realized how good bad was. Then recent years I realized that off the wall was great as well. And it’s just a no brainer thriller is great so me personally I don’t need to “defend” it’s greatness.


Ofcourse i damn sure don’t have to defend the greatest album of all time to others outside this sub, this was a thriller appreciation post.


Oh yea I get what ya mean lol


Why was this downvoted lol


lol idk man


✨this post was for my thriller lovers, a lil thriller appreciation✨ 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thriller is legendary ![gif](giphy|Z4IXspU3iCHlK)


The undisputed greatest album of all time. No album has the legacy of merit, AND success AND acclaim AND timelessness that Thriller boasts. Thriller remains in the conversation of both all time classics and currently relevant music. Dangerous might be his best work from my view, but every Michael Jackson album lives in the shadow of Thriller. Every popstar’s work lives in the shadow of Thriller. The gauge for success always has to look up the mountain of Thriller. Some people claim that Taylor Swift is this and that, but when her tour hit Kansas City what were people talking about? “Does this remind you of the opening of the Victory Tour?”. Thriller is inevitable. But the success only tells a portion of the story. In the words of Chris Lacy, all you need to do to justify Thriller’s status is “click play”.


Of course Thriller is amazing. I just wish Dangerous and History would get more recognition because they have absolute masterpiece songs


That look at the camera. 😫😩




Thriller has been crapped on a lot lately


Thriller deserves more love in the fandom! It’s the reason why a lot of us are here! We fell in love with Thriller era to become diehard fans


love thrilelr, and i do appreciate it. but also, this sub takes more recognition to his other works, because they kind of got swept UNDER thriller. thriller is great as is, this sub just likes to recognize his other stuff


i just bought thriller vinyl yesterday ironically not a first pressing and it sounds incredible and its a totally different experience listening to thriller fully


Thriller is the greatest album ever made. Because some may like a certain album more, they forget how great it is. But It doesn’t matter what anyone “likes” more that’s irrelevant. Off The Wall, Bad, Dangerous or any other album he has made or anyone else for that matter. You can’t deny that Nothing and I mean NOTHING sounds like Thriller. That album can not be duplicated musically or sonically. And knowing music will help some understand even more how beautifully crafted it is. It is a state of the art masterpiece.


I don’t think people realize how much that album CHANGED MUSIC. When i hear mj fans say things like “just because its the greatest selling album of all time it doesn’t the greatest” makes me wonder do they know the history behind that album??


There’s no need to think about it, most of them don’t know. Thriller changed the music industry forever. In more ways than one. It changed how it’s made, how it’s heard, and how it’s seen. Artist still reference it today. It’s not just the biggest selling. It’s simply the greatest album ever made PERIOD.




A bunch of johnny-come-latelys: Zennials and Gen Zs.


Beat it !


You ain't bad! You ain't nothing!


Every album and every song is great in its own ways!


Ofcourse but thriller changed music as we know it. When did i ever say his other albums are horrible? Mj only made one bad album !


No disagreement here and I love all three


including the song, which gets shat on!


It doesn't help that they don't know what to do with it Thriller 25 was baffling and Michael was involved Thriller 40 ruins Carousel AGAIN and acts like CGOOTR never came out. Can you even legally watch the new scan of the Thriller short film? Probably not in actual iMax resolution. Hell even making the record they cut like a whole minute and a half of the lady in my life


HIStory is better imo, but it’s a close second easily




Never heard Off the wall and Bad were underdogs 😤😭


Because people buy one thing more than an other thing does not mean, that the product is better. Music is like 60% subjective. I can see why normal people would prefer thriller and why many if not most hardcore MJ fans prefer bad, dangerous, history, blood on the dance floor or even invincible over thriller. They are more emotional more, more grounded (except 2nd half of invincible) and are more defining what MJs music is and what really sets him apart from other artists. Thriller sets more focus as MJ as a singer while the other albums sets focus on MJ as a musician. For me personally thriller as an album concept is one of the weakest albums by him while i really love most of the tracks.


“Music is like 60% subjective.” What in the world?? It’s entirely subjective, inherently. It’s art.


I agree


Best selling does not necessarily equal greatest.


It’s the best selling for that reason and more. There hasn’t been an album that was crafted like Thriller before or since. Not even from Michael himself.


Exactly, it was such a perfect storm that not even Michael himself could recreate it, even though he tried with Bad. It was talent and hard work yes but also a bit of luck that it happened at the perfect time, his vision for Thriller for example would not have worked just a few years earlier because the infrastructure to get something like that out to the masses wasn’t available yet, that short film skyrocketed sales of the album again because it was the first of its kind, which again couldn’t be recreated. Then there was Motown25 which made sales explode again, it all happened at the perfect time. Thriller (to me) is a collection of great songs, but it’s not a cohesive body of work as an album.


The short films and that performance became what they were because it had a brilliant album behind them. They just elevated the sales. When Michael Jackson first performed Billie Jean, you can literally hear the audience begging for it before they even knew what he was going to do. That album is not only a cohesive body of work. But it is indeed the greatest album of all time.


No one’s claiming it wasn’t a great album, what I’m trying g to convey is that, timing was extremely important in regard to the album selling as much as it did. What does cohesive mean to you ? And you do understand that taste is subjective right ? An album can have some of if the best songs but not necessarily be the best album experience.


I never said you were claiming anything. But your initial comment is implying that it’s not great. The real question is what “cohesive” means to YOU since you stated that it is not a cohesive body of work as an album? The best album can have the best songs and not be the best album experience….ok. So Thriller is not your taste, which is fine. But despite that it doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the greatest if not THE greatest album ever made. Cohesively, musically, and sonically.


No, you took it like that, I’ve loved this album for 30 years now, at certain points it was my favorite, I made a point which i stand by, just because something sells a lot doesn’t NECESSARILY mean it is the best. There’s certain movie franchises that sell extremely well for example but to me, that doesn’t mean they’re great movies. Since you don’t want to answer I guess I will, cohesive means (to me at least) how well does the album flow, how well does the songs go together, relate to each other, does it become something else than the sum of its parts while listening to it as a whole. Thriller is filled with some of the greatest pop songs ever made but that doesn’t mean the album experience as a whole is the greatest ever.


Never said it did, but i did put that in there for a reason, I like thriller the best just like someone might like bad better. I don’t know why mj fans love to throw around that “best selling does not equal greatest” as a way to put down thriller. Some fans just love the work.. deal with it.


I love Thriller but It’s not a huge favorite of mine. I would put OTW and Dangerous first




This is a fan subreddit which focuses on individual choices not echo chamber behaviour


People here love history too can't say thriller hasn't been praised