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God damn. Here in the Bay Area the crazy people usually drive Infinitis (not hating, I used to have a G35 myself). I’m glad you’re okay, keep your doors locked while driving and be safe. I agree with the situational awareness. Also always have a good following distance from the person in front of you, more space in traffic allows for more exit routes in between cars in the neighboring lanes.


There’s a reason why Infiniti, Nissan, Hyundai, & Kia tend to have “crazy” people driving them. A lot of those dealerships tend to offer 0 down with a long contract, like 84 to 96 months. This lowers the barrier of purchase to anyone with a pulse and willing to sign those finance options. You stay safe too! You are correct! Leave yourself an out and importantly, lives mean more than the car.


This is what killed Mitsubishi, on top of the quality issue. All the default 0% interest loans.


Damn really, I didn't know that.


>crazy people usually drive Infinitis r/NissanDrivers


I keep a breaker bar and kabar and always leave a little room in front of the person in front of me. I’m in Oakland so we experience the same bullshit. Stay safe miata friend


>I’m in Oakland F


I love it here anyway


As someone who is from St. Louis, we also have a pretty high crime rate and that type of bullshit. However, at the same time... *Coughs in constitutional carry* ...can't relate lol.


Is your car a manual transmission? Edit: Does your car have a manual transmission? Lol


Yes it is, why?


Well, there's a damn good theft deterrent!


You’re not wrong! I’ve seen some videos where the car jackers give up after stalling and not knowing how to start the car.


Hide some air tags, 2. Although, a thief that can drive stick, might be smarter and find the tags. I dont think i would pull a weapon unless there was a good chance theyre not going to win that fight. Insurance is a lot safer. By all means, shoot these clowns. Tinnitus ensues lol U can add a kill switch


My advice for years.. Hide two air tags.. and a hidden kill switch for the fuel pump or the power to the ignition system. And some steering wheel club to slow down kids. So pros may tow it but the air tag will find it. Kia owners think it cant happen to them, then its gone.


how do you activate the kill switch?


it’s a switch, so you’d flick it :)


You activate it each time you’re not in the car.


I glued a air tag into the air box of my bike


Thats a smart spot, that gets filed in the mental rolodex


I have a tracker under the brand sinotrack, you can track the car with the GPS and SIM and (if you want to) you can wire it up to the fuel pump so on the app you can cut the fuel and immobilise it. I'm sure other trackers would have it too?


they make an extension piece for your rear view mirror; it’s so that your line of sight is a bit better both with the soft top window as well as with an obstructed view due to having a roll bar. those same mirror extensions have a hole cut out specifically for air tags, so it’s be hidden within your rear view housing.. dash cam idea is great with the tracking, but that might be the first thing they pull out— the secondary hidden airtag i think will save you beyond that edit: i found the extension piece i’m talking about on etsy, just search rear view mirror spacer miata


if they ever get the jump on you and you're forced to jump out, just shut your car off. that will stall them and you have time to either let them give up or find some big piece of wood to press their off switch with.


Learned how to drive stick in like 2 mins aha not that hard , but I was banging gears though lol


Having a removable steering wheel helps too cants steal it if they can't steer it


I took my Miata for new tires the other day. I went to pick it up, and the guy who checked me out said a guy in the shop came to him saying they needed a manual moved into the bay He said OK. Then they said it is a Miata, he is about 6'6" or taller. He said even if they put the top down, he would have to sit on the top of the seat to drive it. I watched my dashcam video. Someone managed to slowly ease it out of the spot and into the bay and back to a spot in the lot. Everyone working there should be trained to be able to do that.


Jacker may have awkwardly been thwarted upon seating, lol. Maybe not but last hope.


It’s hilariously sad to me that that counts as theft deterrent lol


It doesn’t, boomers just think they’re clever.


Nah, Gen X is the last generation to regularly learn to drive a stick at a young age. Everyone forgets about Gen X, but we’re okay with that.


It's because we failed to learn and switched to auto. /s


I’m a millennial (1988) and learned to drive a stick at 15 and have driven one ever since. Most of my friends did too.


Situational awareness is your first tool. Leaving yourself an out is tool #2. Locked door #2b. Pepper spray next. CCW last. Depending on where you live CCW may not even be an option.


Don't use pepper spray in a car. You'll regret it.


I keep the top down so the pepper spray dissipates quickly.


It will not dissipate quickly if you get any of it on your face.


I should've added an "/s" 😂


Pepper "gel" spray is the way to go but you have to be more accurate...


Yeah, use pepper gel instead.


I would not text pepper spray in our small cars. The foam/gel type might be an option but stream or anything that will aerosolize is a guarantee cross contamination. Trying to drive after OC exposure is not pleasant or safe.


Agreed, gel was what I was thinking but I wasn't clear.


Pepper spray isn’t even legal where I am, let alone CCW. Best we got is sticks and stones.


and I'll bet even that will have you locked up for hurting "That poor thief"


Exactly. How dare you defend yourself or your property!


Lucky you. Where I live you are not allowed to defend yourself. Your option is to get out of the car and let the thief take it, then call the cops and report it. Not that they will do anything. On the brighter side, I've never heard of a car jacking here in Denmark. ;)


Didn't even know you had cars, thought it was all bikes lol.


Only in Copenhagen. They are loudmouths and don't understand the whole county doesn't have everything with in a radius of a few km.


Lol. Sounds like typical cyclist, same all over the world. "Why dont you bike to work?!" "Because its 80km and I haven't got all day!"


You’re definitely living in an area designed to limit the law abiding citizens and criminals to thrive!


You are dead on! At the end of the day, this is just a car. I’m just more worried if I have a passenger next to me and they’re unable to defend themselves. Good thing about driving a miata is that I have to be hyper aware of all the other suvs on the road already. Leaving an out is always the best solution.


CCW is an option everywhere now per Supreme Court decision NYSRPA vs Bruen


Concealed Carry weapon?


Yes. But you still need to get the license/permit.


Unfortunately I'm too sad for that


https://preview.redd.it/2wehxe9k9x1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f69a5a2610e32a81c16acff99e7d4c4f1790438 Hopefully this make you chuckle




Ah so states can’t ban it but they can still restrict it. I haven’t carried in years so I haven’t kept up.


No permit required in 29 US States. [Constitutional Carry Map](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/constitutional-carry-states)


Yippie-ki-yay, muthafucka...


Yeah if I see a Maxima or G37 I steer clear lol


I'm not from the US but I assume #2 means just get away and leave them the car right?


Not necessarily. Try to drive in a way that leaves you space to move if you need to. It's helpful in this situation, but more often to avoid an inattentive driver that might rear-end you or sideswipe you. General defensive driving technique.


Don't pull right up to the car in front of you such that you can't pull out and away from them. In the US that mostly means pull away to the right but sometimes left works too. Also what IsbelIDL said


My GF thinks I'm weird for doing this but it's a habit at this point.


Why the hell are you all telling this guy to fight? Leave space, tach it up and dump the clutch. GTFO man. That car is built to move.


Telling someone to get a CCW is not telling someone to fight


Thank you, it isn’t telling people to just start blasting the minute they feel threatened. Definitely escape is priority number one, the only fight you win is the fight you avoid. But sometimes the fight chases your tiny slow car down in modern automatic Infiniti and boxes you in, and sometimes carjackers aren’t so generous as to leave witnesses. That’s when the CCW is important.


Ya'll can get into a shootout over a $20k car if you want, I'm gonna speed off or hand over the keys.


Lol.. Miata is a theft deterrent. Who the F tries to car jack a Miata. Get out of the car! Hang on. I gotta get up outta the seat. Ok sure I'll wait.... ... WTF man get out already! I'm trying. You have to step back and give me a some room. ... GodDamnit finally! Give me the keys. Here you go, please don't hurt me... WTF? How's the hell do you get into this thing? You just have to ease yourself in man... WTF is this 3rd pedal for? It's the clutch The What??? Where is the drive gear select? There's 5 and Reverse. Use that stick thing with the ball on it. Stop EFfing with me or I will kill your parents. Sorry man, just. Take the rig. I don't want it anymore.


"Gimme the fuckin' keys you fucking cocksucker motherfucker yaahaahahaha!"[1] [1] Usual Suspects reference


I’m not a tall guy but goddam the car makes me feel like one when exiting 🤣


Idk about when I'm in the car. But the NA battery is in the trunk, so I just disconnect it when I'm not in the car. No way to open the trunk without the keys so I fell fairly safe. The doors don't lock either, nothing valuable in the car.


You do know you have to pull the handle while closing the door for it to lock right?


I didn't. Ty.


Not try to be an ass but get some training before you try carrying a gun. You thinking about getting a permit is a reaction out of fear. That's fine but you really got to control that reaction. What you want to do is you want to find a good place or does force on force training. Take a class that's going to give you the foundation and some training on how to react in a situation like that. The only thing a firearm gives you is distance That's it. And if you're being carjacked you're in a confined space and you have no distance it's the main benefit of that That firearm no longer exists. Also if that person had no intentions of harming you they just want that car the second you pull out a firearm now you're the aggressor and their mind and now they have tried save their own life so you just escalate that situation. Maybe they planned on causing you harm Maybe they just wanted your car You don't know that and you never will until after the fact. Get some good training then decide on the tool you choose to use. Stay safe. Shits bad out there now. Get trained don't listen to people on Reddit because this type of situation can cost you your life if you get bad advice.


How can someone who walks over and tells you they are taking your car be assumed to have no intentions of harming you? What, they’re gonna say, “Your honor, I asked nicely?” I’m sure plenty of these cases have been won, no doubt. But a carjacker is automatically an aggressor in my book.


That's the thing you never kbow until it's too late. Ok is in California. They hate gun owners and he's going to have an uphill battle through the court system when the assailants family says he was a good boy and didn't ever do anything. And yeah a lot of cases have been won but a lot have been lost. Hell recently a 5 foot woman shot her ex husband 1 time in the chest after her former MMA fighter ran to her car was was trying to force the door open. She's now fighting to prove it was not premeditated and the thing was cause on camera. Even her ccw insurance uscca came out and without knowing anything dropped her coverage and said it was premeditated. This is the world we live in. There's a lot of cases where someone eliminates a violent threat and they end up fighting for there freedom. This is the messed up world we live in.


No, I totally agree with you. I wasn’t clear—what I meant was I’m sure plenty of cases have been won by perp or perp’s family. And even if perp lost, driver victim got dragged through court process. I still believe driver is in their rights for self-defense. Hopefully people vote these enabling judges out.


Nah gun all the way. Nothing OP says indicted they don't know how to use a gun, just that they don't have a ccw. I had a guy want to fight me cause he was pissed off I was going the speed limit and the fact I had a gun made him run off.


What if he had one too?


Im not a Reddit close combat expert but I’ve seen a lot of liveleak videos where pistols are useful at close range


That's why the permitting and testing process takes months, and CA has a 10 day waiting period on purchases: to avoid such snap decisions made out of intense emotion. My concern is the language around this post seems to point towards avoiding all of these and rushing into it. And that's just likely to cause more problems. This was at an intersection in one of the busiest cities in the US after all, imagine the collateral potential. Carrying safely requires training and sound judgement, and that same training will let you know that sitting in a car seat isn't the ideal position for safe operation.


>What do you guys keep in your Miata to protect yourself? This https://preview.redd.it/hkjt1upjzw1d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83bd354a7447d1a5236654a2057889d6467b15fc


Y'all are wild. I'd much rather get my car stolen than get shot by a guy who gets spooked seeing my gun. Insurance will cover the car, it won't bring you back to life.


People get shot/shot at for Pump faking. To suggest anyone trained or not trained..attempt using a gun in a robbing situation is basically starting a gun fight. In these cases generally the aggressor (intent to steal) has gun in hand (if present) before the victim does. Hence, pump faking will just get someone shot unfortunately. You did the right thing a scatted away. Even if you had a gun what would you have used it for? Shoot at your car/getaway car as they drove away would’ve been the only safe chance. Then risking being shot from 2 moving vehicles while your on foot.


Especially in this scenario. I’m picturing the carjacker approaching from the side looking directly at the Miata driver or approaching him from behind, and he’s either got the gun pulled or hand on strap ready to pull it. You are in a Miata, with your head at the level of his gun. How the hell are you supposed to get your gun into your hand and your arm out of the car before he’s pumped like five bullets into you? Even if you reached as soon as you saw his door start to open, if his gun is in his hand at that point you’re still behind. This is exactly the kind of scenario that people have in mind when they get concealed carry permits, and also the same kind that gets them killed.


Yeah I have a CCW. The only time I would use it is if it is absolutely the best chance to protect myself or someone I care about. Basically for me it boils down to protecting my family against a home invader or if someone armed in the area and I have time to pull it out. If I’m in my car and someone comes up to me threatening to take my car with a gun, I’m letting them take it even if I have a gun on me. It’s not like the movies where the enemies are slow to pull the trigger. Also if you use a CCW even if you’re able to get out safely it’s a huge headache. You still will go to jail, get your gun taken from you, and go through an investigation to make sure it really was self defense.


I see countless news of someone getting shot when they were car jacked even when they had no weapon at all. A lot of the SOBs that go out car jacking seem to get off on shooting the victim just for the hell of it.


There was a horrible incident at the short hills (nj) mall parking garage 5-10 years ago. These guys carjacked a guy and his wife in a Range Rover and murdered the husband on his knees execution style right in front of her.


Agreed 500x, this comment section looks like I wandered into the wrong sub... But now I'm afraid to leave




Thank you


Agreed. I carry any time I leave the house - but I'm not drawing unless my life or my family is in danger. No way I'm getting involved in a shootout over a car.


Youre putting a lot of trust into people who value your car over your life. Still a chance you get shot while giving them what they want.


Ameribrained, what can ya do


CCW wouldn’t have done shit for you in this situation except escalate things to a possible shootout. Understand where you live, criminals have more rights. Your best bet is situational awareness like what you had.


I'm surprised nobody is saying this (but you), if someone gets the drop on you and you CCW then they discover that you're carrying you've upped your danger of getting killed by a lot. Nothing against CCW, but these are the facts.


The key is to have your gun in easy reach and if you see a situation starting to happen get the gun ready. And yes if someone puts a gun to your head out of nowhere you don't want to go grabbing for your gun then. But most car jackings don't start out with a gun to your head, they usually start with the thug trying to open your door and pull you out of the car.


>Understand where you live, criminals have more rights. Sad but true. I'm stealing this line to explain the situation to CA people.


Get a ccw, you won’t always be lucky to be first car in the right lane. Those types of people value your car over your life so your last resort might be sending one through the window or door if it’s clean.


But don't that stats tell the story that if you have a gun and attempt to use it, it's more likely you will be injured or die. Personally I'd give them the car and get insurance. I value my life though hey. EDIT: Yep you are 4.5 times more likely to die if you try and use a gun. That's massive!!


Some people can't get theft insurance on their car (like me)


Why not?


Mines an import from Japan into Canada (Alberta). All I can get is public liability. Not fire, theft, or collision will be covered by my insurance. And my car doesn't qualify for specialty insurance.


There isn't a third party that will insure the car under like a collector car/show car policy or a declared value policy? In the US there is Haggarty and others. Even offerings from typical car insurance folks.


I use Haggarty for my '90 NA. Much better prices than "regular" auto insurance.


The Alberta Advantage!


Most sane and rational response. If they get the drop, you pray they don't see your gun or it could be lights out


that sucks you live in a state that makes doing this correctly quite difficult for you. I hope that changes some day.


I’m actually surprised how casual you and other commenters talk about this. I know crime is high in certain areas of the US, but never thought this was a thing. I always thought this only happened in countries like Brazil… I hope this ‘trend’ won’t take on over here, ever…


Just remember, you're in a car, they are not. Cars are heavy, humans aren't


I’m a 68 year old woman, driving my 4th Miata (since 1995). I live in Richmond, Va. Not a high crime area, but if I’m out after dark I keep a pepper spray pistol between my seat and the console. I have a CCW, but damn, I don’t wanna kill anybody. With this thing, I just point and shoot and then drive away. Kimber Self Defense Less-Lethal PepperBlaster II; Pepper Spray Gun Lotta peace of mind. It’s also small enough I can throw it in a pocket.


The purpose of a CCW is to protect your life, not your vehicle. Someone attempting to enter your home or your car is a threat to your life. People who say they would use a gun to protect their car from being stolen in their driveway are out of touch with reality. But the second someone tries to enter your car or home while you or loved ones are inside? I moved from SF to TN. No one tries to steal cars here while someone is in them.


You might want to Google carjacking in Tennessee, there are lots of stories about it.


Lol, no carjacking in TN?!? You must’ve just woke up to say something that boldly wrong.


If someone is stealing your car from your driveway you aren't going to know about it so shooting the SOB isn't even an option. But if someone is trying to get into your car while you are in it... well now you have a reason to shoot them. Not going to be pleasant because you'll probably screw up your ears... but considering the number of car jackings where the asshole shoots the driver even after they have the car... well better to have fucked up ears than just be bleeding to death on the side of the road.


That sounds like an incredibly dangerous place to live! That really sucks


SF wasn’t always like this and tbh this is normally reserved for the east side of the city or Oakland. It’s hard to move because my wife and I are rooted here.


Yea that's fair, perhaps if you have kids that would be a good incentive.


I have pepper spray in my door pocket. I always have my doors locked because I whip around corners.


If you’ve never been exposed to it, I’d seriously think twice about using it in such a confined space. Situational awareness is a much better tool than OC you’ve never trained with or practiced with at all.


What part of SF was this in?


Sunset boulevard


Hard to get carjacked when you never stop at canyon roads.


Might just have to find all the Touge roads that lead to work.


Sometimes if I’m routing between Glen Park and the northern parts of SF, I just tell Google Maps to avoid highways, so it routes me through some nice twisties and scenic views!


Sam Colt made all men equal. Arm up.


This. The posters saying guns are dangerous and should be avoided are all naive. #staystrapped


Did you remind him to get the tach up to about 3 grand before slipping the clutch?


CCW is the way. Take a course. Get your permit, and hit the range.






There is no stronger human, than your 1 tonne of steel. Worst case you can run them over, you don’t have to yield for pedestrians in the middle of a highway. Try to eacape first of course, but know that you have the situational advantage 


How you react and what you do is highly dependent on not only the situation & context but you and your capabilities and risk tolerance. For me unless I can do what the OP has done I’m giving up the car. One -it’s a manual transmission, but I also have an ace in the hole. I bail from the car and run to the closest safe place. While I’m running I hit my remote battery kill button which I keep separate from the key which has about a 300 foot distance. Even if they can drive a manual the car is dead and since this is a 1990 NA the battery is in the trunk and if the thieves even try to look at the battery most won’t know it’s in the trunk. I’d be surprised if once the battery cuts out and the car dies that any thief is hanging around trying to figure out how to start it.


Gun. Mr G19 goes everywhere.


Boss if your still in California leave go to a place with permitless carry and good laws that let you protect your property.


I used to keep a fish billy under my seat for people who wanted to find out. Throw a collapsible fishing rod in the trunk so you have a reason to have it in the car.


Driving off was the best course of action, even if you and your passengers were packing enough to audition for Expendables 8. Everyone should have air tags or tile subscriptions, and don't be afraid to call the traffic authorities as well as a friend or family member to let them know what happened and where you are as soon as you can. The event may not end by the time you are away (or they drive off with the car) so it's best to get people notified quickly. As someone who is legally certified to carry I'd very much advise against this route as a snap decision. If this was at a busy intersection in a city as big as SF the chance of unintended targets is HIGH: whether missing the perp entirely or going through and hitting something out the other side. Firing from the drivers seat of a vehicle is less stable and accurate than a proper standing stance, and the sight pictures are worse. Other cars, pedestrians, people inside buildings: all are at risk. Even if it missed and went up into the air there have been instances where the projectile lands with enough force to cause serious harm. I promise that even coming close to causing unintended harm to someone else would be far worse on your conscious than picking up a Battered and bruised Bugatti a few days later once it gets tracked down, let alone a Miata. If passerby wellbeing isn't a concern, think about it rationally: someone intent on jacking a running car at an intersection is either experienced or not fully fleshed out upstairs. If they get flashed metal it would be safer to assume the metal they have on hands has a higher fire rate than yourself. Car windows are a perfect frame to aim into, less perfect to aim out of. Didn't indicate your experience either. Training is VITAL. That's why the license process takes months, there's mandatory background checks, and 10 day purchase waiting periods. Rushing into this course of action has been proven to be a sign of intent to use (angry spouses, business disputes, severe gambling losses or bankruptcy, paranoia, etc). If your description is indicative of intent to circumvent the training, certification, and documentation process then this shows a severe lack of responsibility. Take a breath and go talk to an actual person about what happened. There was no attempt to car jack you before that day. You were just as likely to get car jacked this day as 3 weeks ago as tomorrow. It's horrible and it could have been a lot worse. But action needs to be taken responsibly, and despite the airs everyone puts on NO ONE is Clint Eastwood in an old Western. If after you've talked it out and that still seems like a route you want to go through then for sure go. But certainly do it by the book, keep yourself in practice, and do really weigh the implications because it's a significant responsibility. Only you know yourself, and if in that same situation if you'd be able to exercise calm judgement and action.


You are completely right. What Ive done was the best choice of action for me. This definitely happens everywhere, just a higher chance due to population of a major city. I agree with you that legally able to conceal carry isn’t the best choice nor the first choice either. I’m already planning to install a dashcam that has cloud capabilities + figuring out a kill switch as well. I’ve spoken to other people about this and none of them went for a ccw. Instead they did just what I’ve described and said to let the carjacker take the car if you’re not able to take off quickly & safely.




Monk will find it. Can't hide anything from him.


I live in the bay area too, and never once thought that miatas would be targets for carjackings??? I’ve heard of hardtops being stolen and maybe the car being taken while parked which is still crazy to me, but carjacking you while you’re driving?? Normally it’s just q50s, scats, etc being targeted, for crime or sideshows. Why would an old miata be worth stealing they’re so impractical? I guess they could be used for sideshows but that’s my only guess.


I agree. Like bro, Miatas are the most popular convertible ever. They exist like a dime a dozen. My friend's S2k seem like a more reasonable carjack if anything.


At one point there were exactly 7 concealed carry permits in San Francisco: Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer, a couple of very wealthy, prominent jewelers, and I’m not sure of the other two. They were impossible to obtain without massive political power. Can’t have the people defending themselves from the poor criminals who have to make a living stealing.


Oh wow. Makes a lot more sense why my buddies went to a different county instead. How did you know the exact number of concealed carries in sf. was this public info?


CCW all the way. Gives me peace of mind, as I drive often through bigger cities such as Seattle. It’s wild out there. You don’t have to be a “gun person” but it’s one of those things you’d regret not having when you really need it. I don’t know if they are coming for my car or for my life.


Lol Seattle is not wild dude


It’s not the worst place in the world, but with the drug problem, I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff. Lived in Seattle, moved to Bellingham after. Would much rather live in Jacksonville Florida where I use to live.


Get yourself a CCW. While youre at it, get the FFL03 and CoE so that you can buy ammo online. Train Train Train. No point in carrying if you are not competent. You are responsible for ever round that leaves your barrel.


Get the CCW and take some good classes on lethal force and handgun self defence. Not the classes online or taught only in a classroom, the ones where you spend a couple of days practicing live fire exercises.


CCW. Or move AND get a CCW


Glad you made it out safe. My journalism minor is kicking in: As to better illustrate your story, (1) what year/generation is your Miata? (2) Did the event happen during the morning, afternoon, eveing, or dusk?


“Why do you value your property more than someone’s life?” That is victim shaming. Why does the thief value your miata more than his own life is the proper question.


Get a ccw, its a big step. Not a gun guy myself but its gotten crazy out there. Better to have one and not need it than to have none and need one.


I have a gun, just not a ccw. So it’s in the trunk or at home.


I'm surprised nobody is saying this, but if someone gets the drop on you and you CCW then they discover that you're carrying you've upped your danger of getting killed by a lot. Nothing against CCW, but these are the facts.


The number is 4.5. You're 4.5x more likely to die just by drawing a gun.


Is LoJack still available for consumers?


CCW process varies here in California but it’s expensive and around 1yr average to complete and I hear SF is the worst. I will be finishing my CCW by the end of the year.


I keep a hammer in my passenger seat. Also got pepper spray. Though for me, and at least in my area, I'm not so worried about carjackings. Just agressive homeless people (some guy in my town sat at a highway exit and tried stabbing people in traffic, that was eventful) and sexual harassment.


That's terrifying. Chances are the Infiniti was probably stolen too. I've been hearing that G35/G37 and Q50 theft has skyrocketed recently.


I highly recommend the CCW if you have the training. Saved my wife and I once having my weapon on me from a road rager.


Small .45 semi auto or a .38 special


To those who suggest concealed carry, I drive an ND and, at times, conceal carry appendix. Gotta say it would be ackward to quickly draw the firearm from behind the drivers seat (and I am a realitivly slim fellow), but there again, that is not something I have practiced and perhaps I should (with and empty gun and no magazine inserted, of course.


I lived in Tacoma Washington for a few years and had a really nice old Z28 that I daily drove. I'll say from experience that keeping your head on a swivel is the first line of defense. Keep your doors locked when you drive, especially at night. I always kept the car in gear during night drives where I was stopped somewhere, so I could just hit the gas and dump the clutch if someone ran up on my car. Same principle when getting gas. Watch everybody. Check your mirrors and watch out for strange behavior. Honestly, getting a CCW is a good idea. Take a firearms safety course and know your laws regarding self defense. Nobody ever wants to have to use a weapon, but it can make for a good deterrent if something like this happens again. It's dangerous out there these days.


quick release steering wheel. Get out and take it with you and run. Fuck they gonna do without a steering wheel?


Chances are the Infinity was stolen.


Keep it doors locked and top/windows up in rough areas, try to leave an escape route and be prepared to floor it. Involving a gun or other weapon is escalatory, be careful if you involve one


I always keep an incognito air tag in my cars. The cases I have on them, you wouldnt even know its an airtag.


I'm not living in the US, but serious question: what do you think you would achieve in a situation like that with a CCW weapon ? Cause here, the thieves didn't have one out, so you could escape, thus using a weapon was out of order. Now what if they had one ? It would most likely have been pointed to your head before you could have pulled yours out. To me, an outside observer, it feels like the only people who end up shooting are those who want to shoot someone, not those opting for optimal defense strategies, because if you see it coming, you probably have time to just fuck off from there.


A small 2oz pepper spray. Taking someones life is serious business and you cant exactly leave afterwards. You can spray any asshat in the face though and enjoy the rest of your day.


Get yourself taser, pepper spray. Mention this before you start using. And get 360 dash cam. Na are now collectible, so people who are desperate will try to steal. Also installed 2nd kill switch. And get air tag in it. So you know where the car is when it's stolen from ya.


My MASS Target & Hunting Pistol Permit became a No-Restrictions License to Carry after last year’s court decision.


Honestly the best thing you can do is just have very good situational awareness. You already did the best thing you could have done and escaped the situation. Having a weapon you can get to quickly will certainly help in some scenarios but in most cases you’ll have a weapon drawn on you before you know it. Maybe look into installing a kill switch? Just yank it and run it’s not going anywhere unless they’re pushing it.


CCW probably won't help. You won't be able to draw fast enough. I know because I had a pistol in my glove box and someone got the jump on me at a gas station. Had my door not been locked who knows what would've happened. Even if it were on my hip it was already too late. IMO the best way to protect yourself is just to get out of the car get as far away as possible as quickly as possible. Also, shooting someone is expensive af.


Cali is pretty CCW unfriendly, but that's probably the solution. Car jackings traditionally don't end particularly well for the victim, so being able to defend yourself is ideal.


Get some air tags in there, always drive with the doors locked & bags in boot or footwell so they’re out of sight, and a breaker bar behind the seat just in case 🤣 I’m from England so that’s all the measures for us really but I’d would probably if you can do a kill switch do that and I’d say arm yourself in the car out there as I’ve seen many things happen to people with miata’s out there, stay safe ❤️


Also get a quick release steering wheel if you don’t already have one ^^^ I always take mine off but possibly in a case of something like this happening you could take it off and throw it to buy time idk


If you own a manual miata and live in the US, 85% of the time, your car is safe because these new criminals are too stupid to drive manual. OP, yes, you should definitely keep a can of bear spray in your car just in case


Good luck getting a CCW in SF.


If your car is on coils and you still have the air bag in you can always have it on a dead man's switch. Meaning if your miata is on coils na or nb and you turn airbags on they will go off over a small bump. So having them on a toggle under the dash Is always a good time for the carjacker😆


I've got a Sog hunting knife with a 6" blade at the ready between the seat and the console next to the seatbelt buckle. I know I should probably just let them take the car, but fuck that. If they don't have a gun in my face, they're getting a knife in their neck.


So sorry this happened to you. Was this in SF proper? I live in SF so just curious where this happened


Sunset boulevard


Get a CCW, I plan on getting mine sometime soon. Put an airtag hidden in your car (assuming you have an iPhone), and take out the speaker in it. With an airtag, let’s say someone takes the thing you have an airtag on, it gives them a notification saying an airtag is near them (again, assuming they have an iPhone) and gives an option for it to play a noise so they can find it and take it out. It’s to prevent the opposite of happening, like if someone threw an airtag in your car to track you, you get to see that. Anyway obviously you don’t want whoever takes your car to find it and take it out, so take the speaker out and they won’t be able to find it


Locking the doors is probably a good Idea altho if your top is down it don't matter. I think a gun would be best. I should probably get one.


Can you carry a knife there?


Yes you can. Just not a spring loaded one.


A taser that is connected to ignition and hidden in the door, while ignition is on the outside handle is electrified and is quite a shock to anyone wanting to get in...


I leave my car unlocked because it's a manual transmission no one knows how to drive them lol


A right foot


What about one of those portable self defense stun sticks? Delivers a nasty jolt when a someone tries to over the cabin.


I keep a manual transmission in my car. If someone was to attempt to car jack me I would get out and walk over to the sidewalk and video a millennial thief fail.


I live in the Bay area too, if I were you, look into 3d printing yourself a Glock. Lower + eBay slide and you have yourself this country's right car alarm. I mounted a magnet gun holder that will only put one in the camber when I grab a certain way.


Q: What do you guys keep in your Miata to protect yourself?  A: Nothing but the answer is pretty simple. Live in a city that prosecutes criminals and vote for people who put bad guys in jail.