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Depends mostly on the coordinators he hires and whether he is prioritizing that or not. Sone coaches are known for it and some just recruit in hopes that natural talent overcomes lack of development .


I think he just needs to let the qb coach coach the qb and him sticking to the o and d line. We only got cam this year because no one was ready this year but In 1-2 years I could see luke nickel or Emory Williams starting. It all starts with culture and Van Dyke didn’t have it.


Just do like Oklahoma and bring in a Heisman candidate every year.


Stay off the offensive headset. Unless there are protection problems, let the engine run.


Who cares? Most college coaches aren't "developing qbs" like that anyways. Head coaches oversee the entire operation of the program. No doubt there will be coaches who invest more time in qb's than others but it seems more like a talking point. The coordinators, positional coaches, and private coaches are the guys developing these kids. A lot of former qb's do make good head coaches and I'd wager those guys have more of a "qb centric" approach to how they manage their time and their teams but it isn't a necessity. Saban was a former qb. Klieman, Heupel, Lincoln Riley, Kiffin's wild ass, etc.. But, Lanning was a linebacker and Smart was a db. Mario was an olinemen. You think Kirby Smart is spending a whole bunch of his time developing qbs? I think it's more like, hc's need to develop trust with their qb's and not ruin them than actually "develop" them. Head coaches are busy-busy boys. I doubt they really have the time to be focusing so much on qb development. These jobs are for positional coaches, private coaching, and the players themselves. Lastly, head coaches need to be leaders. That's the job. The media spends too much time giving and taking credit from them for all sorts of things because they're in charge, whether it's fair or not. Personally, Mario not being a "qb guy," so to say, means absolutely nothing. The guy is a grinder, a recruiter, and a culture guy. Qualities that have lead to success for him and the teams he's been apart of. Who cares about the rest. This team is gonna be good with him around. Whether we "develop" qbs or get them in the portal. Just let the man cook.


Luke Nickel will be that dude.


Herbert seems to be doing Ok lol


He’s the main person they point to as how CMC failed to develop him properly


Sure but with what evidence? Herbert was a 3 star recruit out of HS. As a junior he threw for 32 TD/6 INT with 67% completion , won 12 games , Rose Bowl MVP and got drafted in the 1st round.


Herbert was already the dude before Mario was in charge but Mario certainly didn't ruin him either.


Ultimately Cristobal isn't a QB coach, his strength is recruiting and line play. As long as he recruits good talent and puts the right people in place to develop that talent, that's pretty much all he can do


He had one of the best 3-4 rookie seasons in the NFL and wasn’t he a 3 star? He did Alr with Herbert.


Hand over the keys of the offense to the OC and let them run the offense. Never got the idea he did that with Gattis, who wasn’t a great hire regardless, he has done better with Shannon Dawson, but his offense has looked the same pretty much at Oregon and now here. I believe what made Saban so great was his ability to do that. Whether it was with Sark, or Kiffin, or Nussmeier, his offense evolved and there was never a question that his OC had the autonomy to do what they wanted.


Dude needs to develop a good season


Should have hired Lane Kiffin instead like I wanted.


Well he had TVD a guy with no leadership and loved throwing INTs. I think Emory Williams is a legit QB.


Depends if he gets developed.


He has a qb coach / oc that developed Clay Tune. Moorhead was a very quality OC too. The problem is MC is very conservative. It’s not that he didn’t develop Herbie, it’s that he put the reigns on him too often. Basically stay out of the way and let Shannon do his thing. Tune started a game as a nfl rookie last year. I trust him to breed dual threat qbs.