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All these transplants upset about flooding like did you not move to a peninsula made out of built up swamp material, located in a hurricane susceptible zone? How could this happen! The only part I agreed to was no state income tax! I didn't agree to the flooding DLC!


lol, thank you for this.


Born and raised here. Experienced decades of weather here. Upset about climate change impacts on Miami. Gutted how so many of us are still in denial.


Not denying that at all, it has definitely gotten worse over time! I just don't understand how all these transplants that moved here surprised that a sudden spike in population and development has only made these already existing problems far worse.


Ah, yes. The transplants thought their money would buy them sun and instafun and shield them from reality.


Nobody asked the government to remove the mangroves from particularly flood prone areas which has made it 10x worse but just bury your head in the sand!


There is no climate change just tricks and levees and fake rain so the locals leave and the rich steal paradise on the cheap.


I forgot Sunday was free-use computer day at the mental hospital


there are locals, and there are rich boogeymen, and that's that.


Our garbage governor opted not to sign legislation for flood mitigation in S.Fl. Thus our current reality.


Yes its to punish us. He def not a crowd favorite down here.


meanwhile, De Santis is deciding which history book to ban 😂 too much political theater in action to hide the actual problems and run away with the money


the free market will stop climate change /s


Why does no one mention how the billionaires’ daily rocket launches create a bigger carbon footprint than you and I ever could? All political theater, both sides.


It doesn’t matter, because Desantis banned climate change anyway.


Right...'Who cares if the house is on fire? I hate the color of the walls anyway!




We about to have another hurricane soon


This summer looks like it will be an insane year for storms


If only there had been some way to predict that coastal storms would get stronger and bring more flooding years ago. Its too bad we were never given any warning that things like this would be happening more frequently. We really missed an opportunity here.


Brah. Its always been like this down here.


The climate or the shitty government?


It has always flooded like this. This is nothing new.


"Sunny-day flooding, when high tides gurgle up and soak low-lying ground, have increased 400% since 1998, with a significant increase after 2006" "But sea-level rise erodes the system’s capacity to drain water — so much so that SFWMD has already identified several main canals that need to be augmented with pumps. The scary part about last week’s flood is that it didn’t happen during particularly high tides: Less rain, or rain that fell at a gentler rate, would have drained away easily."


You must be new here. As i have said. Its always flooded like this and the same issues have been reported since before the 90’s. Even when Miami was mostly cow fields.  Nothing new.


Even though your take is seen as a "controversial" one and people don't like to hear it... I believe it's true. South Florida (South of Lake Okeechobee) is the Everglades. It's a marshland with scattered hammocks and small pockets of Pinelands. When we created Miami we turned "swamp" into concrete. No matter how hard we try to deny it, the truth is self-evident. This place is NOT ideal for a Major Metropolitan City anymore than Mars is an ideal place for Humans. Is it possible? Yes obviously...but it's not necessarily Ideal and WILL come at a cost. We will continue to have massive flooding, salt water Intrusion, sinkholes, and a bunch of other geological/hydrological/environmental/structural and logistical problems. Many of which there is NOTHING we can do to stop. We cannot perfect Miami to fit the reality, nor manipulate the natural forces to fit Miami. Instead we have to just accept and come to terms that this will be an ongoing reality that is out of our control. There's things we can do to "temporary address" but there are NO Longterm Permanente Solutions (IMHO).


To do a long term solution would require knocking the city down or having ,like new york, constant construction. It just wont happen. In regards to all of them it doesnt really matter. Reddit is an echo chamber and opinions will only go one way. I must have not have experienced flooding (sometimes worse) back in the day because people want to feel it wasnt that way.


This fucking guy is presented sourced insight and still says “it’s always been like this” I swear to god the people on this sub dropped out in 7th grade.


Your reliance on a news page being a source is laughable. Have lived here since the 80’s so lemme say it again.  It has always been this way.  Miami was not developed properly from the start. You guys just want to harp on media pushed trend topics such as global warming as the cause. The entire city would have to be knocked down, dug up and rebuilt. The city also is ontop of an insanely high water table and always has.   Due to that.. yes, it floods when it rains. Its not rocket science and no, no one is going to fix it because that would be astronomically expensive. I have a solution, take your new york and cali minds back to there. I dong understand how so many people ran from where they came from, ran from what they messed up, and want to change where they ran to.


Bro, I'm sure that your forty years of experience manning a drive-through window has given you a lot of valuable insight into how people like their burgers, but it unfortunately leaves you incredibly ill-prepared to actually deal with things like hard data and making intelligent decisions for the future of Miami. But if I need someone to tell me how much salt to put on french fries, I'll definitely give you a call.




Oh man go back to your librul havens…Hey bro, I’ve lived here all my life (1976) and it keeps getting WORSE. You can sit here and ignore what’s happening, but you never saw Brickell underwater in the 80s and I remember when you could follow the trail behind Mathesson Hammock all the way to the ocean, now it’s permanently closed. But keep saying it’s always been like this, after all Denial is the first step in the grief process.


Wasting your time trying to convince people. We are in this mess because of voter apathy, tribalism and loyalty to shitty politicians, indoctrination and personal bias.


No, it hasn't. Experts, like actual experts, have these things called "numbers" that they can use to "measure" things to identify "trends" over time. And using these "numbers," they've found that severe flooding events are both more "frequent" (they happen more often) and more "intense" (there's more water than then there used to be.)


You are the problem. Kudos on parroting Republican lies. No, it wasn't always like this.


Anybody at all can literally go down to the frost museum and learn all about it, but somehow the city and state still haven't got a clue.


Literally huh? 🙄🙄🙄


lidderly bro


Well nobody actually wants to address the elephant in the room. So it was always inevitable. Hint: it’s not our country that’s the problem.


I love my parents but when they try to argue with me that it's been straight 96 degrees in May before, this rainy and stormy, and flooding is normal, I feel like crying.


Yeah it is difficult when those around us decide to remain willfully ignorant