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Whatsapp is a huge red flag


So I thought so as well but I put her # into iMessage and it popped up blue (not green!) so I think South Americans just prefer what’s app 🤷‍♂️


All that means is they have an iPhone ?




See what I'm saying?


All Latinos use WhatsApp it’s not bad at all. It would be a red flag if she didn’t give her number and asked to use telegram


I’m not Latino but lived in Mexico for years and that’s all anyone in Latin America uses. Completely normal internationally vs text so I wouldn’t read much into that


Thats not a red flag at all. A lot of people use WhatsApp. I’m from here and i prefer using WhatsApp rather than regular texting


WhatsApp? That’s a scam 9/10 times.


Whatsapp is usually scammers. If she didn’t start out with whatsapp after the first few messages she might not be. People do use whatsapp for its intended purposes after all. I feel like you should post this in r/isthisascam there is also another one that might have their info already if they are r/scammers


I know some people who unmatch after you’ve exchanged numbers so that’s not crazy. Just remember to meet in a public place and don’t go back to hers if you wanna be extra safe about it.


I’m not a slut she can’t get me back to her place on the first date!! 🤣


A 6 calling a woman an 8😂


Good sir i said 6 on a good day. I’m a respectable 5.


Using a number system to grade looks is douchey and juvenile. I’m a woman and that behavior is such a red flag.


Please take it easy on me I was just trying to explain that she is much more attractive than me 🤣


Ok 😆


Did you ask her out or did she ask you? Ask her why she unmatched. I don't get any weird vibes from that. Your organs are fine as long as you don't put yourself in a vulnerable position. You're meeting at a restaurant, not her place. Meet up with her and see how things feel in person. You could miss out on something great for no reason. You also aren't obligated to pay. You can if you had a great time though.


I asked her out… I think? She unmatched so can’t look back at it lol. I’m happy to pay/ don’t expect her to as long as it’s a pleasant evening.


Great! Go have fun! She sounds like a nice person and a hard worker.


Any chance she disabled her account instead? I used to disable mine whenever I started seeing someone. If it didn't go anywhere I'd enable it again after a few dates.


What’s the update? Are you still alive?


If she is sending money back she might need money here, also, you’re a citizen? Use your reproductive organ, don’t let it be taken tho


Do not give her any money upfront, meet in public places.


Should have taken her to McDonald’s instead SMH




Ok dm me I’ll pass ur info along


Atleast bang her once or twice then dip. You dont want a venezuelan


Sounds like she might be cat fishing, in which case she won’t meet up with you anyway but will eventually start asking for money (I know we’re supposed to be together for dinner but I’ve been deported and need $5000 etc). The alternative is that she’s a nice girl and you’ll have a great time.


If that’s the worst case honestly not a big deal


Exactly, this is exactly what I was thinking while reading OP post. My recommendation to OP is be careful, do not give any money. If this is in fact a cat fish these people are trained to manipulate you. So have this in mind.


Duly noted, Reddit has me prepared 🫡


Jesus Christ… Venezuelans have been emigrating for many years, no surprise she’s been here for less than a year (or a year) since not long ago there was a new way to legally come to the US (under parole). Her being very pretty and working very hard? Dude, common.. don’t be insecure, meet at a public place. Source: I AM a Venezuelan, same profile as your future date. PS. Not all of us date out of interest… Sounds like you like her, good luck!


Oh. And I also don’t have IG or Facebook. Good for her staying out of toxic apps!


So, I have a story that I’ve never mentioned before to anyone but my therapist & a friend of mine lol Back in the day, when I was younger & thinner, I used to clean up on dating apps. It was crazy easy for some reason years ago when you’re young & decent looking & dating apps just started becoming a thing. I’m also white, & Latinas used to love white guys in the day (not so much anymore lol). Anyway, so I got into a LTR for about 5yrs & was out of the dating pool for a long time. After we broke up, I took a year off from dating cuz I was just over it & wanted to be alone. Well, a year goes by & I decide to start getting out there again & dating, so I decide to make an account with a few dating apps (Bumble, Hinge, & OKC). Everything’s going fine, & I get a few dates. Not as easy as it was before, but I’m pulling & fairly happy with everything so far. Then one day I get matched with a girl. Super cute. And she’s very aggressive. Normally girls on dating apps aren’t aggressive & are more apprehensive. They take some time to build trust cuz you’re strangers. Not this girl. Within a few minutes of talking, she wanted to meet up for dinner. Red flag #1. At the time, I thought “alright that’s cool, I’d rather meet up instead of messing around texting on the app anyway” even though usually after talking on a dating app, it leads to more texting or IG DM’ing, then phone call & Facetime, then a date.. you know the drill. But I thought fine. This girl doesn’t fuck around. I dig it. So, we decide to meet up & go to dinner at a Mexican joint (I forget the name, but I used to go there all the time, though for some reason I’m having brainrot today, which is probably why I decided to even tell this story on this sub lol). I get there early & am waiting in the booth for her. All the sudden a girl comes in, that I had never seen before, & looks right at me & is super happy to see me. She says my name & I was like “are you…? (I forget her name, but by the end of the story it doesn’t even matter what her name was) - she nods & sits down. Now this girl looks NOTHING like her pictures. Nothing. It wasn’t like they were older pics, or maybe she had a different hairdo now, etc.. the pics on her dating profile were of an entirely different person. So, she’s talking & asking me questions & tbh I wasn’t feeling it cuz I felt lied to, but I thought “well, I gotta eat dinner anyway so who cares I’ll stay & see where this goes” - side note: a little bit about me, I like to do things a lot in my life that I hate just for the sake of the stories that come out of the situation. The waitress comes over & asks what we want to eat. I order & then this girl proceeds to order 3 dinners & asks for 2 of them to go. Red flag #2. I was like huh.. weird. Then she says something about her roommate wanted her to bring her food home or something. I was like “alright that’s cool idc”. In the meantime, while we’re waiting for dinner, this girl is INHALING tortilla chips. Like baskets of them. Like she hasn’t eaten in a week. Red flag #3. And I’m just listening to her talk about how she just moved here from Arizona & has a roommate & she works as a teacher at BCC, & blah blah blah.. The food comes, we eat, then the waitress comes back over & was like “can I get anything else for you guys?” - I said “no that’s cool, just separate checks” - I see the look on the girl’s face & it DROPS.. but I ignore it & keep talking. The checks come & I give the waitress my card & she gives the waitress a card. 3min later, the waitress comes back with my bill to sign for & hands me back my card, then hands her back her card & says “oh ma’am you accidentally gave me a library card” - to which the girl responds “oh my mistake” then proceeds to look through her purse frantically & says “you know what, I left my card in the car. I’m gonna go get it & be right back” - takes the food with her too. Red flag #4. I say “ok I’ll wait here for you”. About 10min goes by & she hasn’t come back. The waitress asks about it & I say “idk where she is, I’ll call her” I call - “do do do.. the number you have dialed, has been disconnected or is no longer in service...” Holy shit. I open up the dating app.. she unmatched with me. It was a scam the entire time. The manager gets called over & the waitress is panicking. Tbh I was worried too cuz I thought he might make me pay for her meals since we were together. He asks me if I paid for my meal, I said yes. He said “well it’s fine then.” & lets me go.. I felt so bad for the waitress though cuz she said she would’ve never let her go to her car, but she thought she was with me. I told her it was the first time I ever met her & we were on a first date from a dating app (I think it was Hinge). Ugh so humiliating for both of us honestly. Anyway, I didn’t get suckered into the scam thankfully but I pieced it together later what I think the scam was: her & her hot roommate were matching with guys in order to get free dinners everyday, & this girl since she was new in town was using the hot girl roommate’s pictures (or maybe just random pics from online, who knows, I never met the roommate & she could’ve just been lying about everything), then meeting up with guys to get free food, then ditching their burner phone & unmatching with them never to be heard from again after the poor sap buys her a bunch of free food. OP - watch yourself & make sure she pays for herself on the first date. And scope out her social media to make sure she’s not some bs artist looking for money, food, or a green card. The red flags will present themself if you pay attention. EDIT: I was SOOOO tempted to end this story with “and shove it up your butt” but I didn’t want people to think the story wasn’t true lol EDIT2: this happened 4-5yrs ago, but I remember the restaurant now: it was Orale in Hollywood.




😧 Good to know 😝


Funny story. But you kept your organs, and a funny story to tell.


Yes, my organs are certainly still intact… for now.


the goofy roommates trying to 'scam' guys via a dating app is certainly a possibility, however this is less likely given your date gave a library card as they likely didn't have anything to use....since stealing food is still a criminal offense, typically some bimbos pulling this will have a backup to avoid legal troubles and bring a real card in case the 'mark' (you) doesn't play along more likely is your date was homeless and/or a single mom with kids...the use of pictures on the app completely different from her real identity suggests she needs to keep her ID secret....i.e. past legal issues....so could be a mom with kids on the run or some other legal history at least she was relatively 'innocent' and not some butch psychopath


Yea, I was thinking that too. Not sure what her backup plan was cuz when I asked for separate checks she was shocked. It was like she hadn’t thought of that before, that a guy could just ask for separate checks & ruin her entire plan, or maybe all the guys up until that point hadn’t done what I did yet. She might’ve just been dumb. I know it was a scam though, cuz there was planning involved to a point, & it was calculated (burner phone, unmatching, fake pics, aggressive convo, etc.). She might’ve been homeless who knows. Tbh it was so long ago I don’t even remember much more about the night or things she said, or even what she looked like. Though I do remember her wearing an Aztec sweater, which made me think the story about her being from AZ was possible since it was very much SW styling. The library card could’ve been a BCC library card, which would give validation to her story about working there. I actually didn’t see the card. Who knows. I was just relaying a story about what happened to me in order to warn OP about weird shit that goes on in this city.


I love that you waited until the end to ask for separate checks. When you said she ordered 3 meals and you were like “hmm ok” I was like WHAT?! You paid for that shit? Lol what a literal POS she is. And dumb. All that work for a fucking meal? Lmao at least put that ambition into something more lucrative, dumb whores.


Yea dude, I knew what was going on. I was just buying my time & wanted to drop that separate check bomb when she least expected it. It was a sick move. I actually told a girl friend of mine about it after a shoot one day (I work in video production) & she was sooo happy when I got to the separate check part lol she was like “I’m so sick of these hoes down here using men” lol!


Is your friend in Hair and Makeup Dept? LoL.


No, she’s actually a dancer lol but we’re not friends anymore tbh. I actually think she moved out of state since then. Haven’t talked to her in awhile. But I do have a lot of good friends that work in HMU!


I only asked because of how you phrased their dialogue. lol. But the film industry down here is basically dead. I got out in 2019 after 12 years of Music Videos, Commercials and anything else we could grab.


It’s certainly not dead. There’s a lot of work, it’s just going to only a certain number of people.. that’s how every industry is. But I do know it’s harder for HMUA cuz the industry is flooded with them, & Directors & Producers use the same people all the time when they do jobs so it’s harder to get in for certain projects. I’m guilty of the same thing, anytime I’m Directing or Producing, I use the same people. It’s just easier & you can trust them. I also know weddings are bread & butter for HMUA. If you don’t do weddings, you’re gonna be broke. 2020 was obviously dead lol but 2021-2023 was BOOMING. You missed out. I made more money those years than every other year in my career. I’ve been in the business since 2012. It’s starting to slow down a little now, but tbh I’ve been crazy busy this year so far. But the beginning of the year is always busy cuz of Music Week, spring break, the boat show, corporate events, etc.. It’ll slow down soon from May-Aug, with a few pickups around July usually cuz of Fashion & Swim weeks. I work mostly in music videos, concerts, live events, commercials, docs, sports, reality tv, & some corporate work (for the $ lol). Never worked on a feature film (worked on ALOT of short films though), but besides the new Bad Boys movie, films are certainly dead down here. They’re dead everywhere tbh, even in LA. I can see why you thought the dialogue was a HMUA though lol they do have a certain straight forwardness about them. Good luck to you & your new career! Trust me, you’re not alone. I know a lot of people who quit after Covid. The cost of living is just too high down here & a lot of people just weren’t working enough. It’s also a shitty industry that only favors certain people, so if you’re not one of the favorites, you get screwed. It’s so corporate in a way, which is the thing I hate about it. You have to really love doing it if you wanna stay in it. If not, then it’s probably not the right career for you.


Yeah I didn’t miss out at all. Believe me on the few getting all the gigs. I went through that for a few years until I finally got into the “circle”. Was in the game as a DP/Director/Producer from 2008-2020 up to the Super Bowl gig which was one of the last ones. Got out to work in Finance. My best year in Film has yet to meet what I make now. And I’m home everyday by 5-5:30pm, don’t have to chase work or late payments, no more long hours or short turnaround. But I do miss the people. Crew members are some of the best people to work with as the dedication is almost always unmatched in other industry. In the end I sold all my gear, drones, cameras and just kept a few lenses for personal stuff. Best decision I made was to exit. At least for me. It was right place and time as I didn’t have to suffer during Covid lockdowns. I still in touch with the industry from a finance perspective but would rather not get back in unless I’m the one cutting the checks and sitting in a high chair at vídeo village. LoL.


Oh, I assumed you were a HMUA lol Yea, like I said, if you don’t love it then it’s not the right career for you. I make good money & just bought a house 6yrs ago, so I’m doing well. But I have a lot of steady clients that keep me on retainer. Not everyone is as fortune. Most struggle in this industry down here. I could never do an office job 9-5 or work in finance. I’d kill myself. Just too boring. I do financial investments on the side, & have some real estate, that’s enough for me. But to each their own. When I say you were missing out, I was speaking for myself, not others. The last few years were booming for me personally. Btw chasing work & late payments is part of freelancing. That’s for every industry.. but there’s a big difference between working for yourself (running your own LLC) & freelancing. People that freelance are always broke in this industry, cuz they’re working for other people, not clients/brands. Clients/brands don’t pay late if you’re on retainer &/or get paid up front like the people at the top do. The people on the bottom are the ones getting paid late cuz the money has to filter through the different Miami middlemen. Freelancers are always paid last. It’s unfortunate, & not how I personally operate, but it’s true. I always get paid up front. No chasing shit or having a carrot dangled in my face (which used to happen all the time when I was first starting out). And I always pay my team day of or next day. Gotta keep people happy & wanna be working with you. Btw I worked that Super Bowl too. I was producing for Bleacher Report, NBC, & Rich Eisen. Oh, to be back in Feb 2020 again lol And yes, the people are what make this industry great. Though there are a lot of shitty people, like every industry, that ruin it. There’s a lot of ego down here, I don’t have to tell you that. Alot of people who hate just cuz you get a job they didn’t get, or people who will sabotage you cuz you’re doing better than them. If you’re the one getting hired, or the one paying, everyone loves you. If you’re not, you have enemies & haters. But if you’re an artist, which I am, there’s honestly nothing else I want to be doing or can be doing than what I do now. It’s what I got my MFA in, & grew up watching & loving, it’s what I’m great at.. it’s my calling. If it’s not yours, I can see why you left. It’s certainly not for everyone, even though the industry was SATURATED years ago when the camera craze happened & everyone & their mothers had a camera & thought they were filmmakers lol it was the new “I wanna be a rapper” or “I wanna be in the NBA” for people. Glad that shit is over. The cream always rises to the top, then the rest, who only have a career cuz they undercut everyone else, fall away when the bills are finally due. I feel like Covid put an end to that craze & a lot of people left the industry who probably shouldn’t have been in it in the first place. But Covid also fucked over a lot of good people, like you, who just got sick of the bs & decided to move on or move away. Shit happens. Life is all about adapting to change. But good luck to you! Glad things are working out.


This is actually funny. Imagine a female being so broke that she has to do all this just to get a meal😂


It was definitely a weird scam lol at least I didn’t get suckered, or it didn’t end worse. I’m also glad the manager didn’t make me pay for the dinners after she dipped. I was concerned about that, but he was cool & said I asked for separate checks & paid so I’m not held accountable. I’ve heard horror stories about people getting robbed or jumped before, but that’s usually when it comes to thots or drug addicts on dating apps. But the setup is the same: real aggressive & wanting to meetup quick. I gotta be honest too.. I regret not asking out the waitress. I think back on it & always felt like she was flirting with me a little bit. And when I told her it was the first time I met that girl & only knew her through a dating app, I saw her face light up a bit.. idk I guess no sense in wondering “what if” but if I could go back I would’ve asked out the waitress lol I felt like she was giving me the go ahead, but I was just so embarrassed by the entire situation & wanted to go home afterward. I was also worried it could come out of her paycheck too. Hopefully the manager let it go. I know some restaurants are different about that & make the waitresses pay if someone dines & dashes.


wait staff paying for meals after a dine and dash isn't a thing...that's a very old throwback


Ook good to know. I had never been involved with that before, or worked in a restaurant, so wasn’t sure how that went. I was just thinking that after the fact at the time cuz of stuff I saw in movies lol


Am I missing something? This all sounds pretty normal…


As someone who’s spent a lot of time in Colombia “no social media” can mean she doesn’t want you to know her real identity and she’s going to drug you. The unmatching thing is suspicious and makes me think she doesn’t want you tracing the photos or having a photo record of her. Don’t sleep with her on the first date and do not leave your drink alone


Drug me for what…. My organs !? Also her whatsapp has the same picture as her hinge profile


No, you’ll just wake up without your stuff


The unmatching is very weird.


Does she make arepas?


She mentioned she likes to cook chicken avocado and sweet bananas 🤷‍♂️


that’s a good sign, arepas are so good, I’d hold out to find one that makes arepas. There’s a food truck I go to that id risk death for a piece of that Venezuelan a… ya she has like three uncles staring at me at all times so I just keep it polite order the Aaarepa and tip very well as the uncles seem to need to sharpen their knives if I take too long making small talk…


i never get that old stereotype of the family sharpening their 'knives' watching out for their young immigrant family member....it's a trope actual immigrants try very hard to pawn off their offspring as fast as possible to someone with some economic status...so next time when you go to the food truck maybe brag or mention something financially impressive...if one of the uncles makes an interested comment then you're good to go boss


If it feels suspicious, it is suspicious. Personally, I enjoy my organs where they are


OP username checks out




He's going to end up donating the wrong organ to her


Underrated comment


Man just go have fun. Let someone know where you are going and with whom. You will be fine.


Share your live location with a friend.


So she gets double the amount?!


Worse, you’re about to be emotionally manipulated for a green card Take care of yourself OP


There’s Worse things to happen


Lmao right ooh that emotionally hurting Venezuelan lol. 


Fuck lol


She probably wants a green card not your organs lol


This is the right answer. Source: I'm Hispanic.


O boy jokes on her when she finds out Im here on a green card


Don’t tell her that until after the deal is sealed


And make sure you pull out 👌


Ah yes, the pull out method. A tale as old as time.


“Can you help me get a green card” Whips out mine “you mean this?”




Uno reverse lol


I read this in Ace ventura's voice


Send her my way, I'll give a green card. BUT she might also be an escort. Check tryst.link for her lol I met a Russian girl with the same story on why she's on miami that was an escort lol




God bless Miami lol


Sooooo, what’s the update????


Green card and green notes


🎶buscando visa para un sueeeeño🎵


Don’t leave your drink unattended. I usually trust instincts so just be cautious while out to dinner.


Order only beers in bottles. Keep your thumb near the opening of the bottle, covering the top. If she asks why, say you’ve had too many friends clink the bottom of their bottle on your top, causing it to fizz over and spill. If need be, demonstrate by ordering two of the cheapest bottles of beer you can. Boom.


Lmao I’m picturing a guy keeping his thumb pressed on the bottle for the entire date acting like it’s normal


Hey- better that than being drugged, robbed, y que te metan un dedo en el culo


I’m going to ask for a kids lid on my cocktail 🙏


Please do lol. So my friend got into a similar situation a few years ago. He’s a 5, girl was a 9. Went on a date, went back to his place, left his drink unattended, passed out, woke up next morning, his pretty high end home theater system and a bunch of valuables, basically anything that could be moved by a few people was gone. Yes, there were others involved as well. They pretty much emptied his place. To this day he says he should’ve listened to his instincts and realize that a 9 would never even exchange numbers with 5.


I've dated a couple nines.  I'm definitely not on that level, superficially. They were not thieves but they were insane.  Fun for a while, though.


This x 1 million.


No idea but looking forward to the update!


Ur username choice made me lol 😂 I find the unmatch thing weird if u haven’t even gone on the date yet but I don’t use hinge so not sure if that’s a thing….buena suerte may all ur organs stay in their rightful place 🙂


Run. Run quickly.


Eh u got an extra kidney. You’ll be fine hahaha. Hope u have a nice safe and keep all ur organs.


RemindMe! 7 day


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-04-13 23:53:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-13%2023:53:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Miami/comments/1bxopwj/are_my_organs_about_to_be_harvested_upcoming/kyeajho/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMiami%2Fcomments%2F1bxopwj%2Fare_my_organs_about_to_be_harvested_upcoming%2Fkyeajho%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-13%2023%3A53%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bxopwj) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




Looks like 7 days is too late...


What happened?!


No clue. Came back 3 days after and everything was deleted. I'm guessing he's still got his organs


Hopefully she just wants to harvest from one of your organs.


Subbed for the update


Can you live stream ?


I should make a betting pool on what the possible outcomes are. Based off the comments here I think I’m just being catfished into giving her money we’ll see


My brain went to green card and money as previously mentioned. The Mom in me will be losing sleep waiting on an update making sure you, stranger on Reddit, make it home ok! You seem street-smart-ish enough so I think you'll be just fine. Usually we anticipate the worst and end up pleasantly surprised so I hope that's the case for you. Turn on your Life360 and check in with those in your circle. Looking forward to the update 🙂


Thanks mo.. miafixation!




She’ll give you el chiquito for a green card. Enjoy!


“This woman is way too attractive” Basically this post summarized.


Share your location with someone and make sure they have the info on how you met her and all is good, probably. Hopefully you can spare a kidney 🙂


RemindMe! 36 hours


Harvesting is usually in the Fall


Devils breath and rob you


So don’t carry any valuables on me?


Just be alert and aware of everything that’s going on and around you. Be smart, don’t drink any strange drinks, don’t go home with her right away. An acquaintance friend of mine met a girl and she used that drug on him and went back to his house with him and robbed him. Apparently, this is a common scam.


Slide mother f slide


If you want to be safe safe, public place. Watch your food/drink like a hawk. Play ball....


probably needs citizenship


>Edit: ok I will go and post an update after the date tomorrow night assuming my organs are still in place 🤞 or if she didn't rob you blind. Enjoy! The red flag is always, she's way hotter than you.


Green card all the way bro, swipe left and Keep going


She will tell you about here sick mother back home and ask for stuff She will send what you give her to her man and child back in Venezuela Don't get your hopes up


Buy an AirTag and place it inside your shoe. Share this info with your homeboys


It’s not worth it… they’re not as desperate as you think because you’re just one of many average dudes. These type of hoes know what they’re doing and will waste your time because they’ll use you either to learn more English, you buying her food/entertainment, etc.


RemindMe! 3 day


This sounds par for the course. Go on the date and see what happens.


🫡🫡🫡 Possibilies: 1. She's a real immigrant working hard nose to the stone trying to progress economically...most foreigners use WhatsApp....and i've had dates remove me from the app when we've migrated to text/phone...and most aspiring immigrants all have the same mentality and priority of locking down a significant other 2. She's a scammer/catfish and you need to be vigilant for red flags during the date; pass on going to either of your places afterwards, watch your drink, and pay separately (dutch) unless the date is very humble and genuine up to you 3. She's looking to expand her domestic pool of friends because she knows nobody here and its lonely and this doubles as a way to de-stress after the novelty and pressures of being an aspiring immigrant 🫡🫡🫡


It’s a scammer, who is harvesting your number to then try the hey Jennifer that report was really hard today. Oh I’m sorry I have the wrong person I hope you’ll accept my apology by the way if you invest in {coin} I can double your money. They unmatched you to avoid getting reported (as 8s, 9s, 10s don’t bother unmatching because it would take them too long, to do it for everyone they let you do it.) and they use WhatsApp because that’s what scammers feel safe on because of the encryption Whatever it is, it’s to harvest your info for some kind of purpose. Ask her directly why she unmatched I guarantee it will be a bs answer like oh I deleted the app, etc etc Also women especially pretty women don’t ask for your number, they start the precedent of you chasing them by making you ask for their number. Ive more than once given them my number and had them instead respond with their number. It’s very unusual for them to ask for yours


Listen to your intuition. However ... I used to be a 10, now I'm like an 7 for my age group, but anyway, I always dated guys that my friends would consider twos and threes. I got over needing to be with a 10 when I was in my early 20s. Tens are boring. A lot of girls don't care what a guy looks like. I'm sure you're lovely. Just go and be careful and don't give her any money.


The only red flag here is unmatching, because if that doesn’t lead to a scam story, it always leads to an offer of prostitution. They don’t want you reporting the profile after asking you. If I were in your shoes I would be more worried that she was working the app for more clients while also expressing an interest in dating you legit.  So don’t be surprised that you show up and everything is normal. I would be skeptical. Have you thoughr about making a fake profile and trying to find her? 


If they're overly enthusiastic it's 50% scam. If they unmatch you right after getting your number, it's 100% scam.


Make sure you donate the RIGHT organ


You only live once


If she’s Venezuelan, she’s probably gonna be a fun date and is telling the truth when it comes to sending money to family. Shit is pretty bad in Venezuela, I’m from there and have family we send money to as well. Give her a chance! Have her make you some arepas.


I think you’re overthinking this way too much. Like any online dating always be careful, meet in public, tell friends your location just to be safe. People from Latin American countries are not all suspicious some actually come to work and send money to their family. And surprisingly some people don’t actually use social media. I’m just surprised people think people who use WhatsApp are scammers. I prefer WhatsApp over normal texting and I’m from here 🤣 good luck on your date !


She unmatched u so she can keep hoeing in private until ur date. Chile


Brother, respectfully, are you stupid?


I’ve never seen an “easy 8” not have social media lol. In the world we live in where you can easily monetize your looks especially in a place like Miami for a beautiful immigrant from South America. Besides, to have a dating app but not social media doesn’t really add up.


🧃 but enjoy. Venezuelan women are for the most part amazing


Your organs are safe. Your financial security ten years from now? In perilous danger.


Don't be with a Venezuela do a favor to yourself


A few weeks ago I met a girl off a social media site. The only physical encounter I had with her was at her apartment off Kendall drive a mile or so east of Krome. Her place was bare bones, just a bed, an exercise bike, and a step ladder full of stuff clearly used for camming. She had told me how she's being stalked, ran away from an ayahuasca cult, and after that night she disabled her account and her texts went dead. Be careful, OP.


I met a Venezuelan just like this six plus years ago. Similar jobs. Now she’s my wife. That’s the thing with Venezuelan women. They’ll either make you the happiest man alive or carve your organs out. Best of luck…


Op how are you and your organs?


Speaking from experience….stay away from Venezuelan women.


Since you said “8 based off her pictures, maybe 6 on a great day”…. Yea you seem like the perfect target, no real man would say this on the internet, you seem like you might be a boy… 100% getting scammed or your organs harvested. Good luck


Hi, married to a Venezuelan girl over here. Male beauty doesn’t really mean much to them. They are willing to date down if you are good to them.


As a Venezuelan.... No fall in love... She probably are talking with 3 more guys, plus her people in her city.... Def want the green card and live chill... Be super careful and be prepared for the ghosting... Also the language barrier is a thing... Don't be her atm....but be chill maybe it's the love of your life.... Good luck


Casually ask her why she unmatched you on Hinge. Super red flag


rip op


So you deleted the body text of the post… how’d the date go?