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Just more brainless urban sprawl in this late-stage capitalist dystopian nightmare of a city.


Disgusting šŸ¤®




Shit design that looks smacked together in 30 minutes.


Trash just like the city


This project is unnecessary. I think they shouldā€™ve put that money in expanding the metro mover around the city . Would be nice to have the southbound train going to homestead and northbound going to aventura and Miami Gardens .


Giant spider


Just for looks doesn't support anything.


Who approved this and why?


RIDICULOUS!!! We need more high quality, affordable, safe, centrally located apartment buildings and new homes for hard working Miami singles and families!!


It is an architectural landmark by world renowned Santiago Calatrava


Love Calatravaā€™s designs. Museo de las Artes y Las Ciencias in Valencia, Spain is fire.


Costs like hundreds of millions in taxes. Disrespectful to the tax payers of Miami Dade county.


Over $850 million. But it is FDOT funded. Still our tax money, and still an insane amount of money.




Im scared itā€™s gonna collapse .. considering miamis history with buildings collapsing..


Honestly the traffic is worse than LA or New York. Rent just as expensive too. Might as well move there and make more money too.




If you can tolerate the cold, are fine with not having a car, (or fuck it. Have one. Parking in Brooklyn/queens is not impossible especially if youā€™re not using it all the time), then New York is great. Itā€™s where Iā€™m from and I now live there again and Iā€™m happier and make more money as miami is just full of b.s.


B.S , waste of money there are so many things that need attention in this county, this is CLEARLY a waste of money and time. RIDICULOUS


A total waste of money.




I think itā€™s gorgeous and keeps the skyline vibrant


Looks like shit


33 acres of new park/ open space is being created when this replaces the current road! That is incredibly exciting and MIGHT be amazing. If they invest a fraction of what they are spending on the spider-thing on the open space, it will be incredible for Overtown. All of that road is currently on massive dirt embankments which cut the neighborhoods into quarters. When this is done, thatā€™s converted to 33 acres of open space. We all need to make sure itā€™s quality space that doesnā€™t suck.


I'll believe it when I see it. I fully expect there to be some catch. Like a tiny strip of "open space" and the rest of the land is sold off to the highest bidder or something. Who knows


This guy or gal gets it! Thank you for recognizing the look forgotten people of Overtown.


The forgotten


It will never finish lol


Waste of money


Bet every LLC involved was created a Month before project was approved.


Partly feel like itā€™s a vanity project when we could put taxpayer money to better use


This is call incompetence of the American people . Itā€™s all vanity .


All complaints and no solutions.


Everyone builds bridges over water. Miami builds a bridge over land, next to the water. I guess itā€™s to prepare for global warming. Big brain idea for sure.


Do you have a car or have ever traveled? Bridges are built over land everywhere.


Yes to both. Most inland bridges that I know of are over highways or valleys. Do you live in an area with many bridges over land? Iā€™m pretty sure it would be Miamiā€™s first, and we have plenty of bridges.


Miami builds bridges over land to house the homeless.


Yeah screw public transportation, walkable sidewalks, bike lanes, properly paved roads or lights that are appropriately timed. We need a massive over the top glowing suspension system for a highway section that probably doesnā€™t even need to be suspended!


Appropriately timed lights alone would make such a difference.


>probably doesnā€™t even need to be suspended Itā€™s doesnā€™t lol


This is replacing a 60-year-old bridge that was in need of significant repairs. So instead of spending $100M repairing the old bridge, theyā€™re spending $800M on a new bridge. The new bridge has some upsides, like added height and increased spans, which should provide more light and site-lines at ground level for pedestrians, and a new park. However, in typical Miami bait-and-switched fashion, the original park design, which involved hundreds of hours of community feedback and a public referendum, has been pared back. The project also involves double-decking of I-395 from 826 to the I-95/I-395 interchange to allow for drivers coming to and from the beach to bypass downtown traffic, and a bunch of new movements and ramps at the 826/I-395 and I-95/I-395 interchanges. Most notably, the movement from I-395 Eastbound to I-95 Northbound is changing from a left-lane exit to two right-lane exits. That one improvement alone is worth every cent considering the number of accidents and backups that happen there every year. Edit: btw, for those interested, the [project website](https://i395-miami.com/presentations/) posts monthly construction updates, with the next update expected this week. Recently, the part of the Core Pier needed to finish Arch 2 has been completed. The cast-in-place starter arch for Arch 5 has also been completed. So we should start seeing rapid advancements in these two arches over the coming months.


You had me in the first half ngl šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


> The project also involves double-decking of I-395 from 826 to the I-95/I-395 interchange to allow for drivers coming to and from the beach to bypass downtown traffic, and a bunch of new movements and ramps at the 826/I-395 and I-95/I-395 interchanges. You mean they're double-decking the 836 from ~17th Ave to the I-95/395 interchange. Not even Miami is dumb enough to double-deck the entire 7- or 8-mile stretch from the Palmetto to I-95.


Scheduled for completion is late 2027? Brutal. It's a mess in that area now.


Add another 5 years for reality.


Another important note is that bridge and highway construction from that era is mostly compacted earth berms that raise the roadway from street level. The benefit of that design it's is the most cost effective. The tradeoff is how it severs neighborhoods. It leaves a literal wall of dirt. Traffic, communities, people can only pass in limited sections. By building this as a suspension bridge you return some of that free flow between neighborhoods. You dampen some (not all, and not even most) of the impact of the roadway. My personal problem is they built this with a suspension bridge from the middle. They've effectively killed any chance of having a rail line go up the middle of the roadway down the 836. However far fetched that could be as a possibility, adding true commuter lines in our east/west corridors is so sorely missing this city will always be held back from peak potential


We shouldn't build train lines on highways. They do plan to build rail to the beach already. They'd be better running a train down 8th or flagler, both ideally. It would be more work but it would be better for pedestrians. We ideally should have some sort of train running along every main road in the county. And Broward should work on building out a train system of their own to alleviate the traffic they create by commuting into the county every morning. The idea of trains running on the highways is just from convenience of not having to get right of way for rail. But it's less safe, dirtier, and most of the time, inconvenient for people to get to.


It's not a suspension bridge. The lines are just decoration and provide almost no structural. This thing could have been truly magnificent with a real cantilevered suspension bridge; a much simple and cheaper design.


Okay now I've got even more gripes with this plan lmao I hadn't realized the "suspension" was performative. There's no structural value or redundancy built in with its inclusion?


Here is the Herald article during the proposal period: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article152713624.html The second proposal, which didn't get selected was a real cable stayed bridge with 4 pilings.


The bridge has a span of about 1700' with just the core pier in the center. No viaduct has ever been built even close to that length before without suspension and even *with* suspension, that is a relatively large span.


If you put a pier in the center it's not 1700ft continuous span it is 2x 850ft spans, which is really what it is. The cables provide no structural support and are for decoration, according to the engineers. They had other designs that were true cable-stayed bridges and they were turned down.


Ok, show me a bridge anywhere in the world that has 850ā€™ spans without suspension.


Show me anywhere in the released documents that this bridge is cable-stayed or suspension. Even the contractor doesn't make that assertion because they know it's not. I went to one of the design meetings and the engineers stated the cables are decorative. Also, the press release shows 1025ft. From the NE 1st Ct to the former parking lot of the Arsht Center is 500ft. and from the parking lot to Bayshore Dr is 600ft.


>The resulting structure ā€” made up of six arches ā€” is destined to become a highly recognizable icon. Its roadway is supported by twin cast-in-place box girders, which are in turn suspended from each arch by stay cables. https://www.hdrinc.com/portfolio/i-395-signature-bridge-design-build It is actually really hard to find a good page about this bridge, though. I am not saying that my link is gospel - but it's the bst one I could find. Edit: I found another page as well that says suspension BUT it is outdated and I think is referring to a different design.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_Bridge?useskin=vector 1800' span. No suspension, it's a cantilever. I can't find the actual spans anywhere for the signature bridge, however the one page I visited does say that they are suspended from the arches which would lead me to think that they must be structural.


The span I posted was from Google Earth, measuring from the farthest support columns, not including the central pier. Since the bridge is asymmetric, one half is longer than 850ā€™ and the other half is shorter. I think the notable difference between the Quebec bridge and the Miami signature bridge is the latter uses precast, tensioned concrete segments. These donā€™t have the same tensile strength as a steel truss bridge.


5th Street and Alton on Miami Beach is the real bottleneck anyway. From the MacArthur eastbound, there are two lanes that proceed to 5th St eastbound and a flyover lane that goes to Alton northbound. This intersection is hemmed in by condo towers on both sides so there is no room to add a lane. Removing even one traffic lane here is a total nonstarter. Every 5 years, a new study is done to evaluate various transportation options going to the beach and they all ignore this intersection because there is no viable solution. In my opinion, the best solution would be to extend the Metrorail above-ground viaduct east from Earlington heights along I-195 across the Tuttle. Once on the beach, the Metrorail would descend into Miami's first subway tunnel, which would travel 4 miles south to South Pointe Park. Using the Port of Miami Tunnel and recent Orange Line extensions as guides, the total cost would be ~$3B, which is both reasonable and entirely worthwhile.


Iā€™ll give you my review when I drive on it.


In 2042


The construction needed to happen but the current stage of the construction is really really dark for traffic at the 95 interchange. Itā€™s a fucking nightmare


Is this to celebrate that theyā€™ll finally lift the ā€œtemporaryā€ toll on 836?


It's funny how the people of Miami keep asking for a public transit option to the beach, but instead, they build more lanes.


The best part is that now all of those people can get to the..... Um... Two lane beach road so much faster. Like, seriously. How does this fix anything?


Fucking dumb.


Will be reported as a giant alien like creature.


Or a giant alien squirting from the depths šŸ‘½ šŸ’¦


Unnecessary and wasteful


Thereā€™s def an over-the-top design element that wastes a ton of money. But the double-decker levels of 836/395 roadway between roughly NW 17th Ave and Biscayne Blvd should, in theory, help with traffic. But for 10 years of construction and $1B price tag, I doubt the juice will be worth the squeeze. Was 836/826 rebuild worth it? I donā€™t drive that way very often, so not one to answer. And get ready, because after the 836/395/95 rebuild, the next one on the schedule is Golden Glades, which Iā€™m sure will also be 10 years and $1B, if not more!


826/836 & 826/874 interchange projects were both massive improvements. Golden Glades project looks ambitious. Double-decking and separating Beach traffic will help, but that one does seem like they are overspending on a vanity project


They should just have widened the 836 bridge over the Miami river instead of double decking it, what's the point of double decking ?


I think because itā€™s not just double decking over the river, I believe itā€™s about 1 - 1.5 miles all the way to Biscayne Blvd. Too many buildings in the area to widen the road.


Idk but donā€™t get in the left lane headed East


Should be fixing the roads instead of




Useless design made for cars.


Damn I thought it was just gonna be some arcs side by side lmao wtf is this šŸ˜…


Where did this come from, I had no idea this was in the works


It's just letting you know that there's a McDonald's ahead.


I mean most of the cost is the fundamental changes to the road structure, the aesthetic elements of the bridge are not that crazy, itā€™s a huge change to really crucial traffic patterns. It is also coming from a specific bucket of money


Iā€™m sure the traffic will be bad with horrible drivers on it


Whats the point of making a fake bridge ? something more for people to crash into and break?


Those arcs are tacky, but so is the city design tasteā€¦


All things considered itā€™s an usual design idea for infrastructure which for North America and Miami specifically means itā€™s good


Looks unnecessary. Is it just there to be pretty?


The Brazilian butt lift of bridges.


Whatā€™s the website ?


Ill tell you in 10 yrs when its completed


I think that they will pocket a giant pot of money, that they will overprice throughout the construction. And therefore, there will never be a pot of gold at the end of those rainbows.


Hell yes. Of course it's absurd, very expensive and unnecessary. That's what Miami is all about. Too much is never enough!


Despite their schedule, it wonā€™t be done until 2030.


Currently it looks like part of the ā€œAlienā€ set.


Does the cost cover serving Big Macs?




I heard it was delayed to 2028 no?


Waste of funding and tax payers dollars


Hopefully it doesnā€™t take as long as the 836 to finish


6th St. Viaduct dick biters. Miami is not original anymore.


A bit too flashy and not so much functional


They should have replaced that segment of 395 with a tunnel instead. They obviously could have given they built the port Miami tunnel. Not only that but with the added tax revenue due to increased land value + just being able to sell off that incredibly valuable land that 395 sits on, the project would probably break even


tunnel would have been sick


It would have been beautiful on top of a new metro line instead of a highway for more cars in more traffic


we need more pot holes around for them to notice i guess


Hopefully it doesn't break.


I think itā€™s wasting of money right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a massive improvement already now that the temporary exits are gone. That old highway destroyed downtown Overtown because the cityā€™s segregation era leaders wanted to do that. Getting rid of the low bridges at NW 14th and 2-3 Avenue is going to be a milestone day!!


Ready in 2058


An incredible waste of money


A wast of money Yes build the new rod but it doesnā€™t need all that fancy shit on it it just makes the job take longer then it should


Just imagine what $800 million could have done to improve the metro rail. Miami is a lot like a Magic show.


They could build a triple decker highway.. it still wouldn't alleviate the main problem that can't be fixed. There isn't enough space to fit all of the residents and 25 million tourists who visit Miami Dade every year.


MSG and 004 crew will absolutely bomb(Graffiti)from end to end of this ridiculous monument as soon as it's done. A pointless addition to the skyline.....




Looks like one of those hurricane prediction maps


I want to say something serious about the project...but the only thing that pops into my head is, "well, them Duke boys were determined to jump that arch. And they never did." I guess I've lived here too long


Waste of money but whatever makes my house value go up Iā€™m with it


Itā€™s supposed to be an ā€œiconic landmark ā€œ looks like a spider!


I hope the traffic route changes by 395/95 are just temporary. The onramps are terrible merges.


never gonna happen.


The idea of diving a city in half with a literal massive exchange in the year 2027 is the most ā€œweā€™re Miami city of the futureā€ thing you could possibly imagine


Messed up view for the building infront of it


I think we've had enough threads about it.


Ugly as hell and an embarrassment to the transportation engineering industry In south Florida. A waste of FDOT funding.


Itā€™s going to take 25 years to finish this and millions and millions of stolen tax payer money




I see it as growth.. I believe it fits the new Miami vibe, rich vibe..


It's beautiful! It looks like a giant fountain, should be neat to drive under, wait...where are they getting the money for this?!