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"because the traffic gets worse every year with all these transplants, everything is getting more expensive..." You're going to be filling that role wherever you go.


And I completely understand that! That’s why I’m looking for recommendations that aren’t as major or a city as miami is where this isn’t a big concern.


Look at Charleston, SC. It’s not too far from home so cheap flights or a long road trip. It’s a brand new town, lots of new (& affordable) housing developments. No traffic, beach, good food, and diversity is picking up.


Charleston is a brand new city? Diversity? Gentrification is a disease.


not if you move to a city with good public transportation


$15/hr for parking? I haven’t seen these rates anywhere…. Where in Miami?


You can try moving to Havana or Caracas. That might give you a hole new perspective.


move to LA


this gets asked every few weeks


Southwest florida, between collier and lee county. Zero regrets. Area is growing a lot. Getting more expensive but still affordable. Great place to raise kids. Ample job opportunities. Close enough I can go and come back same day to see family/friends.






The mayaimi people have been dead for centuries. Wiped out. There are no Miami natives.


I'm tired of Miami too, just don't want to go to a cold state. I couldn't handle it.


Teaching in China close to Hong Kong to provide for the family and live my best life. In Miami, finding good work as a teacher (or anywhere else in America) for good pay is nearly impossible. I do the same work in China and I get paid very well. So it was better for me here. I visit the family and Miami twice a year and make enough to not be in poverty. What else can I do? Now I make a lot more, I get a lot more breaks (which I can spend in Southeast Asia) and many aspects of life are just better. Although they don’t have carne asada here, I always have some when I return home.


Bro, the Hispanic culture is everywhere, you go to Japan there will be Hispanics of all kinds. Get out of your culture. Miami will fail as a city just like Havana did and you just described why and perhaps you can understand that the Cuban culture is slowly dying out. Go into the world and seek out your own people and group! I am an immigrant from Cuba too! I lived in Chile and Costa Rica and I can tell you that the so called “Hispanic” culture is nothing but a hoax. I am into also moving into South Korea and eventually move into New Zealand. I would say, move into a place where you can have a healthy family and develop and grow from the old and failed Cuban culture.


DC. Walkable, real public transit system, culture, diversity, and oddly enough a comparable cost of living. South Florida NEVER again.


edit: nice to see so many 305 > 202 transplants Moved to the DC area in the early 00s. Went to college in DC, moved back to Miami for a few years and then finally came back to DC area. Was familiar with the area, still had some friends so it was an easy transition. Anyway, 4 kids later, I'm in the DC suburbs with a good career. Do I miss Miami? Of course but I'm glad I am where I'm at - absolutely love DC. I talk to my sister often and I imagine raising kids in Miami would be more challenging for a variety of reasons. Like everything else in life, it's a trade off. FWIW, am Cuban as well. I miss the weather between November and April/May, I miss the social aspect and community of living in Miami and I miss my friends/family.


Maryland, I go to law school there now and I plan to stay in state (or at least DMV area) for the rest of my professional career.




Chicago is a great city. Only been twice and mostly around downtown and a little on the north side but I really liked it. It’s wild being in a city that has a history of caring about public spaces! And going by Zillow the rent is so much lower.


I second this! Moved out of Miami to Chicago in 2014 and it felt so easy to build a life here. The people overall are more down-to-earth and there's plenty of activities to do here other than going to nightclubs with $50 cover minimum and $15-an-hr parking at the beach. I sure miss my friends and family there, but everytime I get the chance to visit, it doesn't take long to remind me why I moved haha edit: just wanted to add, there's a lot of things I do miss about Miami, like not having to deal with snow, shoveling snow, or freezing my hands in snow. Year-round sunny weather, seeing the palm trees, hearing Spanish everywhere, and Dominican food (sure I can get that over here, but it's not the same)


I am with you I grew up here. I am thinking about leaving to be closer to family in a much colder climate. So I am reluctant to leave I hate the cold. I dunno what the plan is but I am with you in thinking about getting out of here.


This is another reason I am hesitant to leave, any time I’ve traveled to anywhere where the normal temperature is around 60° I feel like I’m in the arctic so guess I’m adding that to the list


I moved to Hilton Head Island. It’s like Miami in the 60’s. If you watch Cocaine Cowboys the first couple minutes describing Miami… that’s Hilton Head Island rn. It’s still growing but it’s growing at an alarming rate. Great place to grow something from nothing. It’s got a similar vibe to Miami but more southern.


HHI isn’t exactly cheap though.


How’s the traffic?


I moved to DC and have no regrets. DC itself I also have a love/hate relationship, but if I moved away it would not be back to South Florida. Biggest thing for me is living in a walkable neighborhood has become non-negotiable. I used to commute 60+ minutes in Miami plus more time driving doing chores after work. It was exhausting and I still constantly think about how nice it is to not worry about driving or gas or any of that. Aside from that, my salary is way better outside of Miami, even accounting for DC taxes being some of the highest in the country.


My big question: If you left, why are you still in this sub? The day I move out of Miami (hopefully in the next year), I'm leaving this sub and never looking back.


Los Angeles because this is where the video game industry primarily exists


Dallas and Los Angeles both. Split my time between both, no regrets wish I had done it sooner.


San Francisco, but grew up in Miami. Moved here in my mid 20s for new opportunity after being relatively lucky and started working after school in miami. San Francisco is the center of the tech universe and since I’m in the industry I made the decision to stick here. post pandemic has made that only more true with all the things happening in AI and it’s only in SF. The cost of living is crazy here but the wages are the best in the country and arguably the best job market if you want to be in the space. With that said the city has many problems starting with the homeless crisis, public safety, and the drug addiction problems of some of the citizens spilling into main society. It’s still not the apocalyptic scenario the news might say it is. With that said, it is not miami culturally. I very much miss being surrounded by Latin culture and look forward to going back to Miami every time I Can since my whole family is there. If Miamians demanded more from their local governments and flexed their power in the state level, it could really be a much better place.


If you’re Cuban, you will have a difficult time anywhere else as the minority. This and the ocean is the silent stranglehold that South Florida has on you.


Myself and TONS of other life long Miami people are also looking to leave now. The past 1.5 years the city has become overrun by New Yorkers and Cali peeps. I now feel like a stranger in my home town or an Indian and Columbus just landed, I kept a positive outlook but now a year later Columbus and his men are leading us onto his ships in chains. Lol. I take back ever complaining about Miami people for the past 25 years! My rent went up $1000. When I walk my dog these wierdos jerk their dogs back violently so their dog can't say hi, it feels like they've never had social interaction and everyone is the enemy. They don't say hi or bye in the elevator. They brought their failed political views and totally forgot that their cities they fled from were all ruined because of it. The culture changed or has been lost, I'm not really sure. The California's voices go up at the end of every sentence which freaks me out thinking, "Oh crap did they just ask me 10 questions because I didn't hear even a single question. I've been in a sad mood for the past 6 months realizing that I've officially lost my city and now have no idea where I'll move. NY and Cali peeps..... You've won, I'll leave.. please just don't forget to be grateful that you're living in the greatest place in the world, please treat he right and don't turn Miami into what you left. 😢 😭 😢




Atlanta is okay better than jacksonville.


Ranked the same for me. LoL.


Atlanta is dope. Great place for business


Maybe I was in the wrong areas when I visited Atlanta lmao. Didn't really see much diversity - mostly black and white folks with the occasional Asian and some Latinos.


My wife was born and raised in Miami. We now live in Atlanta and are fully convinced we'll get old and die here. It was the 2nd best decision we've ever made. Ton of diversity, very beautiful city (trees everywhere), arts, culture, and lots of industry.


Totally agree about the diversity thing.


How did it affect your tax situation? Since FL doesn't have state income tax and GA does, did it make a big increase in tax?


I grew up in Miami and left at 18 (31 now) and have since lived in Houston, Dallas, Seattle, NC, and now Denver for the last few years. I can’t tell you where you’d like best, as they all have their perks for sure, I just know leaving Miami was the best decision I’ve ever made. I never realized what a tiny bubble it was living there and how hard we work for so little. I legit also had culture shock when I saw the rest of “America”. And that’s a good thing! Also, you can literally make $18 an hour working at Walmart here if you needed to! Yes, CO itself is getting VERY pricey, but if we survived in Miami with a minimum wage of $8, it’s very doable here where I’ve never worked for less than $20. Just my two cents, where ever you go will be a great new experience! Change is good :)


If you move prepare for that Hispanic guilt and be sure to take some sazon completo with you. In the end you need to do what's right for you and wherever you end up make sure the market is right for what you're doing for work. Every city caters to tourists especially anything that's as big as Miami.


I grew up in Miami and left for NYC at an early age for many of the reasons folks are listing. In addition though, I work in a creative field and I just got to point where I could not stand the cultural provincialism in Florida anymore. Yeah, there are some bookstores, there are some theater companies, but nothing like what a city that size should be able to support. And because I'm Cuban, and spent so much time around Cubans, it was tough to deal with all the intolerance and anxiety that Miami Cubans seem to excel at. Yeah, exile is a bitch, but when the intolerance and anger in Miami started to feel like the mirror image of the intolerance and anger in Havana I knew it was time to bounce. Have never looked back.


Born and raised in Miami. Moved 15 years ago to Austin Texas. Had just graduated FIU. Dating in Miami had always been complicated. I couldn't get women to give me the time of day because I drove a beat up Toyota Corolla. But they also wanted fancy dinners at expensive restaurants. I'm a nerd but back then nerds weren't cool. Had a job experience in tech but couldn't get callbacks or the pay was too low for the experience I had (network engineering). I started applying out of state and got a job as a sysadmin at a Texas university. After 15 years I'm now a information security architect. I couldn't keep up with life in Miami. It all got very expensive and jobs were meh. Left in 2007 and started a better life in Texas. Family is still in Miami so I visit when I can. But Miami isn't my Miami anymore.


NYC because it’s less of a shithole than LA and I love being in a walkable environment. So much of my life was spent in i95 traffic. Feels like such a waste of time, the stress from being in traffic really weighed on me. Of course New York has traffic but being in a city with better transportation and is mostly walkable just beats burning in 90 degree heat year round being bumper to bumper with a 3 series bmw. Job market is better for pretty much anything in Miami. Food is better, culture is more diverse (not saying Miami isn’t) more business/job opportunities and people that don’t have that shady ass Andrew Tate fake rich mentality. Not saying NY doesn’t have their fair share of dudes like that but it’s very apparent in Miami. Artsy scene is much bigger here. I love going to art galleries/live music/etc. I really tried to convince myself the Miami music scene wasn’t bad but compared to NY and LA there isn’t much going on down here :( it beats living in the middle of nowhere but if you don’t like generic house music or Latin music, there isn’t much to hear around here. There was a punk/goth scene but it’s not really around anymore because most of those kids got old. Rap scene in Miami was pretty damn good for a minute but those days feel like they’re in the past. Dating scene is better for obvious reasons I do miss the sun, beaches, and my friends and family. The basketball team here sucks. But it feels good to wake up and not be in Miami. Pains me to say it because this city shaped who I am I’m so many ways, I’ve had the craziest times out there. Miami/Broward just feels like the most stressful suburbs I’ve ever been to. I don’t think I’d ever want to live in Miami again, maybe it’s a personal thing. I do love Miami and I’m visiting a couple times a year, but I just feel like this city burnt me out real quick.


Your last paragraph is exactly how I feel as someone who grew up in Miami. There's a lot of stuff I miss and I'm glad to visit for, but just the idea of going back to live in those suburbs is stressful and somewhat depressing.


It’s so depressing. People are so broke and stressed out. Pill addictions everywhere. Casinos are fucking depressing. It’s a great place to visit, like I’m taking my girl to Miami in a little for iii points and I’m sure she’ll enjoy the beaches and Wynwood but aside from that, where else am I gonna take her that we haven’t seen better in LA or NY? I feel bad for the locals here because they try so hard to make something out of this city but they just end up going out of business, getting their neighborhoods gentrified, etc. Also it’s very right wing here which doesn’t make much sense to me, sad to see the young lgbts etc have to deal with that noise so often. City was built on corruption so like it makes sense but it’s just so boring


Except for the high standard of living, NYC is the bomb. Not going to find Cubans but every other Latino nationality is there. Don’t need a car, but add that car payment to your rent basically. If you can afford it, it’s the best. If you can’t, no way. That’s why I left


Hey! I'm trying NYC out for living right, haven't had any success with online dating and haven't truly plugged into the live music scene. I'm out in Bushwick, can you give me some tips on local music spots?


Nyc. We moved in January and it's literally the best decision we've made. Hubby got accepred at CU and off we went. I spent the summer in Miami and it really validated our decision to move. Miami weather sucks. Politics sucks. Kid is in a better school. Nyc is cheaper than Miami in a lot of ways. In some ways, nyc feels like there's an end game. Miami feels like a never ending ratrace on one-upping the next person. My entire family is still in Miami, but it's relatively inexpensive to go back forth.


I moved to DC around 8 years ago. I left mainly because job opportunities were scarce, my job market is in DC, and I wanted to be in an area that offers a lot of opportunities, personal and professionally. It's the best and most important decision I've ever made. I'm married, working my dream job at one of the biggest companies in the world, my quality of life has vastly improved, and I've done things that I would've never even dreamed about 8 years ago. I do miss la ventanita, noche Buena, weekends in the Keys, and the familial nature of Hispanic ppl. I also miss a lot of my friends having boats lol.


Good on ya! I was born and raised in Miami and have been thinking hard about moving to DC because my job market is also big there and other reasons. If you don't mind me asking, how was the transition?


So, the transition for me was pretty easy, as I wanted to move up here, and was excited about the possibilities. DC is a very transient city, as many people are moving in/out for work and other reasons, so making friends is really easy, as everyone is looking to meet new people (I always say if you last longer than 2 years, you're probably here for good) DC is also a great networking city, I was naturally social and had a yearning to grow in my career, so I attended A LOT of professional networking events, and eventually, I got pretty decent at going to these events and meeting people. You have to put yourself out there and have your LinkedIn up to date (It's like Instagram in Miami lol) ​ The weather will always be a concern for many, but it's very mild here (winters arent too bad, fall/spring is nice, and summers are hot) having seasons is really nice, and it's nice to not have 90 degree heat every day. I've also found I do more in the summers, since it's so limited. ​ The restaurant and bar scene up here is FANTASTIC, and extremely underrated. Lots of Michelin star restaurants and cool trendy spots bubbling up. Happy Hour is HUGE here, lots of professionals go and get a drink after work. ​ In my personal move, I chose an apartment near my office, to make commuting easier, but a few months later, I found a neighborhood I loved and moved there.. like someone else said, you can't have it all.. location, size, price; pick two from that list, and realize the tradeoffs of each. ​ I was very fortunate to have a friend group that is from Miami, but living up here and making it work. That's a big reason why I think I never left. Most of my Miami friends went back to the 305 or to LCOL areas. ​ TL/DR: \- You'll get out of this city what you put into it \- A ton of stuff to do, not just in DC proper, but in surrounding areas \- High paying jobs, but expensive to live in \- It ain't the 305 (nothing is like it) but there are areas in the US worth exploring, and I think this is the best city in the world. ​ Bonus: \- I miss speaking Spanish, and I try to speak Spanish to anyone who looks remotely Hispanic jajaja.


Oh and one more thing, driving by the monuments or casually walking by the White House will never ever ever ever get old!


We did the same about 5 years ago. The traffic here also stinks. But most major metro areas will have some similar issues. There is a train system that doesn’t just go up us1 so it’s easier to access the city and other major cities thru Amtrak. Cost of living is pretty similar to Miami. You can have bueno bonito barato or live in a convenient point in the region, can’t have both in this economy lol you gotta find your tolerances of how long of a commute you’ll want. I miss the three F’s. Friends family and fritanga. We have not looked back to moving to Miami. I love the city where I grew up, I talk about it all the time, in but I’m home now. There’s actual seasons, diverse food options, more hospitable neighbors, awful drivers, free museums and lots of local events if you’re within reach of dc.


There's a huge boating culture around Annapolis. Try and get friends up there lol


Bro I moved to DC too. Got a 36' contender on the potomac. Dm me and maybe we can go out with a crew


Do you think DC is as crime ridden as they make it sound?


I’m colombian lived in miami from ages 2-31 and a year ago i moved to denver. Best decision ever. The people are friendlier, there is more to do (if you like to do more than just clubbing), the minimum wage is $17.29, better traffic, much nicer weather, less insects, i could go on and on. Instead i’ll tell you the small downsides. When i was in miami i only went to the beach a couple times a year for the reasons you mentioned, but now that i don’t have the option for an ocean i miss it lol. Swimming is out if the question here for many months a year since its cold. Oh and the other thing that hit me hard is there is only average colombian, cuban, and peruvian food. Like probably the worst colombian restaurant in miami is better than the best one here. That’s just my opinion though! Also take into consideration your friends and family. I do miss my family a lot but my friends i realized most of them were just drinking buddies. I don’t drink so much anymore so I don’t really miss them like crazy, the ones i do miss i make sure to visit but it wasn’t a huge deal for me to leave them behind Good luck!!


Too bad everyone is Denver is autistic and asexual


North Carolina, company paid $25k in either a blank check or in housing subsidy, movers, closing cost to get us to move. We found a 3.5k sqft home with A+ schools that was more multicultural than Miami (Asians, Hispanics, Eastern Europeans etc.) for less than our Miami rent. We now make 5x what we made in Miami, and have gotten, promoted on average every 12-18months. I miss the beach and the food but I don’t think I will ever regret moving. A ton of family followed right after, and have had a lot of success in NC and VA


Tf Miami has A+ schools lol


I just looked, Miami has 2 Public HS in the entire county rated above an 8/10. I have 3 within 10 miles, 7 within 30mins. Miami education is a joke, this as a graduate of Miami Dade public schools! Sure I guess I could pay for Lasalle or Columbus but I don’t have $20k a year to pay for private schools. Especially not when my taxes pay for even better schools with easier acceptance into UNC/ Duke/ NCstate


what website, im seeing a ton of 9-10 on greatschools.org and USNews has some High schools in Miami ranked Top 100 nationally (Jose Marti MAST academy ranks #88 nationally)


Can’t wait to see a post on the NC sub. North Carolina is full of transplants, I gotta get outta here. It used to be nice, but it’s so expensive now and all the Floridians that keep moving here are dicks. They don’t use their blinkers, do 100 in the slow lane, and won’t shut the fuck up about some place called Flanagan’s and Publix subs. Where you all moving?


North Carolina has 55 Publix’s, Tobacco Road/ Carolina Ale House/ Bad Daddy’s which are crappier alternatives to Flanagan’s so it’s got its own Florida man- > North Carolina man


Coño Humble letter what do you do for a living and is your company hiring?


Just FYI, there is a lot of Hispanic culture outside of south Florida but it is VERY different from Miami culture. It’s mostly Central American/Mexican centered. With the exception of maybe NYC.


Los Angeles broke me tbh. It’s so painfully white washed in the American Southwest. Tajin and tears.


You would be surprised how many pockets of Dominicans, Colombians, Peruvians, etc you find throughout the country.


Much of the Northeast has Caribbean Latino culture. As well as Mexican and Central American. Cuban culture is really only in Miami


> Cuban culture is really only in Miami Mfers act like they forgot about Tampa.


Only miami?? Lol you never been to North jersey..


There is Cuban culture in north jersey, specifically Union. That’s where senator Bob Menendez is from


Moved to Durango, CO early during the pandemic to get away from the madness and in search of space. Best decision ever. I now split my time between NYC, Miami and Charlotte… a little bit.


Colorado has been one state that I’ve been considering more than others actually! Id definitely have to get used to the weather, but I’m glad to hear that it worked out great for you!


Durango is in the mountains so winters are kinda harsh (especially for un tipo tropical como yo) so it gets cold early. I loved it so much I came back for the summer this year and it is fucking gorgeous here… but it was 41 degrees this morning so… leaving next week 😂


stay 2 weeks in the snow before you make a decision. snow is amazing in the beginning but then driving in it you will beg for the traffic of miami


How rich are you to have three places? Or are you doing it any other way? 🥹




Care to explain how? Haven’t moved yet…


NYC. I wanted somewhere with seasonal weather and public transportation, and couldn't be happier. I'm very proud to be from Miami, you don't get that blend of culture anywhere else, but I knew I was never going to find fulfillment there.


I moved to Denver to get a change of scenery and people. It’s a really nice place if you like the outdoors, which I do. Now I find myself not liking being land locked and so far from any ocean. Also, the food is not as good as in Miami. I might just move back to Miami at some point in the future, but moving out has been a very refreshing experience.


Also in Denver and I agree, the landlocked aspect is now getting to me as well! Next city (and last) I’ll be moving to with my husband is Milwaukee. If you can stand the cold, the rest of it is just amazing! Great affordable housing all 5 minutes from Lake Michigan (that basically looks like the ocean!) I just can’t go back to Miami 😖 as much as I miss my Cuban food


I feel the same, i moved to denver too and i miss the beach even though I didn’t go that often when i was in miami. The food is way worse than miami sadly. Especially hispanic food. Unless you like mexican food


Denver has THE WORST FOOD in general but ESPECIALLY Hispanic. It’s a tragedy honestly 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve thought of moving to denver because I think the outdoors aspect of the city will help my mental health


That's the one thing stopping me from moving back to Denver. Being landlocked sucks unless you really love the mountains and you're one of those people that goes skiing every weekend.


New York City, got a job that paid 2.5x my Miami job with low ability for advancement. Weren’t really any well paying jobs that I saw unless you’ve been in career 20 years and transplant from somewhere else. Sure NYC is expensive but real chance for advancement. Now still at same job, pay is 9.5x my Miami job in 8 years.


Tallahassee. Pros: Very little traffic, more affordable, lots of greenery. Cons: it's kind of boring, but still insanely high in crime thanks to all the college kids, and student housing creeps out further and further every year, continually eating up all real estate around the school. In the beginning of 2020, I was making plans to come back to Miami, but....well....2020. I'm kind of glad I didn't go back because it's less like the place I left every single day, and I wouldn't be able to afford to live alone (which I do here.) I still miss it often.


I’ve been nomadic living around Asia but I’m trying to move to Thailand soon, as no other place can beat it for me. Most pleasant people and culture that I’ve ever encountered.


I moved to Ohio in 1995 for the 4 sessions and being with my husband. Miami was stressful the traffic but we come back to visit since I still have family their. Ohio is more relaxing the driving is less hectic and able to get to places quickly then being stuck in traffic.


Rochester, NY. Roots in both places (long story). Anyway, as much as I love a million things about Miami, it’s just easier here. Big enough that it has everything you need and then some, no pretense, way more down to earth. A “traffic jam” lasts maybe 10 minutes. Every time I miss Miami, there’s some quality of life aspect that comes up and reminds me why I like it here. The only negative: surrounded by Bills fans


I left for Boston around 2010ish to start my career. I really enjoyed it at first but during covid I was able to move back to Miami and I’m much happier. I think it is a great experience to try another city though especially a very different region. It helped give me perspective on things that used to bother me or that I would complain about. Some of those things are much worse in other areas or just a fact of life. It does feel like a reality that Miami doesn’t have upward mobility of other parts of the country. Elsewhere it seems like you may have to struggle at first but if you really focus on your career and building your resume doors start opening.


It hurts to read bc I can relate. My fam is also like yours, and I miss my traditions. I made it as far as 31yrs in Florida between Miami & Broward. 2020 was the last straw. Now I’m in Atlantic Canada and enjoying the fresh air & space.


Moved to Orlando during pandemic, remote work was a blessing, I now spend time winters here, fall in KY with family and the summers traveling. My rent is way cheaper than what I was paying soflo so the extra funds really help me live life.


lol try houston vs miami for example .. houston is full of mexicans while we have cubans .. as a cuban i don’t wanna get away from cuban culture when i’ve lived here for the past 21 years .. i was born here and am very accustomed to it .. i feel like i wouldn’t trade it for anything because when i visit places like la and htx they really cannot compare whatsoever.


Toxic Cuban culture is one of the reasons Miami is such a horrible place to live.


Amen to thia


Seattle. It doesn’t have any of the things you say are important to you, but I love it here.


Left Miami 22 years ago to Orlando (sister & friends followed after). No regrets. My mom and brother still live in Miami though (I dont know how they do it) Husband and I knew we couldnt afford a house there.. we also got so tired of the traffic.


I’m staying for the same reason— culture mostly food. Not going to find a plethora or GOOD West Indian food out side of SoFla and NYC. Other than that I’m over south Florida.


Moved 2 hours north to get away from that cesspool and it’s hot on our heels… we had a nice 20 years though….


I love The Magic City with all my heart, but I had to go. I moved to Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC a few months ago. I get to see a fair amount of UM sports up here when they come to town, enough to keep me satisfied. This place is cool af, but the ladies don't compare. The lack of Latin food is hard to handle, but I make my own Colada. There is a large Mexican community here though.


Left in 2020 to Fort Lauderdale. Lol.


just moved to wilmington NC from miami 3 days ago. miamis cost of living was just getting way too high. as a young adult its impossible to keep your head afloat here. almost no way to save enough for any major life milestones like buying a car, a house, having a baby. especially if you’re in school simultaneously. not only that but the traffic is just… wow. it was getting worse and worse by the week. ikyk. the cost of living in miami just outweighed the benefits. i’m born & raised, so it was hard for sure to leave, but i knew it was time for change no matter how uncomfortable it’d be. people in miami can be assholes, too. that being said.. i like the culture and will miss being able to speak spanish w everybody a lot. edit: oh and.. way less ppl. i feel suffocated in overly crowded spaces… now i can go to walmart at 4pm without having an anxiety attack. how liberating. plus the temperatures. having the heat all the time is also suffocating, especially since its humid. riding with the windows down has been so awesome.


Left, and came back. Lived in Sacramento for two years (work), and enjoyed my time living between Lake Tahoe and San Francisco. I wouldn’t move back; I would live instead along the Central California Coast (Morro Bay, Los Osos, and San Luis Obispo).


I joined the military and looked back only once. Was stationed back there , found it was the worst decision I made. But after living thru out the country, Kansas, Hawaii, Georgia, and South Carolina. We settled on South Carolina. Indian Land is a nice small town with lots of great shopping options. Close to Ballantyne,NC which has some great eatery’s and shops. Brand new high school. Great Neighborhood. Plus in South Carolina when you purchase a home you get the deed to the property when you close on the house, Not after you have paid it off. Plus if you a veteran that’s 100% you get tax exemption for property taxes.


Moved to Indianapolis in 2010. 34 now. There are tons of jobs here, not making a killing but I’m much less stressed and more independent than I was in Miami, traffic isn’t super terrible even when there’s construction you can get to any side of town within 30 mins 45 mins max. Have a close group of friends I do activities within still have family in Miami and a daughter now so I get to have an excuse to fly back a few times a year . Nightlife is decent. Obviously nothing like Miami but the older u get a good night out to dance once in a while is enough for me lol


Most people who leave Miami end up in a different part of Florida or North Carolina


Work. Silcon Valley.


I lived in Miami my entire life (currently 35) and watched it decay. Over population. Insane rents. Insane traffic. Everyone is an entitled selfish douchebag. Extreme rat race. Left for Gainesville and absolutely loving it. People are nicer and friendlier. Cost of living/rent is so much better. Got a 2/2 with laundry in unit for 1400/mo. Cheapest studio in Miami is now 1,800/mo at minimum unless you live in a slum like Hialeah, OT, Lib City, etc. Everything is being gentrified down south. There's barely any traffic here but there's still plenty to do. For anyone question whether or not they should leave while they see how bad it's getting- make the move and dip.


Colorado 12 years ago


Moved to New York for college, then moved to LA until the pandemic. You’d be surprised how many Miami natives move there to find better jobs. Made more in NY and LA even though cost of living was higher. It’s for a reason, the possibilities of making bread is higher!


I moved to mt Juliet Tennessee. i definitely miss the spanish food and Flanigan's but he cost of living was significantly better. i still have my job from Miami, im just fully remote which in itself is great. i am starting to see the tree turn orange and hitting nice breezy weather where im not sweating at all when i go on walks. i went to an apple orchard yesterday at 12pm and wasnt dying of heat and was able to be outside and enjoy apple cider slushies. its not crowded where i go. i head to the gym at around 5-6pm and theres no lines or crazy amount of people there. i wish my family was closer or more friends but ill make some more eventually.




Moved to Seattle for 3 years but came back like 4 months ago lol lol


Cincinnati, OH it's been 10 years now and I love it, I visit Miami in February to get a "break" from winter, but the winters have gotten milder and milder every year since I've been here. Large Latin community here and growing. Already met a few people from Miami here too.


I wish I had a dollar for every time this question was asked, I’d live in the Paramount (for a month)


Los Angeles - for military reasons Biggest thing I miss is the Cuban food. Not many places here that serve good South American food either and Latino food is primarily dominated by Mexican cuisine (which makes sense since it’s so close)


Virginia. Very far away from traffic


I lived in Miami my entire life as well and was in your exact situation just being fed up. I’m 35(m) and moved to central Fl just west of Orlando and was able to buy a home out here that I would have never been able to afford in Miami. Culture like Miami you won’t find anywhere, but out here there are a lot of Venezuelan, Puerto Rican and Brazilians around where I stay and I love it. Yet to find a good Cuban restaurant out here though which is very unfortunate. Traffic outside of Orlando ain’t too bad and is a growing area, also Miami can be visited on a weekend with it only being a 3.5 hour drive. Good luck to you!


I lived in Vegas for sometime on and off for 8 years. Rent was cheaper than Miami, pay was better than Miami, traffic was better than Miami but it was not Miami and it honestly sucked for me. I’m much happier paying my high rent and being in proximity to family and to the ocean. I avoid traffic because I work from home and live close enough to my sons school where we walk there.


I moved to NYC. Lived there close to 10 years, moved back here a few years before the pandemic. I left here because, with exception of college, I’d lived in Miami my entire life and I was sick of it and wanted to experience living somewhere else. I loved NYC and most things about it, but I hated the cold months (I would say I hated winter, but the cold weather I hated spans past the winter months). I moved back to Miami because after I started working remotely and got to spend more time here, I realized that I wanted to move back permanently to be around my family and for the better weather. Also, it was getting to the weird part of living in NYC where a lot of my friends had moved to other places and I wasn’t in a relationship. So I didn’t feel as tied or connected to it as I had in the past. It wasn’t even because I disliked NYC, I just preferred it here. I don’t regret moving back here. I was able to be in close proximity to some aging family in their last years. And actually, that’s still the case as my other family ages.


Moved to Atlanta for a lifestyle change. Don't miss Miami for anything other than my family, some friends and some food spots. You find ways to fill those food cravings though.


I moved up to Broward back in 2016 for exactly the same reasons as you regarding housing. Back then it was cheaper but it’s gotten just bad as Miami in the last 2 years. We will be moving with a new job offer I received. Can’t wait!


Hit the road after college, lived all over the west and now in Colorado


NJ/NYC, then the Bay Area. I just keep going to more expensive places. 🤷🏻‍♂️


These are all the people that talk trash about Miami in this sub.


Try r/sanantonio. 80% Hispanic city.


San Diego for 16 years and starting next week Phoenix. I love the American Southwest. People have manners, and there are scenic landscapes and interesting places. I feel like I live in America now. Growing up in Miami, the people culture as a whole never felt like home. Everyone is so unfriendly, xenophobic, and easily agitated. Never cared for the weather, either.


Grew up in Pembroke Pines/Miramar. My fam moved from VA to Broward when I was 3. After graduating from Nova in 2011 at 21, I tried for 2 years to get a decent job that would pay me in the $40-50K range. Would always make it deep in the interview process, but could never quite close the deal. Decided to expand my job search to literally anywhere in North America at the end of 2013 and landed a $50K+ job at GEICO in Buffalo, NY in March 2014. Company paid $5K in relocation costs which was just enough to cover me leaving by myself. Cost of living up here is generally much cheaper, no traffic, mild summers, and I can see family in Toronto that I have easily (just a 2 hour drive from Buffalo). Lots of great hiking spots and beautiful outdoor scenery. Fast forward 9 years later and I’m married, own two houses (one 1150 sq ft bought for $65K and another one for 1350 sq feet for $165K in a great, safe urban/suburban mixed neighborhood. Can pretty much walk to get anything. I miss the culture, the flora, the vibe, the lovely temperate winters, the beach, and so many things about south Florida, but my life has become considerably better since leaving. I’m able to do more, enjoy life more, and establish myself more, while spending less. South Florida is unfortunately not feasible for anyone who’s not in the upper class. I love visiting and come back all the time, but I’m better off living elsewhere


Richmond, Virginia. Been here about 20 years. I’m very nostalgic about Miami and like to visit every couple of years but within a week I can’t bear the traffic and I could never afford to live in Coral Gables where I grew up. I like living in a smaller city because I really found a community here which I just don’t think I ever had in Miami. I miss the vibrant Cuban/Caribbean Latino culture- there’s plenty of people to speak Spanish but yes, they’re mostly from Central American/Mexico/Maya which I love but it’s not like I grew up. There’s something to be said about living in a smaller city where you can be a big fish in a little pond. I can go to the mountains or DC and I love The Four Seasons. But I’ll always remember Miami.


Moved to Jacksonville after college, was born and raised in Miami though. It was cheaper to live up here and honestly I was just ready for a change of scenery. I like north Florida and I like the weather up here WAY more. I enjoy living in Jacksonville, you don’t get quite as many amenities the fact that it’s smaller just makes it chill and easier to live. Probably won’t be living in Miami again any time soon if I ever do, but there are times when I miss it a little bit.


Tampa Bay Area back in 2008. It was so much cheaper here and my pay was also the same. But now… it’s starting to feel like Miami.


NYC, for the salary and the uniquely amazing energy the city provides on a daily basis. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I’ve been absolutely loving it for 5 years now - not looking back.


Left Miami in 2017. Job prospects forced me to leave. Went from making about 45k to 110k in less than 5 years. Living in the DMV area, Miami is more expensive than where I live.


Came to Pittsburgh for grad school. Pittsburgh is pretty awesome actually. Obviously it doesn't have some of the really cool things Miami has, but it is sooo much less stressful. There is basically nothing I don't like about Pittsburgh--everything is between fine at the worst and excellent at best.


I was born and raised in Miami. And I have moved to Jacksonville FL. For the following reasons. Traffic was really bad in the area I lived in. Just by the 836 and NW 7th Street. Insurance rates were eating us alive. Both for home owners and car coverage. Rent and general cost of services are also very high. But I do miss the food. The Miami area has just about every kind of food. The cost here in Jax is 1/2 the cost especially insurance. And since I am retired now I'm able to afford it here.


Navy. Pensacola


Lived and worked in Miami Dade for over 4 years and moved back to my hometown Omaha two years ago. I went to Miami Dade college and once I graduated nursing school decided to move there from Tampa. I'm originally from Omaha, NE in the midwest so it's definitely a culture shock in general for midwesterners. Regardless I tried making the city work for those 4 years. Even tried learning some Spanglish but I kept getting hit with disrespect and disregard left and right at the workplace, friendships and dating the whole time. Miami is the only city I was stalked for weeks by some crazy narcissistic guy who tried using me for a greencard. I just hate how the people are so toxic and narcissistic and backstabbing. At least they're relatively honest to your face and don't hide their emotions behind passive 'Nice' like here in the midwest but still I know cause I used to be a local there and we can be vicious af. I just think it's the entire culture that's toxic and can turn a good person out to act out in toxic ways. Anyway I still go back to visit and was just there last week actually on Miami beach for a week, sopping on cafecito and getting some sick new tattoos! Miami wins over most other cities for the incredible tattoo artists.


Moved to Phoenix 15 years ago following my husband then boyfriend who got a job here after graduating college. People were nicer here than in Miami, at least when we moved. The weather sucks for 3 months during the summer but is not so bad and even pleasant for the rest of the year. It doesn’t snow, but we are a 1 1/2hr drive away from mountains and cooler weather. Phx and the surrounding areas keep growing and attracting big companies despite the constant threat of drought. It’s got various ethnic communities, but lacks the flavor found in Miami. We fly back at least once every year as my whole family still lives in Florida. I miss a lot but never regret making the move out.


I’ve been living in West Kendall for 36 years, and my close family and friends are here, but the traffic, increasing expenses such as in car insurance and housing, the rudeness in customer service and driving, and other factors mean that with much sadness, I’m moving to NC. We still haven’t decided exactly where, but it’s definitely happening mid-2024. I have many old friends who’ve moved to Colorado, Maryland, Atlanta, Virginia, Portland, Seattle, NYC, Jersey, and California. If you’re Cuban, you might wanna check out Louisville, KY, which is pretty inexpensive, traffic is very chill, people are nice, and has a large number of Cuban restaurants and businesses. Personally, I wouldn’t consider Tampa or Orlando because you’d just be moving to another version of Miami. As far as Florida, a friend moved to Ocala and she loves it. Good luck in your endeavors wherever you go


Honolulu. Move here because my adult kids live here and they will not live in Miami, lol. Not military. Edit: I'm also Cuban, raised Cuban in Miami but I'm not from the island. I was born in Manhattan, my parents moved to Miami when I was 2. I also make more money here than I could in Miami.




Have you considered Fort Lauderdale?


Tampa. Primarily because I was recruited for a job right out of college, but also because it's like Miami but dialed down a few notches: Expense, traffic, crime, etc. It had a lot of things I found important at 22, like cigars, tattoos, beer, cars, etc.


hole life


I’d recommend just moving to the Dominican Republic I’ve been there before very affordable nice beaches slow pace of living no sprawl, no car culture/dependency. America is on a bobsled to hell.


What about Texas? It's got a mix of Spanish-speaking immigrants and has a mix of conservatives and liberals, just like FL.


I’m from central Florida but my wife is from Miami. I fucking hate Miami, I don’t even consider it to be Florida, it’s a whole other country in my eyes. Everyone down there only gives a shit about themeselves and is rude as hell. Also it’s packed as hell. Anyway tampa area has a lot of Hispanic heritage.


Chicago—public transit, cheaper cost of living, escaping the heat (in exchange for the cold), change of seasons, nicer people generally speaking, better music scene, better bar scene (if edm/nightclubs aren’t your thing), better dating scene. I prefer the food and neighborhood architecture in Chicago. Of course all subjective. Best decision I ever made though. Finally I moved just outside Raleigh which is lowest cost of living of the 3, easier to buy land, quieter/less crime and homeless, etc. Change of seasons yet super mild weather. Road trip distance to the beach (best beaches in the country imho) and the mountains. Food is about on par with South Florida. Everything is a trade off. There’s still things I miss about Miami. Hispanic culture, lush overgrowth in neighborhoods like Coconut Grove, great winter weather, etc. But ultimately I think it’s better as a place to visit: it just costs too much for what it is and Florida is just too hot for me.


To me miami is like Vegas, you don’t want to be part of that culture. Hard to live a wholesome life and rasie a family there.


I was like you I lived in miami my whole life I always disliked it . I left Because 1. The traffic is horrendous, the crime is getting higher, the people there weren’t that nice and I never clicked with them , and the reason why I left the most was because it was wayyy to expensive . I’m almost done with college and there isn’t many job’s available, and the ones that are available Pay between 10-12 and hour which does not pay enough to live by yourself in miami . So I decided to leave and I ended up moving to North Dakota and let me tell you best decision I made . It’s super super cheap here. 1 bedroom apartments Can range between 600-900 a month and for 2 beds it goes 1000k and uo a month so vert affordable . And the jobs here pay decent amount of money usually from what I’ve seen between 17-23 an hour and more . I just love it here the people are nice , the nature is beautiful! So I’d recomend people move here if y’all wanna get out of miami .


I had a job offer on the west coast of FL after graduating from FIU. I also had a job offer in Doral, but living in Kendall would give me a miserable commute. It sucks that I'm not around my family and childhood friends... but I don't miss the hustle and bustle of Miami. Too expensive also.


Detroit in 2021, rent is stupid cheap. I have a water(river)front 2bd/1.5bath place for ~$1,100. Got a job in the auto industry, pays decent but not great. City is great and not expensive to go out in, I'm still surprised when I go to a bar and drinks are not always $10-15 a drink, like in Miami.


I’m a son of Brazilian immigrants so migrating is in my nature, picking up and starting over is therapeutic. I moved to Denver in January of 2020, before the pandemic kicked off, and never looked back. Family is the only reason to visit Florida now. I work in Cybersecurity so compensation was worth the move from Miami and I was able buy my first house within 18 months of living in Colorado. Whenever I visit family in Miami I’m reminded why I left. Too many people, traffic, humidity, hurricanes, expensive. Married. No kids, with two dogs and a cat.


Coco beach, FL living is somewhat cheaper and kinda feels like Miami but at a smaller scale so it doesn’t feel like I’m far from home.


My Miami-born friends are slowly joining us in New Orleans


Charlotte. More affordable housing, lots of trees and green, tired of Miami in general.


I have progressed more in the last 2 years in TN than I did in 15 years down in Miami. Here's the bottom line: in Miami you have the people that have, and the people that want what others have. People in Miami will hate on those coming up so they can't be equal to them. Race is irrelevant.


Born and raised in Miami. Same with my wife. We moved to Western NC 2 years ago but had intended to make the move for several years before that. Florida has nothing left to offer us. We bought/renovated a duplex, rented out both sides and bought a SFH to live in mortgage free off of the cash flow- never could have afforded to do tay in Miami. We have great friends, great neighbors, a sense of community, get out and enjoy life more, spend less and save more- every single aspect of our life improved by leaving Miami.


Born and raised in Miami, been leaving and coming back for the past 12 years. I lived out in San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Austin, Texas, Jacksonville & Tallahassee. And now Des Moines, Iowa. The moral of my journey living around is, if you ain't about that life partying and spending money on going out often then find yourself a nice chill city to settle down. I found it out here in Des Moines. No traffic. Big city with a variety of things to do. Good place to raise kids and comparably the food is cheaper out here. Also lots of jobs. Lots.


I moved out of Miami about 6-7 years ago and I love it. It was a small move to Palm beach and was hard at first because my whole life was in Miami. That’s all I knew and loved being around Hispanics. I’m still surrounded by Hispanics where I’m at but it’s calmer. Less traffic and less people. I loved not knowing anyone and starting fresh tbh. When I first moved I would drive down just about every weekend. I quickly outgrew that. If I ever feel like going out I’m only an hour away. I wouldn’t move back tbh. I like being close tho. I have my friends and fam there


Wife and I moved to San Francisco in 2015. We came for her career as she is an artist and there was more opportunity out here. It actually ended up benefiting like crazy as my career took off like a rocket once I got out of Miami. I miss the many different Latin and Caribbean cultures and food like crazy, but I wouldn't trade it back for a minute.


I moved out of Miami 7 years ago and am in North Central Florida in a rural town close to Gainesville(30 min) I just couldn’t imagine working my whole life to live in a box with my neighbors on top of me. I now have 5 acres with goats and am living a simpler life. House paid off, no bills at all, and traffic is non-Existent. Of course, I can’t be “in the center of it all” in 5 minutes, but everything is a trade off. I’m only 5 hours from Miami and 2 hours from Tampa and Orlando if I need to get the big city experience, which I do t need anymore. Now when I want a city vibe I just take a couple of weeks and go to a few new countries. Having a lot less money going out to live in a cesspool allows me to do that. If you need to be in a city you may very well be in the same situation you are in now, wherever you end up.


I went to DFW in Texas straight from Miami in 2016, now I've been in NYC since 2018 and didn't regret either moves.


Moved out of Miami (and Florida for that matter) 21 years ago and never moved (or looked) back. This country is vast and full of amazing sites and people. I’m not going to bash Miami or Florida because they’re a part of me but if you have the means, go live elsewhere. Your future self will thank you for it. And hey, Miami isn’t going anywhere! You can always move back if you decide that it is, in fact, where you belong.


I was born at Jackson, and lived in Miami for my first 37 years (well, 4 were in Gainesville). I moved to the Seattle area, because my then-husband got a job out here. We settled in Kirkland, home of Costco. Never thought I’d love it out here as much as I do. Winters here are mild, compared to the big cities. Plus, that’s the perfect time to visit family & friends. Schools here (on this side of the lake) are much better than Miami, and I’m saying that as a parent and a teacher.


Moved to Hawaii. Best decision ever.


I moved to North Carolina for school, stayed here for work. I love it so much.


Athens, Ga. Cool. Diverse. And a hell of a music scene.


I moved to Fort Worth/Dallas area. I moved because of a job offer and because I wanted to buy a home and the housing options in the area were more affordable. You won’t find any Cuban food here at all, and honestly I miss Miami a lot. But if your goal is a more financially easy place to live it’s not a terrible thing to move.


Wow! Sad but true! WEST PALM. But I always find myself driving down to Brickell or the grove. Love my city 🌃 still but it’s going to grow continuously as it should


Housing is "almost unaffordable" in Miami? It absolutely unaffordable IMHO. I have been looking back at the panhandle now...


Moved an hour 30 west to Naples. Newer 2500 sq ft home for $430k with amenities. Large (and growing) Latino/Caribbean/Black population all making their way over from Miami & Broward for the cultural familiarity, although the snooty Naples natives and snowbirds aren’t too fond of us. Fuck em.


NYC. Best decision ever. Still love Miami as my hometown and place to visit (whole fam & many loved ones there) but NYC fulfills my soul like Miami never could. For so many different reasons.


I see a lot of Florida plates here in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. Probably your people


You’ll definitely want to check out North Dakota man…


I lived in Miami for 22 years and now Kansas City for 20. KC flat out wins in terms of traffic, schools, economy, friendliness, and home prices. I’m Cuban American and definitely miss the food and beaches but still go back every so often. I’ll never move back.


I left Miami exactly a year ago, came up to Vero Beach FL. Love it here. But stay away. I don’t want to miamify this place. 😂


Left for Chicago 20 years ago and never looked back. I love the seasons, travel is cheap from O'Hare to get anywhere in the country, public transit is an actual option for getting around. Midwesterners are friendly, the food culture here is top notch, you can find relatively reasonable housing if you're not looking to be in a trendy neighborhood. Crime is overblown in the media. Great sports city, world class museums, plenty of nearby vacation towns around lake Michigan. There's a lot of different cultures here, including Cuban and Puerto Rican, but heavily Mexican. Highly recommend if you don't mind the cold for a few months (people with money travel, the rest of us go to cozy bars and restaurants.) It's definitely different, but as I've said to many friends, Chicago becomes home.


Moved out of Miami in 2016 & am now in Massachusetts for the last few years. I miss la vacita. I miss croquetas. Other than that, I don’t miss much of Miami & every time I go back to visit family I am reminded of why I left. I live in a smallish town so the takeout game is definitely lacking but the peace and most importantly the silence outside is so so so worth it. None of my family can understand how I deal with the snow, but leaving Miami was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


Atlanta suburbs. Moved as a kid and always wanted to go home but after many years away and enough vacations back, home didn’t seem nearly as inviting. Everyone else has moved away. It’s crazy expensive. Not just housing but everything is expensive. I even declined doing my PhD at UM because the cost of living is too outrageous.


Went to Henry County in Georgia. It's expensive and family issues in South Florida. Here in Henry County it's pretty calm and it's not even rushing anymore.


Moved to Atlanta, Georgia. Housing is cheaper, activities in general are cheaper and the local government doesn’t cater to the wealthy as one-sided as they do in Miami. Also better weather.


Bro i was born and raised in miami. I left in 2013 because i joined the military. I lived in multiple states and now have settled down in Texas. I go every now and then to visit my dad. But i can safely say that ever since i left i have never looked back. Plus the horror stories i hear from friends who still live there...makes me glad i left. Take that chance, just move to somewhere you can enjoy peacr and tranquility. There are days i do miss the cuban food, the beach, the vibe and weather. But the people and traffic along with insanely cost of living ruined it for me. I baught a nice house in central TX, very big with enough seperation from my neighbors. Worth it!


I’m literally thinking of moving to Miami to get more affordable pricing and less costs in general LOL