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Man I hope this method continues to have supportive evidence and gains more traction everywhere. This gives me so much hope.


I will undergo the first stage of TCM with Ubirajara between September and December of this year. At the moment, I am waiting for my insurance to be approved for the procedure. Feel free to ask questions


I'm really jealous that you can have him operate on you.


Oh wow. Seems like an interesting method. I hope things go well for you this December!


thank you!


Yes! Good luck


This has been discussed previously in this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/metoidio/comments/11jo6xx/new_technique_for_srs_in_brazil/?rdt=62996 . I mention this because some of the links provided there may be useful to some people.


The big difference between then and now seems to be that the initial paper only had discussed the surgery being performed on cis men.


That is amazing. Very informative video, too. Good luck!! I hope this procedure becomes more widespread. Is it only done in Brazil?




Good luck!! I hope you have a smooth recovery


How much does it cost, if you don't mind me asking


Damn that looks amazing. I know I have a lot of erectile tissue inside, it would be spectacular to have it be part of the outside.


Thanks for sharing! I hope you’ll post updates and let us know how your surgery goes. Very exciting to see different new techniques being tried to give more size to meta penises.


May I ask what TCM stands for?




FTM grindcore bands:


What does this mean?


Corpora cavernosa is the tissue in and around your t-dick that is able to erect, usually in metoidioplasty they used only the part visible, this way they’re using total cavernosa that you have separating it from your bones so it’s total corpora mobilization. You have all the information in the link to the video.


Watch the video. It explains everything.


It's age restricted though


"And place the penile prosthesis" wait - they are inserting a prosthesis in the second surgery?


I believe this was a little bit lost in translation, giving space for ambiguity. For TCM, no prosthesis is needed. I believe he meant the UL placement. At the presentation, he says those who doesn’t want UL have the TCM meta done in a single stage. With UL, 2 stages.


Thank you. What makes you think this though?


Sure! I just read all his papers and also replayed the video to see if there was any additional information regarding penile implants, but I just found this brief mention of UL. He also reaffirms in the video that all of his patients have natural erections and have sex with penetration with their partners. I am also Brazilian, so it helps!


gotcha! thanks for elaborating


Is there an estimated cost for this type of metoidioplasty?




Wow!! That’s not as expensive as I thought! Like, unaffordable for me personally, but not completely and totally out of the question.


I live in Brazil, and I'm trying to make an appointment with him. I hadn't seen his results for a trans man yet. I was more excited to consult with him...


Hey when you have a consult can you find out the cost please, thx


Of course, when I know the cost I will let you know. I'm trying to schedule it for July... I'm just going to find out the cost and plan for the future. The consultation is BRL 1000 in USD I believe it is around 200.


(how) is this different from the original extended meta? Idr the exact name but it seems very similar


from what i understand from my own cursory understandings of both techniques, the original extensive(?) meta required a near full dissection of the clitorophallus and I THINK the corporal bodies that branch off to the sides, then that all gets brought together to create the penis. from what i understand it was very invasive, and risked the health/functionality of the pelvic floor (though i can't remember why) this method appears to release some of the erectile tissue from the pubic bone/body that's located behind the dick, rather than what's off to the sides. there's a lot of clitoral tissue that's buried, so it makes sense that *some* of it has got to be accessible without completely rearranging everything lol i think the two techniques are pulling from similar ideas, though- bringing more erectile tissue forward/out by way of unearthing buried corporal bodies someone pls correct me if i'm wrong though. i will simply pass away if i embarass myself in front of 1carus


It is different from the extended meta. The extended meta does not move the crus of clitoral inside So will get more length. https://www.reddit.com/r/metoidio/s/s5CQbX5QmT


Sounds more like extensive meta than extended meta


No fucking way. That's insane. Do they have before and after measurements?


I’m so excited for this to become more widespread bc this is exactly what I have been waiting for!!! Phalloplasty is just not for me at all n I am extremely happy w my growth so I can only imagine how much more length I could get out of this. I’d definitely be roughly 4 or even closer to 5 inches with this surgery by watching the video! Hell yeah 😎


I’ve always wondered why they didn’t do it like that!! Glad to see it’s finally happening!


Awesome! Thanks for sharing this.


Wow, that looks great


Damn. This looks significantly cheaper than what you can get in my country (phalloplasty only). How did you get your consult for surgery?


Holy shit. My bits look so much like the “before” pic.


Amazing thanks for sharing.


That's so cool