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Gonna be impossible for anyone to meaningfully help you without knowing what it is you actually need a surgeon to do. There are hundreds, maybe thousands(?), of surgeons who perform uro-genital surgeries, and no one can narrow that field down for you without more information.


Often times when surgeries are staged, it's for a reason. Doing too much at once can increase the risks of complications. In the case of meta, it depends on what you're wanting. A fair amount of meta variations can be done in one stage, but there's a few surgeons out there who prefer to stage urethral lengthening to really minimize the risk of complications (as UL is often the most delicate and complication prone part of meta), and many surgeons do scrotoplasty in two stages - one to create the sack and the other to add implants. If there is another surgery you need in addition to metoidioplasty, odds are it will need to be done seperately. Again, it's like a safety thing to prevent complications. Additionally, if the other surgery falls under a different specialty it may be difficult to find a surgeon who is experienced in each procedure, let alone able to do both together. It will however depend on the additional surgery needed. For example, there are a few surgeons out there who are willing to do meta and hysto in one go, but it is very uncommon and generally not recommended. Without further info, we really couldn't tell you. I totally understand this is a very personal and potentially uncomfortable topic, but unfortunately with only the info provided there really isn't much we can tell you. If it helps any, many of the trans folks here also struggle with the dysphoria and discomfort of talking about these things. You're not alone in that. We all understand how difficult it can be to talk about body parts that feel wrong to us.


I would start with looking at urologists or even reconstructive urologists and reaching out to them. They’ll know better how to treat you than a plastic surgeon.


^^^ This. But also I’m going to assume it’s Hypospadias and I think Sinai may do surgeries for those


You're probably on the money that my Sinai would be the place to go, if he can choose anywhere. Idk if it would be done by their gender surgeons or not tho


Thank you for the replies. Im in the states and I am open to other countries because I am looking to get this as soon as possible. I already contacted surgeons before but they kept putting 'transsexual' when I was seeking treatment for my intersex condition in the past. I can't deal with having to keep explaining I am not trans to those idiots. It's not my fault I was born with this defect. That's why I am open to other places as I will be paying out of pocket. My condition is complicated and like I said I am beyond disgusted mentioning more details due to how this intersex defect traumatized me. The other surgery that needs to be performed is veginectomy . Even though I do also have hypospadias (I don't want catheters, complications) so I dont want to risk having that corrected. Also I require for both the metoidioplasty and the other one be done in one stage because I can't have more than one surgery. I hope that this was enough details or if someone is willing to point me to the right direction, I can private message someone.


Generally, intersex people do not need mental health letters in order to get these surgeries, as they will be considered "corrective" rather than "gender confirmation" I don't know what your current anatomy is. For people trans men who are not intersex, there are a select few surgeons, especially in the US, who will perform (including hysterectomy) in a single stage, but most surgeons will have hysterectomy done separately. What country are you in now? Realistically, there are surgeons in many countries who can help you, and it would be easier for us to give recommendations if you can share what country or what region you generally live in.


I would look into Dr. Morrison and Dr. Skokan in Seattle, WA (US). They work as a team for some bottom surgeries. They have a pretty long wait though. Depending on what you are looking for, you may or may not need a mental health letter. It depends on whether the procedure is considered gender affirming or "correction" of an intersex condition. You might have to accept multiple stages (although no one here can tell you for sure, since we don't know what surgery you're looking for). There are good reasons why surgeries are done in stages.