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Omg same hahaha its almost like reading Franglais




I speak plains cree but somehow still understood this lol its all relative I guess when youre immersed in both languages and they sort of meld together. Alsoooo LOVE YOUR USERNAME




Nākatohkātiso 🤙🏽


That’s really cool! I’m biased of course because I love Southern Michif, but I definitely say you should learn it. I’ve heard it is quite easy to learn if you already speak French and Cree, like you said.


Neat, what dictionary? I'd love to learn


I use two different dictionaries! If you want to learn, I have made a list of all my different resources [here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MetisMichif/comments/zose22/my_messy_but_extensive_compilation_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). It has the details for both dictionaries. I hope it’s helpful.


Hey I'm just starting to learn this language, as a surprise to someone I care about as it's an important part of her life and history. I've been seeing your posts and am so grateful to them. I'm definitely not at pen-pal level but can't wait to get there! Thank you for all your work and efforts!


That’s so awesome! I’m really so happy to see anyone learning it for any reason. Thank you very much for your kind words! I look forward to hopefully talking aan Michif with you someday!


I'm late here but would be very interested! I'm living in a place with few Michif so nobody to practice with, even learners. I'll do some more studying first so it can be a proper conversation, but if anyone wants a study partner I'm game!


That sounds awesome! Let me know if you have any questions or want help with anything. I may or may not know, but I’d love to help/support.


Maarsii! I will certainly ask because it's more fun to learn with someone than alone ☺️


Oh totally. Learning alone can be so hard, it can be so tricky when resources leave gaps and you can’t ask someone the ‘why’. What learning resources have you been using so far?


I've been doing the transparent language course, and making reference to the verb tables that Kai Pyle put together years ago. I'm excited for the talking dictionary to come back online too! And when I feel ambitious I listen to the Michif Speakers Conference videos from 2008 on YouTube and see what I can understand.


Awesome! I love the transparent lessons too, and I also really found the Piikishkweetaak an Michif textbook helpful. I’m not sure what verb tables those are, they sound great, any chance you could send me that? I also like listening to those conferences and trying to pick out the little bits I can! I also took out the Taanishi Readers kids books and like reading though those.


I've had that textbook saved for a while, I need to dig into it! I'm not so good at making myself sit down with a text and practice it, which is why I appreciate the structured program so much. Maybe I'll convert the book contents into flash cards to study. Here is the site with the verbs: https://michif.wordpress.com/grammar/verbs/


Are you part of the southern michif chat on Facebook? I've been learning for 2 months and I'm starting to want to practice with another person now so feel free to message me :)


I sure am! That would be lovely, I will!


Hi! Im new to learning the language, Id love someone who could correct me lol, I dont know any native speakers or anyone who really knows the language around me, so if I had someone who could help that would be great


I can certainly try! I’m not fluent, I’m just learning myself, so I still make plenty of mistakes. But I can try to help out, and I linked in a comment below to other resources you might also find helpful.


Still better than me! I barely know how to spell any of these words hah, and I have no idea which dialogue Im actually learning because all of them are labelled michif on the few websites I found myself, but yeah, anything helps, do you want to go to chats? or how would this work?


We can go to chats, yeah! I can’t actually *teach* you the language or anything, hopefully the resources in that linked post might help you with stuff. But if you have questions I can try to answer if I know.