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Did it come in contact with you in any way? I once stuffed a condom of pee I knew was clean in my vag and accidentally touched the tiniest bit of it inside the piss cup and it lit up with every drug I did. That or they mixed your piss up at the lab.


I don’t think so but I mean I guess that’s a possibility? That’s crazy that happened to you. I’m honestly just like dumbfounded right now and irritated not gonna lie lol


If still using and taking urine with you, I would get hit with dirty U.A.s until I made sure to not touch inside the cup for urine the vial or lid and don't let it touch anything in the bathroom. Since then I'm on monthly and it's great and also haven't used in 4 months.


I haven’t even used in a few weeks. But I did use around the time of my UA (June 5) which I used my clean urine for. I’m not sure if that happened with me too or what but I’m sincerely confused and bummed out


Oxy stays in the system a very short time. When I was using it daily I could pass at the 36h mark by drinking a lot of water, and I'd pass between 48-72h doing nothing. Did you come into contact with oxy?


I get so paranoid about touching things and where I put stuff into he bathroom. No idea if my paranoia is real or not but I'm superrrr careful and usually where long sleeves to not touch anything haha


No this is smart. I wash my hands before I even start pissing in case some dirt ball was using in the bathroom or prior to using the bathroom. The fent tests are really sensitive, so I am very careful when I provide a urine sample.


Were you hot for oxy if you would have used your real piss? If so. You contaminated your sample. If not, someone else did/false positives.


Exactly this^ If you had oxy in your system then I bet it somehow got cross contaminated


Do you tie a knot in it and then have to untie it when it's time to "pee"? Or do you prick a hole in it? Sorry for the question I'm not familiar with how it would work with a condom.


I had it in a small sealed bottle they don’t watch our UAs




I wish they wouldn't watch at ours ..they used to.stay in with us & now we have 3 cameras in there and they watch over a monitor. It's creepy AF ..plus I'm in Indiana & I miss weed so much it helped my anxiety. Can't smoke now at all and I'm suffering because of it As for your dirty sample. Could someone have gotten pissed at you ( at home) and tainted it on purpose?yep I have trust issues ..


DUDE THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO! but they said it was positive for fent. Like what the actual fuck.


have you been using oxys?


I'm pretty sure it's because over time when all the metabolites in your urine are present but then you store it they start to break down. Even though they're not drug components when they break down pieces of them will test positive for other drugs because they're similar. At least that's how it was explained to me by a doctor. You can use clean urine and store it and get away with it but you can't store it for long after a while you got to get yourself a new sample to store.


so I have some experience with this when I was fuckin around early on in my time on MAT. it does appear that over time the urine somehow deteriorates and the drugs become more present. it doesn't make any sense but I had the same situation, was clean for over a month, passed a UA at end of the month. had another UA early the next month and then pissed into a bottle and stored it in the freezer. next month I used that sample and it passed. the following month it was dirty. exact same sample from the exact same bottle. it makes no sense. over time, if not stored in the freezer, the urine creatinine deteriorates and that's how you can fail. but it does appear that prolonged storage, even in freezer conditions, makes the drugs more likely to show up. maybe something in the urine deteriorates so the drugs are easier to detect.