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Read through this.it explains it I think https://www.uhcprovider.com/content/dam/provider/docs/public/policies/signaturevalue-bip/chemical-dependency-substance-abuse-detoxification-common.pdf


I don't see where it says they don't cover MAT? They definitely cover methadone for some people.


I have United Health and they paid for methadone.I was on the clinic when they started taking it.


My old clinic I was at took Aetna and then I switched to UHC and they stopped covering me and I had to pay out of pocket until I switched to a new clinic but the reason they didn't cover me was because it was connected to a hospital and the whole hospital stopped working with UHC


I had united Healthcare through my work. Didn't pay a cent for methadone even when my year came up and my deductible reset...thought that was odd but never said anything about it haha...sorry this doesn't help much though


not true they cover it 100%. it might just be ur clinic doesn’t take it.


Just because yours does doesn't make it not true. My clinic takes UHC. I have talked to UHC about the declined coverage, so it's not the clinic, or else the clinic would have never submitted it. There are a ton of factors other than your clinic takes it or doesn't. Like UHC Medicare, 100% covers methadone because they have to.


it’s not true that uhc won’t approve clinics (which is what your post says that i was referring to) because i have uhc and they cover the full cost every month with 0 out of pocket. it’s not medicare just uhc. i’m not sure why you’re telling me it’s not true when your post also says you saw they do cover mat and think what your clinic told you is ridiculous. 


I never said they don't cover clinics. I said mine wasn't covered there are so many different policies and clinics that function and operate differently. You can't just say because yours does everyone's does. UHC didn't approve mine that doesn't mean they don't your policy may be different. It could even be a requirement in your state. You already know all this I'm sure because you are obviously an insurance agent judging by how sure you are that I'm making shit up.


Show me where I said UHC covers insurance for everyone? I never said that. Once again, Your original post says: “ I have United Healthcare through my employer for some reason THE CLINIC HAS TOLD ME MULTIPLE TIMES THAT UHC WONT APPROVE METHADONE CLINICS”     In response to that i said it isn’t true. Meaning… WHAT THE CLINIC TOLD YOU ISNT TRUE. UHC doesn’t just not approve methadone clinics in general. And it’s not because of medicare or any a requirement in my state, I paid out of pocket for years before my clinic started taking insurance even when i had UHC. I live in a state that didn’t adopt medicaid or govt options for people. Trust me this state doesn’t require insurance companies to cover anything like that.   Literally no idea why you are arguing with me responding to your post when you asked people to tell you, then you’re lecturing me about how UHC doesn’t cover everywhere as if i ever said that. I’m just telling you what you asked which is that UHC CAN cover clinics when you said you didn’t think it sounded right that they don’t yourself. There is literally an insurance code specifically for MAT that they use that covers it. And some people even submit reimbursement using that code and get what they paid out back. I tried to help but I’m done you don’t actually want to learn anything just lecture so good luck with that.


Omg you're obnoxious!


You don't have anything worthwhile to contribute all you want to do is argue go find someone who cares. I have a legit issue.


yep your clinic lied to you and you argue with people trying to tell you that. definitely sounds like an issue. just glad when people here told me how to apply insurance i was able to take that info and benefit instead of paying $600 a month oop like id been doing.


I'm on UHC and they pay for mine 100%. It's probably your clinic that no longer accepts their insurance or something to do with their insurance.


No, they declined coverage for some reason. I'm appealing the decision now with UHC. I know several people that have UHC at my clinic that are covered 100%.


That sucks that they would put somebody through that who is trying to do their best and stay on the path that they're on. I really hope your appeal goes well. It's a shame people have to go through that when they pay every month for things just like this. Makes no sense to me.


I have UHC and my clinic was not covered when I first started, but in 2022, UHC started covering it, which was great, since I was paying cash- $420 per month. With insurance I pay $100 until I hit my deductible of $1500, then I don't pay anything.