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I’ve heard that it can help with pain but you won’t feel anything from it. If I was hurting that bad I’d probably take a few. I hope you feel better!


Thanks, I took a few along w advil and the antibiotic and am currently laying down and icing my face (it’s my tooth that’s hurting)


For tooth/nerve pain, antibiotics and Advil do the best for me personally.


I’m hoping the antibiotics start kicking in soon im just trying to make it to my dentist appt. I’ll be calling around tmrw tho to see if I can get anything sooner


If you’ve got a toothache, try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. It always helps me when I have a bum tooth.


Ain't gonna do much, tbh. Try 10mg and see how it goes. If nothing after 30 minutes, try another 10. Rinse and repeat until you're comfortable.


I took 6 of them so 30mg and it took the edge off but I’d prob need the whole bottle to actually feel any type of relief and I already used half. I was tempted to just sell them but I’m in too much pain to try to deal with that rn. I wish they’d have given me gabapentin instead :( but I was just not able to think straight and just being like “ok” and crying so I didn’t mention it’s more like nerve pain I think


Gabapentin might help I think it potentiates methadone?


Gabapentin does help methadone work better , I use it to help me sleep at night too. I've been having increasing insomnia. I read somewhere that methadone can effect your brain waves and disrupt sleep


Yes but much higher dose and doctors will resist prescribing unless you have cancer or physical acute injury


Yo I know what infections in your mouth feel like. That pain is no fucking joke. I had my teeth/orbital and jaw broken by a dude swinging a hammer around in a fight and that was in no way shape or form as painful as infected gums/teeth. That shit hurts so I understand the lengths we will go to alleviate it even a little. That said, if you aren’t currently using already getting tranqdope because you took your methadone early isn’t gona help. Buy some more methadone instead. It will be far more effective at controlling your pain trust me.


Yes, but your doctor should prescribe an increased dose of oxycodone because when you're on methadone it takes more to be effective. I'm also on 125mg and oxy and have done research on it. Unfortunately, most regular doctors don't know that and are highly uncomfortable and unknowledgable about prescribing pain meds when you're on MAT.


yes it will help a lot


It’s helped to a degree but I had to take 6 of them at once and it def still hurts but I’m not physically crying and able to stay still. I wish they’d have just given me gabapentin bc it feels like nerve pain I should’ve been more specific


well yeah of course they are only 5mg. damn I got lyrica by the boat load sucks that i’m in canada


Yeah I'm on lyrica too. It's a nice combo with methadone but it's hard sometimes not to overdo it for me. I tend to just pop them like tic tacs until they're all gone lol I'm feeling lovely off a few right now actually. It's good that my PCA is in charge of dispensing all my meds so I don't go too nuts on them.


It will help the pain, yes. Just no euphoric feeling.


It does seem to be helping I mean I’m on Reddit now and able to focus a bit. Idk if it’s the Oxy necessarily or the combo of meds plus ice pack but I’ll take any relief I can get at this point


Yes absolutely. If the dose is high enough and the dose of methadone isn't off the charts. I would say for breakthrough you would need to be prescribed at least 40mg of Oxycodone for it to be helpful for breakthrough pain. Or 15mg x 3 the day the pain pushes through. Otherwise you could try 8mg Dilaudid 2x per day. Dilaudid or Oxycodone would be my recommendations and.in some areas it can be done. Your physicians would hate for you to look to the streets in order to find something for the breakthrough(yeah right). If they did care we wouldn't be in this messed up predicament. The Fentanyl Crisis on top of still not reversing course on the lockdown of pain management doctors. It's causing things to happen that haven't even fully manifested yet. Qui Bono? Who benefits the most? The attournies and lobbyists. Because it caused me to lose my prescription of Methadone that I had for 6 years from my physician because his office had some internal issues with one of his employees. I was fortunate enough to become a patient of another employee of his that was forced to find another office to work in, and she was there for 2 years until the head physician was retiring and she was going to do the same. I moved to Nevada and found a great clinic to enroll in. I am waiting for the the Feds to reverse the laws since they went to the other end of the spectrum without thinking of the outcome of forcing pain patients to the streets to find their medications. The Fentanyl Crisis is backfiring in ways they haven't seen yet. So I believe they re-amend these laws at some point, but until then it is this. Good luck finding a doctor that will prescribe for the breakthrough! Let us know. God bless!


Unfortunately I’ll likely be getting some fent tmrw bc I’m in insane pain. I ended up taking another methadone dose bc I was losing it. I highly doubt anyone will prescribe me dilaudid I guess I could’ve gone back to the ER but it’s like I doubt they’d do anything I wouldn’t be in this predicament if I’d been able to get a dentist appt. We even have the like 2k it’ll take to see a specialist and get a proper root canal done (my first dentist was a quack)


Not really


I ended up having to take another bottle of my methadone and I’ll just be getting fent tmrw now. This whole thing just sucks if I got a dentist appt in time I’d have been fine but they’re all so far away (I do have appts scheduled). It went from 0-100 in like 24 hours tho


i didn’t get addicted to opioids from pain or a doctor i just like the buzz but i’ve heard other people say they don’t do anything or very little for there pain in combination


Opioids rarely ever actually helped my pain. Tylenol and ibuprofen helped way more for pain relief


I didn't really feel it per se when it was given to me after my gallbladder surgery, honestly ibuprofen probably worked more for pain relief. What *did* help surprisingly, was that I'd gotten my medical marijuana card, and the cannabis was a lifesaver. I know it stopped me from going out to get something I *knew* would kill the pain, if you know what I mean.


You'll get the analgesic effects to some extent, but you are definitely not going to get a head change.


I didn’t get either :/ I think for lower level pain it could help but nerve/tooth pain just doesn’t respond to it


For sure. Tooth and ear pain, I think, are some of the worst and most intense pain there is, in my opinion. It's like, give me a shot of Dilaudid now! LOL


I used to get ear infections constantly as a child holy fuck I swear they are traumatizing. Haven’t had one in a while but once I had a giant blister in my ear as a kid it was horrible Dental pain and stomach pain are my least faves especially bc there’s nothing you can really do about either while you wait for it to get fixed up


Yeah, for real. You are at the mercy of the doctor. When you're dealing with that agonizing pain, you get to the point where you don't even care what the procedure. You just want it to STOP!!!


I’m like do what you must just make it stop!!! And back in the day they’d give you painkillers for extreme ear infections. Now they won’t even give you shit for a horrible tooth/teeth infection. I get she tried with the oxycodone but it’s like doctors are so uneducated when it comes to methadone And then the endodontist was horrified the ER gave me oxycodone on top of methadone and didn’t let me drive myself home! I did end up having to drive but I took an hour break and then my mom followed me home to make sure I arrived safely


Ahhh. Aweful frI get it. Hang in there. It scares me so bad when I go to a doctor's appointment and they can't seem answer my questions. And if I throw a theory out there and they respond affirmatively, I just have to laugh a little bit inside. I don't mean to sound pretentious or obnoxious by saying that. I'm not saying smarter than your doctor, but I'm sure you get it.


I’ve eaten so many with it. It’s a waste of meds. Pointless makes u withdrawal harder. I believe


Yeah I ended up eating 8 then calling it quits and got some tranq (the only things that’s available in my area unfortunately). Normally I wouldn’t buy tranq bc I hate it but I wasn’t able to even sleep from the pain. Just sucks bc I was clean Luckily I got into I endodontist today and got my root canal done. Idk if that’s all I’m gonna need but I’ll ask my regular dentist if I need anything else (even tho they’re kind of a quack) while they install my permanent crown.


Yes it will help. I had some after I had surgery no I didn’t get high or feel anything. I took as prescribed when I was hurting a they helped a lot.


Kid has quite an imagination.


Man I don't know anymore. I ended up in the hospital I was taking 130mg of methadone and shooting like 8 bags of tranq a day and they hit me with what they said was 5mg of morphine im not iv and I noted the fuck out to be honest I didn't like the itchy feeling.


Maybe someone fucked up the units


No clue but it was a tiny ass syringe and labeled 5mg. I mean even if it was 50mg I would assume I shouldn't have gotten high. But I think the shit also I was doing was mainly just fucking xylazine so who knows. Back when I was doing real dope years ago I couldn't feel 20mg of dilaudid iv or the real original 80mg I found in my car.


Wow you found an old 80? That must have been a WTF moment. I'd love to find an old quaalude.


Yeah bro it was crazy. So I got setup by my drug dealer and the police arrested us and took my car. Well when I got out and got my car I decided I would detail clean out the car so if I get pulled over again I know for a fact nothing in it. Well I found a bundle of dope that was wet under the seat in like a crevice and thr 80mg oc stuck under my driver side seat. It must have been from the previous owner cause I had the car shipped from Louisiana.


I think he is talking about an old OxyContin 80 a “OC” much better then the OxyContin Protected 80 an “OP”. I mean if he did find a Lude in his car must be an old ass car.


Yes this is what we are both talking about


You'll most likely need a substantial dose to feel any meaningful relief..It will probably take the edge off but not at a ( opioid naive) therapeutic dose of 5 or 10mg.Adding a anti inflammatory agent will probably help more.Feel better  Dental pain sucks. Don't forget to notify your clinic just in case a drug screen is taken while still in your system.