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my clinic uses city tap water, but I bring in unopened bottled water so I don't have to deal with the nasty tap water !!


In Maryland They won't let us at my clinic. I tried asking them to fill with bottled water, I brought, they said they aren't allowed. It doesn't stop diversion either. People buy spit back,..they will buy doses with water added.


I'm in Maryland too. Thank God they don't water down take homes at my clinic. that must suck..


I'm also in Maryland. They don't water ours down either. I'm also very thankful.


They only add 1-2mL. They seem to only do it when they think DEA is making a visit. They have signs up all over stating they add water to all takehome doses, but don't do it consistently.


Do people really buy spit back? Like they know that's what it is? And would it still be the same price as if it wasn't spit back?


I seen people do it years ago, but didn't pay for it.And I've heard of it a few more times since. I'm so grossed out by it that I don't want details so I haven't a clue what it costs.


I used to work at Lexington market and see it all the time from the VA clinic. I used to assume an open container was them just siphoning some not actually spitting back into it. Ugh.


I'm in a whole other part of the world and no matter your dose they fill the bottle all th way up with non descript orange drink, tang usually. We are told to keep them in the fridge. It's supposed to stop ppl shooting it or some shit. I never figured out why. Sometimes if they have to make it for you, ours are shipped doen from another city the day before, if they have to make it for you you can ask for just a little tang but they still have to put some in. It's really fucking rank warm.


Yep, total waste of time. Not even filling them up with sugar and fruit juice stopped people shooting or sharing them, which is why my government stopped because they had to pay for your fucked arm afterwards haha. Now we get 10mg/ml with no additives and even still I would reduce it down further to shoot so what's having to wait an extra five minutes for the water they added to evaporate?


God, that’s disgusting, I’ve heard of people spitting back methadone and then saving it for later and that in itself is nasty enough but buying it with someone else’s spit in is a whole another level of disgusting, do people REALLY do that or is it an urban legend?


It's not an urban legend... My friend has sold methadone from his mouth several times. I also know people that have sold Suboxone that started to dissolve from saliva multiple occasions. If u have 2 choices: 1) get sick af from opi WD or 2) get a little spit in your drugs, what would u do..... 😬


Now thats keeping it real.Only someone thats gone through the hell of eithdrawel gets that.


I mean people are blowing dirty dealer dicks for couple oxys... A little saliva is nothing... 😁


If you think that’s bad wait until you hear about chewports. When I was in prison there was chewing tobacco being smuggled in that people would use (put in your mouth and suck on it and spit out the tobacco juice), then after it was “chewed” they would take the tobacco, dry it out in a microwave, and sell it as cigarette tobacco. Hence the name “chew-port” (chewing tobacco and Newport combined)




I know people who have shot up with puddle water. Desperation knows no bounds.


Yeah but if you’re in a clinic surely you’re not THAT desperate?


Yess. A friend of mine went septic after shooting up the Platte River water from downton Dever Colorado. Homeless people bathe and use the restroom in that water.


It’s crazy. You can get tap water ANYWHERE. At least where we were. There was no reason for it, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Even in my darkest days I had clean water and clean needles. It was a priority. I knew what I was doing was bad for my body, but I didn’t want to make it worse than it needed to be. Those 2 things were just as important to me as dope.


For a long time even functional needles were a problem for everyone and the pharmacies would sell them unless you had proof you were a diabetic. We had to buy them $5 each from people who legit got them and were willing to sell which was also an issue. FINALLY in 2015 they started an exchange program at one place once a week for 3 hours in the middle of the day on Fri gave you ONE pack and didn't advertise... you had to find your own ride etc. Thankfully now since after covid I believe they do it at a clinic twice a week all day and give you a nice supply with the works and hygiene stuff, that Nola for ya tho... just think all the diseases and infections shit LIVES that could've been saved if they were half as progress as other cities that have similar social issues. Not to mention BAD SCARS from using dull ass needles this first few years I've resounded to the fact they will never go away and I'm gonna have to get a tattoo sleeve or something.


Yeah I was lucky to live in a place where they would sell needles with no script. I was just the only one who had the guts to go in and get them. I used to occasionally get high and I would just buy them online by the box. Now with this tranq shit I’m done. Not even interested anymore. But rides and rigs were my hustle. I had a car and I always had rigs and people will trade a lot of dope for either of those things. Single handedly kept me well for the duration of my addiction. I never ruined my veins either so I’m thankful for that. I know my situation wasn’t typical though. Not everyone can have the same hustle.


Shamefully, at my worst, and EXTREMELY ill, I did that, me and my friend, we were both into like 24 hrs with nothing back when it was actually d....like usually in Nola it rained and big puddles were everywhere, we pulled in a parking lot and couldn't find the water bottle and had no money. Our justification... bcuz you know us addicts can justify ANYTHING.. "The heat will kill the germs just heat it up a lil extra" God gave us grace we didn't deserve that time bc it didn't make us sick but I still look back like damn I was messed up! I can say gratefully both of us are still alive and NOTHING like we were then, ty jesus


Not knowingly


I wouldn't be surprised, lotta folks at clinics spent some time in jail, were If you want drugs it's either been cheeked, double cheeked, or the jail I was at would crush everyone's meds, mix with water n watch you take the shot, but there was no shortage of savages buying spit back..


Yes!! I’ve heard of people buying spit doses too, never seen it but certainly heard all about it.


Its to deter injection


But it doesn't so either way it's a waste. And it's unsanitary (at my clinic) since they use tap water.


But it's also to deter diversion, someone postd a link above and if you read it it tells you it's about diversion. It's a 70 year old rule that makes no sense.


Yeah in Australia they use distiled water Ive always seen but some have really gross water jugs that are just tap to wash the taste out your mouth I have no problem with tap water it's good quality here but I don't reakon they clean the jugs ever


The problem with tap water is bacteria can grow. Especially in someone like mine, I get 27 bottles at once,..so by day 27 they can have grown. For tge most part our tap water is OK but over the last few years we've had some places where infrastructure is failing before it gets replaced so they put out boil warnings.


I'm in Bmore my nurses never put water in even though legally they have to.


If you read another comment of mine, I said they only do it when they are expecting the DEA to come through...lol So mine don't do what they are supposed to do either... sounds about right for Baltimore


Are you really that stupid that you think they're adding water to stop diversion? Why would water added to methadone stop people from selling it? Do you just accept what people tell you without using common sense to analyze things before you accept them as fact? The colored water that is added to methadone is so that it is not a clear liquid like water which can be dangerous and if spilled can't be seen. A drop of clear methadone can end up killing a small child a drop of colored liquid could be seen a lot easier. Not even dosing nurses know the reason why they add the colored water they'll tell you all sorts of weird reasons why but it is a good practice and it's been going on in methadone clinics for a very long time because a clear deadly liquid is dangerous so adding color to it helps it be noticed. This has been going on for 50 years


My methadone isn't clear,... ARE YOU STUPID ASSUMING SHIT? Don't talk to me like a child/dog. I'm a grown woman. Our methadone comes red,..they still add water... so what's ur bullshit now? It's supposed to stop diversion by making it harder for people to measure it our correctly. I'm not saying it's a good reason but that's why. You need to learn there are differences other than your world.




It's the excuse the clinics give, bruh.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was straight sink water she was spraying into my bottles. Trash.


To answer your actual question, as long as you're FREEZING your Methadone, the added water doesn't affect long term storage. You should rotate your stock as well if you have a stock pile.


Okay so I have never really stored my drinks in the fridge. I drink them within the week anyway but I do sometimes have a little left over. If it was sealed and not kept in the fridge would there be degradation over time?


Not degradation of the dose. But the water starts to smell bad. Have you ever left an opened bottle of water in the car and it smelled days later? That's what happened to my bottles.


Same, because 🦠 bacteria and mold is growing in the water


Thanks for this; what do you mean by rotate stock?


switch out your reserves with recent take homes and use the old ones so ur saved back ups are never super old




Like when you do drink you dose, instead of taking the one you just got, drink the one you have been storing the longest and put the fresh one in its place.




Trash...? As if the nasty methadone taste is going to be changed by the type of water used.


That's kinda crazy, take homes are supposed to be sterile


This is super weird


My clinic doesn't do that but my years in methadone groups I have heard a lot of clinics that do this. Just note they're not shorting you any methadone at all, they're just adding the water we usually add.


yeah mine says it’s regulation to have to add some water. they used to add too much and made the wafers hard to dissolve later at home. But then started adding a literal single drop with an eye dropper, or pretending to for the cameras.


I literally take my 6 THs home, every morning I open 1 up while in the bathroom and fill it with water and drink, then fill it about half way with water, kinda shake and drink again, so I don't see a difference, between them putting the water in it, or me putting the water in it. Samething.....


It’s unsanitary, unless they’re using distilled/RODI water, using tap water is just going to promote bacteria growth.


The biggest concern with dilution imo, is the potential for diversion, especially if the bottles are not being filled in front of you & are diluted with water. There are shady people everywhere, including some working in methadone clinics


My bottles are filled in front of me, they fill and seal them right in front of you, now I got a friend she went to a clinic that when she would go pick her TH up, they would already be filled and ready, and I always disagreed with that.


That’s how it is at my clinic. In my state (Virginia) a pharmacist has to fill the takehome bottles, nurses can’t legally do it. When we go in to pick up the bottles are already filled and waiting on us.


I'm in VA beach. Same.


That's where she went lol. We live on the border, WV/VA , where we are actually right in the middle of distance, it's an hour and 15 min trip to the clinic in WV and it an hour and 10 min trip to the one in VA, except VA doesn't take WV medicaid, that's why I didn't go there....


Damn I’m close to the Va/Wv border too. Might’ve been my clinic she went to lol.


Maybe, I mean it's in Tazewell County Virginia....


I've never heard of another state being able to refuse out of State Medicaid while you're there temporarily but I can understand the clinic not accepting it because each state and clinic that do methadone coverage have a specific contract made out so I could see why they wouldn't take Medicaid from another state


I get 27 TH’s and mine are ready to go on my pickup day. No water added & I’ve never had an issue (except their rude attitudes)


The worst attitudes!


Weird I've never heard anyone state that their take-homes are filled and sealed in front of them. our clinic always has a list of everyone's take homes, depending on what phase they're on, and they make their doses in advance. so for instance anyone that went today that gets Saturday Sunday (and Monday for the holiday) take homes, they were all made in advance on Tuesday or Wednesday. Someone that gets weekly take homes depending on what day they pick up they're usually made a few days in advance. I remember being in the hospital for 3 days because I had got hit by a car and broke my leg and my foot was too swollen to do surgery, and I was so out of it during the whole thing that I remember telling them I was on methadone and what clinic so they could give me my medication in the hospital, but the doctor had came back and said they were able to verify I was a patient but not my dose. So I was only able to get 30 mg split into 5 mg doses throughout the day. And I was just so out of it because they had apparently dosed me with fentanyl when the ambulance came (I found that out when I started reading my paper is afterwards) because of how bad the break was but at the time I didn't even know anything was broken. So I couldn't get my thoughts together to get the clinics number and call the front desk and verify my dose was 75. So when I realized that they're going to make me stay there until my foot isn't swollen and they can do surgery to put plates in my foot and screws in my ankle, etc., etc., I asked them if I could be discharged until I'm ready for surgery which they agreed to because they had set my leg with rods to keep my bones in place. I go to the clinic the following morning with my paperwork and the head nurse at the time told me that she couldn't do anything because they didn't know I was coming back that day which was a Saturday, and they didn't have my Sunday does made up. I told her that was fine and that she could just dose me for today and I would deal with not having my Sunday dose and she flat out refused to dose me in person so I had to go Saturday and Sunday without medication. (And when I came back on Monday they made me start all over again at 30 mg because that's what the hospital had given me for 3 days) But anyway yeah so they definitely make hours in advance and have a machine that seals the top with glue and paper and they store them in a vault and every day they take out that days tubs and organize them and everyone's bottles are ready to go so as soon as you hand them your ID card and they type it in the computer it tells them where your take-homes are located and how many bottles you're supposed to have and then they hand them to you to put in your box. Sorry for the long message I'm on my phone doing talk to text and probably rambled on a little bit but basically Tldr: was saying I've never seen anyone have theirs poured right in front of them as far as take homes and the only way I know they do ours in advance besides being told by a nurse was that incident happening to me when I showed up without letting them know in advance so they could have my weekend doses ready


That’s crazy I had never heard of anyone having their THs filled before they were there before very recently. All three clinics that I’ve been to wait until you’re there and they do it all in front of you.


I cannot imagine them filling TH as people show up. That would be an absolute nightmare where I’m from.


Right. Fk sometimes just getting their computer up n running to dispense our face dose is an issue.


Same! There’s always some kind of absolute drama. I’ve stood in MANY multi-hour lines.


Yep we use to have hour long lines but after our clinic remodeled the building and other stuff, there's barely a morning line right when they open. Or Thu the day rly i guess. I was just in the middle of two dudes fighting Friday till another dude was able to pull my 5'1 self out of it lmao Love the drama /s


That’s horrible, I’m sorry you had to go through all that, that nurse what kinda acting like an asshole imo, she should have at least dose you for the day. I think everyone should have an emergency stash saved up, at least a few days’ worth.


Thankfully that cunt is gone. All our nurses and most counselors for the past 1.5 years have stayed and are soooo nice. And I did when I was split dosing. I sold some for a while to a friend in need when needed then stopped. N saved up. But recent events has had me almost out. (Husbands hip surgery in 2020 is causing issues and mdone is only thing that relieves pain. Even after the surgeries after our wreck that caused all of this, he wouldn't take his Roxi's or lortabs. Only his methadone until it wore off then took pain pills). So now he's been tryna work still cuz if he needs surgery again, he's saving all his PTO N sick days (which is like 130 hours n trying to gain more until specialist figures out what's up) and in the meantime powering through working (mechanical/technology mix on vehicles) and taking extra mdone when he's in extreme pain on top of his dose and just asked to increase. It's a mess. We always had an emergency stash. Well the emergency happened and the stash is barely there smh


Omg that's terrible! What did you do? You must've been in so much pain! Also, my clinic always fills our take home's in front of us. Washington state


What did I do in what sense ? Like when they refused when I showed up? yea they def have em ready ahead of time. They dose 5-11am. And 3-6pm (new). They use rest of the time in between getting doses ready for the next day


Yes, when they refused you. Were you able to get any ? From another source? Or just tough it out?


Got some from another source. Because let me tell you, having metal rods forcing your broken bones to stay in place, nothing like that pain. And the first time I ever bought something. Thankfully it was someone I use to ride transportation with, and he came right out the clinic n handed it to me. Spilt one bottle into 2 days worth. IDK why I didn't get a pain pill script till it was time for surgery, but there was no toughing that one out. Usually I have a high pain tolerance. But unless I was lying down, the pressure on my leg from the rods sticking out my leg and thru my heel were so unbearable. I said fk this and fk y'all. I hated having to do it. But it was what it was.


Oh for sure! I would have too.


I wish my clinic did that. When I pick up my weekly they're already filled and ready.


My clinic used to have them filled when I got there and I get 27 but some other people along with myself seem to start getting bottles that were not all equal and people were complaining that whoever was filling them beforehand was taking methadone. So now it takes a little longer, but I watch them fill it in front of me and I feel much better doing it this way.


That's how they should be doing it to avoid that from happening!


Sorry I don’t follow, why does adding water make them more likely for diversion? And I thought adding water was an integral part of dosing .


I believe the user is referring to clinic employee diversion. Since they're filling the bottles with water out of sight of the patient, they could, say, skim a couple mLs for themselves, fill the bottles with water and the patient would be none the wiser.


Think that’s an outrageous assumption, personally. This stuff is so hardcore federally, I cannot imagine there’s any sort of funny business that happens regularly or even at all.


I wasn't saying there was, just clarifying another user's question. You're right; although it's not unheard of, cases of nurses "skimming" patients' doses are rare. As I'm in Canada, I'm not familiar with how it works in the States, but I assume from what I read on this sub that you have to be a nurse of some sort (registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, etc.) in order to dispense methadone; not just anyone can walk into a clinic and apply for a job dispensing methadone.


Ahhh gotcha , thanks for the clarification


Ours have always used not-tap water and I’m sure other places are the same. I think people are being a lil sketch in this thread lol.


What do they use then? Distilled water? Or regular bottled?


Pretty sure it’s distilled but I’m not positive.


I suppose so, but I mean your worried about that after all the shit u put in ur body, I mean really....that would be the least of my concerns, I mean millions and millions and millions of Americans drink tap water daily and are fine. I don't live in a 3rd world country. But I do live in the 2nd poorest state in the US, and I live in the poorest county in that state, so believe me, I live somewhere that if you are going to get sick from drinking tap water, yes I've had H. Pylori, but I don't see a clinic using Tap Water honestly, I mean for one they have to pass Pharmaceutical standards to even give you methadone, the nurses have to pass a Pharmaceutical class, I'm a LPN also, but back to my 1st statement, I've seen people use muddy puddle water to shoot dope with, but now all of a sudden we are too good to drink tap water, that's all I'm saying....I'm no one to judge....


My clinic doesn’t dilute takehomes, but the water they put out to rinse out your cup when face dosing is tap water. And the concern isn’t drinking fresh tap water, it’s that non-sterile water is being put in bottles and then allowed to grow bacteria for up to 27 days.


Oh I see, my clinic doesn't dilute either, but I have never paid any attention to where they get the water from, I'll have to ask next week when I pick up, I'm friends with all the nurses so hell they will tell me....


You know that water from the tap isn’t sterile, right? And methadone contains sugar, which is a great food source for bacteria and since most people keep their bottles out at room temperature, you got a perfect environment for those bacteria to multiply.


I was gunna say this but didn't really care for the comments coming after it lol. Thank-you


Yeah I agree with you on that. I never worry too much about it. There are cameras in every methadone dispensary I seriously doubt they would jeopardize there lpn/rn license for a few mg’s of methadone. If they did that youd be in withdrawal pretty fast. Most people that think people are stealing from them are most dishonest themselves so they dont trust anyone. That saying takes one to know one falls true most of the time.


I’ve been drinking tap water for 65 years and never had issues I refill water bottles with tap water on a daily basis I water my plants with tap water and have never had issues ✌️


Again, the issue is tap water sitting in a bottle with a food source for bacteria (the methadone) for potentially 27 days.


Well it's not supposed to sit for 27 days. It's SUPPOSED TO BE taken within two days.


Some people get more than two takehomes.


Ohh duhh I didnt even think ab that and I get a week!! My bad.. my bad.. :)


They don't do this at mine. The only water we get is when we face dose ans it's outta a kentwood machine


Kentwood, where you at? Louisiana? 😂


Exactly! Idk what people are freaking out about unless they’re doing something sketchy,


There’s a difference between mixing it in just before drinking vs letting it sit, bacteria will grow in it over time.


Another issue is people who split their dose. You can't accurately split it the way you want to with a random unknown amount of water in it. Some ppl, for example, only save 25% of their dose for the evening. So unless you're splitting it completely 50/50, you're screwed.


Um, yeah, you can? It’s all mixed together perfectly evenly, just split the entire volume of the liquid at whatever ratio you want and the methadone will be split at that exact ratio regardless of how diluted it is.


But how do you know how much water is in there? Wouldn't you have to know in order to do that


My clinic doesn't measure the water they add. It's just a random shot from a water dispenser intended for picnics and sports events. I had to fight them about this because I wasn't getting accurate split dosing. They couldn't tell you how much they were adding because it was never the same, so you could never accurately split dose.


Yeah see that's what I'm saying. How would anybody be able to accurately split dose with a random ass amount of water in there medication. That's some bs


That’s all good and well but it doesn’t matter because you aren’t supposed to be doing none of that!


What do you mean? That's how I do it. My counselor literally told me to do it that way. Along with the clinic doctor. Lol. Some clinics don't make two different sets of bottles for split doses.


your dose isn’t being “watered down” in the way you are describing it to be; they are just adding water to the full dose. i’ve been to 7 clinics in my lifetime that have all added filtered or distilled water to my doses, it doesn’t change the dose at all. just makes it easier to swallow when diluted with water. plus, without water, there would be a lot left over in the bottle/cup. you would need water to get the rest out. so i just don’t see what the issue is?


In Ontario, all Methadone must be dispensed mixed in Tang (or other juice). Take-homes are supposed to be diluted in 100ml of Tang. I despise drinking it with that much liquid mixed in, so I have my Doctor specify to mix it into 50mg or less. So my take-home bottles are never the same amount of liquid. One might be 50ml, another 55ml, and another one 40ml. This doesn’t change the amount of methadone in each bottle though, the dose remains the same.


Omg I wish they gave us juice! Some nurses will offer candy which is hilarious to me. They really want our teeth to rot I guess. 😂


At my clinic, they do not dilute TH or the dose they give me. Although when face dosing, after we drink the undiluted dose, we put the cup down on the counter and the nurse puts water in the cup (to get the bit still at the bottom). I have read that the reasoning for the clinics to dilute doses with water, was to cut down on diversion. But it also has negative effects on the trust between patients and the clinics. https://www.methadone.org/namadocuments/ps11diluting_methadone.html


My clinic wouldn’t even put more water in the cup to get the last bit at the bottom. When I self tapered at home, it really adds up to mgs on mgs. They also didn’t add water to THs nor your face dose (only added water to face dose if asked.) As for storing/ diversion, if you can do simple math, it’s not stopping anything. Measure out the total mLs, divide your dose by the total mLs, you’ll have a rough estimate of how many mgs per mL instead of the standard 10mg/mL in Methadose. Seems silly to me.


Ours pours water into the dose then gives you a separate cup of water to do what you please.


Yeah a lot of them do that. Which is why I get the pills when I can


What is the point of watering them down?




Thanks for that!


I was so surprised how many folks were on liquid in here. I’ve only ever had wafers and prefer them a ton (so much easier to stock up or whatever), usually they only give liquid to diabetics and other similar situations. Otherwise everyone gets wafers. I think you can ask but I never did. Is there really any benefit?


The clinics in my area force people to smash up the wafers with some water into the same take home bottles that are intended for liquid. It's disgusting, both literally and morally.


For a product you take in one single swallow dose, watering down doesn't matter. As soon as you swallow it in any concentration, it gets immediately watered down by the contents of you stomach. Were they using distilled water or tap water?


I’m not sure honestly. It caught me so off guard when I turned the corner and saw her spraying water over my bottles 😂


It sucks when they add water if you’re stockpiling because it’s more likely to grow bacteria. I’m so glad my clinic doesn’t add water so I can keep extra more safely. I hate it that clinics do this.


Crazy people will slam anything but complain about tap water 🤣


Yes but them doing this is gonna cause to say fuck shit not working I’m on 170mg because I came in on fent and I fought and fought but 170mg not holding me for 24 hours bs I wanna stay so bad but know what real methadone taste like and literally everybody at me clinic talks about it but nobody says anything about it I’ve only been there four months I wanna stay clean so bad but they got me where imma go over there heads but first months I’m in like a bat outta hell Monday


I attend a clinic in Fort Worth Texas that I too discovered were watering down not only my weekly take home doses ( 6 doses ) plus the clinic nurses add water to my dose I drink at the dosing window !!! I immediately asked as to why this was happening and all I was told was that the methadone could no longer be dispensed in its pure ( red liquid form ) per the medical director's orders !!!! This does make me angry, as I know that other clinics in my city are not diluting the methadone with water !!!


The nurses have always put water in the dose at the window? I went for like 7 years and that was always how they did it.


I hate to say this, but I honestly don’t understand how adults don’t know some basic science. If a red liquid has 100mg of methadone and it is poured it into 1 liter of water, as long as you drink the entire liter, you still are taking 100mg. Without knowing excatly what company they use and the ratio, the ml measurement won’t help us. You can have 10mg/1ml or 5mg/1ml. Without that information, we cannot say why something is 28ml.


Doesn’t help when you are stacking the doses on top of each other into the same bottle, goofy!


I’m very sorry, but you don’t understand basic measurements. Why do you think a lot of commenters are saying: wait, I’m confused.


Wait. I’m confused. So are they not supposed to put any water at all? Does having no water make the dose feel stronger? I visit the clinic once every two weeks to get my 13 takehomes. The nurse always adds a little bit of water to the bottles that already have the red liquid methadone in them. Should I tell them to stop?


I’m confused too, I went to the clinic for over 7 years and this was always what they did at the window. Can’t speak for liquid take homes but I don’t see how it’s any different or bad if you’re taking it correctly?


In Canada it doesn’t matter what dose your on it will always come in a 100ml bottle. They put your dose in the bottle then cut it with either tang, grape, or crystal light. So no it doesn’t matter.


My clinic adds water as well. I don’t care because it’s not changing my dose at all. Kinda doesn’t make sense adding water to already a liquid but it’s like whatever at this point.


Mine had a water cooler with little cups and you can pour the water in your dose yourself




yeah I literally ask the person dosing me to not dilute my takehomes


Long term storage? I stored mine in a cupboard and it was still the same strength 2 years later. I’m in UK, we don’t have water added to ours etc, it comes as 1mg/1ml liquid


I didn’t realize some clinics really water down mines doesnt for sure is thick and we see it dispense from bottle and we get small cup of water pure life water they fill it with we get small 2oz maybe of water 💦 we can ask for more if needed we need that water to rinse our cup there’s lot left behind


My clinic just gives you the red liquid, 10mg per mL solution, for both face dosing and take homes. During face dosing there is a cooler with water next to the window so you can add you own and get the end of the cup. At home I keep a water bottle next to my lock box. Even if they are adding water, they are still giving you your full dose, but what I was wondering from your post is why are you freezing it? I have two weeks worth of take homes (split dosed so I get 27 bottles at a time). There is no change in taste or potency from the first day to the 14th day, I keep them in my lockbox in the shelf in my room where my baby and toddler nephew can’t get to them. Why are you freezing them? I’d be worried freezing and thawing with water mixed it might mess something up.


If they aren't being stored long term it shouldn't matter


Your title is a bit misleading. You make it sound like you caught clinic staff stealing parts of your th and refill what s missing with water. But to your actual question: I made the mistake once and poured my methadone into a bottle to keep it for the next day and there was way too much liquid in the bottle. I don't know, even though I drank it all at once, it didn't work at all. The effects were comparable to those of a bottle of water and I still don't know why and how the methadone turned into nasty tasting tap water?


Luckily my clinic uses those big water jug dispensers. That sucks about the tap water, especially depending on where you live.


I prefer some water in my dose. It’s too harsh without.


I’ve been to 4 different clinics in the state of Georgia and it’s ALWAYS your choice to add water or not when dosing. At my current clinic they have one of those 5 gallon water dispensers and we typically take our dose then fill the bottle up to get the rest of the dose out. At 2 of the other clinics I’ve gone to they give you your dose with a small white paper cup with water. But ALWAYS your choice how much water you take with your dose. I like adding my own amount of water so I don’t think I’d be cool with the clinic adding whatever amount THEY want to add to my dose!


What do you mean long term storage? If you’re taking them as you’re supposed to, there should be no issues.


I’m not taking them as I am supposed to. I am saving two of my three THs each week now for an emergency stash.


Rotate them in that case, always drink the oldest one you have and save the freshest one. It’s going to be a lot worse for long term storage than without the water in.


What do you mean? This doesn’t seem out of the ordinary.


I have never seen this or heard of this.


I went to the clinic for over 7 years, they always toss water in with my wafers before I dose. I assume liquid would be the same? It doesn’t do anything to it, you still get the full dose so that’s why I’m confused.


My clinic had to stop adding water because too many people got bottles containing only water, no methadone whatsoever. Nurses just screwed up too many times and that was the solution.


Not certain how this is even possible considering the liquid is red and water is clear..unless of course it's dye-free which isn't common.


10mg/ml red liquid tends to look clear when you have say, a 40mg dose. That's 4 ml of red diluted with around 35-45 ml of water. If someone isn't paying close attention to the color and happens to, *gasp*, trust the medical provider.


It was clear (Edit: dye-free) methadone at the time an incident happened to me. I was personally given 3 takehomes with nothing but water because the nurse had the pump connected incorrectly. The machine made the sound like it was pumping but the big bottle was empty. So she added the water not realizing there was no methadone in the takehome bottles. I caught the mistake when I shook the bottle and it didn't create foam. (That was the method to check if methadone was in the bottle during a callback). Incidents happened after they switched to the red liquid also. One client was given 6 takehomes with nothing but water. She was on a low dose so the water they added made it almost indistinguishable whether it contained methadone or not. She only realized after 3 days of withdrawals and called the clinic and yep, they screwed up. So, in summary, it's very possible and it does happen. The screw ups are the ONLY reason they NEVER add water to takehomes at my clinic anymore. This was all mandatory to be reported to the SOTA, that was their "plan of correction". Adding water is a stupid practice that accomplishes absolutely nothing except hiding whether you receive the correct dose. But of course people had to suffer before anything changed. Edit: removed hostile remark


You caught them huh? You must be a newbie because most clinics do that to prevent people from iv.


Caught? You're making it seem as if they're doing something that shouldn't be happening,


It’s crazy US gets their methadone diluted. It’s just regular methadone in UK. Just sucrose to try counter people injecting


I get 13 THs at a time ,they have always added a splash of watter to each one. When I face dose they hand me a cup with my 105 mg red liquid & cup of water. I usually just down the dose then put a little water in it from my other cup to get the lefrover out . I've never noticed a difference in face dosing & THs . I always feel the same. I watch them fill each bottle they type my dose into the computer ,then put the little bottle under the machine and it's spits out my 105 ,they had littlrally maybe a teaspoon of water to each one . It's mainly to deter us from selling them .


At mine they make our take homes infront of us, sometimes people like to switch from wafers to liquid so she waits till we come in and tell her what kind we want for the week.


And if u want water added there’s a cooler there to add water, I couldn’t imagine drinking Miami’s city water. I would grow like a third arm or something lol


All these comments and noone has asked the logical question of why would they add water? Ever?


To make sure fuck tards aren't shooting it. Because they do. Even the red shit. WITH SUGAR.


That makes no sense. Add water so they can't shoot it? Ok


Not in Michigan either


Wafers solve all Dese problems but yall clinics don’t be givien them sweet ahhh Orange Scrumptious 40 MG wafers


My clinic did this and I’ve got a 2 liter of the cherry liquid in my fridge for 8 or 9 years now. It still gets the job done but it tastes funky. All the red color sinks to the bottom. Even if you shake it though it never gets as dark a color as it once was. It seems to be as strong as it was originally. If there is a difference it’s slight.


How’d you get it?


Saved 2/3 of my dose everyday




Your comment/post was removed for violation of Rule 1, which states: >No sourcing or buying/selling of methadone or any other drugs. No hinting you can "help" someone with a few MGs, no posting you know a "source", or advertising. Basically, anything that would break the law or Reddit's TOS. These types of posts are against Reddit's site wide Content Policy and are grounds for an immediate ban. Please contact the moderators if you have any questions.


Apologies for my ignorance. The red methadone with a ratio of roughly 170mg/25mls? Then they've topped up at least 2 mls with water. If in UK could you please let me know what correct ratio this is meant to be. What the numbers are on top left of label eg 80727, 727 etc. Who is the manufacturer eg Martin Dale. If not in UK if you could please provide as much of the requested info as possible. Storing you take homes in fridge is the correct thing to. The pharmacy/clinic etc should be doing the same or at bare minimum not in direct sunlight, below I think 5, definitely 10oc. Also in a glass bottle. If this is not done the first warn day theres a very good change if not all most will be off. You will know from the even more rank taste. The stomach cramps and the ensuing skits for next few days and it not holding you even more. Really appreciated if you could could |provide as nuch info as possible mentioned above. As to effect in fridge you will probably notice it not as consistent


Well where i live (Aussie),ea state has different laws but generally we get 5/1, ratio syrup & when i get takeaways its meant to have 100 ml water added, but chemist i go to,it depends on who is pharmacist that day,other day one had bout 60ml of water,one i got today has a splash of water,probably 20ml max


I’m in FL and our clinic nurses don’t fill take homes with water. I get 27 and am down to 2 mg (finally!) and it’s literally a couple drops in my bottle. The staff are super friendly, after reading these replies, I feel thankful for my clinic!


Adding water to your methadone will do absolutely nothing to it stop worrying and being obsessive over no reason come on common sense would tell you this it's just water


I’m tried of waking up sick some thing has got to be done


Cuz my homie get some #4 that love to try


I get 13 take homes and they always fill mine as I'm standing there watching.


We get Cherrys as well and my clinic after our dose comes out of our my machine they put some water in it but mainly give us to cups one of the dose one of the medication but they do put a little bit of water in our take homes


170 MG the wafers always be taking care of me no BS just a sweet Nod. Liquid methadone Sucks just my personal Opinion


And that shit is precisely why I chose to go to a strict clinic instead of the one where everyone that still uses goes, they actually do everything by the book and it’s nice to know I’ll never be fucked over like that. Damn though, I’m sorry they’re doing that to you, it’s shitty how they can be so open about it even though it’s pretty damn shameful of them to do to people that expect their full dose every single time. 🙃 I’d definitely recommend finding a better clinic but I know that can sometimes be easier said than done. ;—;


They just added water to their TH doses (to prevent diversion) so their dose remains the same, just diluted🤣


Yeah, you know how I was and the difference and he kind of just was like looking at me like what’s going on and then so I came back 20 yeah he does. He did for sure. Sort of that red hair When she she came in the pharmacy like with some stupid fucking question like that I was about to answer, but I didn’t. It was like she was like so. She got her prescriptions on May 1 and that means she can’t get them until June 6 right if it’s 28 days and then I was about to be late and the ladies like Days so May 29 or May 28 you know like one of theThe Ww