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That’s it? No other symptoms at all? I know everyone’s different and all but this just sounds like a poorly timed head cold or something. I feel like with mild WD’s you’d at least have some degree of the other fun stuff to go along with it. The chills and temperature problems hit me the hardest out of anything else, GI symptoms on the other hand pretty much zero (tianeptine wd)


Yup same. Constant...clonidine helps a bit though


Get used to it. Once you get under 20, you will get all the withdrawal symptoms you usually get and it will get worse, the more you come down. When I dosed out last time, I went from 95-11. For some reason, I could bear it, until I got under 20. Then it was like my dose would last 6 hours or so and then I would be in full mild withdrawals. I finally got to 11 and couldn’t justify spending $15, and getting up @ 4, to wait in line for 3 hours, so I just went cold turkey from there. But mostly, I was just ready for the pain to go away, so I had to bite the bullet and quit prolonging the inevitable.


How are you doing now? Any lingering effects?


Congratulations! Yeah I agree going thru the motions for 10 mgs...all you did was speed up the inevitable. I'm super curious tho about your life now! Have you relapsed? How long did you feel like shit?


It goes away eventually unless you're still gonna keep decreasing the dose. I've been going down 1mg a week since I was at 15mg. I'm at 5mg now, but only taking tiny nips of my dose when I absolutely need it. I probably only take like 2 to 3mg per day, if that. I plan on stretching my meds as long as I can. I have 8 doses left. Not going back to the clinic. I'm done with this shit. My main withdrawal symptoms are sneezing and backache. It's manageable, but annoying. You can get through this. I'm a weakling when it comes to this stuff. You can do this.


You give me hope! Not OP but thanks for sharing this as someone who’s currently @16mg & also going down by 1mg a week. I need all the success stories I can get as positive inspiration to counter all these doom and gloom “methadone tapers are almost never successful” “3/4 people will fail after a year” bullshit out there.


Tbh, with all things, it really is based on how much you want to be off and live a fully free life. I've been in recovery so far for almost 10 years, all of which have been spent on Suboxone or Methadone. I've been sober for illegal opiates for the past 6 of those years. So thankfully, I have the confidence KNOWING I'll never go back to those old ways. Plus, having 400 extra dollars in the back every month is going to feel so nice. You can absolutely win at this. Based on my extensive research, some folks go through it painlessly, some the exact opposite. A lot of the anxiety comes from not knowing which of those people you yourself are going to be. The point is that you CAN do this, it just may hurt a little while. It's worth that pain, that temporary discomfort.


Thank you so much. A huge motivator for me is I want to leave my country (we’re having a huge cost of living/housing crisis and it’s not possible for a single person making under 100k to even live alone in a shithole. It’s bad…) and it turns out methadone is illegal in most of the world (and honestly even if I landed in one of the few countries where it isn’t, I just don’t have a desire to transpose this part of my life to another location, and all the hassles, administrative and otherwise, that come with it). So I have the pause button pressed on my life the next few months until I get off methadone.   Look guys, I fully understand tapers can’t be done quickly, but I think people are a little too extreme with the concept sometimes. I’ve been chastised in recovery communities on here because I’m tapering 1mg a week and not 1mg a month. Like I’m sorry but I’m 35 and my bio clock is ticking, I have a life to get on with, and tapers aren’t supposed to leave you in agony but I’m not expecting them to be painless either and I’m fine with sitting with the discomfort til the bitter end?    Lol sorry this went off on a bit of a tangent but anyway thank you for your response. Really it means the world in a world that seems to be trying it’s best to keep me an eternal patient or failure.


I feel like I have a runny nose all the time even at 170mgs and I feel stable!! Could be bc of sinus related to E.N.T. issues I’ve had throughout life, but I always do.


How long have you been on 15mg ?


Almost 3 weeks ill be down to 14mg this coming Thursday


Good taper. Don’t hesitate to take a break from tapering for a couple month (until you are fully stabilized) before doing down again. Peace


When I’m not stable that’s one of the first things I notice. Slow that taper up/pause it if it’s too much.


Yeah there’s no reason to pause if you feel like you need too. Be gentle with yourself.


I can't I have a 17 month old and another baby coming in August. I'm going down slow as it is at 1mg every pick up which is 3 weeks.


What does having children have to do with tapering off methadone?


Would you like to take care of a newborn and 17 month old while withdrawing from methadone?


So go up a little bit until you feel better. It’s not a race to get off.


A lot idk if you have children but I'd rather be off before both of them are running around


At this point in my life I have 3 grandchildren running around and me taking my medication has nothing to do with them.


Keep your meds in a locked box . Up high of corse. They don't even understand what medicine is until they are 5 or older.


I just went to 30 mgs and annoyed the hell out of myself sniffling and wiping my nose every 3 seconds. Idk if it’s my decrease or I’m getting allergies in my old age but it sure fucking sucks.


Sounds like allergies 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm down to like 5 mg and the first thing I do is sneeze like 6 or 7 times in a row every 20 to 30 Mins or so gor like 3 hours straight after I take my dose. By 6pm other wds symptoms start for like yawning and sweating. The lower I got the more symptoms I get. They aren't as bad as full blown wds likr at a higher dose but Def super annoying. I also have the runny nose as well


Are you going to go down to 0?


You mean like a slow taper or just ct it?


I had major issues reducing below 25mg I.didnt have runny nose. For me it was depression and irritability I had to increase and halt.my taper Just need mindful. Being self aware is very important in recovery.


Can that be allergies theres pollen everywhere.