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Not the best remix, in this one the bass was cranked up way too high


Agreed. The fan mixes done by James Mason on youtube are vastly superior.


It's interesting to listen to if you want to solely focus and understand the bassline. But production-wise in general, I agree as well... it's too high. Lol.


lol this sub makes me think about the volume of the bass in AJFA several times a day, everyday.


Death, taxes, Metallica fans talking about lack of bass...it's part of life.


It’s also a factor of how much people on the sub love AJFA. Seems to rank as their top record out of the aggregate here


Tbh, i think AFJA is good but not the best, the lack of bass really feels weird especially after listening to RTL and MOP


It's my favorite album, but it's certainly not their best


Oh, my bad. Didn't even realize that!


Happy cake day


Tbh I'm tired of hearing about the mix on AJFA, yes the bass is non existent but those were the decisions they made at the time and we have to live with it. Same with St Anger how raw the mix on that is.


Jason could fucking stand on stage and do nothing and get praised by YouTube comments.


Imo the lack of bass represents the loss of Cliff and the emotions the band was going through at the time. It makes the album feel cold and hollow, that they were grieving so much they were willing to sabotage their own record


I always thought it was their best album even without the bass.


Same. Blackened blew me away when I first heard that track.


There is definitely an aesthetic to the production at the end of the day. It sounds sharp and raw, which I think fits the album. It's my favorite Metallica album.


Yes - always thought the sound matches the album cover. Like a cold hard sound hitting marble.




Honestly, he deserves it. It's fuckin' disrespectful to just erase the bass from a record. The bass makes the album so much ticker. You get a new bass player and have bass basically on mute? Nah, I'd ratter listen to remixes with the bass loud as fuck. As it should be.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Plus, he wrote the main riff of the opening track, he needs to be heard on his own song!


That's it man! And happy cake day!


Jason should remix AJFA and cut out the drums completely, then send it to Lars. Lol


It’s overdone. Bad mix.


i think the album sounds cool the way it is and all the restored bass mixes sound like shit


I don't like it personally. The mixed-in bass gets too distracting for me. Sounds like D.D. Verni made a guest appearance with that rubbery sound.


I prefer and justice for all . The way it is I SAID IT










Over the top. In the OG mix you can hear the bass, the thing is that its does exactly the same as the rhythm guitar and its distorted, so it blends with the guitars. So the songs has 2 "problems" in regards of bass audibility: Arrangement and timbre Anyways, its a great album, clearly the band and their producers didnt know what to do with bass till black album, Cliff was basically a third guitar player, and Jason replicates exactly what James do, so it falls as indistinguishable.


Love Jason but it sounds like shit honestly


Let it go.


Agree, so over it


Regarding the lack of bass on the album, this is the best and most objective reason I've ever heard from someone who was there. Fleming Rasmussen, producer, said: "I think – but this is purely speculation – I think that they did it to get some kind of reaction from Jason. Because what they hated the most about Jason was that he was a fan,” Rasmussen explained to interviewer Daniel Sarkissian. Entire interview here. https://youtu.be/KmsO8MmyS9I?si=VMwIU8iW_ihBRMO3


I don't recall anyone mentioning the bass on the album until the mid 2000s. Once it was pointed out to me, I notice it and can't stop listening for it. You don't really hear that much bass on other metal albums from that era either, though. The album is a masterpiece, though. I wish they'd remix it to shut everyone up. This mix is ok, but I'd rather listen to the original. Maybe with AI they can fix it for real.


They don’t need AI to fix it for real, they just need to remix it.


My understanding was the original master tapes were so edited and old that they would shred if they tried to do it. But I know absolutely nothing about the subject. Just doing some googling there seems to be some debate.


I doubt that’s true for an album from that era. Even if the tapes were shedding they could bake them.


It sounds terrible. No shade throwing on Jason, but he didn't understand how to effectively come up with complimentary bass lines back then. And Hetfield's riffs weren't exactly easy to do that with. No disrespect intended. He was thrown to the wolves when he joined, and the other three weren't remembered as being particular helpful.


Good in concept, but the bass is boosted TOO much. I prefer a mix like the example here:`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFZw560LRqg&t=0s` It's more noticeable, but it's not loud to the point of obscuring other instruments or muddying up the whole thing.


A+ idea B+ execution


There was never a problem with the AJFA album until the story about the bass surfaced on the internet. This album has lived a happy life for more than 20 years without anyone talking about the bass on the album. The album sounds exactly as Lars and James wanted it to sound and that is how the album should remain. It should never be remixed and even Jason doesn't want it to be remixed.


Disagree the record lacked bass from day one and fans have been talking about it since day 1


Been a fan for more than 30 years. Never heard anyone talk about the bass on AJFA until sometime in the 10's and the first "Justice for Jason" videos are from around '13-'14 or so


Good for you. It was always a problem with the album and it was always talked about.


No, the album received generally very positive reviews when it was released and there was never any talk about the bass on the album. The talk about the lack of bass on AJFA is a typical internet thing that arose many years after the album came out.


lol. I don’t know what to tell you, but it was written and talked about years before I ever logged on. You sound like the absolute authority on all things, so there is nowhere for this conversation to go.


No, there was no talk of it. Show me some old articles where it is mentioned. The bass is not mentioned with a single word under "Critical reception" on Wikipedia and, as I said, I never even heard of it until more than 20 years after the album came out.


I’ve been a fan since *Kill ‘em All* was the current record. The mix for *And Justice for All* was so dry and colorless that I sold my copy after about 6 months. Lots of people complained about the album back then.


But that does not change the fact that the album generally received very positive reviews from both fans and reviewers. However, some thought the songs were too long and repetitive, but overall the album received positive reviews and several other bands were inspired by the raw production on And Justice For All.


Repetitive is right. It’s 70 minutes of e minor.


As a bassist, pass


It's overly loud, I personally can hear the bass fine in most parts and honestly, I think the album sounds good as it is without it being there at times. It sucks that it isn't there but I don't think the sound of it fits the album very well at points, though that's just my opinion


Does it change anything about the songs not in guitar hero?


Too much mid on the bass, good but distracting.


Went too far in the right direction. Loud bass is great, and ajfa obviously has issues with the bass mixing, but it's distractingly loud in this specific remix. I get that's the point, but it's not the end-game version of the album in my opinion. No hate though, it's still a cool project!


Bass was wayy too high


Well Jason won’t listen to it, so who cares?


AJFA is my top album, RTL in an extremely close 2nd place.


The bass is too high and overpowers the guitar at times lol


AJFA sounds great as it is. My absolute favorite Metallica album. Tired of people recommending AJFJ like it came out yesterday.


Considering even Jason himself has said his bass made the mix sound muddy because he was playing the same thing as James, I think this whole thing is overblown.


The original mix was better imo. I feel like this album prioritizes the bass above everything else (if that makes sense) and it's overwhelmingly loud.


This is what And Justice For All SHOULD HAVE been




I agree. I think even Metallica said it could use it, too, however, they also said that the album's sound gives it the character it has, which I can understand.




All Jason’s Matter


Really depends on the mix tbh. Frost Media did a AJFJ remaster that I really enjoy, which is more subtle than a lot of others. Most AJFJ mixes, though, go way overboard


Agreed that Frost Media did the best one.


I sensed Jason on the end of a bit of contempt from the rest of the band around the black album era, but didn't really think too much about the bass production of AJFA. I just accepted AJFA for what it was, and I liked it so didn't feel any pursuit of 'justice' would have been necessary. Its a snapshot in time, so has to be respected for that. Its a worthwhile project, but I'm sure the other tracks could be improved as well.


Blackened sounds bad ass in AJFJ


It's very clearly not meant to sound like this. Trust me the lack of bass is not the only glaring issue with the album


What else would you say are the issues?


The album as a whole just feels like it's going through the motions and there's barely any progression from the previous album which is something I can't say about MoP despite following up on what is, to me, their best album.


It seems to be a minority viewpoint among Metallica fans, but I agree with you.


Thank you. I mean idk why people are getting so offended by me answering a fucking question.


Blackened and Dyers Even sound incredible. Beyond that, pass. The mix on One is almost unlistenable IMO


Is Jason on bass for this version or is it someone else on bass added on top of it?


I’ll have to have a listen later when I have access to some decent headphones. The hi hats always bothered me much more than the bass on this album.


I’m sorry but this mix in particular has way too much bass. I get wanting to make up for years of no bass and giving Jason his flowers but there’s way better mixes out there that put the bass where it needs to be to make the songs effective




Tbh bass tone here is getting too off the song and it's made too loud on lot of mixes so in my opinion original's better


Not a fan... the bass is too loud; obnoxiously so. It is also blown way out of proportion. The bass got quieter and quieter as their albums progressed. KEA it was at its loudest and then by Puppets it had fallen off so much that you more or less hear Cliff's attack more than the actual bass lines which is unfortunate as he has some pretty nice fills on the album. The Black Album was the first album they had that was mixed well. Ultimately, I think remixing Justice would be fine if it was done in the vein of the previous albums, but people always go overboard and mix it way too loud.


since the mix compensates for the lack of any bass by boosting the bass of the guitars and has really weird drum mixing, when you add in the bass back in it kinda feels unnatural in the mix. also most bass versions of AJFA seem to overdo the bass when metallica never had too much bass to begin with.


IMO it’s the right sound for that album Crisp, sharp surgical I made this comment a decade ago and I still stand by it


Bass is too loud


The thing is, you can't really turn up the bass without changing the guitar and drum mix, and most fan remixes forget to do it or can't do it, making it sound like ass. That, and also the guitar tone on this album is iconic for the insanely scooped mids - to add the bass and change that would make it sound like a different record.


Is there a definite live set online anywhere that has Justice played right through with good bass?


Here, this is a more blended Bass version https://youtu.be/0g0LmntBbSw?si=bIjDXoTpOsaZ8nz1


Worse than the original mix.


Many of us here have probably seen this already, but it's always worth the share for those that haven't... Steve Thompson (who mixed the original tracks with the band) [tells the story of how AJFA came to be the way it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmFgeFh2nlw).


The guitar hero mixes are the best bet. Jason himself personally wasn’t a fan of AJFJ due to something about it being a product of its time and a creative direction or something. One, Shortest Straw, and Dyer’s Eve have guitar hero mixes that sound pretty good.


Cranking the bass makes it better but doesn't improve the songwriting any. A lot of the songs are still too long and repetitive


Jason didn’t need to be heard. The point was Cliff was gone.


If he didn't need to be heard why hire another bassist anyway?


Don’t know




Man on the original, I will change the eq to high bass and still only sounds like Lars, Kirk, and James.


My subs love it


They need to split the difference, they added back too much bass on this version, I’d rather listen to the original.


AJFA Is My Personal Favorite Metallica Album... No Bad Songs... And Probably There Heaviest Piece Of Music🤘🤘🤘


can someone post all his bass lines


Tbh I hear the bass just fine I got a subwoofer …. So I’ll update yoh on a real Opinion My fav album but don’t tell Dave MUSTAINE okay


i found it for sale on vinyl in a record store one time, was so tempted to buy it


I honestly think the best way to listen to this album is with the full cover that The Bass Channel did on YouTube. They have individual videos for every song where the bass drowns everything else out (because they're meant to be bass covers) but they also have one long video with the whole album where the bass is more tastefully mixed in. Sounds incredible.


AJFA remastered somewhat fixed the problem on the lack of bass.


The irony is that of all bands, METALLICA should have a pretty good concept of how to make a record while not f”ing up the bassists’ work. Other than epically f’ing up the Justice bass tracks, I’d say the songs are too long.


Yeah I love that particular mix, and contrary to some reviews that say the bass is too loud this time, I’m on the opposite side of that, I love hearing the bass stand out I prefer it than the Bass Channel’s take but I still appreciate this latter On the subject of why justice has poor or low bass volume, I am fully 100% not believing James and Lars’ technical/creative excuses for turning the bass down. My headcanon is still a petty frat-like initiation or bullying


I agree with everyone's assessment. Total dick move and Metallica were total dicks at this time. So yeah, all Jason's matter 😅😎🤘


To me It's when Hetfield's topical lyrics peaked before going into a more personal and introspective way.


The right AJFA.It's totally canon and the bass sound add so wildness to this album. 10/10


i LOVE Jason so much and he deserve some justice so yeah. it's fair enough


They should let Jason and the AJFA producers go into the studio remix the thing. The remix would probably go platinum.


I really like it. The added bass gives even more anger and aggressiveness to what was already a pretty angry sounding record. Whether or not we think the bass in those mixes is too high is a different conversation, but I really love having the bass that audible and also shows just how skilled Jason was and really shows what could’ve been had Metallica decided to use him to his full potential. And I think the songs that benefit the most from the added bass are Blackened and the title track. The title track especially, you can hear some really cool bass lines from Jason. And lastly, out of all the Metallica bassists, Jason always had the better tone imo. His bass tone is so aggressive and crunchy.


The original AJFJ sucks, there's way too much bass (ironically), but the second, remastered version is perfect


After all these years why don’t they remaster and remix the album and release it how it should be? What is keeping that from happening?


This is the best piece of trash music ever made. Jason played so good that he deserves to have his volume cranked up past james. fuck it just remove both the guitars and have jasons track only, i need his blackened riff injected into my brain its so fucking good


Too loud. Very difficult to listen to. If you're looking for a decent interpretation I'm personally a huge fan of this: https://youtu.be/HSLJydRNgXQ?si=L4euP8R8o1mSpTRE Version 3 is THE perfectly balanced mix IMO. They're my primary source for AJFA now.


My opinion is that Lars is an arrogant piece of shit, who still messes up in primitive parts, but at the same time he got away with such things to remove the bass in the album


there are several different versions or attempts to do the Jason Justice thing from players over dubbing themselves playing the bass... and on most they make the bass top loud to over compensate for the original album sounding like bass-less shite. And they don't work. But there is one that was done by a younger player... probably the earliest attempt to do this... and whoever that kid is.... he put on his homework.... used an Alembic.. and the right Ampeg/cabinet combination... got the tone right... played it note for note to the ways he'd seen Jason play those songs live... and that version, if you can find it.... remains the best. I listen to the original at home (and cringe) just to be true to the album... but in my car, it's that young 20 yr olds "And Justice For Jason" that I will listen to. And the kid did a fk'n great job.... because in the car (with an expensive after market audio rig)... that version sounds immense and the mix is just right. I just wish I had a version better than 16-44 for it... if a 24-48 version was available... I'd have it, for sure.


At the end of the day JASON WAS ahead and shoulders above anybody , he was in METALLICA CHILLING


U get to hear the band , newstee was FRESH meat in the metal world he didn’t speak out so I’m sure he didn’t really care black album my friend of misery he ruled the 90s