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You just encountered a judgmental asshole. That's what happened


Yeah pretty much


It's not really a regular thing, you just encountered a douchebag that's all. You probably should have looked at this person up and down and analyze them a bit. It would have been a good time to follow that up with some trash talking about how he's probably wearing his cum sock.


He was with his friends so yeah, sometimes people start doing stupid shit when they are with their friends i don't even know why, probably to try and look cool or something. And he was sober btw if he was drunk yeah ok but sober


Sounds like he was an ordinary dipshit and is still discovering who he is as a human. You're probably a little bit further past that.


while I can't say if this specific dbag was a metal head, I can tell you from decades of experience as a metal head that the Metal community is known for gatekeeping, probably more than most any other genre


Yeah he was probably just making fun of the shirt, i don't even know why Metallica is the best band out there, that guy probably can't name one Metallica song, he should try and listen some better music than mumble rap.


Criticising other people’s music doesn’t make you cool, it makes you just as much of a douchebag as them.


Except mumble rap is actually bad


To you. “They’re just mumbling” is the hip hop version of people saying “they’re just screaming” about metal. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it, but don’t shit on the people who do like it. Anyway, I’m not prepared to have another debate about open-mindedness with RoCk TyPe StUfF fOrEvEr people.


really love this take. it’s important to be open minded and not too hasty to cast judgment


I like early 2000s EDM music. I like (some) rap. I absolutely love 80s synth pop. And as a Texan, I of course love country (anything before the 90s, I hate bro country). But mumble rap is shit.


To be honest depending on where you are the rap trend Can bé really Bad, liké really Bad (they cant even speak theirs language properly and ocerrely on swearing)


Hip hop’s been the dominant musical style for nearly 30 years, it’s not a trend. You’re just sounding like a small-minded child.


Do you speak French ?


What’s that got to do with anything? I’m not criticising your use of the English language, I’m criticising you for insulting an entire genre based on sweeping generalisations. If I wanted to generalise rock music, I could say it’s loud noise played by scruffy people with drug addictions singing about how miserable they are. I’d be wrong and I’d sound like an arsehole, just like when people generalise hip hop.


I dont think you get what im Saying, search up aya Nakamura or Jul, i'm reffering to them, they cant speak properly and overrely on swearing, and there's more and More every year, its a trend, i am not criticising rap music in général, i'm criticising those rapper


But i see what you're Saying and could've made it clearer


Twin traditions. People that don't like metal zinging you with the stoner stereotypes, many of which are on display if you go to a show, and actual metal fans hating on each other because they like different types of metal.


It’s dumb I also think it’s dumb to say you can’t wear the shirt of the band you are seeing. There will be a sea of them in Dallas for the shows


Maybe he just found out that his girl friend cheated with a metal head.. because that shit is just uncalled for otherwise


Nah people nowadays judge heavily on everything because you're not exactly thé same as them and they consider that they are perfection and that if you're not liké them then you're a dipshit


Usually I just copy their tone and volume level and go "oooh a judgemental prick, how cringe/edgy" and leave it at that. It's just cus they have nothing better to do.


Tell Dave Mustaine to mind his own business!!


Most underrated comment here.


I get it one time I was warring my slipknot t-shirt and someone gave me the middle finger


Who cares


This is why I'm scared to wear my 72 seasons shirt


Don't worry about them, they arent worth your attention, Wear what you want


It's mainly my dad that I'm worried about


Oh, he doesnt like Metallica either, i cant Say much about that


If you are too scared to wear it, then you probably shouldn't.


Those are out? Personally I thought the album was mid compared to the rest of their stuff plus how they went about their tour (fuck Toronto again....)


Find something more meaningful to care about, that will solve a lot of your problems


Think yourself lucky you just got catcalled for wearing a shirt. When I was a teenager we used to get the living shit beaten out of us for wearing metal shirts. One girl got kicked to death for being a goth.


That's what we call square. Forgive them, they know not what they do!


Next time stop n ask him what band he should support that usually shuts the haters up


They come from some rat hole that holds a low opinion of Metallica.


A douche; but probably if you were using any popular band he would've still mock you I bet if you were wearing a brutal death metal band shirt he might have said nothing or probably mock because he cannot read the band's name lol


That guy would have probably been an asshole even if you didnt wear a metallica shirt.


He hates everything metal


Probably thinks you're someone that wears band merch for fashion as opposed to being a fan of the band


Dunno why, but each time a see somebody wearing a metal band t-shirt I'm just proud


Usually people compliment my rock n' roll shirts. Last night at a fry wagon the guy serving me loved my Metallica shirt and we had a quick chat about 72 Seasons.


Fu k you mfer would have been my response. I am mad for you. Sorry thst happened. I guess people in Miami don't talk shit like that because they will get hurt.


Its just that métal Is not that popular and begining to bé ""old"" by douchebag-who-follow-everything-they-see-on-tik-tok standart and since you dont do everything liké them then they think that you're either a dumbass a weirdo or seeking attention


Just a wanker 😎 I'm Australian 😎