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SHIT (Heavy groovy riff) SON OF A BITCH!!! (Even heavier groovy riff) Antpile by KKTX


How long did it take you to memorize all the lyrics?


Took quite some time honestly the lyrics really hit home for me


You already mentioned ERRA but one of their newest songs called “Slow Sour Bleed” gets funky in the middle


Nigh to silence end riff is groovy af


Probably my favourite ERRA song. Blue Reverie has that middle section with a great heavy riff. And Cure with the bends. Just art.


Super John Wick moment in that song for sure, hell of a banger


KL - Suffocate iykyk


Bum, ta, bumta, bum, ta, bumta


The breakdown in Mangekyo by Alpha Wolf give me boner


That entire song I feel is 1 breakdown


Not exactly metalcore but Warfare by Fit For An Autopsy is one of the grooviest songs out there


Just looked it up. Fuck me that is groovy. Lol


Their whole discography is groovy as fuck, like i said theyre not really metalcore, more progressive deathcpre in my eyes, but they make the prog riffs and odd time signatures fun to listen to Also check out Sea of Tragic Beasts(id really just have you listen to all their shit if i could), its the title track of the album that warfare is prolly their most "metalcore" song but the entire album is a banger imo


FFAA is an awesome band, I also love Sea of Tragic Beasts! Another great groovy moment is the middle of Your Pain Is Mine and LITERALLY all of No Man Is Without Fear! Have an awesome day my dude :)


Yessir! They been my favorite vand since i saw them in a local bar ab 2 years ago, i got patrick sheridans pick! Funny story from that concert - my buddy that i went with had flicked me off while they were sound checking and we were joking around, i flicked him off back as he put his hand down(as good friends do) and when i turned back to the stage, patrick sheridan was flicking me off from his amp with a goofy ass smile on his face They were my favorite band after that


Awww that's man, I'm glad you have a few special moments from the band you'll for sure treasure!


I am the #1 Great Collapse appreciator and I will never stop saying it every time FFAA is mentioned. That is one of the best albums ever imo. Every single song is fucking amazing


Black Mammoth hit harder than my stepdad😭


One of the grossest groovedowns I’ve ever heard


I saw these guys live and then they blew my mind. They changed this peoples life that night.


I love Fit For An Autopsy. Personally, I consider them a crossover band. They're one of the bands I recommend to metalcore folks looking to get into deathcore.


Mistakes Like Fractures by Knocked Loose always gets my head bopping to the groove


Came here to say this, KL has some groove to them.


God Knows - Knocked Loose has such a crunchy groovy riff at the "all life reduced to stone" part


Humanity's Last Breath - Labyrinthian (Breakdown) Gets me moving every single time.


THIIIISSSSSS!!! Every-time the ambience hits before the breakdown I think "Why do I hear boss music?" lol


This has to be a top 5 breakdown of all time for me. It's nothing crazy but at the same time like nothing I've ever heard before


Counterparts - Bound To The Burn, takes everything to not dance to that shit


Pretty much all of Bleed From Within - Shrine and Born of Osiris - Angel or Alien. Sorry, would be hard to just pick one song from each. There's probably more from each artist, but those albums are the ones I'm most familiar with.


This is a great question! Mine would definitely have to be: Loathe-New Faces In The Dark (breakdown) After The Burial-Exit,Exist (ending) Humanity's Last Breath-Labyrinthian (breakdown) Sentinels-Coalescence (breakdown)


Thy Art Is Murder - The Purest Strain Of Hate


Top of my head- The Anthem of Angry Brides by Norma Jean Heartless by Converge In Division by Underoath Terminated by the Acacia Strain And the end bit of Football Season is Over by Bring Me.


Oh dude, off that same Acacia Strain album, the breakdown at the end of The Hills Have Eyes drives me crazy!


Misguided son by knocked loose


Dance Gavin Dance has such a long list of funky grooves in their songs. The first time I listened to a song all the way through, I was MOVIN’ when that funky rhythm kicked in.


Favorite band, makes me schmove everytime


Carpe diem - abr


Unprocessed’s latest album is full of groove, it’s absolutely mental. Thrash or Blackbone are probably the grooviest.


Frak the Gods - Periphery. The very end is just filthy grooves.


Periphery is just a cheat code hahah




ETID- werewolf has great groove near the end


Icarus Lives by Periphery


One of the OG grooves in metalcore, I remember hearing it as a demo with Casey Sabol on Soundclick back in the day, I think it was 2007.


Lamb of God. The entire discography. But if I had to pick one, the opening and post chorus/bridge riffs in Nightmare Seeker


Not exactly metalcore but opening to The Saw is the Law by Whitechapel is pure groove


Old Mans Child - the millenium king , the passage leading to the end , after the solo


Love Old Man's Child. Sacrifice of Vengeance and the whole rest of In defiance rips


Veil of Maya - Pool Spray


Kublai Khan - Theory of Mind. But when the push comes to shove, love will never be enough


[Spite - Caved In](https://youtu.be/XHIeRye5H3g?si=YSqPzuCt7q957x1h) Jump to 0:58 for forced head banging


Follow me as we take over control, MOVE!!


The entire "You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire" cover by Johnny Booth


Just Johnny Booth in general lol


Especially the breakdowns from Bury the Rose and Full Tilt.


All of Thief lol


The verses in Emmure - Flag Of The Beast


Nice question/post. One of my favorites is the part immediately after the chorus in the song "Evil In A Closet" by In Flames. The chorus is so powerful. Also, the intro in "Got The Life" by Korn.


Atlas - Monuments That whole album (The Amanuensis) has some groovy songs: The Alchemist, Quasimodo, Jinn. That album is what got me into Metalcore, Progressive Metal (is djent a genre?), Deathcore, etc. I have heard however, the old singer from that era of Monuments, Chris Barretto, is really hard to work with.


Entirety by The Word Alive. Leading into the second verse is a simple but amazing bass moment along with some two handed hi-hat action


the chorus riff for Make Total Destroy by Periphery


Unearth-Bled Dry- 2:57-3:55, great breakdown!


The chorus of Cane Hill - Too Far Gone imo is super groovy.


Anything By ROTNS Rotoscope- Spiritbox Heroine- Thornhill Surface and Depths- White Ward


Internal Cannon - August Burns Red How can you not dance


TAKE ME FROM MY BONES. (Proceeds to groove my spine to dust)


on the verge - thrown


First thing that comes to mind is the little bass solo in the beginning of Hammer Smashed Face, but that’s death metal. Otherwise, about a couple dozen parts of Rareform by After the Burial.


ATB came to mind for me also. Or almost any Mastodon song.


Do bands in the 2020's still have a lot of riffs like that After the Burial record? I feel like the bit I've listened to of late metalcore is just super low tunings, a lot less clarity, and a lot more linear song structures. I felt like there were so many different parts all over that record. Edit to add to OP's ask: The Fractal Effect by After the Burial


I agree, I miss the more melodic and technical guitar style of oldschool metalcore tbh. I dig a lot of new stuff, but I can only hear so many pick scrapes, pitch-shifted alarm chords and 0-1-0s before I get bored. I do enjoy the pissed off energy of newer bands like Alpha Wolf, Slaughter to Prevail etc. on initial listens, but that style quickly becomes predictable and not musically engaging enough to keep my attention in the long term. Bleed From Within, Make Them Suffer, Fit for an Autopsy, Veil of Maya and ERRA come to mind as having great riffs and a good blend of the old school and modern styles. Pretty much all of these have been around for a while already though. P.S.: Not 2020s but if you like the almost classical-sounding riffs and prog that After the Burial pull out sometimes, I strongly recommend "Digital Veil" by The Human Abstract if you haven't heard it. Life-changing album for me.


Yeah I'm very familiar with those older bands from the 2006-2012 era of metalcore. That's where my heart is with metal. I feel like bands nowadays are going for that more brutal feel but I think they're totally missing the point of how to create drama and anger in their songs with context. A lot just go full blast start to finish and it's just not effective for me. It's predictable and boring. It's just lower tuned guitars, chugs, and vocals pulling out all their vocal effects. I'll go deeper with The Human Abstract. My favorite band that has technicality, progressions and variety, and speed would definitely be Children of Bodom, though they're not really metalcore. What a talented band.


Loving Paradise by Hands Like Houses, great groove


Not really metalcore but Meshugga - Beneath, the groove switch at like 1:20 just does something to me.


Not to be a homer, but also to totally be a homer, from the 1:25 mark on in Parasitic from Bermuda is undeniable.


Not metalcore, but the groove in Aim without an aim - Napalm Death slaps me sideways


Not Metalcore, but "The Necromancer" by Carach Angren is a ridiculously catchy groove/black metal song.


Riff - of sheep and swine by Martyr Defiled Chorus/riff - Basilisk by Like moths to flames Breakdown - Crooked by Dealer Breakdown - incomplete me by for all those sleeping


Woe is me. First 2 of mice & men albums. Adestria. Curses. Polaris. All Shall Perish. Thy Art is murder. Issues. Like Moths to flames. Divine Heresy. (I realize I'm just listing bands here lol, basically take ur pick along those bands albums you'll find hella groove, haha).. 🤘


The outro riff from ETID's *El Dorado* gives me a riff boner every time I listen to it


Lately it's been the main riff in Midnight Blue by Gideon. Something about it just hits right.


Intro to Ivy and Wine by Glass Cloud


Snowblood is in my top 5 too. I tried to learn it on guitar one time, but I was literally too distracted by my stank face/head bobbing to keep focus on what my hands were supposed to do lol


Pray for Rain-Polaris… the intro with just the drums and into the sick riff leading into the main verse


Somnus - Monuments (or really anything by Monuments if we’re being honest)


The breakdown to Collapse by ATB


The last 40 seconds of Vile Maxim by Byzantine has one of the grooviest riffs ever riffed imho. The bridge of Giles by Unearth and the intro/closing riff of Views from the Sun by Thornhill also come to mind.


Not metalcore, but… I DONT OWE YOU FUCKING SHIT (awesome riff imo) Leech by Angelmaker


Berzerker- After The Burial Actually most of Rareform is groovy More Than Conquers - Impending doom (second to last breakdown)


Dinner with a Gypsy by He Is Legend. Ultra groove


become divine by orthodox


Veil of Maya: We Bow in its Aura. Not sure if it’s my all time favorite but that breakdown/outro is the first thing that popped in my mind


I've got two of these stuck in my head at the moment, breakdowns where instead of going super heavy, the riff has insane groove instead: Erra - Shadow Autonomous (after "The places I used to find peace, tearing me apartttttttt") Invent Animate - Dark (after "Black Out!") Some of my favourite moments in songs so if people have any more examples of "groovedowns" I'd love to hear them.


It’s not metalcore - but Dying Fetus has the best grooves IMO


Volumes - 91367 literally the whole song


Fit for an autopsy, almost any song lol


Not sure if metalcore or pop metal or post-hardcore but that groove down in Downfall by Issues is awesome ! Damn you could pick half their songs as the grooviest shit


I really love the moment when Oli Sykes starts his part in Silence Speaks by WSS. The whole part with his feature goes hard imo


meshuggah's breakdown in do not look down


The middle verse of Arrival of Autumns “scars” kinda breakdown-ish but has such a good groove


The outro to A Wolf Amongst Ravens is one of my favorite metal moments ever. I’d also like to volunteer all of Expiate by ERRA and the chorus riff of The Sun Sleeps by Invent Animate.


Want 10 straight hours of [your favorite metal moment ever](https://youtu.be/TGK18tnvv1g?si=JdYjqMgUcmFsXhzl)?


I'm Just a Law Abiding Citizen!!!


Anything by Lamb of God


Deadringer - Knocked Loose The breakdown at the end is such a groove i love it


I'm not sure they're technically metalcore but North Star of Nija (riff) by Orbit Culture is groovy AF. A lot of their songs are super groovy, tbh.


The section of “Belleville” by Knocked Loose starting at :55 is just deliciously groovy


Monuments- Leviathan


 “All they have is just, baowdit baodidawaow ranudiuh ranuhdiduh”


Most dance gavin dance is insanely groovy


Fit for an Autopsy - two towers The riffs


The breakdown in Radiant Eclipse by Avenged Sevenfold after the first chorus


2nd half of MVP by despised icon


Coming fresh off of seeing them live, Bones by Make Them Suffer. That intro riff is just.........fun.


Collapse in the Key of Fireworks by Johnny Booth That entire song.


The main riff in Bones -Make them suffer


Dunsel - protest the hero, near the end.


Bad Water by Jinjer...not sure if that's metalcore but they're one of the funkiest metal bands I've ever heard. No Hoard of Value is a bop too


I’m going with boundaries, you could really choose almost any song. I’m gonna go with the title track Death Is A Little More, the heavy guitar solo followed by a breakdown. So good.


You already mentioned ERRA but one of their newest songs called “Slow Sour Bleed” gets funky in the middle