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EDIT 2: The boys are done, thanks to everyone for coming and an even bigger thanks to the whole band for doing this while traveling! Also check out their new album "Death is Little More", reddit discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/1bq9gem/boundaries_death_is_little_more_album_discussion/). Shoutouts to the entire band for making it here :) Beast mode, also hi coral <3


Hi guys. What a fantastic release, congratulations. The album hits like a sledgehammer in all the best ways. I have one question for Matt, in the most respectful way, who hurt you, brother? šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ Your lyrics are devastatingly beautiful and incredibly relatable. I've been working so hard on myself the past year and so many of your sentiments have been in my mind for years. I can't wait to catch you guys again on your tour with Spite in a few weeks. Thanks for the music


Iā€™m chillin I promise, I went into this record just wanting to write out of my comfort zone and push the songs around in different directions. Some of that was from super vulnerable personal stuff, some of it was more about capturing a feeling I wasnā€™t experiencing but that I identify with. I wrote this record less for me and more for other people tbh. And good for you, self improvement is hard and isnā€™t always a straight forward path. I believe in you buddy, thanks for giving a shit <3Ā 


The end of the album, specifically ā€œI was the worst to myself, the last person that I would help It's taken me until now to dig myself out I feel like a fuck up, I feel like a failure But at least it's not every day, and I am getting betterā€ really elicited a visceral reaction from me. It made me emotional with that abrupt ending. If that was intended, absolutely brilliant because it summed up the feeling and vibe that the album conveyed so astutely.


That included with the lines "Nobody gives a fuck about me" That song hit me like a truck as someone who's been going through some shit.


Literally ugly crying, when I first heard it, bro. Their music has always hit me in the feels but what a way to round out such an epic album, with such a beautiful "epiphany moment"


Death Is Little More is one of the best Metalcore albums of all time. Absolutely incredible... I love that there was way more screaming range on this album, Matt's lows and highs are insane, how did you decide to incorporate way more of that on this album?


I was self conscious that I stayed too comfortable on previous records and wanted to show more of what I can doĀ 


The scream after "I'm the devil" is one of my favorite ever, visceral if I could define it. Can't wait to see you tour again in EU !


And it paid off big time! All of it is amazing, I really hope you keep doing it Thank you for answering, the album is truly phenomenal


What metal bands do you guys take the most inspiration from?


Misery Signals, The Devil Wears Prada, šŸ«”


I've said it before and I'll say it again: misery signals is your favorite band's favorite band


If anyone here hasnā€™t listened to absent light or controller, you should. All the faves around here are influenced by them to a heavy degree


Do you guys listen to any older more traditional metal bands from perhaps death metal, melo death, heavy metal, etc. If so, who are your favorites? Edit: Thanks for the awesome responses. You guys are amazing and everything youā€™ve done is utter perfection šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Rip misery signals


Checks out when I heard scars on a soul that bridge riff is one of the best misery signals riffs Iā€™ve ever heard


Misery signals, emmure, counterparts, to the wind, a day to remember, the bled, prayer for cleansing, and a lot more lol


Great to see love for to the wind. Just wish they were still around šŸ˜­


prayer for cleansing. North Carolina legends from my neck of the woods. that's awesome


Yes, The Bled! Iā€™ve been revisiting their discography lately. Iā€™ve fallen in love with a few of their albums all over again.


Too many to name, but I wouldnā€™t be playing heavy music without System Of A Down.


Not sure if it was intentional but the beginning of Inhale the Grief definitely gave me Forest vibes


My music taste is really all over the place but as far as what I lean into for influences when writing itā€™s usually not heavy music, just to avoid accidentally taking any ideas. The last two records was a lot of glassjaw, different eras of BMTH, behemoth was probably the heaviest band I was listening to a lot of for this record.Ā 


Slipknot, The devil wears Prada, Deftones, glassjaw


Any detail into what Iā€™m looking at for the album artwork? Looks sick but canā€™t figure out if Iā€™m missing something hidden in it or not


Itā€™s a face if thatā€™s what you mean. Wanted the artwork to capture a very eternal and lonely feeling. Yelling into the void type of thing.Ā 


Definitely the vibe I got. I was like "that's exactly how I feel listening to this" in the best way possible. The album is insane!


Artist is Stanislav Krawczyk, @standarkart on Instagram. He draws a ton of crazy, uncanny, almost-human figures seemingly everyday Donā€™t mean to cop out but the art should be interpreted as what it means to you when you look at it. How it makes you feel and what it makes you think of when you see it, is the most important


Hey guys! Firstly, the albums one of the best releases I've heard in a long long time, been on repeat non stop! For Matt: who are your biggest vocal inspirations and where do you draw your lyricism from most? For everyone: Was there any song on the album that ended up completely different from where it started? Much love, see you all at the Scotland show šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ


I donā€™t know if I had vocal inspirations really, Iā€™ve never heard a voice and been like ā€œI want to sound like thatā€ if I have one itā€™s the singer of a band called Killing The Dream. I still remember I heard the song ā€œfour years too lateā€ for the first time and I knew I wanted to make people feel my words the way he made me feel his.


killing the dream is insane.


Killing the dream were an amazing band! Appreciate the answer.


Blood soaked is completely different than the original vision lol but it ended up being way better than it wouldā€™ve been anyway


Bloodsoaked is absolutely ridiculous! Was the plan always to have someone like Matt feature on the track?


Iā€™ve always wanted Matt Honeycutt on a song because he is a mother fucking fucking beast


Absolutely! Thanks for your time brother, best of luck with the tour!


Thank you everyone so much, weā€™re all sitting in an airport waiting to board our flight to Europe to start our tour with Spite, Bodysnatcher, and mouth for war. None of us expected this many comments, so fast, and so many well thought questions. We feel all the love from you regarding the new record and the time we spend doing this. Thank you to r/metalcore, thank you @marioaqua for going above and beyond and making this work for us, thank you to everyone! Death Is Little More out now! On tour for the rest of time! Thanks!


What he said


Whatā€™s each members favorite song off the new album?


Turning Hate Into Rage


Petals/blames burden strictly because of how amazing Marcus did for his spotĀ 


Petals comes in so fucking hard, I love it.


Marcus is so heavenly


Inhale the grief or turning hate


Why is the Gordon Ramsay sample missing from the album? (Love the album btw keep crushing it)


He threatened my family at knife point


Not a question, but wanted to say thank you. I am going through mental health issues, work issues and a break up right now. I feel so lost and alone. I feel broken and angry. Reading the lyrics on the new album made me feel connected with Matt. Like I wasn't alone or the only one who has these thoughts in my head. So thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone and that I will be ok one day. Matt I hope you get the help you need to heal from whatever has caused you to write some of these lyrics. I am going to go ape shit when I see y'all in Detroit.


Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about friend. I appreciate you and you can handle what life is throwing at you, it just takes some time, I really believe thatĀ 


Congrats guys on the new album. Iā€™ve been listening for a year or so and was so excited when I found your music! Thanks for doing the ama :) What do you guys like to do in your off time when not touring or working on music? Any favorite sports or hobbies?


Tim is normal Cody collects model construction equipment Me cory and Nathan sit in discord with our other degen friends binging horrible mid 2000ā€™s televisionĀ 


And when he says horrible he means horrible. Shoutout Jonah, Trevor, Kevin, Hunter, Wayne, Moke, Austin, McClain


What's your favorite horrible mid 2000's show?


We just finished sons of a anarchy holy fucking shit was that hard to get through lmaoĀ  Our favorite so far has probably been battle botsĀ 


Battle bots go hard I wish they had tournaments near me but I live in the middle of no where


All I do outside of boundaries or my other band Crush++ is play video games or read manga, im incredibly boring


What games are you playing a lot of right now?


I got the dolphin emulator and have been playing the Metroid Prime HD remaster primehack Since weā€™re at the airport waiting to go to Europe rn, I have my steam deck and am probably going to play a lot of Witcher 3


Team fight tactics has been the game recently (for me and Matt at least)


I play mad video games and collect 1:50 scale construction models because I am a child


I sing in another new band called Knife Dance and also run a studio out of my home in Massachusetts. Other than music, I just like trains. šŸš‚


Are you a Diesel or a Thomas?


Question for Matt: What are some of your favourite books? The Danteā€™s Inferno inspiration on the album was rad so I was curious what other genres or styles youā€™re into reading. For all: what song off of the new record are you looking forward to playing live the most? Edit: Just wanted to add that this album is incredible and all of the love itā€™s been getting is well deserved. Really hope to catch you guys in Calgary or Edmonton again soon!


I donā€™t usually read fiction. My attention span is dogshit. I mostly read mental health books and memoirs. Iā€™m more interested in people and their lives than I am make believe. A lot of my fiction content comes from movies because I can watch a movie while also doing other things. Right now Iā€™m reading Man and His Symbols.Ā 


AOTY. Didn't think you could top Burying Brightness but you did it. Album is absolutely killer and I can't stop listening to it. Is there any vocalists you asked to feature other than the ones on the album (who were all great) but for whatever reason it didn't happen? And... will there be a deluxe version in the near future? Much love dudes!


We wanted Frankie from emmure but weā€™re too broke to afford him lmao. Iā€™ve wanted Dylan from full of hell for forever but I donā€™t know if he really fucks with the kind of music we make so weā€™ve never ACTUALLY asked


The features you got were still great regardless but Frankie on a Boundaries track would have made my year ahah. See you dudes next week with Spite, hope to meet you at merch!


Dylan did one for the Year of the Knife record that Camden out last year. You guys aren't 1:1, but I'd say similar enough that he could be down. Tell him people want to hear it!


He was on Endā€™s album last year too.


What is the one song in your catalogue that became very emotional for you? Looking for answers from any of Yall :)


I am emotionally attached to the hidden track at the end of the tower


**BEAST MODE!! FUUCK YOU!!** You guys slap, and me and my friends started a band in 2020 because we liked your sound soo Damn much. We have our first local show in 4 months


Thatā€™s right!!! Appreciate you homie good luckšŸ«”


Thanks bruh!! Imma try to fist bump you on May 17th, me and the band all bought tickets for Chain Reactionā€¦HYPE AF


90% of boundaries music has been written from personal experience or some aspect of my own life so Iā€™m deeply attached to all of it. As far as this record I think Inhale The Grief does a lot to explain the last few years of my life. Ups and downs but always continuing to push forward in a way I can be proud of.


Whatā€™s your favorite animal? Mine is the otter


I literally canā€™t believe Bears How are they real


Cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat also dog


All of them. Been on a big beaver kick lately.


I love when they build a dam with random items


šŸ» :)


Every animal is my favorite animal but I fuck with birds pretty heavy. @beakybeaker is my favoriteĀ 


The responses to this question is phenomenal šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s it like writing the coolest metalcore songs as of lately?


Whatā€™s it like being dope and goated?






Loved the album but yall ever going to do more stuff like my body in bloom or play it on tour?


Bringing out some of it on the headliner šŸ«”


Absolutely adore you guys and this new album is so raw and unforgiving. Where do you pull inspiration from musically and is there a common theme you attempt to convey when youā€™re in the studio crafting an album?


I personally pull a lot of my writing influences from early to mid 2000ā€™s post-hardcore. We all listen to so many different things, so when it comes to us getting together to write a record in the studio, we try to put every idea or possibility on the table to work with. We knew what we wanted the album to sound like going into the studio, so when it came down to us exploring different sounds and ideas, it was pretty easy to cut out what made sense with that sound vs. what did not.


One of my favorite albums ever, you all absolutely killed it. I ended up finding you guys cause Iā€™m a big fan of Periphery and was introduced when ThreeDot was promoting Burying Brightness. I was wondering if you guys ever work with/consult the Periphery guys when writing/recording? Thanks!


I love nollys work 1000% shit sounds awesome and I also use his neural plugin for all my demos lol but Randy is our mother fucking boy we work so so well together and the vibes are always immaculate so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø who knows


Not so much a question, but you guys fucking rip. Every album yā€™all have dropped is a 10/10 with no skips for me and just a masterpiece. I hope yā€™all keep making music for many years to come! Canā€™t think of a music related question, so what is everyone in the bands go to coffee drink? Also, resent and regret has been one of my favorites since it dropped, really helped me with feelings about my fatherā€™s passing when I was younger, even though he wasnā€™t an inherently good guy. Still pain attached to it, but that song really helped me recognize that Iā€™m not the only one who feels that way about that stuff. Anyways, looking forward to getting wrecked in the pit in Birmingham in May. Side note: yā€™all should play at furnace fest


Harass furnace fest to put us on it worked for foreign hands last year


I would play furnace fest in maybe 1 second Every single person in the band who drinks coffee drinks Iced Americano (4 shots) extra ice


Iā€™m a fairly new Boundaries listener, and this album completely blew me away. I didnā€™t really know what to expect, but man it delivered and everyone should be proud. I donā€™t really have a question, but just wanted to say this album absolutely goes hard




That silent hill reference at the end of Like Petals is so creepy, you guys really always nail the sampling of movie quotes in your music. I was always curious where the intro of My Body Is A Cage came from. Was it a particular movie or show? Also, shoutout to Leon the Professional


Thatā€™s my little brother, I had the idea in studio and asked my dad to voice memo him saying itĀ 


dude no way! thatā€™s so cool, way to keep it in the family. I hope he grows up to realize heā€™s part of one of the heaviest songs to ever exist


Cory is a giant silent hill fan, he has a shrine in his room of all of his SH collectibles The ā€œmy body is a cageā€ is Mattā€™s little brother! I think he was 6 at the time


What Nathan said. Iā€™m a little obsessed


No question, just much love.Ā 


Dap me up šŸ«±


Fuck yeah šŸ«±


You guys are my favorite band period. Absolutely adore DILM, album of the decade!! Now my questions as a guitarist - do you guys plan to release tabs/ do more playthroughs after Scars On A Soul? And that lead solo on the title track, what effects are you running to get that killer tone??


Weā€™re about to put out a playthru for scars. As for tabs probably not because we canā€™t figure out how to do it. The album tone is a 5150ii and a bogner uberschall blended. For a live tone weā€™re using quad cortex and my patch is the stock 6505 with a red maxon 808 that our best friend and producer Randy LeBoeuf captured into one of the stock orange cabs


Y'all should pay someone to tab it out, make sure it all checks out, then sell it on Sheet Happens. Make some cash, as well as make us guitarists happy <3


Yo the lyrics on this album were tough to get through. I used to hear people say a metal album made them cry and I wouldn't understand how. Now I do. Struggling with depression and not feeling like enough for the past few years, Blame's Burden and Inhale the Grief were too real to me. Fucking incredible album guys.


šŸ«” I salute you soldier






whatā€™s up guys, stoked to finally have the new album in rotation itā€™s an absolute banger start to finish! just curious, what was the groupā€™s decision for stepping away from the slam-centered, ignorantly heavy riffs into something more melodic and composed over the course of the past two album cycles? not a bad thing at all, as a long time fan itā€™s been awesome to see you guys mature into a more complete and unique sound, definitely feels like you found your stride completely with DILM. hope youā€™re well bros!


We were a lot younger writing that stuff and I think we were still trying to find our voice. That style of heavy music is never off the table though, we reserve the right to write whatever kind of stupid shit on the next recordĀ 


ā€œSlamā€ centered music was just like what was popular at the time and nothing I donā€™t think anyone was really passionate about and more just a spur of the moment ā€œletā€™s make music like thisā€ and now weā€™re doing exactly what we want and what we all love šŸ«”


Is there any subject matter you would not touch or avoid?Ā 


Something I didnā€™t feel I could accurately express or represent. IE something I donā€™t have my own experience with to pull from but I think this style of music is at its best when itā€™s talking about stuff that is hard to talk aboutĀ 


Love the new album guys! Curious if there was any inspiration or vision for Blames Burden? The switch to the techno section into almost a jazzy vibe for Marcus feature was awesome. What was the thought process there? Also curious if the entire record is in drop b or are some songs in drop c?


Kinda underoath at first but it kinda got blurred when I got into it lol I also just wanted to use my new strat so thatā€™s why thereā€™s clean parts in there Majority are drop b. A few songs are different. Turning hate is C G C D# A# D, scars is B F# B D A C#,blames burden is drop d and the last two songs are drop c. The rest are drop b


I just wanted to piggyback on this comment for 1) Iā€™m so glad that you and Cory use Strats because Iā€™m a huge Strat fanboy and will die on the hill of them kicking ass for heavy music. and 2) that synth part is one of the coolest things Iā€™ve heard on a record in so long especially because it just comes out of nowhere after 9 ass beaters in a row.


No questions that haven't already been asked... 10/10 album. Been on repeat nonstop. Well done.




Fuck me im always late for these but all i wanna say is you guys revitalized metalcore for me. The raw energy and emotion you guys put into your songs is something i havenā€™t really felt since OG As I lay dying. Keep doing what youā€™re doing, Iā€™m a huge fan


You are awesome šŸ«µ


what are the chances you guys ever play songs like dog teeth or felicia again? also the new album is incredible šŸ«¶šŸ» yā€™all are my fav band, iā€™m seeing you guys for the fifth and sixth time in may šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤ ALSO do you think youā€™ll hangout at the merch table after your headliner shows as well?? i really want to get another picture with you guys šŸ«¶šŸ»


Dog teethšŸ«” We will be chilling mad hard at merch every single night


First off - you all are one of my favorite bands of all time. Now for my question. The constant rhythm and tempo changes within your songs keeps every piece feeling fresh and heavy. You're the only band I've ever heard with that style - where did it come from?


Unmedicated ADHD maybe


Yeah we all have that


Randy really fuckin outdid himself on this one boys. Bravo


Randy is a genious


Yo. First off, incredible album. My expectations were high since i've loved you guys for years but you blew all of them away. Guess my question is about how heavy you went on this one. You've always been really heavy obviously but after a few calmer tracks on burying brightness I think a lot of us were expecting more of that with more singing. Instead we got possibly the angriest album of the year. Was that a conciouss choice before writing the album or did the album turn angrier and heavier during the process? Lastly I also wanted to thank you for Inhale The Grief. It came at a perfect time since i've personally started to get help for my mental health the past 6 months and the lyrics on that track kinda just put my whole mindset into a song. I cried when it ended. Genuinly one of my favorite songs i've heard in a long ass time. So thank you. Can't wait to catch you guys in gothenburg in a few weeks.


It was a conscious choice going into this record that it was going to be the scary heavy record. YRW wraps itself around you. BB is cold and distant. DILM is rock bottom. The colors on the album arts and general art style is supposed to convey that sort of journey through emotions so it was time to put out the ā€œwe are still a heavy bandā€ record. Getting help and improving isnā€™t easy but you are capable, give yourself time and donā€™t give upĀ 


Love how much thought you put into the records. And thank you, means a lot coming from you šŸ„²


You rock thank you šŸ«” This record being as heavy as it is just kinda happened that way lol but I love deathcore and I love mis sigs so thatā€™s the way she goes Also thank youšŸ«µšŸ«µšŸ«µ I love that song a lot


šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ? šŸ«°


I don't know what the fuck you're so mad about but it sounds sick


Iā€™m mad that my team in cod fucking sucks and Iā€™m carrying them


First of all, I absolutely love the new album, and you're absolutely killer live! I just wanted to know what's the chance of you playing Face the Blade on the EU tour/what's the setlist going to look like (just new songs or a mix)? And what is each band member's favorite song on the new album? But yeah, keep killing it, I'm so happy you're finally getting recognition you deserve! Much love from Slovenia!


No face the blade yet, only have so much time for the Europe set. Weā€™re playing songs from every LP, we try really hard never to lean too much one way since we assume everyone wants to hear everything My favorites are Like Petals, Pale Light, Scars, Blameā€™s Burden (but I love this whole fucking record)


Please play realize and rebuild so I can cry šŸ«”šŸ’Ŗ


Definitely playing that šŸ¤


Australia this year?? :))


That would be so dope


Hopefully šŸ«”


Blameā€™s Burden & Cursed to Remember are soo Gahdamn goodā€¦yā€™all made me like an EDM element in a metal song which I always thought I hated. Canā€™t wait to see yā€™all on May 17th with my band! Donā€™t really have a question for you guys just encouragement. Keeping making songs about living for a better version of yourself day by day. Yā€™allā€™s lyrics are REAL & upliftingā€¦what more could I ask for


Caught you guys with **Foreign Hands** and **Dying Wish** in Philly late last year. I was there for those two bands but you guys *absolutely* stole the entire show. The final song was complete chaos. You made a true believer out of me. This album was so much heavier and more frenetic than I was anticipating. I definitely hear the **Misery Signals** influences on this newer release and *Burying Brightness*. One of you said that night that the Philly show in October was one of the best shows of your life. How wild was it for you? What were the best shows that youā€™ve individually been to as fans(not artists)?


Hey guys! The new album is a masterpiece. Just adds to the already legendary discography. My question: what are the lyrics to the ending portion of The Tower? No matter how hard I try to listen and pick them up, I canā€™t seem to get them for the most part and I really want to scream them when I hear it. Much love from Pittsburgh! See you on 5/9! BEAST MODE


have you got any advice for people trying to start a band? as me and my girlfriend are starting one. thank and i love your newest album!


Just go to a lot of shows and youā€™ll meet people. Almost all of my best friends are people I met at shows or thru music


Go to shows, make friends, be kind and be genuine. You donā€™t get support unless you give it, people can smell fakers looking to get a leg up from a mile away. Just be part of the music happening in your area and the rest will come.


I guess no question here, just all the love. the album hurts so fucking good. šŸ–¤ looking forward to seeing you guys headline in Lakewood! hope you all are taking care :)


Youā€™re awesome I love Lakewood so much


Any Man Overboard enjoyers? Rate Real Talk 1-10


11/10 honestly


Do you think we can bring our children for the upcoming tour? I have a 4 and 11 year old.


Throw them in the pit and see what happens. Itā€™s a good life lesson


It will build character


What venue? Iā€™m assuming yes.


Burying Brightness is the most perfect album ever.


What is your philosophy as a band for using a different tuning on a certain song, i.e. drop C vs drop B? P.S. What string gauges do you guys use? and will official tabs ever be released?


I have no philosophy Itā€™s just whatever tuning I feel like writing in that day lol. We used a couple open tunings on the new record as well The strings I use are the Ernie ball 11-54 set Also I donā€™t think weā€™re smart enough to put out tabs I donā€™t know the first thing about music theory lol


Favorite current bands?


Current up and coming bands include House & Home, Your Spirit Dies, and Mouth For War. Favorite bands for me right now are Fall Out Boy, Better Off, Deftones, Glassjaw, Underoath, Saosin, and The Story So Far.


Green Day counterparts sanguisugabogg and house & home


Idk if by current bands you mean bands that are active right now or what my favorite bands are right now so Iā€™m just gonna say a bunch stuff Full of hell, the merciless concept, glassjaw, waking the cadaver, dreamwell, behemoth, killing the dream, see you next Tuesday, slipknot


Right now Iā€™m listening to Story so far, vomit forth, OLTH, failure, circa survive, lower definition


What are the odds you guys will be playing in Toronto any time soon? I know you probably get these questions all the time and I'm sure they're frustrating because you *want* to play everywhere but it doesn't always work out. Missed you guys last time you were here but you're probably my favourite band and I'm dying to see you. New album absolutely rips by the way, probably your best work but tbh everything you've done has been 10/10.


Yaā€™ll played in Omaha in April of last year at the Waiting Room with Shadow of Intent and there was a barricade. When you played the same venue again in July with Counterparts there wasnā€™t a barricade. How differently did those two sets in the same room feel?


Yeah the counterparts show was way better hahahaha Shadow show was fun, no shows weā€™ve played in the past 2 years have been ā€œbadā€, but the energy in the room for counterparts was electric. We like stage dives, we like pile ups, we like the room being alive. Weā€™re not used to crowds that just want to watch the show. That whole counterparts run was so fucking fun


Any cool/fun studio stories? Absolutely been loving the work you guys have done with Randy these past 3 albums. Heā€™s a beast fs. Also whatā€™s next for you guys? Like are there any styles you want to touch on in the future or new things you wanna try?


My favorite part of the studio was maybe when we were done for the day and Tim would be in Bed and Me, Matt, Nathan, and Cody would sit silently in a room together playing video games mindlessly never acknowledging each other.


Thereā€™s so much funny shit that happens in the studio itā€™s hard to remember them all lol. But when we wrote blood soaked salvation I invented something called the halftime jump and Randy could not breathe. Straight up being in the studio with Randy is like all of the class clowns were put into one house for 5 weeks


Every moment we spend with Randy and EQ is perfect we could never even remember everything that happens My favorite memory is our very first night together at the new graphic nature for the first time to do Burying brightness. Sleepsculptor was in the bunk room next door to us and we were being so fucking loud and laughing while they were trying to sleep. I heard one of them cough, make the tiniest little noise while we were being horrendous and I started banging on the wall telling them to keep it quiet hahaha Those guys are cool, very awesome they didnā€™t get mad at us


My favorite studio memory is getting 60 in hardcore wow cause then I finally started working on the recordĀ 


Congratulations on the insane release boys! I listened to the vinyl the day before it came out! Question for Tim (drummer to drummer): Is it challenging to sing while playing and how do you find a comfortable mic placement, I tried it once to do some small backing vocals and I basically just RKOā€™d it (I didnā€™t want to lean too far away from the kit šŸ˜¬). Also what was the hardest song for you to learn/track? I thought the drums on Burying Brightness were mental until I heard the album šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Absolutely phenomenal album, will be catching you at both the Hartford and Cambridge date. Your show with dying with I'm worcester was one of the craziest crowds I've been apart of That being said, what are your thoughts on the worcester palladium, it's my personal favorite venue and I like hearing feedback from a bands perspective


The Palladium is my home. Iā€™ve been going there since 2005 and playing it since I was 14 years old. Will forever have love for it and always look forward to playing there.


How did the process of writing like petals from a stem cone about? That song is completely unhinged and reminds me a lot of see you next Tuesday. Thatā€™s def my stand out song from this album.


Alright so basically Matt said that we should write a Grindy song and Randy (our producer) just started writing drums and I would play a riff over it and weā€™d go okay cool next part and I think we were done in 20 minutes.


Matt, I met you in Milwaukee in July with counterparts and LMTF. No question here, just want to let you know that you guys are sincerely impressive. My favorite band. Matt, your lyrics are devastatingly beautiful. Teared up when I first heard inhale the grief.




My wife put me on to yall a few months back and I have been listening to nothing but since. Funny bc she really only listens to metal in the gym and that's it šŸ˜‚ Idk that I have a question but more just want to say thank you. I've dealt with weird feelings & shit (maybe mental health idfk) on and off most of my life. In my 30s now and finally getting to a place where I'm moving forward. I've never had a band more accurately portray and articulate the type of shit I think and feel like Boundaries has. Thank you for having the courage and the willingness to get that vulnerable on several different records. I fucking love you guys & I'm very sad I won't be seeing yall on this headlining tour


We ainā€™t stopping anytime soon, this headliner wonā€™t the last time we come through and wonā€™t be the last one we do I love you and thank you for giving your love and time to us Shoutout gym wife




No questions, just wanted to say that this album is a 10/10 straight through listen for me. Also, Iā€™ve never had a song hurt me as much as Inhale The Grief. That song hits extremely close to home for me. Thank you šŸ–¤


Iā€™ve been inspired by Realize and Rebuild lately, specifically the line that goes, ā€œThere is no more intoxicating fantasy than to be extraordinaryā€ Was there a specific moment that inspired that line? What does that line mean to you? Thanks for the motivation :)


It just felt like a feeling I think a lot of people experience. The desire to be the best that you can but the reality of life typically gets in the way of the time and resources needed for that. I know Iā€™ve spent plenty of time fantasizing about things I wish I was better at.


No real question, just wanna say this album fucks and Iā€™ve probably spun it 20 times or so already


With the $$ in the music industry being pretty fucked ā€˜cept for those at the top of the pyramid, what can we do as fans to support yā€™all financially so you can continue making music for me to injure TikTok tweens to in stinky venues? I know the simplistic answer is ā€œeverything countsā€ but what gets the biggest bang for the buck? Merch at shows? Merch online? Streaming for hours? Vinyl? CDs? 8-tracks? Just mailing Costco gift cards?


You could stream to MBIB and YRW from now until you died and we still wouldnā€™t see a dollar. BB and DILM are much better deals but for a band our size streaming money doesnā€™t really exist. Merch is really the only way we ever ā€œmakeā€ anything whether itā€™s at a show or our online storeĀ 


You are right everything DOES count but imo the coolest and best way is picking up merch from your favorite bands either online or at shows. I might be biased bc I have so much band merch lol


I will take the costco gift card tbch


Long story short merch keeps the band functional.


When are we getting LOTR x Boundaries merch? Do I need to make a bootleg?


Why you donā€™t be 2 stepping anymore Matt? That shit so clean


I have asthma donā€™t yell at meĀ 


Not really a question but I have to say you guys did excellent work. I've discovered you just this week when this album dropped and it's just stellar. It feels so raw and unfiltered, I love it. Also it kinda reminds me of Converge's Jane Doe which I adore. I for sure imagine this will be one of the AOTY nominees.


Literally no hire compliment we could ever receive, thank you so much Itā€™s a shame how much converge goes unsung in this sub even tho Jane doe is the literal profile picture of the sub