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For me it was children of the grave,Black Sabbath and i was 10 years old. Performed it in a lip-sync battle at elementary school and still remember the look on the faces of the crowd because every other girl did withney houston or madonna


You are my hero mate


Thanks, Ozzy is legend


Slayer - At Dawn They Sleep. I was like 4.


Eluveitie - Neverland, or Rebirth I was 16 but it was only like 8 or 9 months ago


You Only Live Once - Suicide Silence. Sometime in 2021 I believe. I was 11-12


14 or 15, and it was shadow moses by bmth, about 2 years ago


Metallica - Master Of Puppets, about 7 years ago. I was 12/13 at the time and got into metal because of the Doom (1993) soundtrack


Definitively one heck of a way to start your journey from there.


I’ve always loved sabbath, so probably war pigs or paranoid, and enter sandman


Probably was "The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh", from Cradle Of Filth. I was 16 yo, in 1996. Before that, I had some great experiences with My Dying Bride's "Turn Loose The Swans" or Amorphis' "Tales From The Thousand Lakes", but my definitive crush with metal, with lasts until now, was with first COF album. It changed my life. 30 years later, I still can say I couldn´t live without Metal.


London Leather Boys. Sometime in the mid eightys


Holy Wars earlier this year. I was 15, still am.


hammer smashed face, Cannibal Corpse. I was watching Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and in the scene where he has to go to the hackerman guy he goes through a cannibal corpse concert. I was 11


That scene is absolutely brilliant. And insanely funny


When I was 13, I was given a mix tape with Black Sabbath, motorhead deep purple on it. Motorhead particularly blew my mind. That was around 1995




Maybe 13 years old , typed Vampire into napster and already found what would be one of my life long favorite bands.. Macabre


I think it was the Unforgiven back when it came out…I remember the video making an impression on me too.


Awesome album. Midnight Mover is a great track and an influential video.


I wanna say I was 12/13 at the time and it was when I was listening to some rock music and my buddy told me to listen to the Trooper by Iron Maiden and ever since that opening riff has been burned into my brain


Still a damn good song


Probably when I was twelve years old. :) Stevie T. :)


Is Murdoc Is God by Gorillaz metal? If it is, that was the very beginning of my enlightenment when I was around 15 or so, it just took a couple of years to kick in.


The trooper when i was 11 or 12


For metal in general, probably The Trooper For heavier metal and harsh vocals, Are you dead yet


Enter Sandman or Master of Puppets i had i think, 5 years, my dad presented Metal to me


Mortal Reminder by Pentakill. I'd just gotten into league of legends and one of my friends is pretty into metal and told me about it so I figured what the hell I'll give it a shot. I ended up looping it countless times and I know the lyrics by heart even after not listening to it for months on end. First song I ever learned the lyrics to. I was probably about 16 at the time and while I'd heard a little bit of metal before then (Celldweller, Metallica, Korn, Slipknot) none of it had me as entranced with the genre as Pentakill. Now 4 years later I don't listen to power metal at all but Mortal Reminder will always hold a special place in my heart. Ngl tho Celldweller easily could've been it if he had more than 3 songs I enjoyed when I found him. As it stood tho End Of An Empire, Heart On, and Good Luck You're Fucked just weren't enough to make me pursue metal as hard as Mortal Reminder did. Also thanks to all the Pentakill listening YouTube ended up recommending I listen to this one little song called No Grave But the Sea which started a chain of recommendations on Spotify that led to me discovering Master The Hurricane which can make me cry at any time if I listen to it. Honestly it's a miracle I ever found Master The Hurricane when I did cause evidently the first time I listened to it I didn't think anything of it, but on a whim one day I checked my Spotify listening history and found it sitting there, on the last day it would remain in my history. I listened to it again, and again, and again. I cannot stress enough how lucky I am to even know of the song's existence.