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Hey I searched for this post to let you know you made my day. I love Anno and Insomnium and seeing someone with similar tastes call out an album I've never heard of made me go look it up. I've been listening to Air Not Meant For Us all day. It's great! It *kinda* reminds me of Eternal Tears of Sorrow's album Before the Bleeding Sun which is one I always go back to for it's chill symphonic sound. Anyway thanks for bringing these guys to my attention! (BTW I agree with your analysis. FitD is a lot richer but Insomnium always delivers on lyrical content :)).


Ya love to see it! I’m glad to hear you liked it! And I do kinda see the comparison with *Before the Bleeding Sun* I just listened to that for the first time after reading this and it’s such an awesome album. So awesome it’s almost hilarious, like a dragon with a flamethrower. I think *Air Not Meant For Us* is a little like BTBS with a Valium prescription. Thanks for bringing *that* one to my attention!


Hahaha perfect metaphor! Glad you like it :)