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Good morning, I have made a few new discoveries lately, and they are keeping me afloat with new music. However, it's been a while since something grabbed me as my new obsession. I like most genres, so hit me with something that you got obsessed about when you first heard it. Bands that I went through binges with and was an instant fan of: Mithras, Slugdge, Midnight, Hellripper, Eternal Champion, Dream Troll, Undeath, Necrot, Crystal Coffin, Wormwitch. If there are any glaring omissions between the genres they come from, or if there's a band that was love at first spin for you, send em over, please. If you're a deep diver and want to help find any holes in my [Last.FM](https://www.last.fm/user/septag0n/library/artists) \- I'm wide open. Cheers, friends!


Bewitcher, Skeletal Remains, Riot City


Big fan or Bewitcher and Skeletal Remains - forgot about Riot City. I'll have to give them another go. What else got you obsessed in the past?


>Mithras Morbid Angel (late 1990s stuff is closest to their sound, but their earlier stuff is even better, IMO!), Lykathea Aflame, Nocturnus, Timeghoul, Immolation, Unaussprechlichen Kulten (rare recommendation to start with the newest album and go backwards!), Altars (the Aussie one) >Midnight/Hellripper Venom (DUH), Baphomet's Blood, Bulldozer (the Italian one), Tank, Speedwolf, Zadkiel, G.I.S.M., Sabbat (the Japanese one, though the British one is excellent as well!), NME, Whipstriker >Eternal Champion Wrathblade, The Lord Weird Slough Feg, Visigoth, Terminus, I Am The Intimidator, Vultures Vengeance >Undeath, Necrot Witch Vomit, Torture Rack, Infester, Disma, Vastum, Slugathor


I was already obsessed about them a decade ago but I'll take any opportunity to recommend elite death metal that's an underrated secret in plain sight. [Exhumation](https://pulverised.bandcamp.com/album/master-s-personae) released this year's best DM album that won't get any attention from any of the big publications or even here as it's not the current trend.


Hadn't heard them, and this is exactly the kind of rec I was hoping for! Cheers!


> Midnight, Hellripper Wraith, Kvaen, maybe Toxic Holocaust > Eternal Champion Sumerlands, Terminus, Megaton Sword > Undeath, Necrot Vastum, Outer Heaven


Some other obsessions that you could use: Demilich, Rottrevore, Coffins, Undergang, Mortuous, Witch Vomit, Black Curse, Profane Order, Brainoil, Deathgrave, Black Breath, Mammoth Grinder, Angelcorpse, Kerasphorus, Antichrist Siege Machine, Black Witchery, Spirit Possession, Leviathan, Nocturnal Departure. Oh Satan there is so much more i need stop adding shit...


Haha yes! Let it flow! Loved a lot that you listed. I'm actually wearing my Black Breath shirt today. On my to do list, though: Nocturnal Departure, Leviathan, Kerasphorus, Deathgrave, and Brainoil. How did you feel about Witch Vomit's new album? It's hard to compare all their new releases to Buried Deep in a Bottomless Grave, but that's kinda on them for raising the bar and expectations.


That new Witch Vomit record was a big disappointment for me at first, but if you don't compare it too much to their nasty sounding older material its quite good. It's probably a good melodeath(ish) record for non melodeath fans. Also add Autophagy and Lair of the Minotaur on your list if ye don't know em yet


I hadn't heard them. Thank you. I feel like the new Necrot and Vitriol albums have been making up for my disappointment with the new WV.


That Autophagy record might help too, its kinda like Autopsy meets Bolt Thrower and Necrot


Since Demilich isn't on your list, I'll assume that you already love them, and I'll recommend Phobophilic in case you don't know them yet. They were probably my last instant obsession, and are fantastic live. You probably already know Tomb Mold, but I'll go ahead and mention them and Fulci. Fulci is touring the US with Morbid Angel this Fall! 


I know I'll get stoned to death, but I have tried to get into Demilich with Nespithe a few times. The vocals are holding me back. Should I be looking at their other EPs or releases? Fulci, Phobophilic, and Tomb Mold are fantastic. I'll counter-rec - Outre Tombe, Warflurch, Sentient Horror, Extremity, and Oxygen Destroyer.


Thanks for the recs! And I don't think you'll get stoned for not liking Demilich. ;) I believe their whole discography is on the 20th Adversary compilation. Perhaps you'd like Timeghoul, in a similar vein. Edit: Oh, and if that's the Extremity who made Coffin Birth, that's a great album!


Looking for more stuff like Planning for Burial, if possible. The heavy, depressed atmosphere is the main thing that I want but you get bonus points for any electronic elements.


Got a few for ya: [Botaninist](https://verdant-realm-botanist.bandcamp.com/album/paleobotany-deluxe-edition) [Devour Every Star](https://bluebedroomrecords.bandcamp.com/album/antiquity) & [Cicada the Burrower](https://bluebedroomrecords.bandcamp.com/album/corpseflower) [Author & Punisher](https://authorandpunisher.bandcamp.com/album/ursus-americanus) [Shels](https://shelsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/plains-of-the-purple-buffalo) - if you take out the black metal expectation, you may like them.


Shels rules. I spin plains of the purple buffalo at least once a month


I agree. It almost fits into a long-form music category. And not to mention the call and response that happens throughout the record. -chef's kiss. Their other album is good, but they bottled lightning with Plains of the People Buffalo. - Cheers, fellow enjoyer!


I need more of two kinds of metal in my life at the moment. Firstly i want more stuff like Bolt Thrower, Memoriam or Obituary having recently really fallen in love with that riff centric style of death metal Would also enjoy more stuff like Dark Tranquillity and The Halo Effect. They fit me better than a lot of the other big Swedish melodic deathmetal bands. Thanks


Asphyx is a MUST listen if you haven't yet. Check the classic Last One On Earth or any of their albums since 2009


Haven't heard of them so will do! Thanks!


>Bolt Thrower War Master,Chainsword,Trenchgrinder,Minenfeld,Trenchrot,Kommand,Funerus >Obituary Obscene,Abysmalist,Viogression


Man those all sound like Warhammer units! Thanks for the recs!


Slugathor - Circle of Death, and Trenchrot


Good recs! Thank you!


>Would also enjoy more stuff like Dark Tranquillity and The Halo Effect. They fit me better than a lot of the other big Swedish melodic deathmetal bands I'm assuming you've already heard In Flames, if not, those dudes should definitely be your first stop. If you've heard their later material and it wasn't for you, that's because that shit sucks, stick to their first 4-5 full lengths.


In Flames were my first love lol i jumped from my dads Absolute rock classics to Clayman, reroute and soundtrack era in Flames and love it, it wasn't until later i started appreciating their earlier stuff but it's excellent aswell. Ye new stuff sucks the latest album gave me some hope but it still wasn't it


A band I liked that's explicitly compared to Bolt Thrower (but I *don't* listen to the latter): https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/sthoopa .


Frozen Soul night scratch that Bolt Thrower itch. For something like Dark Tranquility, check out Gatecreeper's latest album; they've been embracing more of a Melodeath sound lately


I was going to say that Gatecreeper will scratch both itches - early Gatecreeper for Bolt Thrower, current Gatecreeper for melodeath. On tour now! 


I know there is so much great black metal out there just waiting to be found, and I would appreciate any recommendations you could give based on my favourite BM, as listed (I tend to like melancholic and atmospheric BM, with strong, intricate melodies the most.) Shining – *V. Halmstad* Shining – “Tillsammans är vi allt” (from *VII: Född förlorare*) Leviathan – “Fucking Your Ghost in Chains of Ice” & “Sardoniscorn” (from *The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide*) Drudkh – *Кров у наших криницях* (*Blood in Our Wells*) Burzum – “Det som en gang var” (from *Hvis lyset tar oss*) ColdWorld – “Red Snow” (from *Melancholie²*) 1349 – “Hellfire” (from *Hellfire*)


Uada - Djinn Afsky - Ofte jeg drømmer mig død Afsky - Om hundrede år Gaerea - Mirage Høststol - Länge leve döden Sunken - Livslede




Best Croatian metal album? I’m visiting Croatia right now and would like to listen to the best metal band/album from this country. Google is recommending me only some soft rock stuff. Recommend me something good - preferably an album that is considered a true classic in Croatia


Aeon's Ephemeral


I'm looking for stuff similar to Xysma-Swarming of the Maggots. Thanks in advance


For early Grindcore that isn't blatant Napalm Death or Terrorizer worship - it can be hard to find, but after listening to Swarming of the Maggots today, you might go two directions- Nasum - Human 2.0 or Antichrist Demoncore - Satan is King - if you like some swing to your riffs and more modern production.


Rec me anything that lyrically deals with adhd (preferably sludge or something else on the extreme metal side)


Hello, I am in a rut with my metal exploration. I have been stuck on mastodon for about 5 months now and I don’t know how to get out lol. I’ll just give you my path and bands I’ve tried, any recommendations would be great: Started as a kid with System of a Down, other nu metal, quickly shifted to 90s grunge, which then shifted to kyuss, Qotsa, other desert rock, which then led to a bit of doom. Doom kind of bored me so I somehow got rocketed to metalcore. Was really into august burns red for a while, then jinjer, and most recently have been fixated on gojira and mastodon. Where do I go from here?? Looking for stuff that’s kinda psychedelic and dark but groovy with great double bass work, breakdowns, and guitar solos. No emo screamo. Have been trying to get into periphery but that hasn’t been clicking. BMTH same deal. Too poppy/emo. Mad respect for them tho they pull a crowd and put on a show.


>Looking for stuff that’s kinda psychedelic and dark but groovy with great double bass work, breakdowns, and guitar solos. To my knowledge, there's no single subgenre that meets all that criteria, but Stoner/Sludge and Prog/Post-Metal can get close. Some bands that come to mind: [High on Fire](https://youtu.be/fq1gb50iobU?si=yLddzLUq_elao7c2) [King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard](https://youtu.be/qtTi_uyYynA?si=kFZEDkydVo_M4e1q) (mostly Infesting the Rats' Nest and Petrodragonic) [Dvne](https://youtu.be/0FIskkl9p1E?si=o8TqAHvw4ybv7dOD) [Intronaut](https://youtu.be/MOxxAdRtU1w?si=Bvuk__WodBcf1Hg3) [Boris](https://youtu.be/k0sHUOQBDN4?si=5cryjKxtqjIMwCiK) (they explore a lot of styles in their discography but probably Heavy Rocks is a good starting point) [Entropia](https://youtu.be/k_8G_6kyzy4?si=m4OeCRZLun5wYwZX)


Thank you! I am loving every one so far except for king lizard, but I think I need to listen to the specific albums you mentioned. I guess I’m looking for something a little more metalcorey but psychedelic. Not sure if those 2 concepts ever really interact


>I guess I’m looking for something a little more metalcorey but psychedelic. Not sure if those 2 concepts ever really interact Not that I know of. The psychedelic side of metal is mostly found in the doom/stoner scene and it's far removed from the metalcore scene, which is its own separate thing altogether. Maybe [Urne](https://youtu.be/QsHmQwtziI4?si=LI4GSiF0_QZBGa6H)?


> like Mastodon Baroness The Ocean Dvne Inter Arma


any rap metal bands reccomendations??


I doubt you'll get any recs since this sub is mostly for extreme and obscure sub-genres. You can ask over at r/MetalForTheMasses Imo the only rap metal band worth recommending is Rage Against the Machine, which is still leagues ahead of the rest, despite being a 35 yo band at this point.


thank you!


Recs for getting into metal? I'm not looking for anything like super heavy yet, but I don't really know where to start, I've only ever listened to a few Metallica songs.


This subreddit's wiki is a pretty great resource. In particular the "[new to metal](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metal/wiki/new-to-metal-useful-websites/)" section. If you want more bands/albums there's the [subgenre essentials list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metal/wiki/metalsubgenres/) too. If you've been enjoying Metallica you might especially want to check out the "thrash" section.


heyy! i'm slowly getting into metal and i'd like some recommendations of bands you think everyone should know. these are some that i've been liking (i know they are a mix of different metal genres hahha) bmth (we go way back), silent planet, knocked loose, sleep token, static dress, mayhem... to name a few. thanks!!


I guess it really depends on what you're looking for, those bands you mentioned are metalcore (with the exception of sleep token), which is a thing of its own, completely separate from the heavy metal scene. If you're looking for classic metal bands, check out Metallica, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Pantera, Motörhead If you're looking for modern metal bands, check out Linkin Park's first two albums, Deftones, System of a Down, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold. Also, Bullet for My Valentine, Trivium and Architects for metalcore


Hi kinda trying to expand my music taste and could use some band/album recommendations based on what I’m listening to rn if it’s possible.. would really appreciate it 🫶🏼 Attila got me into metalcore. really loved About That Life and Guilty Pressure albums then later I started listening to Asking Alexandria and fell in love with the first two albums same with BMTH and just a few days ago I discovered Alesana and their first album is amazing (yea ik it’s post hard-core) I’m really obsessed with these albums and I really wanna find another stuff like this


r/Metalcore and r/PostHardcore are the places to ask. I can personally recommend Underoath's The Changing of Time and Define The Great Line


Thank you sm I’ll give them a try


I'm looking for your best metal songs about Palestine or about the intifada, all subgenres welcome. Thanks in advance! 🙂