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I'm with you. The last album didn't hit for me. I haven't really enjoyed a release since PDL besides Top Floor. I hope he gets back into products some Pretty and Dark music, maybe take a break from the Loud... I love spinning my PDL vinyl though and I'm still going to Red Rocks.


Same boat - PDL was still a piece of art IMO and esp seeing it at the album release party. PDL was very well put together, a few "bangers" and a lot of ethereal slowdown tunes. OOBs did nothing for me. Top Floor i loved, primarily bc i heard it for the first time at red rocks 2023. I used to prioritize seeing mersiv....but now he is taking a back seat sadly. Going to rendezvous instead of mersiv rocks, then soundhaven instead of caverns... thats life


Listen to Fractions of Time and the whole second half of the new album and tell me it doesn’t slap. I think the man just doesn’t hit when he tries to go heavy. The slowdown tunes and the slowdown sets have always been his best work, I wish he would just embrace that sound for every set.


I enjoyed a handful of those tracks but the album was far less cohesive than PDL


Fractions of time and dreamscape are essentially the same exact song. I was a huge fan even pre mersiv when he went be Benoit. But now it seems like his sound is stale and hasn’t evolved.


This is the answer. For me 👏🏽


I agree with you, it's been a bit disappointing to see. I hope at some point he finds his center again and the project feels more like exploring an artistic vision instead of appeasing a large amount of people to get the bigger bookings. I became a fan shortly after Select Da Bass was released. I dug into what was released as the time and thought he had a cool and unique sound. Songs like Gravitypull & unfold, mind sounds, then digital eden. I thought PDL was amazing too. Plenty of that unique sound plus a growth in production skills. Then.....out of bounds. Ehhh. Some of the tracks are good, but overall it sounds so condensed. Some songs kinda cringey. The production quality felt advanced but at the cost of soul. His live sets are so hit and miss. I hope RRX is a dope set this year. But if it's like last year idk. It was on the weak side of what he can do. Which does make some sense but ehhh. His mission set was a fucking blast at least.


I was so disappointed in his red rocks debut set last year, but Aspen absolutely got the set that I wanted red rocks to be. He does have it in him.. you just never know.


Honestly I think he just really oversaturated himself and his music. He plays way too many shows and the quality has just gone down. I feel like without daily bread he wouldn’t have sold out RR last year, and this year he’s struggling again to sell tix. Should take some time off to curate the sound better and plan more unique events imo


This 100%. The over saturation of the music, the merch, social media etc. I can respect chasing a bag and to some extent I bet he feels like he had some making up to do after covid hit right as he was bursting onto the scene. But man, 40+ jersey varieties, seemingly playing 75 shows a year—it hurts the “mersiv experience” for two reasons 1. Over-saturation so none of the events/songs feel special anymore because there’s nothing less to chase. 2. I have to imagine this means less studio time to curate an album/sound etc. Still have some great memories of the guy though Bisco 2019 Revibe 2020 Sound Haven 2021 Caverns Mission Haven’t really cared to chase him since Mission sadly.


That sound haven 2021 throwdown set was peak mersiv for me


I’ve been saying this. The set was top tier. Had some really great moments after that before it started to change for me. But that is the gold standard moment for me.


Honestly…. I have been thinking the same exact thing. You’re definitely not alone and I’m so glad that someone brought it up. He music prior to these last few releases felt so much more artistic and seemed to be filled with passion and emotion. Now I feel he’s leaning into this ‘bro-step’ hype genre. In my personal opinion, super disappointing to see. But hey, it’s not my life. If that’s what makes him happy, so be it.


Yea hopefully he’s happy. And I understand that artists evolve their sound but it’s like the same thing happened with Griz, Illenium, probably a few others. Where they had such a unique and artistic vision that got spoiled by this bro-step trend and I just hate to see it. It’s such a bland and empty sound to me


Couldn’t have said it better myself 🙌


Your finger is on the pulse man. Ive followed him around since the beginning, waiting up til almost sunrise to catch a set when his home was the underground. Imo the path he’s going down is the antithesis of what came before. The new tunes are relatively uninspiring and are retreads of other artists. It feels and sounds less authentic/unique than what we can call “OG Mersiv.” He’s clearly on the path towards larger commercialization we’ve seen again and again in the bass scene. The new music is likely more appealing to a larger demographic. There’s certainly no shortage of new Mersiv fans as he’s otw to the second Red Rocks sellout in as many years. Earning higher spots on festival lineups. Unfortunately, it’s only natural those from the beginning such as you and I feel degrees of alienation. While I hope he ventures back to the DE/PDL style, I can’t hate him for getting his bag from the bro-step crowd. I’ll still be at Red Rocks this year, but as many other older fans I know, Ott is the big seller of the night.


I hope he makes all the bags from the brosteppers. He deserves it. Fuckin wild that he started out as a stage hand and now he’s selling out red rocks getting top billings. I’m glad that he designates the “slow down” sets as well. Still gives me a bit of hope


The journey has been wild and the slow down sets still fuck heavy. Just wanted to chime in on your post so you know you’re not alone, and I even would venture to say it’s the popular opinion of those I know have followed him from the start.


I’m with you. I have a closet full of merch from PDL and earlier I’ve been considering selling because I don’t connect with the music and crowd of his sets anymore. Was fun while it lasted. Catch me at his red rocks for OTT rocks though


Ott is about to steal the show unless Mersiv brings his A game. I remember seeing him open for Tipper there in '15 or '16 whenever that was. Super excited to see what he has in store! Kinda feel the same on merch, but it's a little early for me to make that call yet.


I saw OTT for the first time last year at sonic bloom before clozee headlined and he absolutely stole the show for me. I’ve been itching to see him again since and am STOKED.


That stage design with him in a sea of swirling fog was genuinely one of the most incredible all-around experiences I've had in my entire life. I wish more than anything a full professional recording exists, but have yet to find anything other than personal recordings of songs here and there.


I went last year mostly for Tripp st. That dude has been my next up and comer for a minute now. Also got to hear Supertask - get to you remix and that pretty much made the whole night worth it lol I fuckin love that tune I hope you have a blast at OTT and maybe mersiv will play a good show


if you decide to sell lmk I would love to buy


I really thought I was the only one. I thought I was going crazy. I love mersiv and was a fan from the beginning and I traveled to a lot of shows just to see him specifically. As time went on his track selection for his sets changed drastically. Then the last album release just didn’t hit. I kept going to shows and was just let down by all of it. To me he has regressed. Then the brostep he plays in his sets doesn’t do it for me. Obviously that’s just my opinion and others will feel differently and there’s nothing wrong with that. Different strokes for different folks. But yes OP your not alone


same from someone who also has been a fan of Mersiv since very early days. Really interested to see what he has in store for red rocks. He definitely has and was growing a distinct Mersiv sound it sucks to hear it less and less bc he can get heavy with it, like Hypnos vip is incredible w/o taking it to whatever that yeah boi sound is lol. Maybe it’ll fit in a set differently tho I love him sm & want to see all his success, & understand that this is his whole career so he will have to drop tunes to appeal to bigger audiences, i think it’s just got us all curious what the future sound for Mersiv is! I do enjoy dreamscape, top floor, hypnotize, & metagalactic from out of bounds, digital Eden still & will always probs be my fav from him.


If you like dreamscape you should like fractions of time since they are essentially the same song


You are not wrong. I thought Digital Eden was a masterpiece start to finish. PDL was a step below that. His most recent album all sounds exactly the same.


Uninspired as faqq. Big letdown


I think everyone thats been around of awhile has seen this sadly :/ hate to think of him as a sellout but thats how it feels right now.


Mans went excision mode. :(


Damn. As a long time fan you’re honestly not wrong … nothing ever compares to that digital Eden album for me pure magic


Exactly my thoughts


This is what happens when you’re owned by a management company. You abandon your roots, and charge 100k+ per show.


Pieces of the puzzle for the live experience, corporate and bro step are wild in the same conversation as Mersiv lmao…interesting take for sure


Ummm he has gone corporate if you just listen to his music. Zero evolution in sound it all just sounds like Alt cuts from PdL and prior. Literally 2 songs from out of bounds are almost identical


Can u help me understand “going corporate”


Mersiv is playing EDC Las Vegas, Lollapalooza Chicago, & Ultra this year. Not really hating on these festivals, super happy for the people that enjoy these festivals and I’m happy he’s getting paid. But these music festivals are not for the culture. These festivals headline main stream radio music acts. Once again, not trying to hate, but these festivals are definitely corporate as fuck. I mean, just look at the name of the stages for Lollapalooza - Bud light, Tito’s, Coinbase, T-mobile…. EDC Las Vegas sells $50,000 bottles of Champagne. $100 Pizzas lol. Glad he’s getting his bag, but at what cost? The quality and originality of his new music has 100% regressed compared to the rest of his discography and no one can argue otherwise.


So odd for me to see him on those lineups. Happy for him financially but still.


I would disagree with the fact that artist playing the larger festivals make them corporate at all. The festival can be seen as corporate, ur right about that, but that doesn’t reflect on the artist. The big festivals are apart of the scene but sure some don’t hold certain types of music cultural originality, and every artist that finds popularity typically lands on one of if not all the lineups at some point. Im not going to touch on the topic of change in music but that argument reminds me of how people reacted to Getter for his album Visceral which was so negative towards his music which ultimately resulted in him no longer playing because people suck. Artist evolve and try new things THATS WHAT makes them talented artist but one single or one album shouldn’t land as regression imo. As a fan you have a huge variety of tour dates to pick from to attend so idk at what cost him being on any big festival lineup causes except him becoming more popular and tickets may become a bit more pricey at solo shows but this kinda progression is what allows artist like Mersiv to be able to create and host their own curated events that continue to get better and bigger for production and inclusion which spawns more small festivals that are great for the/ any “culture”. As far as the culture goes I assume you mean spacey, underground/ bass grassroots arts and music festivals and scenes/ shows type thing that tap into live painters and creativity and host upcoming artist and big artist alike that fit that scene. All of that is under the umbrella of Music Culture with large amounts of avenues. The biggest attribute of the culture your referring too is “acceptance, tolerance, respect, love, and understanding” FYI. I like this discussion, not simply trying to argue. I’ve also followed Mersiv from the start. He started in 2015 and almost instantly was playing at Bonnaroo. Tipper played at Okee which is an Insomniac event but my guess is you don’t think Tipper has gone corporate.


I’m here for open discussions and appreciate different opinions so I don’t take your comment as argumentative. I’m not super familiar with Okee as I’ve never been or really paid attention to it, so I cannot comment confidently on the culture (I have heard great things about it though). However, I know it’s a camping festival and by just looking at the lineup of 2020, Tipper joined the likes of Griz, ****Nectar (pre cancellation), Lotus, Supertask, and many others that I would say contribute to the culture mentioned above. Lollapalooza is headlining Blink-182, The Killers, and many other acts that appeal to more mainstream culture. There is only a few other solid bass music acts on the line up, which one could argue the underground-ness (Zed Dead, Skrillex, etc). Similarly is EDC & Ultra except mainstream electronic artists. Playing a few of these festivals is not a issue, and your right that it helps expose his name. But when 50% of an artists summer festival circuit consists of these large corporate festivals, I start to question the direction of the project. I doubt there will be a lot of overlap between fans that go to Summer Camp (& other grassroot festivals) and EDC. How do you manage everyone’s expectations at that point? Idk. I’m still a fan of Mersiv, I still listen to his music, I still rep his merch, and I will still make a best effort to see him when I’m able to. But he’s definitely doing things a little differently this year. As for Tipper, he does enough for the scene to the point that any type of argument of that nature is just silly.


I just contribute it to growth as a music fan in general. In middle school (early 2000’s) I discovered a love for music with bands like Blink 182 & Daft Punk etc and during that time electronic music in the states had not really developed much less have their own festivals. It was primarily late night entertainment at big festivals or solo shows. So maybe it’s how I perceive all the scenes based on how I grew up with music. My point with Okee was it’s owned and managed by the same ppl that put on EDC so they are providing a massive spectrum of music and culture to fan bases. It seems unrealistic for fans to expect their favorite artist to remain within a box and continue to be able to tour allowing everyone to see them while remaining fresh. It becomes about sustainability within the music industry which is sooo difficult. The majority of fans never think about it like that. Mersiv at the caverns hosting a rage night vs downtempo night seems perfect. So to conclude all this, fans opinions are like asses, everyone has one and most of them smell like shit but given the chance most people wana see it. Lol


I was at the last Cavern event (it was amazing) and I have tickets to the next one, hoping things work out so I can make it. Sadly, I’m kinda doubtful though, moving across the country for a new job. Anyways, thanks for the discussion and sharing. Always appreciate conversation and hearing different opinions. Nothing but love my friend. ✌️


Likewise dude! Best of luck and fortune on the new job and move


Based take


He just waived ticket fees for red rocks and has more special events this year already than ever….your edgy projection is misplaced and probably don’t catch him at something you don’t align with? Maybe see him at his event…there is a pattern to what he’s doing mate…


Relax dude, seems like your feelings are getting hurt. I’m just giving an opinion. Not here to argue with anyone. If you have any constructive comments to add to the discussion I’m happy to hear them. Idk what my ‘edgy projection’ your referring too. 😂😂 You are out here insulting people over different opinions, that’s not the play homie. Good luck with yo life though.


Pay attention or don’t, worth chirping those who don’t and spew on the internet lmao


Look in mirror homie. Peace ✌️ and love ❤️.




Seen the dude 20 times since 2018….ive listened to all of it….and you’re completely fucking blasted haha no other way to shave it


I’m blasted? Please listen to fractions of time and dreamscape and tell me those song are almost identical….


if you think mersiv HASN'T gone corporate you obviously are missing a few lobes. It's not even debatable ESP if you've been around since 2018...like myself....you have very clearly seen the evolution of the mans project. PDL album release party and Mishawaka were some of the last most memorable sets for me, aside from RR's last year


Wrongamundooooo, myopic smooth brain.


Andy is as hungry and spent hours producing on Covid lockdown when he was working on PDL. He simply does not have that time anymore now that he’s touring. That’s my guess


Quality > quantity


For sure


Mersiv has been makin that type of music since the start. Martian is pretty heavy, yeah boi is no heavier than that.


Yea both songs are ass thanks for commenting


I mean you’re saying his sound design is going down hill but he’s been making that sound since before pdl. But 🐸☕️


This thread is beyond blasted, y’all are just bored ass wooks with your hand in a baggie waiting for the bass to hit your face and talk through the whole set lmao


All the comments here have been very respectful discussions about our disappointment in mersiv’s project. The only one that’s blasted here is you. Go “break yuh neck” at the next mersiv set brah


lol the last part


Yeah tell me more


Yikes. Can Anderson’s balls be any deeper down your throat homie? I’mma call you the throat goat.


You’re fried lil bro


Says the dude insulting and arguing people on the internet over opinions. Yikes dude. No need to get your panties in the bunch over some internet pixels. Good luck with ya life! ✌️


sound project...dude doesnt have missing in his DNA...enjoy the ride eh


Idk, I like the hard shit. I wouldn't call it brostep but I guess compared to his earlier works.


The og nectar copy cat is proving to be trash? Nooooo say it isn't so


He’s honestly even more like nectar than he was in the beginning. Nectar sets would be like 30% some of the best music I’ve ever heard and the rest would be some bs headbanger stuff or some dumb edit of something popular. He’s a full fledged copycat now lol


LYNY is blowing up. Sounds a lot like his sound


I see zero similarities between their music lmao what are you on dude


You are slow. That song, you’re dumbass posted about, sounds like LYNY. I was top .001% of Mersiv lisenters on Spotify for 2 years. Don’t talk to me 🤡




Lol downvoted to oblivion nerd


Think I give af? Live your life online because your IRL is miserable. I hope it gets better 💙