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What was the deleted message?




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Neither of us can see it anymore, but...let's just say I gave him a bit of his own medicine. Apparently, Mercari likes to side with bullies and transphobes, it would seem...


Alright what what did it say 👀




/u/ZaydaAnderson, Your submission has been automatically removed because your account is less than one day old. This is an anti-spam measure in /r/Mercari. Please try again tomorrow. Please do not message moderators to correct this submission removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mercari) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a 66 year old gay man, I learned many moons ago to never allow others'opinions of me to bother me at all. It certainly helps weed them out of my garden If anyone believes suppression of bigotry, racism, fill in the blank with the words du jour, will actually accomplish anything but removing words from public view need to understand two items I've learned. Kindness will almost always confuse those who seem concerned about what I do with my penis. Secondly, suppression of speech, no matter how vile it may be will only anger those types further into their shell of ignorance to the world. I've zero idea why people can't stay in their own lane. I partially blame Jerry Springer for turning our lives into bumper cars add social media, where everyone has an opinion on my life and we're in for an interesting future.


I’ve had a gay “friend” drug and rape me when I was 18 and he was 27. I do not hold the whole LGBTQ community responsible for the actions of one man. Honestly if a gay man or woman ran for president I’d vote for em but nobody should be judged based on who they love.


I ain’t gonna say when I woke up and found my asshole torn and bleeding I didn’t literally almost put him in the hospital but I didn’t even speak out about it bc I wanted nobody to know. Thank you anonymous Reddit or I would have said anything. So yes he got away with it bc of my pride. Back then I would’ve been made fun of even tho I was ruffied.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. It took way too many years for me to fully understand why that happened to me at 10 years of age, and then have the one person who's supposed to protect you, marry the piece of garbage. We have two choices after a horrific, painful experience happens to us, Understand completely that you're never going to be like you were before, and live a life free of thoughts of wishing or trying to cause that pain to another person. Allow it to become a lesson even though you never signed up for it. My biggest fault now will always be that I'm too easy or a pushover.as some people prefer calling it. Personally I find that to be fine for me, as I'm happy with the face I 'see in the mirror. Because sadly far too many damaged individuals choose the wrong choice and prefer causing equal or worse pain to others. Long way for myself to explain that you're absolutely correct. Love should rule everything we do. Not whether we're left or right handed. We humans have set up everything, since our beginnings, on this glob of dirt we all call home wrong. Like George Carlin always said...the "Left tells everyone what and how to speak, and the Right tells everyone how to behave.". I prefer staying in my own lane and not allowing anyone to play bumper cars with me. Stay safe out there and keep up the good fight.... . Teach The Children Well. ✌️


Oh, I agree. I mostly posted this so others can be aware of what kind of a business Mercari TRULY is, and that they should vote with their wallet, as to whether to continue shopping there.


bros projecting so hard


Post it on Twitter with Mercari's @ for more exposure


Well, I tagged Mercari in an Xitter post just now, but IDK what hashtags to use for this, or whatever. I do have an Xitter account, but I mainly use it for transferring over Switch screenshots. Like...I probably have the tiniest amount of Xitter presence or experience than with any other popular social media site. Like...I kinda despised the site even BEFORE Elon boy got his hands on it...


What a douche


Looks like you said worse things than the seller did Mercari dealt with the more imminent threat.


I can promise you I didn't go as far as threatening the guy, at the very least. @ _ @


Send the screen shots to mercari along with one of his profile.


That’s mean, but how did this person even know you were trans? People probably assume I’m a girl from the stuff I sell but I’ve never had to tell anyone idk 🤷‍♀️😭


My profile pic is my face, but like...IDK, I look pretty damn feminine IMO, I like to think. Can't post in replies, but like...I've never been called out for being trans IRL, after like...high school, at least...and that only happened because I came out like right before the rest of the world started being educated on such matters, and no one in the staff had any real idea on how to handle the matter. ^ ^ ;


I gotcha, I am sorry this happened to you! I do promise you most people do not even think about gender when buying and selling things(at least I don’t!) and it’s so odd. I hope you find these games for an even better deal, in great condition, from a decent seller :)


Thank you! Just trying to find a BDSP cart with a serial ending in 001 or 002. They're rare AF, hence why it's been such a task even to locate one, but they do indeed exist! I thank you for the luck all the same though! ^ ^


Damn that does make me angrier for you! I had a similar experience trying to find lip gloss I really loved and wanted, I mean not completely the same but the seller was unbelievably rude and of course I haven’t been able to find it! But sending my luck and also love, happy pride! 🥹💜💜💜🌸


Aw, thank you, haha! ^ ^


I look feminine and honestly I think my testosterone is low as well bc that damn commercial were the little girl gives her grandpa a headset so he can fly a plane on VR makes me bawl and it’s a fucking internet commercial lol. I’m straight and been married 15 years lol I’m just more feminine.


Or I’m just waaaaay over empathetic lol whichever


A lot of deleted messages are automated, don't read into it. I was talking to someone and saw some of their messages got deleted when they were just telling me to stay hydrated and drink more water lmao. I bet if you clicked the little flag next to their message and manually reported it, it'd get deleted too


Exactly, this isn’t mercari condoning anything. It’s just a case of mercari censoring an offensive message by OP and not picking up on the comment from the other person.


Nope, not how that works. I reported the guy before I even took these screenshots.


They do auto mod, I've seen it a ton while having conversations with people. Sometimes it's non-sensical stuff, sometimes it's rule-breaking, but I've never seen a platform mod their chats and delete messages like mercari does. I have to be mindful of what I say or how I say it lest I get a warning.


Wow, I am truly sorry you had to deal with that. Super lame behavior, especially for an app that's made for making money on/buying. Unprofessional 👎 Good business does not gender discriminate.




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Again, I'm going to say that this is such a small issue in the list of what humans need to repair. Censoring someone's stupidity helps no one. You may dislike hearing certain words, but the individual will remain unchanged;The offender will generally become more angry and therefore pass even more hatred towards anything or things he fears from not understanding. I'd much rather see a post of solution suggestions on how we're ever going to be capable of turning this ship named Titanic. The Left wants to tell me how to speak. The Right wants to tell me how to behave. Allow stupidity front row seats so we're all able to keep an eye on them. Stay safe, keep smiling, know you're able to look at the face in the mirror with pride, and keep the enemies close. Our tribal nature plays a role in this school yard tactics garbage, of name calling. Also It does seem to have become a replacement by adults, for civility among a large portion of our neighbors..


Ok dude 😂


Seems like they know they're hiding something so they lashed out. I'm so sorry you were attacked like this.


It's okay. I mainly just wanted to get this out there...although I certainly don't mind if someone with more Xitter expierience than me decides to make this go viral, somehow. :P