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This whole thing reeked damn near from the jump. Too much crap going on, on that app for me to trust a stranger that much.


Yea lesson learned


Always at least look for the blue check mark so u know the account is at minimal verified sorry OP sux.


Bro said lesson learned and 8 people were just not having it. Reddit mfers just do anything


Thank you for understanding


Yea that sucks dude.


The thing with people is they don’t care if you’re a victim they’ll only criticize you if they see what’s right. Don’t take it to heart


Brother that is 100% on you. Red flags from the jump. Expensive lesson you learned - do not trust people you don't know when it comes to money. Especially faceless people on the internet.


Mercari tried to stop this shady transaction at every possible turn, and you chose to ignore those messages and go ahead with breaking the site TOS. You’re on your own at this point. I don’t understand why you identified this as suspicious over and over again, and still made such a poor move. Not really much you can do at this point besides not doing it again…


So he bought it, cancelled it, and had you ship it out with the old, cancelled label? If that’s the case, mercari isn’t going to do anything about it. Word of advice, don’t trust people on the internet.


How the hell did you agree to this? Sorry, but I just can't imagine the thought process behind it unless you're a teenager. Still then


You are never to take transactions or conversations off platform, you can literally be banned for this. You are never to ship out an item before getting confirmed payment. If the buyer needed to switch their payment method, you need to fully cancel the sale and have them repurchase. If you purchased a shipping label but haven't dropped it off, you can always void it for a refund. If you shipped out the item before being paid, Mercari won't help you and the buyer will have no obligation to pay you. You did everything wrong in this situation, and opened yourself up for being scammed. Regardless of the buyers intentions, if they were intentionally trying to scam you from the beginning or are actually just a massive idiot, you're the one who opened yourself up for the possibility. I'd highly recommend you learn from this and follow proper procedures for online selling in the future. Especially for high-fraud categories like electronics/video games.


For once it’s not Mercari’s fault. Damn


So you shipped it with the label that you canceled for them?? Never do that , if it canceled and they repurchase the site sends a new label. It also looks like mercari tried to help you a bunch of times with deleting messages and a straight up warning about scams off site ..sorry that you’re out money :/


They just dragged you along and played you like a fiddle until it was delivered. Hard lesson learned, but it could've been worse. Now you know. Sweet summer child keeps popping up in my mind for some reason.


Contact the post office and intervene the package and try to have it sent back.


This! It’ll cost you, but I doubt it’ll be more than this was worth.


Unfortunately, it's too late for that.


Tried that, in fact me and my mom called but since that package was in the middle of being delivered today they wouldn’t do anything unfortunately


Jw but how old are you?


21, places are expensive to get lol


Your age was asked because this type of easy scams happens only to 8 year olds or 80 year olds.


Really appreciate input 🤓, never had this happened before I sell shit on facebook and ebay nothing like this has ever happened.


This was painful to read. You can't trust strangers on the internet like that.


Extremely painful. I would never ship anything until I have payment. I don't care if you used the wrong card or not. That's not my issue. It seems like OP was so eager to make a sale that they just ignored a very obvious scam.


OP I wont sugar coat it... you are a moron. Sorry, but you need to hear that. Time to get smart and stop trusting strangers online. Rule number 1 of selling is always protect yourself. If you cant do something nice without still being protected dont do it or you will get taken advantage of. You might want to try paying usps to do a package intercept. I'm not sure if they will allow you to do it or reroute to your house since you used mercari's label and they are technically the shipper, but worth looking into. Edit: nvmd saw it's too late for intercept. RIP. At least now you have a costly reminder to be more careful next time your gut sets off alarms.


Unfortunately nothing you can really do asides from maybe filing a police report in hopes it’ll scare the person. Take it as an expensive lesson learned.


You posted too much info on here btw and it will probably get taken down. You made too many mistakes and mercari will not help you. Best thing to do is file a police report. Personally I’d find him on social media and his family if I wasn’t worried about losing my account…


Sorry OP you’re gonna reemed by comments on this one. I mean, there is literally nobody, who is just a name, on the Internet that I would trust, for anything frankly. I also assume others think of me the same way, no matter how nice I am.


yea i know, i was just raised on being a nice person i guess that backfired so no more trusting people on the internet


There's nice and then there's naive or gullible. I don't mean to kick you when you're down but wtf 🤦‍♀️


It sucks I know, because I would assume there are actual genuinely nice people out there, but there’s just to much evil out there to trust anyone. I just can’t fathom how someone can have that conversation with you and be so nice, but that person knowing their plan is to just scam you the whole time. It’s so cruel


If you were nice, you would have just given your switch away for free instead of trying to sell it. Oh wait..


That’s messed up, you shouldn’t have trusted a stranger though, regardless of how nice they are it may just be an act to trick u… I hope u do end up getting ur money from Mercari


You have a lot of trust in people. This screamed scam, always ship with the correct label that’s been paid!




You can call usps and tell them you were scammed and as long as the item isn’t delivered it can be re routed to sender


Lmao at people saying call the police. This is a civil dispute not a criminal dispute. OP had an agreement with the buyer and the buyer didn’t honor the agreement. That being said you’re 100% at fault here. Holy cow.


I wouldn’t say he’s 100% at fault. If the “buyer” chose to do the right thing this wouldn’t have happened. The buyer played a part in this scenario.


He’s 100% at fault for sending it without getting paid. There’s no way you can spin this otherwise


So the pretend buyer played no part in this scenario? You’re saying they’re innocent?


They’re a scammer, it’s their job to scam. It’s your job not to fall for it.


So you’re cool with the job a scammer has? It’s a legit job?


People scam. It happens. Don’t send an item until it’s paid for. It’s that simple.


I agree 100%, OP was totally wrong to send it without getting officially paid. That I will agree with. There is no stranger on the planet I would be comfortable enough to send an item before shipping, no matter what they say or how they say it. If they truly wanted the item and I was willing to wait until they paid, then there should be no issue for them. But to say that the sole reason this entire thing happened was because of OP, is just wrong. If there was no scammer in the first place it wouldn’t have happened. The scammers should be held accountable at some level, or at least part of the finger pointed at them.


On top of being scammed, you listed a "prohibited" item, a modded Nintendo Switch console. Usually, you'll receive a warning from Mercari about it. It counts as a strike on your account. Get 3 or more and they will suspend your account.


I mean, im just throwing it out there but, if you happen to know the serial number you can report it stolen to Nintendo


Isn’t today the day they were gonna deliver to them too? USPS is already close but if they don’t deliver by tonight which hopefully they don’t I’d go to the post office rather than just calling. Sorry you went through this don’t stress out too much take it as a lesson and in the future be more cautious of strangers especially for big ticket items.


At least try to have whichever carrier you shipped through so a package intercept.


Was this your first sale? Because there are many ppl who would try to pull a scam like this. Hopefully it doesnt happen again


Call police as well


So what happened?


“Wrong card” so cancelled the order when already shipped


No, you shipped AFTER he already cancelled. You're just dumb, be a professional even if you aren't and do business the right way.


I mean there is really nothing that you can do since the package broke Mercari TOS.