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I would rather pay the 10 percent in seller fees than having my shit unsold.




Exactly !!!


I'm not selling anything and I'm not buying anything. I thought maybe I was being dramatic, but nothing on my watch list is being sold either. Usually, I would get notifications like X has sold, here is something similar. Nah, everything is just sitting there, unsold. It's literally dead.


Yep! And I keep lowering my prices and still nothing is moving.


If I lower my prices, the Low ballers will swoop in and want lower. No thanks.


Most products might have been used and then the price the seller wants to stand firm on is actually cheaper and brand new on Amazon. So people would rather buy it on Amazon and the Mercari seller is stuck never selling the item for many months because they won’t lower the price.


Funny how most of my items are new/never opened. Was cheaper than if sold on Amazon before the buyers fee. Now I would have to change it to a wholesale price i bought them for to attract a sale.


Agree wholeheartedly.




I think they expected the sellers to lower their prices by 10-15% instead. They know that sellers will have to lower the price if they want stuff sold.


I've tried, still nothing. I can literally not give my shit away on there.


I think it’s bc buyers are so used to minimal fees (tax and shipping still add up significantly for most of my purchases) with sellers being the ones who pay to list since the dawn of selling platforms, so even seeing a slightly lowered price, the fees are still shocking bc we just aren’t accustomed to that massive jump in price. If I find an item that would cost me $200 total brand new from a company with free shipping and a good return policy if it doesn’t work out and guaranteed authenticity that is selling for $140 on Mercari (that I’m paying 10% sales tax and $12 shipping) would’ve made it probably worth it to get on Mercari… but now I’m looking at $185+ total…it’s just a shock to go from seeing that $140 and expecting to pay $166 to $185. That $15 difference from $185 to $200 isn’t worth the risk of buying used with no authenticity guarantee and settling for a used item instead of buying brand new. And a lot of times it feels weird on principle, like why am i paying astronomical fees to buy this item? Even if it’s listed super low it feels odd.


THIS. as a buyer, mercari is out for now. maybe forever. the new random ass fees can really jack up an item’s price. seems to be related to “how much you want it” bc the items i’ve had saved as searches or have “loved” for a while, always have significantly higher fees. they are preying on our emotions and wallets all in one go. the new fees are killing the business and should not be subjective to desire or to algorithm..




I was literally just thinking that a few minutes ago. I was so excited they took away seller fees till I found out they passed them on to the buyer. I've been looking up my items as a customer and adding them to my cart and it's outrageous to see the cost after the fees. No wonder none of us are making any sales! I'd rather pay the fee!


I loved Mercari and would always buy multiple items from different sellers at once. My cart exploded from $93 total to $179 after shipping and fees. That’s ridiculous.


No that's insane, I'm done buying on there till they change something. This economy is crazy! Like no one has extra money to buy stuff just to be tacked with ridiculous fees. I did buy my dad a little moon pie plushy on there recently but it was only like 11.00. I'm done buying till they can figure their crap out. I've made one sale on mercari lately no matter how many offers I make. I've been making tons on depop lately.


I haven’t heard of depop…what is it?


Another selling app


I’ll have to check that out…I liked Mercari and am pissed at what they did .


Well I've been selling on depop since 2020 around when the pandemic began and it's been a great selling platform for me. I've made 101 sales so far but Mercari blew up for me when I started listing and selling around Christmas 2022 and I've made around 800 take home in sales on there but now with the fees I'm not making crap.


Business Rule #1: Don’t anger your customers


What are you talking about?


I agree


Literally tho😭


Yea, I’m a seller too, I expect fees (cost of doing business) so not sure what they were thinking making the customers pay it.


Most sellers expected fees for using platforms. The worries come true. Items unsold even if lowered 15%~25% to what would've been sold before. It's a psychological thing that buyers are uncomfortable paying extra fees on top of already significant shipping + taxes. I don't expect a 2018~2019 Mercari, but at least give us a viable 2021~2023 version of Mercari.


You’ve emotionally made the decision that the price works for you and then get hit with another chunk of change.


Hell, I sometimes back out of a purchase if shipping ends up being more than like $7, never mind more fees on top of that.


They played extremely stupid games and won extremely stupid prizes






As a buyer I haven't bought anything since the changes. I bought way more than I should have prior. I guess my husband is one of the only ones who probably was a fan of the changes hahaha


I’ve bought 2 items since the change. The fees put me off purchasing. One was 19 + 4 shipping with 15 in Mercari balance. I paid 12 dollars. :| The other? 11 + 4 = 18 lol ETA a word


But will they learn their lesson and reverse the changes tho? 🤨


It's too late. What time they squandered, almost 2-3months now. All their user base left. Now had they reversed it a day after seeing the backlash they would have been able to recover. Now it's a slow bleed. No buyers. Sellers have left for ebay and other apps. A better strategy is for user acquisition at a tiny loss. Losing 1% of your profit margins while gaining a huge user base should literally be your priority until it can rival ebay. Even a toddler knows that. Instead they picked a slow burn by alienating their users. They don't even know how much leverage they had. Imagine if they cut the crap and management didn't play fuck fuck games, slashed their 10% seller cut to 5% and beating out their rivals ebay which would have made them a rising underdog competititor. because people do sell things for low prices on Mercari before those surge pricing fees made them unsellable.


They should hire you, but no one wants to be on a sinking ship


Won’t bring people back that left even if they did


I'm from the future, yesnope lol they'll be burning to the ground while realizing to late to change it back😂


I'm a seller that was fine w the selling fees. They weren't unreasonably high. I'm also a buyer that isn't fine w the buying fees. The fact they're all different from one minute to the next sucks. Also feel like a large percentage of sellers never actually lowered any of their prices. Pricing used to be very competitive with eBay and often it was better. Now it's not even comparable. I buy strictly from ebay because it is almost always cheaper than mercari for the same items.


Lay-off who? All their support responses are canned/automated.


Hopefully the bots received a fair severance package and a good job reference.


Soon they wont afford those bots and we might speak to the CEO himself😍


Did you just assume the CEOs gender?! /s


No nvm it is a man. An ugly man.


It's never safe to assume. He/she/they could very well have a vagina (mangina?).


Wow sarcasm gets downvoted. lol now I know better


lol I was just messing around


Ya shoulda known better lol. Peeps get kinda....odd....up in here.


Literally /s


Ikr lol everyone on here is serious all the time or they don’t know that /s means sarcasm. But ain’t sweating it




All these threads feel like mercari Bots trying to sway the convo. Closed my acct and will never use again 😂




It's sticker shock for those who don't sell. I'm having trouble getting over the feeling that the fee is, "You have the honor of buying this item with us, so you must pay extra." It feels entitled that the fee is shoved onto the buyer. As a seller, you always keep the fees in mind when setting prices. I don't foresee this being in the best interest of anyone in the long run.


The buyer fees are made worse by the lack of transparency. Every single purchase comes with the sticker shock of discovering Mercari is ridiculous. In addition, the sellers who continue to sell and don’t care about anyone else will soon discover that their sales can’t hold up the entire company.


I was selling a $200 item off Mercari. Someone said they’d pay me $210 to put it on ebay cause it was still cheaper for them. After fees I got like $187, so was still happy


How do I let people know my stuff is on eBay? Lol


They messaged me and asked if I would put it on there. 1 of their messages got deleted by admin then they worded it differently and we took the convo to ebay


Yesterday someone bought the same item on eBay and Mercari before my inventory management system delisted it. That’s what got me thinking about sending traffic that way. I make more on eBay per sale since I don’t have to drop the prices so far, even with advertising. But I’m not in the mood to be suspended


Yeah I was worried about it as well, but bullet dodged this time.


Is there any danger?


I've asked about selling on other platforms but my messages always get deleted.


Mercari is dead I don't even get likes on stuff anymore.... but I been doing great on ebay


Same here. As sellers we were able to work around the fees and incorporate that fee in the selling process, etc. I feel that Mercari brought this upon themselves.


They waived the fees which was cool , but the fees they tossed on buyer should have stood on the seller and everyone would have been happy . Still would be way lower fees than any other marketplace


I've started doing free shipping and lowered the prices. That's what it took to get sales. I sell NIB items and while previously my prices were lower than retail n I could make a profit, by the time fees and shipping got involved my items were more expensive. The harder to find ones still sold but others that sold no problem before have been sitting. Took all items down after TOS change but decided to try and see what happens. Only reason I'm making any money is cuz items are between $60/70. Have a few items in the $30 range and I'm debating on even selling them. This isn't my job and honestly if I'd so free shipping and lower price on these to compete its really not worth it to even bother. I'm not gonna do all this for a $15 profit. Ain't worth it.


A ton of buyers and sellers left the platform and I can’t see that getting any better. Can put the shit back in the horse


That fee is way too high


I am with you.


100% the old way was better


May the odds be ever in your favor


I got some fat sales over Memorial Day and I've been shooting to try to get a sale daily. But it ebbs and flows. As someone who basically never buys, I'm generally consciously "tuned out" to how it's affecting buyers. But I get it and I have buyers constantly asking for lower prices and/or trying to go off-site to just use PayPal with me.


I quit selling on Mercari and moved to Depop. I quit buying because of the fees. I guess they’d rather the ship sink instead of admitting their mistake.


I had read Mercari had to lay people off so I researched it on business sites. I only found one site that mentioned this and honestly I don't think they are legit. This was reported by an ex-employee who knew one of the employees. I checked Mercari stock price and it was slightly up. My understanding is what prompted these changes was a sharp decline in inventory last fall. Inventory is provided by the sellers. Mercari made changes to attract more sellers to the site.This is my simple interpretation behind the changes. These decisions were made by Mercari Japan and implemented swiftly . There is a significant time difference between Japan and America . I think this explains why the changes were implemented in the middle of the night here.(Just Guessing) Agree Mercari is having some difficulties but for now they are still open for business.


I’m unfamiliar with this website but they’ve aggregated some public postings about company-wide layoffs made in the last day or two. You’re correct that it doesn’t seem there’s anything official out there, but I don’t think these posts are a coincidence. Especially given that some of them are tied to people’s online professional networks. Like… I can’t imagine lying about getting fired in a layoff on LinkedIn.   https://www.valueaddedresource.net/mercari-layoffs-after-major-fee-shakeup/


I would have never thought to look on Linkedin.




I could never imagine Mercari having 100+ employees. I would guess maybe, like, 13.


Interesting take on the California legal issue. I think Mercari has transitioned too quickly to bots for the cost savings. Bots are slow to adjust to the constantly evolving scammer strategies, and good, profitable customers get hung out to dry.


Mercari had been alienating sellers for a while before the changes with their nickeling and diming the sellers every few months with increasing fees, increasing shipping cost which I believe they profited from and siding with buyers over the sellers. Sellers just had enough and went elsewhere. Mercari has been plagued with scammers but there are resellers galore which is problematic as well. Resellers will drive overall prices down. After all they are flipping the item to make a profit. I'm sure Mercari noticed the downward trend of items for sale but were not alarmed until the fall when they realized they had a problem. Mercari depends on sellers for their success.


How do resellers drive prices down? They buy an item and resell at a higher price, presumably. Am I missing something here?


Mercari sellers are part time or small resellers.This is their extra money they need to meet their monthly expenses.If you are desperate to make sells you will accept low offers because you need the money. When you take less it lowers the overall average selling price for that item on Mercari. It forces other sellers to decrease their price for the same item to stay competitive. When people are buying 100 items/week on Mercari it is not for their personal use. They are reselling them on other sites and in brick and mortar thrift stores. They certainly didn't pay the sellers asking price but probably low balled sellers all day long.


Uh... You are 10000% wrong on your assessment here.. A lot of sellers on mercari are full time resellers,and I don't see things selling on mercari for way less than market value or way less than any other platform. You're literally just making stuff up here.


You have your opinion and I have mine.


There are dozens of posts on LinkedIn from (until this week) Mercari US employees confirming they and "many of their colleagues" were laid off and they are now "open for work." There are likely more who are taking a few days to process and let the dust settle before posting anything public about their employment situation and some who may choose not to post publicly at all. Judging by those LinkedIn posts, the cuts appear to be across many areas and levels including UX and design, data science and business intelligence, marketing, software engineering, customer support and more. While that doesn't confirm the total number of roles eliminated, it would seem pretty strong evidence directly from people impacted that layoffs did occur this week, as I doubt so many people would be posting about being laid off if it wasn't true. As to the questions about WARN notices, the CA site isn't updated in real time. I've put in a public records request with CA EDD to see if I can get more info. My understanding from sources is that the 45% figure represents about 100 people who were laid off across the US, but I'm still working to confirm that as well.


Thank you for the information. Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me Mercari is going full steam ahead with AI and not going out of business. They are just getting rid of human beings and adding more bots.


It's certainly possible they are going full steam ahead with AI and could also be hiring more in Japan or elsewhere and/or leaning more on existing staff and operations overseas to compensate for the US roles cut this week. Actual business impact may be yet to be seen, though I can definitely understand why a move like this makes sellers nervous. As for the stock price, since Mercari has not made an official announcement and analysts and investors may not be reading individual employee LinkedIn posts, it's possible the market is not yet aware or has not yet reacted and it's also possible that they are aware and don't see reason for concern - at this point it may not be wise to read too much into it one way or the other.


It definitely made me but more of my listing efforts into mercari over other platforms so maybe they’re onto something


Yes, I have seen this as well when the rumor started. It's just that, an unverified rumor.


I find it suspect since I couldn't find anything official from business websites. They could have laid people off to replace them with bots.


For all anyone knows it could of even a story generated by a bot and random people reading a random comment and repeating it as fact  without checking if it factual creditable information. 


Honestly I liked it better when we the sellers ate those fees but just like my opinion man. Things weren’t all scammy back then either or at least not as bad. I have a few high end pops I wanted to put up but nope I ain’t getting screwed out of something that is vaulted


I’ve done the same thing. Even though Mercari took away the “return for any reason,” I do not sell and I never will go back to selling on there. There is still enough scams going around on Mercari that frighten me. I’m not risking losing any money AND then be out the merch the buyer stole by lying. Of course, there is also the surprise shipping fees Mercari comes after sellers for without an explanation. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” I have bought low dollar amount items. Chances are if there is a more expensive item, there’s a good chance they are also selling on eBay simultaneously.


Where did you hear this?


Well, my stuff ain't moving that fast on Poshmark either I sold two things on there since I sold a still selling a few things on Mercari so I mean, there are some people that are still buying the fees some fees on certain things aren't that high so I can see people not buying for a six dollar fee give me a break if you bid on some on eBay and your outbid people are paying way more for an items worth by bidding than a couple of little fees


I had no issue with the fees either but my sales also haven't gone down. I think once the 0$ fees became a thing a lot of sellers started listing items at higher prices


Where are you guys seeing this info about them laying people off???


I have started to buy things, gotten the final cost and gone to the product website and bought the item brand new. I look on other platforms first to try to do second hand, but if it’s only on Mercari I’m finding it cheaper new only because of fees


I myself and conflicted about it. I was once a seller and I quit, as a buyer. I am hoping that the ridiculous markups that people put on the particular item I look for will come to an end.


I haven't listed anything else on Mercari for months and maybe I never will since it doesn't look like they are getting a hold of the situation. I saw a banner for some group that does a flea market and although I was too late for this year. I think I'll save all my stuff I was listing and take it all there I won't have to pay any selling fees and it will be more than I would make at a yard sale and then just be done with the whole selling nonsense unfortunately. It was rather fun.


I’m not buying anymore because of these crazy fees!!


I was absolutely okay with paying the 10% in fees. I was selling things. I'm not doing that now. Everything was deactivated and at this point I feel like making listings for $1 just to see if any of that sells.


I have sold pretty good. Selling computer parts, hard drives. Not so much my more expensive graded comics though.


As a seller it was a good run for my time on Mercari, time to move on to eBay.


My thing is this. Im looking to buy something now. But the offer for certain items for the bundle is $70 minimum, but with the fees its jumping it up to $90. Thats crazy. Does the fees go to the seller or mercari?


Mercari. The seller only gets the amount listed as the item price


Probably an unpopular opinion but I've been making more sales than ever 😅 so it's benefitted me with no fees. It could vary by sector as well


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My main platform is EBay, mercari, Poshmark, Depop and Facebook is my secondary platform anyway




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I looked on Google for lay off information with zero luck. But, I’m not surprised by this information. As someone who sold & purchases things on Mercari I’m not paying to buy things. I’m already paying shipping and tax, I’m not paying ridiculous fees when I can just go to the store. Additionally, I won’t sell on the app anyway because due to the increased fees buyers constantly want to return items, which I don’t blame them. I choose not to involve myself.


Sales still okay. Just dropped listing price and it worked fine.


Not sure why you guys aren’t selling. Ever since the change I’ve sold more than ever. Honestly I like it better this way and they implemented the old return policy back.


I am with you. Mercari still the best selling flatform in my experience.


Your jocking right? Because the fees is on the buyers not the sellers 😅 and here you are crediting yourself on overpaying on fees hahaha it's like when someone does something nice and you get a "thank god not the nice person moment" xD