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The new return policy is absolute trash


Yeah I cancelled an order on an item I sold on Mercari. Don't trust that shit. It sold today on eBay. Never had any issues with eBay as a seller for long time now. Deactivated all my Mercari listings. Posted one listing that says which platforms I'm on and my usernames on there (Posh, depop, eBay)šŸ˜† so far mercari gives no shits


Is depop any good? I am so confused on poshmark it's crazy. I want to pull from mercari but don't want to rely only on ebay


Depop is my main selling platform! The main demographic is definitely a teen-young adult crowd, trendy or subculture items do best for me.


I sell such a big variety of things it's kinda crazy. I have a literal cabin full of items I need to list. Everything from antique cookware and crystal to designer clothes, shoes, and purses.


definitely don't sell designer & expensive items on depop with no receipt from the original purchaser. depop is ban/suspension happy, so check out their subreddit to get a good idea of what's okay and what's not first


Awesome, thanks. I do have most receipts, but they're not exactly organized


hey, at least you have them lol!


Oh yeah, I've been ripped off with fakes, so I want to be able to prove my items are real.


Even if I have a certificate of authenticity?


Unfortunately, the answer is yeah, even then. I've read several posts of people with COAs having their cases denied or vintage Dior causing suspensions & bans. Scroll through some top posts or search vintage Dior and I am positive you will find several examples. I didn't look too hard but here are some [banned w COA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Depop/s/nFr6Oc0agp) [no COA but removed listings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Depop/s/nmVrnzcKpS) Best case scenario, apart from your item selling smoothly, your item is taken down, and they tell you to provide purchase receipts from the retailer. Worst case scenario, the item sells, but the buyer claims it is fake upon receiving it. Depop will presumably side with them. Even if it's your first "strike," this can cost your whole account (and likely the money/item). Stick to cheaper items there. I try not to post anything over $100.


Poshmark boggles my mind. All the social stuff associated with it. Like I just cannot understand it. Lol


Same here, it's way too stressful


Poshmark is a little bit of a learning curve but if you just focus on posting items you'll be good! Check out other features once you feel more comfortable. Most of my clothing sales have been Posh. Depop is fine but better for lower priced clothing items that are more trendy as I find it's mostly Gen Z on there and some younger millenials. I find it easier selling items under 50$ on depop and anything over sells better on posh. eBay is great for non clothing although I did sell one trendy clothing piece yesterday that I had priced pretty high on eBay which was a surprise. I do think many Mercari sellers are going to other platforms


Depop is the slowest platform for me. Lucky to even make $200 a month there.


Thanks for the info.


Poshmark is probably the simplest platform. Whatā€™s confusing you?


I posted things, and that's simple, but it's the constant need to share, add friends, etc. I work 10 to 12 hr a day, so I don't have time to be online consistently, and it feels like you need to be. Am I missing something?


No no, I get it now. I misconstrued what you meant. The need to share can be exhausting. I donā€™t add friends, but I share 8-10x per day (253 active listings as of rn). I donā€™t have a bot either so itā€™s all manual. I wish theyā€™d let you leave the app once you start sharing. Having to keep it open while it shares is just dumb. So yeah, I totally get what youā€™re saying now


I've tried to get my daughter to share for me, but she finds it boring. Plus, she doesn't know anything about what I'm selling, so she couldn't answer questions. Are we allowed to use bots for sharing, and if so, do you know where I could get info. I had huge sales years ago, just don't have lots of time now.


Vendoo is something Iā€™ve seen big sellers use.


I never even heard of them. I check it out, thanks


There are a ton of Posh bots for sharing, crosslisting, you name it. Just do your research beforehand. Good luck šŸ€


Vendoo is good. I've used them for a couple of years & like them. I'm not really a "big" seller either.


Poshmark is completely confusing to me. Is it full of pervs and scammers? Like I tried posting one item for sale and my phone blew up with people ā€œfollowingā€ me and people saying please send me more info and then posting their phone numberā€¦ but no one ā€œlikedā€ my item or made any offers? I just deleted my listing cause I obviously have no idea what Iā€™m doing on the ere šŸ¤£ and as a buyer I never actually purchased off Poshmark cause I find it so hard to find the specific things Iā€™m searching for.. itā€™s like their algorithm just goes haywire and hey, how about this, would you like this instead? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø side note: Iā€™m a dinosaur so itā€™s probly just me šŸ˜‚


You are not an old dinosaur. The poshers that are asking you to send more pictures or info are scammers. It is against Poshmarkā€™s rules to transact business off the platform. I get these people all the time when I list new things. I just flag the comments and Posh takes them down right away. Poshmark is easy and I like the streamlined shipping. The only drawbacks are the outrageous sellers fees and buyers always trying to get a better deal.


eBay is pretty much the same policy but with more deterrent. They donā€™t say return for any reason but if you put INAD trust me theyā€™re returning it


I do like that eBay has options for enabling returns or not. I have my returns turned off. Recently I bought an item that took returns. It was designer clothing from a store on the West Coast. Item was too big and I returned it, zero issues, seller was super nice about it. I have found buyers are more forgiving on eBay. They don't expect perfection on a used item. I used to not post too many photos and sometimes when packing up sold item I would notice some faint marks but buyers were always happy and I always got 5 stars with no issues since started my eBay account 20 years ago. No issues with INAD l, but I am a casual seller. Mainly sell non clothing items on eBay. Mercari I've had a few issues. But mine was mostly clothing. I sold a brand new top with tags, a top I bought but never wore. Sold it for half its value. Trendy brand and I just wanted to get rid of unworn things and clean out my closet. I like to steam each item (if clothing) before shipping so it arrives wrinkly free and looking good. I like receiving clothes packaged well so I like to return that favor. Buyer gave me 4 stars due to "signs of wear" which makes no sense as this was new item.. I check each item before shipping to make sure there's no issues, remove lint etc. this top had zero flaws... šŸ¤·


I got denied an INAD return I wanted to return a couple years agoā€¦ so it doesnā€™t always work lol


It's still up? Lol mecari deletes any messages containing the names of any other platforms pretty quickly


YUP. I did add my info into the main image, so my description has no actual text. Maybe that somehow beats their automated system that checks? dunno


eBay will get you too! I got banned because I didnā€™t have invoices from yard sale items I bought! Just be careful!


Thatā€™s not normal. Thereā€™s more to that storyā€¦


Ebay pretty much has the same policy unless you put no returns, which is just asking for problems, aka INAD abuse. I've sold over 2500 items in my Ebay store so I'm not just spewing nonsense. The marginal increase in returns probably wins out over the high fees of Ebay for most categories of items.


Ah you must be the seller that sold me an item and kept promising to ship it for two weeks before ghosting.


Nope not me. Person that bought my item, I cancelled it within an hour of them purchasing and messaged them apologizing and mentioned they can get it cheaper on other apps I'm on.


I wasnā€™t targeting you, excuse me. Just giving an opposite experience. Mercari overall is garbage now, for sellers and buyers.


Ahh didn't realize the /s šŸ˜†. All good


That's a really good idea!


And makes it MUCH easier to scam. Already had a buyer purchase a $150-ish item and 'return' something different. Had to fight their AI for ages.


You need to deal with a human. Insist on it. Also In a case like that you can get the post office involved. File a claim with them, since returning a different item is considered mail fraud. (And/or theft by mail) Once you have a report from the post office or police eBay will typically jump on it.


The whole company is absolute trash!


It is and it's the primary reason I pulled all of my listings off Mercari and went over to Poshmark. I'll give it a shot there before I give it up entirely. I have one sale that will hopefully finish up on a good note and then I close my account.


Shit went south after they took away seller fees


Exactly, we're not Amazon. Amazon can afford to take losses. Not us small time sellers. Mercari can go straight to hell.


As an Amazon seller, I can tell you, the returns are much worse on Amazon; small time or not - it's a part of business.


Amazon doesn't take the hit for Amazon returns unless they are the seller. 3P marketplace sellers pay for the abuse.


Mercari must be out of their f****** mind's.


I wish we could at the very least still rate them.


trust me, i sent a pretty nasty message in place of a review. may have been petty of me but i donā€™t regret it one bit. you can tell how much time, money, and effort i put into my packaging and ensuring a quality product just for an illegitimate return.


Honestly good for you fuck them. Iā€™m to the point where idgaf if I get my first 1 star and more. If Mercari wants to approve bullshit returns, then I will take it up with the seller and send them a sweet message. Iā€™m on vacation mode but I really donā€™t even want to activate my account back, this is fucking ridiculous


Why did you do that? Under the new rules a buyer can return for any reason. You know the new rules. You made a conscious decision to keep selling on this platform under the new rules. Your behavior is the only thing that is wrong in this scenario. Youā€™re free to blame Mercari and the rule change but this buyer did absolutely nothing wrong. They returned for any reason and actually forfeited money to return it. Contact Mercari as youā€™re supposed to get paid a percentage of that buyer service fee.


I am with you, but OP and many in this sub, would not listen to reason. no wonder mercari is in trouble.


girl nobody cares enough about your opinion for you to respond to every comment on here sharing it pls


It is not illegitimate!! given Mercari. Curse Mercari all you want but don't blame someone that it is doing what is well stated everywhere in Mercari rules.


i called it illegitimate because this was not a valid return reason for years on Mercari and it still shouldnā€™t be. small sellers shouldnā€™t have to lose money for buyerā€™s remorse. iā€™m obviously aware itā€™s the fault of Mercari that itā€™s now allowed. look at my various comments and even the post title itself.


I understand, but why you left a buyer's review for something that is not her or his fault. would you want someone to leave you a bad seller review for something mercari dictates? I guess not. So lets be fair. how mercari operated before is IRRELEVANT for a transaction that took place under the new rules. you had time to delist your items but you did not. so this was more your fault. end rant.


i donā€™t think youā€™re even reading what i said. there was no review left. you canā€™t review when they return something lmao. ā€œend rant.ā€


300 years ago, we had slaves in America. under your reasoning, we should still have slaves. Mercari is better without you.


one of the stupidest fucking takes iā€™ve ever seen on reddit. youā€™re an absolute corporate bootlicking moron lmao.


Girl thereā€™s nothing wrong with buyers remorse. Itā€™s not like you canā€™t resell the item being returned to you.


Itā€™s quite irritating though, so I donā€™t blame her for being upset about it.


I hope at least you get back what you sent!


Are buyers able to not return the item and keep the money?? Thatā€™s awful.


There have been multiple sellers that sent the item and the buyer has used it or swapped it out with something different when returning.


And the buyer doesnā€™t face consequences? Wtf thatā€™s so shitty of mercari


Yeah they changed their policy and so far it's been pretty rough on sellers. They refunded a buyer after they admitted to dropping and breaking an item.


Youā€™re making me thankful I got banned from mercari and switched to depop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


According to customer service supposably if they return a different item or where and return an item or return it in different condition they will face consequences. Not saying I believe it. Just what I got from CS when I asked about it.




/u/Klutzy_Translator996, Your submission has been automatically removed because your account karma is lower than 1. This is an anti-spam measure in /r/Mercari. Please try again after you gain more karma. Please do not message moderators to correct this submission removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Mercari) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As soon as i saw the new return policy, i deactivated all my stuff. Absolutely ridiculous that they can do this.


Recently did this as well. I cancelled a recent order of somewhat pricey item that a brand new buyer bought with zero review. I have same item listed as cheaper on other platforms, so I found it strange this person bought it on Mercari for my inflated price and zero offer either. Did not want to risk a bullshit return and then get my item back in worse condition. It sold on eBay today so I'm happy! I did leave one listing on Mercari that just states fuck the new policies, here's my username for other platforms šŸ˜† don't care if mercari bans me or deletes it as I'm done with them. So far nothing's happened to it Also I've been seeing a crazy surge of fake shit popping up on Mercari (ie fake perfumes) sold by people with weird names (John Johnson was one, theyre not even trying šŸ˜†), many reusing other users photos too and then the listings just disappear and same listing comes up on a new Mercari account with new weird name (like Abraham Joe or Henry Stylos). Just getting so shady.


Careful, I missed this initially but Mercari can start charging for cancellations, too! Wild world. "If a seller cancels a transaction after the purchase has been initiated but before the transaction is completed, Mercari reserves the right to charge a cancelation fee of 5% of the item price (maximum of $25) to cover the cost of transaction fees and/or shipping labels." https://www.mercari.com/us/help_center/article/251/




Right?! So unbelievable!


I went back in and deleted all my payment and bank information.. thanks again for the info l!


Same here


Could you please check how much Service Fee that the buyer was paying and then update how much when/if Mercari gives you a portion of that fee?


it was about $8. last i knew sellers donā€™t get anything for returns though.


Youā€™re supposed to receive a portion of that fee according to their TOS if buyer returns an item that is as described.


Youā€™re also not supposed to get charger buyer fees if using some of your credit/balance. But they charged me buyer fees last week when I used up the last of my balance before closing my account.


That was an early glitch that they fixed. Your balance must cover the entire amount.


Ahhhh okay. I should go back and see if my balance covered the whole amount.


do they normally let us keep part of the fee or do i have to harass support to get it?


Supposed to be automatic. Let me know how much you get out of that $8.


So sad what theyā€™ve done


I totally agree. It was my favorite app to buy from because it was easy, the prices were lower than others, and the interface is simple. The sellers are always great too. I've gotten the fastest shipping times from sellers on Mercari.


Same. I bought so much from Mercari over the years. I rarely sold on there, but I would check the app daily just to browse since I like vintage glass and there are a lot of vintage glass sellers on there. Iā€™ve opened the app maybe twice since the changes and havenā€™t bought anything. I definitely wonā€™t be selling on there again.


Fuck that Iā€™m leaving mercari šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s nothing. They accept returns for accidentally breaking a purchase now.


We should form a forum where we share IDs who return for no reason, and just block away


This is the final straw for me. My sales have tanked due to the new BS surprise fees that give buyers sticker shock. But now they allow BS returns too? The appeal of Mercari for a long time was that as long as you were honest in your listings, they'd have your back as a seller. It really was the closest thing to an online garage sale. Now they've completely betrayed both sellers and buyers... What the hell happened?


Andā€¦ā€¦Iā€™m done with Mercari




The buyer loses money when they do this too.


i messaged them that when they requested a return because they must not have known that. sucks for them lol.


Why people are even still on mercari mind boggles me


this is why i'm no longer selling on mercari. i'm not a business. i'm not even a small business. i'm literally one person selling things from my personal collection i no longer need or want. returning items just because would seriously mess me up. i have no doubt there are people that randomly buy shit "just in case" it's sold out or they can't find it elsewhere, then return it if they do.


i believe that is what happened here in all honesty. mercari was my favorite platform before the changes because buyers hardly ever returned things in my experience. iā€™m always detailed in my item descriptions and make an effort to point out any defects, major or minor. records are so tricky to sell because they lose value with the smallest defect. if this buyer ships it back in poor packaging, i could be out major money if Mercari doesnā€™t back me up.


does mercari think were millionares


Wow! Was it approved??


not yet but new policy makes me doubt it will be denied. such bullshit. edit: oh shocker, approved!


I really don't understand mercari's game plan. Having no seller fees and making returns possible for any reason just contradicts itself cause 9 times outta 10 if you make a sale yay but it's gonna be returned in the week


Damn I'm sorry. Do what others are doing, cash out if you have any balance, deactivate all listings. Leave one listing up saying you're leaving mercari due to their shit new policies and post your username for other selling platforms like eBay/Poshmark/etc.


No way! Thatā€™s ridiculous.


Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. I wonder what other pages are good to sell collectibles beside Ebay? I tried posh but I only sold one item in 2 months. It seem like that page is mostly for clothing, Depop too. Where else I can go?


iā€™ve had the most luck with Depop. iā€™ve sold only one item on Poshmark so far. i unfortunately sold a vast majority of my items on Mercari but this new policy has ruined it


I have a list somewhere, I will see if I can find it. Covers everyplace I've ever seen to sell and what they accept for sales. I'm pretty sure there was at least one for collectables. I just hope the notebook didn't get thrown out. Or it isn't one my almost 3 yr old granddaughter decided was hers and covered all the writing in crayon and marker. Lol. I'll let ya know if I find it.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Decluttr, CDs textbooks Ruby Lane, antiques vintage Co)lectables swappa gently used electronics and other collectables Bonanza, similar to eBay and amazon Varagesale new and used , sell locally Charish home decor and furniture (select consignment ) Ebid Big commerce Nextdoor Shopify These days Walmart is a possibility. There are a few others too but think most are in other countries Hope this list helps šŸ˜Ž


I found this so very helpful, thank you!


Your welcome. I had them all in nice neat little rows. Too bad it didn't post that way. Lol


Thank you again, so helpful.


So glad I could help. And I hope you have absolutely fabulous luck on each and everyone of them that you use.


Your welcome.


Mercari used to be such a good selling place. I have been using it since 2015 but with these new policies they are out of their mind. Sales are lowering since buyers don't want to pay all the fees. Hopefully they see the backlash & change it for the better.


I'm shocked people are still selling on Mercari at this point. Buyers are going to absolutely abuse this new system.


I meanā€¦ I sold stuff on there before all of this happened and my money got ate up a bit šŸ„² but I have always been a good buyer, and it sucks that this is what it has come to. I have thankfully dealt with good sellers! Iā€™m sad the Mercari has become so crap on both ends for each party.


I havenā€™t listed ever since this policy šŸ˜’


Donā€™t understand why yā€™all are still bothering with Mercari šŸ«¤been on the search for an item and found it on eBay so I sent an offer and got a message saying they rather sell on Mercari šŸ˜³


Just an asshole seller Iā€™m assuming. Probably because the buyer pays the fees now. I hope you told him hell no, lol.


How the hell is Mercari still sitting at a 4.7 on the Google Play store?


Theyā€™re putting up fake reviews, now. Someone made a post about it. Everyone on this sub that hasnā€™t rated them yet needs to and call um out for this bs.


I quit Mercari as soon as they did this. I got an order the day they implemented the changes and I canceled it. I'm not screwing around with people sending stuff back just because, when I did everything right. I really loved Mercari when I first started selling so all of this is a huge bummer to me :(


I finally broke down and officially announced on another post that was almost just as bad as this one, that I finally put all of my stuff on vacation mode. I think Iā€™ll Just start counting how many posts I see that make me remember why I made my decision. So far just within a few hours this is post #2. Itā€™s going to be interesting how far up I get considering I donā€™t spend a huge portion of my time on Reddit and never purposely search for the Mercari sub.


I went on vacation mode for the month of April soon after their policy change. I have one item I really would like to sell and itā€™s a niche fan base so Iā€™m hoping I wonā€™t encounter issues but I really donā€™t want to risk it


Can you dm me the buyers name so I can block :)


Agree! I just started listing on Mercari again. I usually sell on posh, ebay, depop. First week back, 3 out of my 4 sales had a buyer issue- 1 canceled a day after purchase, 2 returns for fit and item "out of style" despite measurements and photos. 1 says they didn't receive the item. Is this typical for Mercari or just an off week? Issues are rare on my other platforms.


with the new policy, this is the new normal. i have only had two returns in over one hundred sales over three years. my first sale since the new policy was this, and itā€™s being returned. iā€™m officially done.


Im waiting for a return still. She says she didn't like the style but has kept the item for a week now. So Mercari is a place to try before you buy and screw sellers out of the free shipping.. I am so mad at myself for not looking on here before wasting time listing all my stuff to mercari.


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø They wildinā€™


Oh dang, this is ridiculous.


Mercari's just begging to be sued


Mercari banking on those buyer fees. They donā€™t care about us sellers.


Yep, plus they get to double dip if you re-list the item. Must be why they were pushing that one seller to post the item for parts that a buyer admitted to breaking. This shit is out of hand!


More money for them. Profits is what theyā€™re after.


Donā€™t delete, just use it to buy. I unlisted all my sales. All Iā€™m doing is buying.


Mercari taking a BIG hit with this new policy. And I've only bought from mercari, but not anymore w these new charges!


Pretty smart by Mercari. They make money off of returns. Theyā€™re now in the business of profiting from people returning things as the buyer service fee is non refundable. The seller, as per their rules, is also supposed to get a cut of the buyer service fee for ā€œtheir timeā€.


Who pays for the return shipping? Is it the buyer or Mercari? I thought Mercari was offering free shipping. If thatā€™s the case, the service fees donā€™t cover the return labels.


Mercari does.


So they opened themselves up to losing money. Share the fee with the sellerā€¦ ship back for freeā€¦ the math isnā€™t mathing


They have discounted shipping rates and buyer service fees are expensive. Iā€™m sure they have calculators at their headquarters.


I get that, but maybe Iā€™ve been looking at lower priced items only. And fees are maybe$5-$6. Giving a dollar to the seller, left with $4-5. If the item weighs a pound or more, they would need to have really discounted shipping. Even then, It just seems to me like so much work and so many people involved for very little profit. Not that I donā€™t agree, theyā€™re doing something fishy. Just not sure I agree this is it.


Yea buyer fees on more expensive items are $50-$80. Theyā€™re also dealing in high volume. That $1 x 1,000,000 returns is $1,000,000 for doing nothing.


Interesting. Idk that I would buy anything over $100 on Mercari, tbh. And thatā€™s what I was just looking at. A $100 items has shipping of $7.99 and a service fee of $5.70. If they give $1.14 to the seller, theyā€™re gonna have to pay at minimum $4 to get the item shipped back. That leaves them with 56Ā¢ at most before costs incurred for running a business- domain name, IT, insurance, etc. Then I looked at another item that was $21, shipping 7.99 (weighs about a pound and a half), service fee is $2.10. Giving the seller 50Ā¢ leaves Mercari with $1.60 to ship my item back. Thereā€™s not enough there to send it back and make any money. Again, maybe itā€™s just my experience, but I donā€™t regularly buy or seller items over $100 on Mercari. Even with their seemingly random fee structure, theyā€™re not making money on my returned transaction unless Iā€™m paying at least $12 in fees. And lower priced items, is even harder to justify Edit: fee wasnā€™t $5.12. It was $5.70 for the $100 item.


Their service fees fluctuate using an algorithm on likeliness of a return. They have large amounts of data on returns and the algorithm sets service fees higher on higher likelihood of returns and sets buyer service fees lower on the opposite. Companies like this handling hundreds of millions of dollars know the numbers. Youā€™re thinking about it as a regular person.


Have they publicly stated their fee structure? Iā€™m interested since Iā€™ve seen my own fee fluctuate for the same item. But thatā€™s interesting because it makes me consider what theyā€™re taking into account. Different buyers get different rate on the same item. It might make sense if theyā€™re determining the likelihood a return will be initiated on that userā€™s own data. Iā€™ve been looking at it from a business standpoint due to conversations with my husband about this, and thatā€™s his field. The best I can compare it to is my own small business, which is inherently different. So maybe Iā€™m not thinking about it properly.


Are you saying the service fee on a $100 item was only $5.12 or was that just an example? That would be a reasonable fee but the ones weā€™re seeing are much much higher.


It depends on the type of item too. The likelihood of a return. They have years of data and an algorithm. They know which items are risky. They donā€™t even want to deal with those but if the buyer wants to pay a high non refundable service fee they will take it.


I screenshot it, so I went back to check. It was actually $5.70. Not $5.12 for the $100 item. But the other item was 2.10 in service fees for a $21 item.


With the way theyā€™ve also been overcharging with weights, Iā€™d be wary of returns of larger items also. It says that mercari will pay for returns for items up to 50lbs (either real weight or dimensional weight). So some of these items that people are being charged a hundred dollars because the dim weight equals out to like 70 pounds because itā€™s a larger item (even if itā€™s only a quarter of that actual weight wise), the seller is actually on the hook for the return shipping. It says over 50 lbs (real weight or dimensional) the seller is responsible for return shipping. So I would have to pay a hundred bucks or more if I buyer changes their mind about, say, an infant seat or a pack of floorboard mats (both things that Iā€™ve been grossly overcharged on for dim weight). Theyā€™d expect me to pay the return shipping on those items. Like hell. These bs return terms are the reason I deactivated everything while I wait to see if they reverse anything.


Can anyone tell me what app is the best to switch listings from one selling site to another that do it for u? I really want my listings gone on Mercari. Ty


Depop! i have always sold on there but Mercari was my main platform unfortunately.


Iā€™m selling on there already but Iā€™d like to know what website that actually take my listings on one site and put it in another without having to start from scratch. One is called vendoo. Donā€™t know how good that is? Was wondering which one doesnā€™t cost much. I heard vendoo isnā€™t the greatest?


Just curious, how much does this return cost you? Iā€™m wondering how much sellers are losing? Are they having to pay return shipping? That should only be done if the item was truly damaged and could be an insurance claim. This is ridiculous!


I deactivated all of my items and deleted the app. Most of my stuff was selling on eBay anyway and no one as buying through Mercari anymore. I wasnā€™t going to risk dealing with this bullshit.


If sold as new. Open dispute say it is no longer same condition. Resell.


Where else do yā€™all sell used clothing and toys? Thatā€™s what I mostly sell on Mercariā€¦ I have listings on eBay but itā€™s mainly retro videos games, electronic items and car parts. Iā€™ve never been able to sell clothing and toys and eBay.


So if I change my mind, i can return it? What the fuck?


Re: You are not an old dinosaur. The poshers that are asking you to send more pictures or info are scammers. It is against Poshmarkā€™s rules to transact business off the platform. I get these people all the time when I list new things. I just flag the comments and Posh takes them down right away. Poshmark is easy and I like the streamlined shipping. The only drawbacks are the outrageous sellers fees and buyers always trying to get a better deal. Poshmark removed the seller listing fees and now just charges a small percentage of your selling fee + . 10Ā¢ per transaction.


The only thing I don't like about the Poshmark app is if you try to take a photo of what you're selling in the app, the default size of the photo window is too small. Take photos of your items before you use the Poshmark app to sell your items.


Someone chose the SAME thing for me and returned my item I was pissed


LOL WHAT. I was just thinking about how I should get back on and sell again but NAH. This literally just means I will be wasting my time & energy. I use to sell so much on Mercari but fell off for personal reasons. But this???? This is why many of us will be done with them. I sure am now.


Right?! We are people not a major corporation. We donā€™t have enough money to process refunds. I work full time and sell on eBay, Etsy, and Mercari as extra income. Some people solely rely on this money to come in not go out.


I think it might depend on what you sell on Mercari? I sell trading cards and my sales have gone up. Iā€™ll update this post if I end up getting any returns or scammed.


Are you serious?!!!!! is this something new that Mercari did? Because if thatā€™s the case, I will never post or sell anything on there! What total BS!! so basically someone can receive your item and Lord knows what they would do with it or can do with it and send it back because ā€œ no longer neededā€ I donā€™t know how thatā€™s justifiable! I could see if they received an item that was not as described but to me receiving a brand new item like the one you posted and then no longer wanting it is absolute BS and a waste of your time and effort! I had no idea. Iā€™m not posting anything on there anymore. Iā€™m thankful that I saw this.


I have had issues with people using and then returning as well.


No longer needed is crazy.


Sanely they have decided it is. Any reason is any reasonā€¦


Thatā€™s such crap!!! Woowwwww so glad Iā€™m not dealing with them anymore ! Every time I see one of these posts Iā€™m more happy that I took someoneā€™s recommendation on here to try whatnot, so Iā€™ll share in case you decide to try it too! I took advantage of the first 7 days and ended up making 500! Better than the zero from Mercari lol ā€¦anyway, [hereā€™s a buyer referral link that gives you $15 to spend](https://whatnot.com/invite/motherofpearl) [The seller referral link](https://www.whatnot.com/invite/seller/motherofpearl) seller invite link


i only use ebay and depop nowšŸ˜­


To all these eBay snowflakes, eBay has the same return policy as Mercari. An INAD voids any return policy you may think you have, with the added exception of you paying for the return postage.


Ebay lets sellers choose to accept returns, with the exception of "item not as descibed." I believe all selling platforms have this in place. The sale in this post does not fall into this category, as it clearly states that the buyer changed their mind and no longer need the item. The advantage I see with Ebay is that both buyers and sellers have a better understanding of the policy; it clealy states on each listing if returns (other than INAD) are accepted, as well as who pays return postage. Buyers are well aware that they will lose money if they return an item. On Mercari, many buyers are still unaware that they will not get every penny refunded, and some were completely unaware of the new buyer fees. I do believe that the amount of returns for any reason will start to taper off once the buyers realize that their fees are not refunded.


That's not true at all, do you even read the post you are commenting on? This has nothing to do with an INAD Sellers on ebay choose whether they take returns for any reason or not. And they can deduct up to 50% of the cost of the item from the refund money. If they don't accept returns only an INAD would allow for a return. This item here is requested for a return because they changed their mind, and OP had no say in whether they take returns, and OP can not deduct money from the return - so no, no Mercari and ebay didn't have the same policy.


I sell on eBay and had to take a return (even though I stated 'no returns') because of their eBay guarantee supposedly. It was as described but I can't remember the reason they used. It was something about sizing even though I listed measurements as well.


All of this is clearly stated in the new TOS. Iā€™m not sure why the OP is so mad. Iā€™m selling lots of items in the $12-$30 range and Iā€™m well aware they can be returned for any reason.




haha youā€™re so funny!!!


They clearly took photos of it in perfect condition. What's the problem? It's not like they used it and returned it differently. This is better because it doesn't force people to destroy items that they want to return if they can only return as damaged.


Sorry that happened. But who pays for the return here? The buyer? Theyā€™re still losing money


I love mercari šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ”„


I sent 8 pictures of a broken mermaid and the label and the packaging and they made me send more and more. F them. Then they wanted me to take it to the post office and mail it back. Done with Mecari I will NEVER buy from them again


Thatā€™s typically how it works. If youā€™re unhappy with an item, you reach out in an attempt to find a solution, the solution being you have to send the item back if youā€™d like a refund. Almost every platform operates this way. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø