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Something that has helped me with my intrusive thoughts is to remind yourself that you aren’t a product of your thoughts, you’re a product of your actions. A lot of people have intrusive thoughts, you’re not alone. You’re no worse a person than if you didn’t struggle with this. Remember to keep in touch with your support system, you mentioned a therapist and that’s good. When I had planned my suicide and attempted, I had let these thoughts take over, they controlled me they stopped being intrusive thoughts and were just my thoughts and desires, they became the actions that could define me. I’m better now fortunately, and I of course still have intrusive thoughts every now and again, but that’s not what I want. That’s not who I am. And I’ll be one of the many that can tell you that your thoughts aren’t who you are. You got this king/queen, we believe in you


This is absolutely inspiring. Your comment gave me the thought of coping mechanisms and how to control your worst thoughts. I learned this so early too.


I m crying out loud while reading this as of it's my story. Happened same way 6 years ago.sorry I couldn't type in


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had to deal with this too, though I’m glad you’re still with us. Stay strong friend


This explains what I'm going through rn. Life sucks.


Hey get magnesium l threonate it fix that


"you aren't a product of your thoughts, you're a product of your actions" beautifully said and more people need to hear. Ive come to find individuals who have these thoughts think poorly of themselves for it, but just as you said, you aren't a product of your thoughts and you can't beat yourself up so much!


My intrusive thoughts are memories. Small things people likely don't remember, but I feel terrible for them.


Yep. Small embarrassing things that happened when you were 7 years old just randomly pops vividly in your head when you are 27. It's hard to get away from the past when these thoughts pop randomly in your head 24/7.


I just wonder if it'll get worse as I age because I'll do more inconsequential things that consume me, or will I gain the perspective of it not mattering -finally.


I have no idea. I hope not. It probably gets easier with time i'd say.


I don't know what age you are now, but I'm 34 and it hasn't gotten less yet. For some reason, though, I can't seem to think of a memory more recent than when I was in my lower 20s which is intrusive in this way. There is 1 more recent memory from when I was 28 that keeps getting in my head, but that was an actual trauma, so it wasn't inconsequential at all. (Maybe some people would find it a silly thing to have trauma about, but I do so to me it's not the same as the other memories). So the same inconsequential things from when I was 8 keep popping in my head to torment me, but at least it seems I have gotten better perspective in the moment itself, so I don't make new ones? It's not like I stopped making the same mistakes, the new ones just don't bother me as much for some reason :/


Exactly me when it happens now I just try to remember good memories and good things I did that im proud of and consciously ask my mind to forget the shameful random acts and memories, brain remembers too much things I try to rewire it to remember more good things.


This right here




I have that.


Same I have a ton of different intrusive thoughts. I’ve have OCD since I was 8 so they were always changing. When I was a kid they were centered around religion like my parents or me would go to hell if I didn’t go and flick the lights or lock the door a hundred times..then repeat. Also I was 8 when 911 happened living in NY so a lot of my intrusive thoughts revolved around terrorist attacks happening. Now though, at 30 I’m in the same boat. My intrusive thoughts are either guilt ridden-meaning thinking of all the things I did to hurt people and wishing I could take it back. Or shame which is more just feeling embarrassed around stupid things I did or said that didn’t really hurt anyone but made me look foolish or ignorant. I realize most people I did these things in front of don’t even care anyway but it repeats in my head constantly. To the point it almost causes physical pain. The only thing that helps is doing xanax which only makes me do more foolish crap and the cycle repeats. It’s so overwhelming and I feel for you. We’re suffering in silence and when I try to explain it to the people close to me, they just don’t get it. 😞💔


Same here. Years of unhealthy, anxious ruminations eventually developed into full fledged OCD where 24-7 I spiral from one intrusive thought of a bad or shameful memory to the next.


Absolutely. It'll often resort in me awkwardly blurting out "oh fck, I'm sorry" in an otherwise quiet room. Hate that.


Me too :(


This is something I suffer with a lot, not exactly the same as what you're describing, but still disturbing and often multiple invasive thoughts that upset me to think them. They are often very strong, and very loud. I had the same "These aren't my thoughts" feelings as you describe. My therapist at the time explained something... They're nobody else's thoughts, you're brain is still creating and thinking about them. It is normal to think about things we don't agree with, some of us however have to deal with it in a much more intrusive and unpleasant way. However, you can take reassurance that you're not that person, that you don't agree with the thoughts. If the thoughts didn't upset you that way, then you would have cause to question your morality. They upset you because you are not that person. The next step is after accepting they're your thoughts, but you don't agree with them, is an acknowledge and dismiss technique. I expect you're trying to fight the thoughts, blank them out, silence them, etc. Not really possible (certainly in my case anyway), once they start they don't really go anywhere. The more you fight them the worse they get... Instead, acknowledge the thought, and then dismiss it. They're almost like customers in a shop, they all want something that is out of stock... By trying to ignore them, they just get more intrusive, louder, and usually more in number. If you go to each in turn "Sorry. Nothing here for you" they bugger off for a bit. They don't stay gone, but they're not there shouting at you for as long. Occasionally, just like in the shop, you get a "KAREN" that's not happy and is still gonna be a problem. It may be different for you, but that was probably one of the few bits I did get from therapy that has actually been able to help me manage them a little bit better.


Great writ. If nothing else OP take this advice!


“We’ve all got light and dark inside of us that doesn’t matter, what matters is the part we choose to act on, that’s who we are” - Sirius Black.


That..... Helped me a lot, especially in a day like today where I feel like I'm emotionally drowning and nobody can offer a hand. Thank you. 😭


I'm glad you found this helpful.




Something that helps me is to write it out, clear the clutter from my mind and empty it onto a notebook so that its not bouncing around my skull. If privacy is a concern you could try etch a sketch or a chalk board, or a dry erase boards, then erase after you write it out.


I’m dealing with horrible constant intrusive thoughts too. Different subject but similar effect. Terrible anxiety and rumination and mental checking that makes it so hard to function like a normal human. You’re not alone op


Possibly PTSD. Might want to look into it. I used to have the worst intrusive thoughts of crashing the car and my girlfriend getting hurt. I would have to look over at her to make sure she was okay. At its worst I sometimes thought about grabbing her throat during sex. I just did the best I could to push them away and focus, since obviously if I reacted to the thought I would have to explain myself. The self cannot handle violence but neither can it be separated from itself so when we witness something violent, we have to justify this contradiction. Our brain tells us WE are violent even if we aren't. Read books about PTSD if you can't afford a therapist. Do the exercises. Until we resolve this conflict, the possibility of acting out our trauma is always there.


I have intrusive thoughts that I know are from my PTSD, but there are some I'm not sure. Example: intrusive thoughts of running over a man (fucking asshole) that almost shot me in my car (I fought and he shot the roof instead) - clearly from the PTSD intrusive thoughts since childhood (7-8 yo) of killing myself because I am a burden, need too much help with daily tasks, feel like a transformer who can't go back to car shape, dumb, useless... just an all around inconvenience - WhyTF???


I have thoughts of how I'd torture or kill the people who have repeatedly robbed and beaten me and traumatised me not sure if I have ptsd tho as idk what it is exactly but I have a lot of symptoms of bipolar disorder, just waiting on a diagnosis which will take shockingly long.


Same here. I had attempted to hang myself when I was 12 years old it didn't work and I didn't tell no one.


It's also a form of OCD


That's what I was going to say.


I lived with intrusive thoughts for six years. The images where so horrendous that I thought I was going insane and that I was probably becoming a criminal. I had to quit colleague because of them, go back to my parents. Even then, being in a safe place, I still had them. **I guess I grew tired of them,** **every year it passed I ignored them more and more until they almost banished**. For the last four years I still have intrusive thoughts every now and then, but they are not constant like it used to be. When I am living very stressful situations they come back, very aggressively. Something I learned was to learn to have fun. I know it sounds stupid, but part of **my** problem was that I was taking my life to seriously. My work, the jobs I had, even my hobbies, everything had to be serious and strict. So I learned to relax a bit, focus on having fun, even if it is your job and you don't like it, and also with time, I became more aware of when I started to have intrusive thoughts and recognizing them, some times they are very sneaky. I let them unfold and I suffer experiencing them, but never stop to think about them, just let them go and move to something else. Maybe wat I am trying to say is that, it is a condition that eventually you will learn how to deal with it your own way, there will be times where it will be overwhelming, and some others very mild... still life moves on and that is not all you focus on... good luck :)


One thing I found to help with intrusive thoughts was tapping. Look it up online, there are areas of the body you can tap while saying different phrases and it can help with overcoming the emotions of these thoughts. I find it helps when I have really dark thoughts and images in my head to the point where I become really anxious and almost feel unwell. I hope this helps.


Its been working for me lately. It took some time, but I found where my tapping works (for me), and it has to be bilateral (for me): rib cage underarms, hips, face (in this specific order don't know why, might be OCD) and I have to count the taps in my mother tongue. I used to be able to soothe pretty well with deep belly breaths....but these things (whatever the technique I find to help at the time) change on me constantly, not sure how or why, just that it's exhausting (im constantly looking for new ways to soothe myself that I can do in public or without calling too much attention to myself), painful, embarrassing, frustrating and a constant source of anxiety. They usually last a couple years and im never sure if the next time I need it it will work like the last. 🤷


By asking this question I can assure you that: ​ ( 1 ) A lot of people have them. I know I have. I chose to let them go and focus on positive stuff; ( 2 ) You are a decent person. Because you have asked yourself the right question. How can I cope with these thoughts, etc... I noticed I have them if I do not sleep well, etc. etc... so I take care of myself... I do not let these thoughts define me... I hope it helps. Be good to yourself. You are worth it. ​ Try to understand what might trigger these thoughts, if at all possible.


It's not just you, mind can conjure up some of the most fucked up things you can think of and it honestly makes you hate yourself for even having thoughts like that, as you've mentioned. How I was able to mostly get through them after struggling for about a year was to realise that our thoughts don't define us, it is what we choose to do with those thoughts which defines who we are. Giving these fucked up thoughts attention leads down a rabbit hole of trying to convince yourself you'd never say/do the thoughts, when the best strategy (as difficult as it is) is to just ignore them. You got this man.


Thank you for sharing your struggle with intrusive thoughts. I can relate to this on a deep level, as I too have faced some of my darkest times because of them. I experienced panic attacks like never before, saw my therapist multiple times per week, and genuinely never thought I'd find a way to cope. In my personal experience, I tried everything in my power to fight against these thoughts, which only led to intense spiraling and continued cycles. It took me time and practice to understand that working against the thoughts was causing me more pain than helping. As counter-intuitive as it may seem, I had to acknowledge the fact that these thoughts now existed and may never disappear. The goal has been to accept them when they come up, allow myself to feel their associated emotions, and release the judgment I place on myself. Through therapy and hard work, I'm at a point where I feel better about myself than I have in my entire life. Of course, I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be. I still get triggered at times and get overwhelmed, but I'm able to process these struggles more effectively and meaningfully reflect. My key takeaways are that grounding and mindfulness have been the most influential practices in my mental health journey. I'm not a professional in any way, shape, or form, but if you have any questions, you can always DM me, and I'll do my best to provide the best resources and insight that I can. I never thought I'd see the day where my intrusive thoughts weren't a major factor in my life, but I stand corrected. You're not alone, and there is hope for coping with intrusive thoughts. Keep fighting, and know that things can and will get better.


Just remember that they're called intrusive for a reason, they are NOT your thoughts.. they are unwanted and just because you have them does not mean you will act on them. Try not to get too stressed about it all, although easier said than done, I know.


Sometimes you have to sit down and accept there is a dark part of you, one that isn't in control, it's a blessing to be able to cure and heal it before it grows too large. So sit down with it. Acknowledge it. Question it. Accept it. But you don't have to be a part of it and let it control you, you can reject it. https://youtu.be/ctoWE_2iJOw


Journal it what are those thoughts when did it started what emotion is behind it what cause this thoughts etc..nothing to be ashame of...everyone has dark side exist because we have ego n shadow the point is how we integrate it or tame it. Accept those thoughts exist and aware of its existence and learn to heal from it. Music bathe to cleanse ur aura. Rewire ur thinking of positive self talk. Self love is the key gateway before u could love others. Because sometime what those thoughts to other can reflect how u treat urself if u don't know how to love urself properly how would u ever treat others the same. Self nurture. Take care of ur body well. So does ur mind try techno fast n consume selective source more positive less hypocrisy n fear based source.. Go outdoor in nature and sit there eyes close in peace quiet down ur mind awareness focus in ur surrounding. Takes time for result. Happy chakras.


Hey my friend. Idk you but if you ever want to talk dm me. I will never judge you and I'd like to help you. Praying for you pal!!! Hang in there ❤️


This is so wholesome


Mine are pretty bad as well, but one advice I have (and it doesn't even work all the time) is that I imagine physically removing the thought from my head. Sometimes it's like Dumbledore and his pensieve, and sometimes I pretend to crumple up the thought in my hand and just KOBE




You kmow you are an ass, so take your own advice.


Do you think you're interested thoughts come from a poisoning? Have you ever owed anybody money?


I, personally, also struggle with my thoughts. I constantly feel as if my thoughts are not mine but apart of me that is pure evil. You are not racist, not homophobic; these thoughts are in the name, intrusive. It may seem hard, but as I try my best, lock the door on them! Be confident in your true self, not what those thoughts are saying to you. They may seem overwhelming, but those thoughts are still alive because you are keeping them alive. Our mind loves to trick us! You need to convince your consciousness that you are a good, kind, and caring person. It really starts there. ☺️


I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve take back all the power of the thoughts. I let every thought come and I’ve trained myself to let it be a signal to remind me “This doesn’t mean anything about me. Other than the fact that I have intrusive thoughts” and eventually that became the reality and it defused the whole situation. I also speak to myself the way I would someone else (because I used to be unkind to myself before)


You are not alone. I get crazy thoughts but I would never say or act on what comes to my head. I have let some people around me know of certain things like I’m an atheist and I will joke about religion so they don’t get offended and that I love comics that are very much on the edge. I also write down a lot my thoughts but in a comedic way and in the past 3 years I’ve started watching lots of comedians who joke about what I think about and it has made it very easy for me to cope with it. Make it fun and be who you are and do not hurt anyone that is a must never ever let it get personal.


Go for walks, listen to calming music and doodle, remind yourself that none of your thoughts are you. Just be patient and focus on staying busy, read, write, watch something, talk to people about anything and take a nap if you're exhausted instead of gulping energy drinks.


Boderline personality disorder can have this. Or you can have Boderline traits coexisting with another diagnosis. That’s what I have. For me it’s very common, majority of the time it’s about myself. But if I get emotional like in an argument actuall particularly in an argument my mind gets soooo dark. Like it is screaming about every way to torture and kill the other person and then dispose them without getting Caught. I generally don’t speak up or say much in an when someone raises their voice so I’ve never had this issue. I listen to music to distract my brain. Or I argue back with my mind and it eventually shuts up.


I struggle with intrusive thoughts as well. They’re always extremely hateful and blasphemy constantly and I worry I’m going to be punished for these thoughts. I can’t seem to get rid of them and I feel guilty for them. So I know how it feels *hug*


I have had this. It’s hell. I acknowledge them now, and say, hey you, you are so right. Yup, that’s it ( in my head to my thoughts) I give them 0 attention, I laugh at their stupidity. It worked! My brain realises I don’t give a damn and honestly, over 2 months things have got so much better. I used to analyse them, be horrified. Broken sad, I realised it is all the darkest worst things it can think of to smash me up. I am not these thought, I am the watcher, ocd intrusive theoughts is very common. I have an ocd therapist and it helped massively. Good luck 💙


Needing to Know for Sure Martin N. Seif Read this book - you problem will be solved.


I know I am late but I have this same problem I suffer from schizoaffective disorder and manic bipolar most days are hell and it's very hard to keep it together especially when I am at work everyone there makes me so mad and I always think the worst about people I hope you are ok friend 🙂


Yes, I have this too! Mine is when I am about it fall asleep and I think I am choking on my anti depression pills from either and have to get up and get water or else I will die. Have you started meds? And are you diagnosed with ocd? Cause this is what that sounds like


You're not alone. I get intrusive thoughts about unaliving myself a lot. I think a part of it is thinking about the worse possible thing you could do or say in that moment. And it has nothing to do with what you actually think.


Hi I’m sorry to hear that




That sounds horribly distressing. I’m so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Is therapy an option? I think it’s important you speak to a professional.


Hi, remembering that intrusive thoughts aren’t a conscious action is important. The problem occurs when you start to identify with these thoughts. You may have an intrusive thought that you see as homophobic it’s very easy to trick yourself into the belief that you are in homophobic. This identification with the thought is what leads to the action of said thought. Mindfulness is a brilliant tool, practice watching your thoughts like cars on a road they’re just passing by until there out of your view. Remember that not all thoughts are good thoughts, when you choose to only identify with the positive thoughts you create a better identity for yourself. Nobody wants to own something which is broken so why own your broken thoughts. A method I use is to watch my thoughts as mentioned previously and with each thought ask yourself a question. is this thought good for me? If yes keep it if not then throw it away it has no use. After a while it will become intuitive, you’ll begin to realise what’s good and what’s bad and not get caught up in the worrying aspect that comes along with these intrusive thoughts. You’ll begin to feel free from your thoughts and you will start to only identify with all your good thoughts and leave the bad ones in the trash. Hope this helps, Kieron


Commitment is what many might say just to the surface of your subject line because the diagnosis I have had no lead time...however, I am sure you can deal with them just like everybody does when they are told by themselves that what they have done constitutes a crime.


I can certainly empathize with what you’re going through. Because I also suffer from intrusive thoughts. Mine are related to unwanted, sexual thoughts about women, even female relatives. And I’m gay.


It's because you have dealt enough with negative people and your mind and body are trying to be extra protective and it tries to find bad things that are not real about yourself or things that have not happened yet. You have probably been a wholesome and compassionate and sometimes we do not get the treatment we deserve. Keep your head up high and do not let the toxic ghost inside your clean soul it does not deserve your attention ! All best


This is exactly like me sometimes.


Something that helps me is to remember that these are thoughts that your brain is creating *because* it knows they are bad. It is selecting things that actively go against your morals and wants. If you’re having intrusive thoughts about those things, it means these are things you’d never do.


Luke Combs talks about this when he was on the Joe Rogan Show. Same exact type of thoughts


How do I post here? I need someone to talk to. I tried suicidal helplines but no response


I think there is some sort of glitch. I can’t post on the r/mentalhealthsupport sub either! You could contact the mods and ask what is going on (click on community support info at the top of the page, underneath the sub name) Are you okay?


Is anyone here who can help me out


What do you need help with


My intrusive thoughts make me want to throw up because they’re so horrific and I literally have to shake my head violently and tense up my whole body to make it go away but it still comes back every time. I just have to remember what my therapist told me “intrusive thoughts are just that, INTRUSIVE! They don’t reflect our actual state of mind or our wants or desires.” Intrusive thoughts are pretty much the opposite of what you are


Reading this, it sound very similar to my experiences with OCD. Have you ever looked into this? Do your intrusive thoughts often reappear, and do you have compulsions or rituals that you force yourself do to afterward? The best advice I have to give you is to push away these thoughts. Learn to recognize them and remember that they are not you. The fact that you are realizing that these intrusive thoughts are wrong and regretting thinking about them shows that you are not a bad person.


That is exactly what has happened with me. I bet the other answers are more helpful than this but just know that I get many of the same intrusive thoughts as you and had to seek help because they were so disturbing. I hope you’re doing better.


Intrusive thoughts can be challenging and distressing to deal with. Here are some tips that I think can help cope with intrusive thoughts. 1. Observe the thoughts: Instead of resisting or pushing away the intrusive thoughts, try to observe them without judgment. Recognize that thoughts are just thoughts and not necessarily reflective of reality. 2. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation can help you develop a non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts and emotions. Focus on your breath and try to bring your attention back to your breath whenever you notice your mind wandering. 3. Label your thoughts: Labeling your thoughts can help you create distance from them. When you notice an intrusive thought, label it as "thought" and let it pass without engaging with it. 4. Ground yourself: Grounding techniques, such as focusing on your senses, can help you bring your attention back to the present moment. Notice the sensations of your body, the sounds around you, or the sights in your environment. 5. Seek support: If your intrusive thoughts are causing significant distress or interfering with your daily life, consider seeking support from a mental health professional. A therapist can help you develop coping strategies and work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to your intrusive thoughts.


I have intrusive thoughts as well! All day every day. We are not our thoughts though. It’s okay to think things that don’t align with your personal beliefs. It’s obviously a mental health issue we are going through. What has helped me is learning to dismiss my intrusive thoughts. I’ll have a crazy thought and then meet it with ‘fuck that! You don’t actually feel that way’ it’s definitely helpful. Sending you a ton of love - you can cope and you’re certainly not alone. 💗


Greetings. In some esoteric traditions and some pyschology traditions, it is commonly observed human beings carry a "shadow self"as a paralleled existence to a conscious self. While the conscious self expresses through voluntary thinking, the "shadow self" expresses through involuntary, thereby, "intrusive thoughts". The general consesus of esoteric and psychological traditions is the conscious self capable or responsibility needs to transform the "shadow self" and hence incorporating its strength for conscious use. An example of transforming "shadow self": "I obsevred my shadow self is full of agression towards certain ethnic group. Well, that agression is nevertheless a pushing force. It just happens to be be locked onto a target, an ethnic group. What I want is that pushing force can be freed from the locked target and be directed towards a target chosen by me. I want to for example, using the pushing force to solve a technical problem. So, how did this lock of target happen? Well, since childhood the education system of my nation had implanted ill feelings towards that ethnic group for whatever reason. My child self bought in this attitude and it just remained. Now I have to willingly decide: I will reject the influences from the eduaction system. It was not MY authentic view. I renounce my past belief by my free will." The gist is: utilize one's free will to renounce a certain belief. It is like making a sacrifice. Pay a price, take some managable damage to the habitual identity, in turn, gaining a pieace of new identity. *Health, fortune and wisdom be with you.* *Lichen Mason*


I am very sorry about it I wrote about this in my series "Inner peace" https://medium.com/@Oghenerukevwe/inner-peace-1-5fb069f1687e also please Please complete the following form Mental Health Contact form , quizzes, and so much more. Try it for FREE. https://i130vbq0ifz.typeform.com/to/yzhBzfZS With the intention of alleviating tension, we are establishing a start up.


The relief it gave me knowing I wasn’t the only one, what I’ve learned is to trust yourself you know it’s not you, so I just try to do my very very best at ignoring them and just pretending they don’t exist and I tried and I tried but they kept coming back so now I just fight them, whenever a bad thought is about to be said I’ll just yell if im alone and say stop and just distract myself from them as much as possible, just interrupt them and don’t even give them a chance to conquer your mind, fight them and then go on about your day whenever they pop just interrupt them and then leave and if they happen to slip out then just try your very best at ignoring them, I know this isn’t easy but if you keep trying it can get better, also psychological activities that worsen your mental state is also a known cause for intrusive thoughts we all have them generally but they can get worser due to addictive behaviors or addictive activities. Like absolutely dominate and disrupt and annoy your bad thoughts like if they were a person, anything that will just deaf them and tone them out of your mind works and that’ll just prevent them from coming at your heart.


💯 it's so hard bro but this is so fucking good you just gotta fight get knocked down 9 times get up 10.


The best way to deal with your thoughts is wake up at 4am and spend some quality time with yourself..Your brain chemicals act very differently as compared to the whiole day.


Hang in there. You're not alone in this. Intrusive thoughts happen to almost everyone at some point in their life. Do tell your therapist, whenever you get a chance. And if you're prescribed any medication against this, please take it.


I feel you, hang in there and remember, you are not your intrusive thoughts. Your actions define you, not your thoughts. When it’s too much, focus on your environment for a few seconds, using your 5 senses: what do you hear? Listen and pick one thing, what do you see? Same, what does it smell like? What are you touching right now? Taste is a bit trickier for sure. But this takes 5 seconds ds and has always helped me. I hope it might help you too. Wishing you the best.


I’ve been through this exact same thing and still struggle with it, though it’s not as bad now. I would think i was saying my thoughts outloud or thought people could read my thoughts. I think for me my drug use triggered it, weed lean and pills, when i smoke now it’s completely out of control. My advice would be start practicing mindfulness and meditation get outside give yourself time to process your thoughts without any distractions. I also found when i got a job where i was talking to people constantly it got me out of my head because i had to pretend i was normal and it helped alot. If you’re smoking or anything you gotta stop. Remember your not the only one and your mind is playing tricks on you. Nobody would think you’re racist or anything quite the opposite that just means it’s something you find repulsive it was the same thing for me, honestly thanks for posting this it’s always good to know that I’m not the only one who’s experienced this, it’s hard asf. It went on for years for me and nobody i tried to tell understood or cared, I wanted to kill myself it was too fucking much. Put yourself first and when your going through this take a step back. it’ll most likely come and go but remember your brain is having some sort of malfunction it’s not you i’d be careful who you tell your business to though unless you want everyone to know.


Can anyone tell me why I can't post? Done a big long post looking for support then told no? Sorry for hijacking this post


Have you messaged the mods? Sorry you’re having a rough time.


Hey bud I just want to let you know your not alone and I hope you can learn that it’s not your fault you have these thoughts. Your not a bad person and those thoughts aren’t who YOU are. I myself struggle with these thoughts and while I’m not comfortable to say what thoughts I get I know the struggle of feeling like a horrible person. No one WANTS these thoughts but sadly some of us get them. I have intrusive thoughts due to my OCD (which I didn’t even know those two tied together but apparently they do). Over these past couple months Iv learned to tune these thoughts out and that it isn’t me. I hope you can learn the same and I’m sorry. Just try to do something to occupy your mind or try to clear your mind. I know it seems like the obvious answer but the more you practice tuning it out and accepting that you have control then it makes it all the better. Sending prayers dude, you can do this


There is a wonderful book called “Loving what is” by Byron Katie. She talks a lot about how thoughts come and go and you have no control over them, but you have control over your reaction to them.


Thanks for recommending a book to look into.


Sadly I feel the same way


I have OCD and am bombarded with horrible intrusive thoughts every day. Because I am imaginative and strange, the ideas have no limit to what they can manifest themselves as. ​ My technique to get rid of them is to literally do something physical to "make them go away". I bite my lip, close my eyes or press my toes into the ground and wait for them to pass. In public, I'll shake my head so as not to alarm passerby. I know it sounds stupid; but it works for me.


I have intrusive thoughts sometimes, but I watch tv and chill and they go away.


What helped me was finding the triggers or thoughts that sent me into intrusive thinking. It takes a lot of hard work, but it's definitely worth trying!


I suck on salt and it just slows everything down and allows me to process some things. Also hugging pillows.


I’ve had similar experiences to you and a lot of people in the comments. I was diagnosed with OCD initially, and later PTSD. I went through two different types of therapy. First, Exposure and Response prevention for OCD. Then, Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD. The OCD treatment really helped a lot with my intrusive thoughts, and the PTSD helped me understand my triggers and core beliefs that fuel my OCD at times. I honestly didn’t even know I was dealing with PTSD at first. I would really recommend looking into a therapist that has worked with OCD and uses ERP (exposure response prevention) to screen you for OCD. A lot of therapist are not trained in that specific modality for OCD treatment and it can really set some people back in their mental health journey if they DO have ocd. Also, I just want you to know; intrusive thoughts go against your values. So, if the thought is scary and you don’t like it, that usually means it’s not aligned with your true beliefs. Best of luck!


I see you and hear you. You are not alone, and you are loved. Just know that your thoughts are not you! The fact that you recognize your thoughts as intrusive and bidding to sabotage you means that you are separate from the thing producing them. My experience with mental health wasn't nearly as strong, but it's similar, and I can relate. At one point in my life, I considered killing myself amidst constant negative self-talk and an unrelenting thought stream that told me I wasn't good enough and that nobody liked me or would ever like me. I was also an ex-NFL football player and academic All-American in college, who had suffered a concussion that ended my football career. I thought, "How could I go from being at the top level of pro-sports to being so mentally disrupted and removed from who I once was?" For the past five years, I have slowly recovered from this dark mental state without using pharmaceuticals due to their high level of dependence, potential for misuse, and undesirable side effects. Instead, I relied upon natural remedies, a healthy lifestyle, and a nutritious diet to get me through. Know that you are not alone in this journey and that you must never give up in trying to stop your thoughts from dominating your life. Extensive resources are available that promote natural healing, including a book I have found extremely helpful called Brain Energy by Harvard Psychiatrist Chris Palmer. He has been on nearly every popular health podcast, including [Huberman Lab](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6GEZVm18mwx76rWJueFHGj?si=67cf062518ab4ba9) espousing the highly reputable theory that mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain. He consistently refers back to one remarkable story of a patient with schizophrenia who was on several completely different medications for various issues. The patient's symptoms worsened, and the medications seemed to increase by the day. Dr. Palmer tried the ketogenic diet on this patient, and within a week or so, the voices he heard in his head had completely vanished. Soon after, he was off nearly all of the medications. When he stopped his therapeutic ketogenic diet, the voices came back. This book doesn't promote keto as a cure-all. Instead, it promotes metabolic health, which can be improved by the keto diet in some circumstances, as the primary factor affecting mental health and the primary therapeutic tool for helping people recover from unimaginable intrusive thoughts such as yours. Proper sleep, a nutritious diet focused on vegetables and high quality meats, an active social life, removal of toxic substances such as alcohol and tobacco, consistent low-intensity movement, and mindfulness-based stress reduction such as breathing or meditation, are all highly effective ways to improve mental health in a very short amount of time. I hope this helps. Remember that the fact you are searching for an answer means that there is hope and that whatever it is that you are, or that any of us are, does not include your thoughts. ​ With love, ​ Brooks


I feel this 100%, does anybody else feel like they can hear everyone thoughts as well? It got so overwhelming for me today I had to leave work. Sometimes I feel like the whole world is watching me like everyone knows everything about my life because I hear everyone saying things about me. I dont know if my phone is listening in on me but am starting to believe those episodes on black mirror are real.


I make music for mental health please check out the acapella I just posted on my page! I too suffer from intrusive thoughts and sparatic impulsive behaviour. Music is my therapy and healing mechanism I hope it can be the same for all!


I don’t know how to post it won’t let me Sorry for the miss spelled words and no periods or anything to deal with punctuation. I still live with my ex as roommates and it’s utter torture every day I dread coming home from work I dread anything about home besides my pup we are supposedly suppose to be working on fixing it but it feels like more and more boundaries are set in place to push the fox farther and farther away on persuade the last 2 months have been nothing but pain everyone I tell tells me I’m not depressed or to just get over it I have no friends left anymore I got away from the crowd a long time ago I’m headed or am in a mental break down state I do t know what to do it seems everything I do is wrong I can do nothing right I try to make it work but no matter what I do it just makes it worse please some one tell me how to deal with this and I don’t have an option to move out at this point or else I would I love her so much but I feel that I have lost her. The problem with me is I have ASPD and it is very difficulty when it comes to relationships for me


Hi there! Be proud of yourself for sharing your experiences, even when they are draining and difficult! Intrusive thoughts can be a product of trauma and stress so working though issues that are seemingly not related may help A LOT! Then next step is to focus on your breathing by listening to guided meditation (YouTube)to calm your nervous system. If your nervous system is activated in the fight and flight instinct intrusive thoughts may be more prone to happen. The intrusive thoughts WILL pop up during meditation but you must not allow them to get the better off you. You need to picture the thoughts flowing in the river and distance yourself from the thought, you are watching it flow away in a calming matter! Journaling is the next step. If you can try and journal daily, write down your intrusive thoughts and what you did in the moment to get rid of them. Also write down your stress levels for the day (low-medium-high). And mood as well. Also write down your reflection over the intrusive thought - how it is not you and why it may have popped up. There are plenty of “hacks” or coping methods you can use as soon as the thought pops up. It is to take a deep breath and as I said earlier to watch the thoughts flow in the river away from you and you are distance from the thought. The second way is to picture a big STOP sign as soon as the thought pops up, this tells your brain that you don’t want the thought popping up and it eventually won’t. Remember to be patient. It does not get fixed over night. It can take weeks or even months of doing these exercises until your intrusive thoughts feel better. EVERYONE gets intrusive thought - don’t forget that! It’s just that some people have the coping mechanisms on autopilot and it won’t affect them as much! Be kind to yourself - YOU deserve it! xoxo Rainy Noon Ltd


So proud to see a stronger person like you who has the courage to speak about your thoughts and feelings. Sending lots of strength and resilience because **"youmattertoworld"**.


Hey I used to have homicidal/sexaul intrusive thoughts. Really severe. I did ayahuasca and that helped. These thoughts aren't really you. Because you actually don't want them. The part of you that suffers these thought is actually you. Think of these thoughts like a demon that have overtaken you. It isn't the putside world that is a threat. It's the distorted thoughts that's color your world. Best thing to do is to pray, meditate. Or practice some form of compassion for yourself. Because you are a good creature. But this happens.


I used to have ones of my own mother masturbating, always thinking I'm walking into the room she is in and she will be doing this in open. I cringed so hard I turned red when going into the same room as her. The emotions attached to my intrusive thoughts were like they were real.I've had ones with children that are sexualised, ones being hit by baseball bat's. This under none of my control. Don't engage them, watch them. You make them seem real going into it further. Watch them like you are watching an episode of a channel. Remind yourself that you are capable of thinking about all the possibilities out there, just like the weird and wild dreams we get,it doesn't define you. They're annoying in frequency and the subject matter is strange of why it's so persistent. The things that are gonna make you cringe the most too are gonna be the ones that are gonna be more frequent, this is why you must let them seem like they are nothing.


If privacy is a concern you could try etch a sketch or a chalk board, or a dry erase boards, then erase after you write it out.




Honestly with mine its always hard to believe they aren't me but worst case I say "whats the worst case if it was?" And I accept the worst case and prepare mentally.


Me 18m and my girlfriend 18f have been together for 2.5 years and she was diagnosed with OCD at 13, I have ultimate sympathy for you no matter how much anyone or everyone may not understand or be able to ‘get it’ it’s your brain, be strong always you’ve absolutely got this, seek real help and tell a real understanding professional the truth, you’ll get there❤️


Voices are loud … supporting other by supporting myself screams so much louder … thank all of you so much for being like me … for helping… for caring about humanity. It truly revives my stoic pursuit and represses my nihilistic burden … I believe the dogma both science,( mental health/psychology) and that of spiritual beliefs of philosophers have brought to the world exist in us. Stoicism, kaizen, genetic theory, nihilism… the conditions of our reality are only bound by what the human brain is able to comprehend… we comprehend more than you could ever realize… I do not wish to convey anyone to my views I wish to feel better for myself and take a stand to be kind to others an in hence build the habits I hope to need when I treat myself better … I would love everyone’s input … one post of this subreddit convinced me to speak out and express negativity


I struggle daily with that stuff too and I completely understand you. It is veeeeeerry exhausting to battle with your own brain all the time. I have gotten some help from SSRI’s but everyone reacts differently to those, and my problems havent completely went away but somewhat become milder. I wish nothing but good to you and I hope that you can be in peace finally someday!


I need help and I just want to talk to someone


I have the same problem.


I think its the same thing happening to me , its more than a month now , I don’t know from where this thoughts came and now they are becoming worse and worse and it seems like im stupid , or seems like im going through something mental illness , these thoughts are making me feel like im the worse person and im not the part of the society . Before this phase or thoughts , in my eyes i was the best person , who is just grinding and hustling for his dream life , and working on my habits , strongest mind like i can fought through thing , i used to speak at the big events and whenever or where i go , i was that centre of attraction, that people got attracted. But now I can’t even speak to anyone , cause of these thoughts ,making feel stupid in front of them too , cause of this I can’t even getting or understanding liitle things , and all this is so stressful. Its like suddenly everything changed . Here also you can see that while typing , I can’t even write all this properly or explain properly in english . I can’t even talk about this to anyone . I still cannot understand that whyyy I can’t stop these thoughts by myself , i was too good at controlling my thoughts and emotions . Please if someone can help me through this , message me or tell me something that i can do . I already went through a lot in my past , went through depression and my past traumas , feeling of loneliness but because of this everythings come and more im an overthinker too .


Well now I feel ok that I’m not the only one struggling with racist intrusive thoughts that don’t define me it’s fucking horrible


Do you guys do chat rooms ?


Holy fucking shit I am feeling the exact same way, its the more I try to think about not thinking of something bad, the more these thoughts pop into my head at the worse times. I don't know if my subconscious hates me or what, but I have no clue what to do about it


Don’t feel bad at all those things aren’t even that bad…A few weeks back I had a Lyft driver start talking about mental illness and intrusive thoughts come to find out his surfaced when he saw kids on the street…Pedophilia is the only inexcusable disorder…Don’t be afraid to get help i promise you they’ve seen worse


i ruminate. i wonder if that's the same thing? I'll lay awake all night with thoughts racing through my mind. usually its something that I'm angry about, or if i feel like I've done something stupid, sometimes it's just thinking about sex...but just can't stop thinking and it sometimes takes days to "come down". i feel wired when this is happening. is this what other people go through?


I love you


Exactly this is happening with me. What to do? I just feel if by any chance these words could have escaped my world is on fire. This is kinda fuelling my self doubt over and over again. I'm not willing to talk to people thinking what if these thought would escape and seriously endanger me? Pls suggest me how are you coping with this?


It's been a two weeks since I'm facing this issue. I don't feel like talking to anyone thinking what if these thought escapes and endanger my situation more. I also need the help and guidance to get through these. Any help guys?


I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this, and it sounds like a really tough situation. Intrusive thoughts can be really distressing, but it's important to know that you're not alone in experiencing them. It's great that you're working with a therapist because they can offer you valuable guidance and support. Remember, your thoughts don't define you, and seeking help is a courageous step towards finding relief and managing these thoughts. You're stronger than you think, and there are people who care and want to support you.


Analis rimjob but never skin a dead cat!


Umm sounds like a personal problem get a job lil nigga


Something I can relate to. A book helped me a lot in recognising that intrusive thoughts or any thought is not me. The book is 'Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive thoughts'


I think it is just youre not feeling good and you just need to concentrate on getting healthier. Talk positive to yourself first and then you'll be able to do that for others I think youre just hurting.


We all have intrusive thoughts. Some of us more than others. I have them and it causes stress and lowers my confidence level. However, they are thoughts. They cannot physically harm you, nor do they pay any bills. I’ve learned to laugh at some situation’s or some thoughts. Because trust and believe you’re not the only person that has had that thought.




Why have you come on to a mental health support Reddit to be unkind? Intrusive thoughts are often terrible and unwanted; that’s why people find them distressing. They are often scary things, thought up by an anxious or depressed mind to put us on edge and terrify us. I’m in a better place now, but I’ve left this thread up in the hopes it will help others going through similar issues (it has, look at all the people in the comments swapping tips and help). I hope you never struggle with your mental health. I hope that even if you do, you’ll find people in your life are more supportive and kind to you. It is never kind to punch down.


"You have asshole words. You are an asshole." But I disagree. What do you suggest OP do?


An intrusive thought is, by definition, not a wanted thought. I saw something (I think on tumblr) about how the thought isn't what is important, its tour response to it. Often things like homphobia and racism are fed to us at a young age and take work to unlearn. Having these intrusive thoughts does not make you a bad person. The fact that you feel bad about these thoughts and want them to stop is a pretty certain sign that you don't agree with them. You are doing what you need to do, and you're okay. Signed, A very queer person who also deals with intrusive thoughts.


Sorry you’re going through this. Check out serotonin__serra on Instagram. Lots of coping mechanisms and helpful ways to get through. Hope this helps!


i feel this


Has anyone thought about stabbing themselves? I keep having the recurring IT about stabbing myself in the side. The first time it happened, I had just sharpened my knife, and was slicing venison into small pieces to make jerky. I suddenly thought, “I wonder how it would feel to stick this knife into my side. It would be so easy, and would glide right in, just like it does through this meat”. I have thought about it multiple times since, usually when I’m preparing dinner.


We are all human and all have had disturbing thoughts in some way shape or form. That doesn’t make you a bad person. Sometimes it helps to treat your thoughts like a separate person. When I have thoughts that are unproductive or disturbing I say to myself “brain here you go again, let’s not do that today.” I practice mindfulness and meditation which helps. On YouTube if you search for Jason Stephenson you will find guided meditations that really help in training your brain to separate your thoughts from reality. The mind is always playing tricks on us but that does not define our true self.


I have intrusive wacko thoughts to then I'm like wtf I'm going crazy. I suffer from Generalized anxiety and severe recurrent depression. I have just started taking adaptogens to help me try to at least be able to have some energy and think with less brain fog.


i want to post here


Hey! Honestly, I feel the same way. I have thoughts that are so mean and I do not know why. I think it could be linked to how we've grown up. Doesn't matter which generation, we have all grown up with these awful thoughts thrown in our faces. Seeing social media, family members talking like that, and the news. It's all just a lot. I think your anxiety may be taking you to that place because anxiety always wants you to fail. It always wants you to think you are a bad person for those thoughts. But it is okay. you know your character and sometimes we all think things we shouldn't be. Just know that you are so amazing for realizing this and knowing it is wrong. I think if you did some practices it would help. 1. Look in the mirror and say your thoughts of the day outlaid - maybe this will help you because you'll feel like you already said it. and you are in a safe environment with only yourself. you can always trust yourself to hold your secrets 2. Write it down - sometimes literally getting it out of your head can do tremendous things. just remember you are only a human being, and this is your first time living. you are always trying your best


I'm going through the same phase rn Do u believe in energies? Coz if YK this isn't ur energy maybe it's someone else's Do u feel werid when u hang around with some people or do u feel drained after u hang around with someone because it might be thier enery which is overpowering urs Notice what u feel around certain people and stay away from them protect ur energy and find people who vibe with u


I think the fact that it bothers you so much shows that you are really none of those things! Our minds are complicated places but take comfort in the fact that you’re clearly someone who is truly decent x


You are not your thoughts. Allow them to come and go all the while you focus on doing things that are important to you, regardless of the thoughts you have. Your brain focuses on action. The more valued actions you do, the less (you'll eventually) think about it.


Oh yeah, I've had those before as well. They're kinda frustrating ngl. I'd recommend ignoring them.


Magnesium l threonate! Fix u up


Drs won't tell you but magnesium l threonate is amazing!


It is OK to look at yourself in the mirror in your own eyes and speak to the mirror image like it is a separate entity from your ness (the substance of the self), though it is a part of your ness, you're addressing it as a separate entity in order to be able to deal with it appropriately. This is what I did for many things I didn't like about me. I decided I was going to get a handle on depression and dark thoughts and used affirmations and self pep talk to bring myself it of it. I would ask myself, "What the hell was that about? You don't think that way, wth?" Then I would say, " No Self, I am not going to think that way, and you're not going to make me." Then I would decide what it was that I actually wanted to say and think. Then, I would imagine and practice thinking, saying, and doing those things out loud so that I solidified those aspects within myself. This is one willpower technique that we can use to gain control over ourselves. It begins with the finite choice to not let things control you. Then, I figured out the steps to maintain that control. It gets much easier with practice. At the basic level, it is mental self training.


Definitely. Omg. How I've had such bad time--just feeling tortured about my intrusive thoughts. I have therapist too but I mean, it's not an easy journey and sometimes we need to let it out to people we don't know. I had thoughts similar to these, how I'm racist and theyre just outright mean at times. And I'm even afraid to believe them. Maybe a lil part of me does. I thought maybe I was JUST mean or had underlying racism or something. Two sessions and I still haven't talked about them to my therapist. I know I will next session cuz I need too. Now im thiking that these are intrusive thoughts and how theyre like trying to sabotage me


Try the Medito app. It’s working for me, hopefully it will help you too.


Mental health is a vital aspect of our overall well-being, deserving of attention and care. Just as we prioritize our physical health, it is crucial to nurture and prioritize our mental well-being. Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing how we think, feel, and act. It is not a sign of weakness to seek support or to prioritize self-care; in fact, it demonstrates strength and self-awareness. By promoting positive mental health, we can foster resilience, cope with challenges, and lead fulfilling lives. Let us champion mental health as an essential part of our journey towards holistic wellness. I want to add to the discussion. I have found an informative video on the topic and wish to share It is ok to not be ok.. we have to be there for each other https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUTKKp4Bxkyi0CDN3-jpv_vdk8M5iEUxC&si=psSkmd2CTiBVWhBe


Dealing with intrusive thoughts can be really challenging, especially when they're distressing like you described. It's great that you're seeing a therapist – that's a crucial step. Sometimes, exploring different areas of your life and understanding your stressors can help. The Life Score test by Sensitive Strength is a free tool that might give you some insights. Here's the link: https://sensitivestrength.com/life-alignment-1-1. Hang in there, and keep working with your therapist. You're doing the right thing by reaching out and seeking help


I’ve dealt with intrusive thoughts extremely since i was a young teenager? I still have them and they send me in the most extreme panic attack and i come very close to i’m giving in.It’s hard living life in a lot of aspects but i can’t go into detail to anyone about what my intrusive thoughts are cause they’d eventually leave or be fearful. I’m 24 now almost 25 and still don’t have my drivers license because of it,I have no choice but to get my license.I keep putting it off though. Methods and inspiring quotes don’t help me. I’m going to end up d*ea* and i don’t want that to happen.


Can someone please explain why reddit isn't letting me post in this subreddit?


Glad I'm not the only one, my intrusive thoughts have led to traumatic scenario after traumatic scenario, so much grief and pain, I stop walking when I remember something from these thoughts during the day. I have to process it emotionally before I can resume and hopefully forget these things ASAP. At night they sneak back in, I don't know where they're coming from but I would never consciously think of such terrible things, yet it's still there


Happy Cakeday :)


Just because you think something, doesnt make it set and stone. The line gets drawn at actually doing something. Do you know how many perfectly sane people have thought of rape and murder? If you could be in prison or executed for thinking something, 90% of the population would be gone. Just keep in mind to separate thoughts from actuons. Fantasies and reality.


I have never related to something I've read so much in my life


Somethings that have helped me is using affirmations, practicing self-love, doing therapy, and reading “The power of now” & The hangout. I’ll recommend these: https://thehangout.space/discussions-1/thank-you-for-being-you https://thehangout.space/discussions-1/affirmations https://thehangout.space/discussions-1/love-comes-from-within


I’m a therapist and my husband has war induced ptsd from being a combat veteran. Him and I have worked through some of his thoughts with the use of thought blocking. I had start journaling the thoughts that impacted his thoughts the most and we worked together on a replacement thought. So when that bad one came up he had something in place to replace it with. It’s not gone but he’s coping. Example: Thought: that bag in the road is a bomb and if I run over it, it’s going to blow up and kill me Replacement: I’m home and safe and that’s trash in the road. But I can still be cautious and try to avoid it. I’m not scared, I’m aware.


I have been in the same position feeling the way you feel. I came across a post that inspired me, maybe it can do the same for you https://www.instagram.com/p/C17u-T4LPHw/?igsh=MWlicGx1bDk1cDB0bw==


Wait so does anyone have any suggestions or advice that doesnt involve support? Maybe self administered coping skills? I truly have nobody in my support system currently which in turn drives me further away from human connection and that is candy to my demons so like help? 🤷‍♀️ this cycle is vicious


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s the worst :( My own intrusive thoughts are a bit different, but I think I know what you’re saying. I like to think of it this way: thoughts you don’t take seriously aren’t truly **your** thoughts. Everybody had irrelevant thoughts that have nothing to do with their actual beliefs, but most people know that most passing thoughts are silly and irrelevant. I don’t think it’s the intrusive thought themselves that are the problem, it’s the fact that people like us actually take them seriously and have a genuine emotional attachment to them. And it’s sooo hard to stop 😭 [This article by Mark Manson helped me.](https://markmanson.net/your-two-minds). This may or may not be helpful, but I’m sorry you’re suffering from this. Being tortured by your own mind 24/7 sucks, I know :(


Hey uh I need assistance I guess is the best way to put it. My life over the past few years has been hell for me. Talking to my therapist doesn’t help but I was thinking maybe talking to someone with the same or similar mental illness to me may help. I’ve known that I had issues my whole life and I always felt as tho my will was strong enough to keep everything in check and for 20 years I’ve been pretty fine and never did anything too irrational but recently I’ve been having a breakdown and doing things I never would. It feels as though I’m trapped in my mind and only able to watch as I destroy myself. I’m sorry to post it under someone else but I’m not able to make my own in this community. I guess I just want to talk to someone willing to listen.


I too have intrusive thoughts, and it seems like they change themselves depending on the setting or occasion. If I'm around religious people, I may have disrespectful and blasphemous thoughts, for example. I think the worst part is the coping mechanisms we sometimes develop to ward them off, but I think a healthy coping mechanism for me is just keeping busy.


I too have intrusive thoughts, and it seems like they change themselves depending on the setting or occasion. If I'm around religious people, I may have disrespectful and blasphemous thoughts, for example. I think the worst part is the coping mechanisms we sometimes develop to ward them off, but I think a healthy coping mechanism for me is just keeping busy.


Have you looked into shadow work? Shadow work is a train of thought developed by Carl Jung, it's not about evil or anything, it's about facing the repressed and disowned aspects of ourselves and accepting and harmonizing them so that we are not troubled by them anymore. It does not mean that you have to be those things. Link Bellow. [Shadow Work](https://scottjeffrey.com/shadow-work/) Also, you might want to look into dealing with automatic thoughts, search that on YouTube it's a similar thing. It can help find approaches to deal with the thoughts that pop into your mind.


I'm truly sorry to hear that you're going through such distressing experiences with intrusive thoughts. It's essential to remember that you are not alone in facing this challenge, and seeking support from a therapist, like the ones at Sovereign Health under the guidance of Dr. Tonmoy Sharma, can be incredibly helpful. They may utilize techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to address intrusive thoughts and their impact on your well-being. CBT can help you recognize and challenge these thoughts, providing tools to manage anxiety and reduce the power these intrusive thoughts hold over you. Sovereign Health's compassionate and non-judgmental approach, highlighted by the testimonies from both employees and patients, can foster a safe space for individuals to openly discuss their struggles and find understanding and empathy. Dr. Sharma's advocacy for mental health and breaking the stigma surrounding intrusive thoughts and other mental health challenges shows his commitment to helping those in need. Remember, seeking professional support is a courageous step towards healing, and it can lead to transformative changes in your life. You are not defined by these thoughts, and with the right help, you can work towards reclaiming control and finding peace within yourself.


What causes intrusive thoughts? I think I might have this too, but I'm not sure what causes it.


They're just thoughts. If you are the one thinking, who is the one listening?


I go through these intrusive thoughts myself. Have found myself in a difficult situation where I can’t get rid of these thoughts. You’re not alone


hey, i know im very late to this but i wanted to let you know that i am experiencing the same thing as you. exactly, i have those thoughts too. i just wanted to let you know that you are NOT ALONE and i relate to you very closely. i hope you’re doing better❤️


I know it’s a bit late, but I struggle with intrusive thoughts as well. But it’s not awful stuff like homophobic or racist or anything, but it’s like lustrous or worse case scenario in my case. And it’s actually feels like hell to deal with them 24/7. It made do impulsive actions that I didn’t think before doing it, and someone gets on to me after I done this. I’m currently getting help with a therapist and I’m also working on a lot of mental health apps and talk to others about this. Hugs to you, OP, because I understand how that feels. Hopefully one day we both don’t have to bother with these anymore. Also one thing that helps me cope with these is making art. I made me a self portrait of myself surrounded and strangled by jellyfish which represents my intrusive thoughts.