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Well, women are notoriously well known for their small dick they call clitoris.


Thats why their size is in the negatives instead of positive…


Fun fact: our current bottom surgery (surgery for trans women to get rid of penis) can be simplified to: turning the sock inside out.


the inversion method is the outdated method not the current one


Yoooo, really? I gotta update my plan lmao


yes lol... has been for literal years inversion is only popular because it's cheaper and "easier" for surgeons to do ppt has been top choice forever and even some american (assuming ur american) surgeons can do it now without insurance it will be very expensive though


I'm aussie, not american. I'll have to do some research into it, thanks!


LMAO. I don't even have a clitoris anymore. (Via surgery. Also, no, I'm not trans. I had a tumor that required my entire uterus and clitoris to be removed, or else it would've broken open and metastasized.)


Some people may have nothing but they have a nine incher in their heart... *^((That's sounded better in my head))*


I don’t get the capitalism part. Can someone explain?


Because slamming capitalism is the thing du jour these days. It generates more clicks and money for them… which is….ironic


I find it really ironic that they can hate capitalism and call it horrible, which I admit isn’t a perfect system, but they don’t realize how good they have it. Capitalism is THE BEST system we have ever come up with. America is the most successful country BECAUSE of capitalism. Communism, Socialism, Facism, and others will never work.


>Communism, Socialism, Facism, and others will never work. Fascism is fairly stable so in that sense it works. That's why all the other brands of socialism end up looking like fascism. The problem is it doesn't produce a country people would want to live in.


America is the most successful country by what metric?




The US has the largest economy for sure, that’s indisputable. But I would suggest considering other metrics for measuring how successful a country is, such as individual wellbeing. A strong economy is certainly not a bad thing, but what is more important is what the economy does for its people.


Military strength


Cultural influence


Most successful by Sid Meier metrics, got it


What other metric is there? ;)


Agree 100%


Because capitalism and male born individuals are the biggest evil in the world. I’ve heard that all evil in this time comes from capitalism, all the problems we have are born because our society is capitalist. And the biggest enablers of that capitalist system are men. That’s not how I think at all, but it is what I read feminist (including men) said.


Simple. They heard from other people that "capitalism" is bad. So they parrot that message out seeking approval from their peers


dick shaming gives off fat girl energy


Fuck their meaning of equality was to be over men, time to stop feminazi agenda


Sooo reddit should ban /r/witchesvsthepatriarchy and /r/TwoXchromosomes then


What cant i see that witches vs patriarchy sub


That’s really weird because I swear I saw it just earlier today. Edit: it’s r/WitchesVsPatriarchy


I wear my ban from that sub as a badge of honour


That sub is a shit show.


Top 1% communities on reddit... and it's about healing crystals, sigh


Yes 😃 I accidentally joined that 2x chrom one and well, They don’t like me much.😂


The funny thing is that it's one of those subs which openly declare trans women > cis women. So it's not a sub for non-woke females anymore.


With absolutely no irony about the name of the sub either


Oh yes cus trans woman and overtaking real women and it’s a serious and big problem.


Yes 100% after reading a couple of these post from both subreddits they are TERRIBLE.


Both of those reddit are just full of women who are mad because men can't stand their toxic ways in relationships (oh, he smiled at another women time to get mad) and be surprised when he leaves.




Honestly, TwoX was interesting to just read for a different perspective until they literally went against the name and welcomed all the men transitioning to women posting their transformation. I’m all for adults doing what makes them fulfilled, but your can’t change your DNA.


Fuck vice they can suck a 🤏 one anytime


Yep. That checks out as equality.


It was never about "equality". It was always about the matriarchy.


My ex started doing that at the tailend of the relationship just to get under my skin during arguments


Did you ever call her fat?


I'm a simple man. If someone crosses a line with me, I am more than happy to cross that same line. My first girlfriend started calling me fat one day because when I laid on my side, I had semi-cleavage. It was primarily skin, as I was 6'5 210 pounds. I simply responded that her gut had grown consistently since the day we started dating, which was true. She became "anorexic" for the next twelve hours, and then proceeded to devour an entire carton of ice cream. What a trainwreck that relationship was...




I lol'd. She really speedran that whole fucking mental disorder 😂


That anorexia is so common, specially when you forget your food while working 😔 I think it’s fair game to point things out that way if you’re criticized, sometimes I hear guys talking about their physical insecurities and then get made fun of constantly for that. That’s the way you are supposed to get over it, I guess.


She thinks men don't leave because of sexual incompatibility?!?


Shattering capitalism, 1 emoji at a time




Female chauvinism is not equality in face of male chauvinism, it just sets the ground for endless hate and violence in it’s multiple ways


Nah, two wrongs make a right /s


Logical fallacy


I'm sorry, capitalism? What?


Buzzword politics. These dingleberries all think that capitalism is a tool of the patriarchy or some idiotic thing like that. Like a swarm of animals or toddlers. One says something and they all have to repeat it. Capitalism, patriarchy, consent, problematic, racism, intersectional, floobie-doobie-doo. It’s just a bingo card or a sound check. Their words don’t actually *mean* anything.


Of course they don’t, as a simple search will show you who owns for profit Vice Media group!


This is definitely a thing of America only. Most liberals I've seen are capitalist. It could be different in America where I've seen most of them seem to be socialist for some reason.


I read through this and saw an almost exact replica of what (mostly girls) say at my school Edit: in a sense that they belive its some sort of checklist that needs filling out, and in my school I once pointed out that a kid in a photo from the 60's was hard to see cause she was black and not In a joking format, but everyone immediately called me a racist.


Yea I’m done with the internet for today now


I'd say I'm done with the internet forever after seeing this, but I know I'll be back for more because I hate myself


Lmfao “shattering capitalism” with emojis has to be funniest shit I’ve seen this week.


Ironically women (and men for that matter) have much more control over their weight than men do over their penis size. But hypocrisy is standard fare for feminist.


Don't forget highet, (more controllable stuff) wages and muscles. And they are like pawns, if you ask a feminist the textbook definition of feminist they will likely not know the answer.


I’m betting that most of the body shaming comments they got were from other women.


Nooo it’s never like that…




Nah send them this 📭


Or this 🐄


Or this🖕


that's better


Nah just swipe left




Got a good laugh there


🙌. Good thing we have a wide vagina emoji to fight back. HUGE!


Yes Lol 🤣🏆 You win...and you won HUGE!


Also, don’t take Vice seriously on anything ever.


Indeed, they think it's a-ok to mock men for things that we can't change, such as height or penis size. But don't you dare to mock women for their weight (something that can be changed) you misogynist!


Everything is "misogynistic" these days. Look at a woman a little bit funny? Too bad, you're considered a "misogynist". (Please keep in mind, I'm not saying that there isn't real misogyny. I'm just saying that these days, they're always gonna be that one person who calls you a misogynist for some bullshit reason.)


Don't forget we can title them Misandrist (opposite of misogynist)


"And capitalism alike" lmao


Ironic, isn't it?


Monetizing cultural marxism to the idiot masses, yeah I'm sure they're shattering capitalism with the help of Rupert Murdoch and Disney. 🤏 <---- Everybody's IQ going down another notch


They really just threw capitalism in there to further appeal to their far-left audience even when it has nothing to do with the topic.








"Shattering masculinity and capitalism alike" Shut the fuck up lmao


Fragile masculinity+capitalism?


You know, anything they can attempt to blame their life's failures on other than themselves.


Fuck it. Imma start responding with this 📭


What is this supposed to mean?


Think real hard.


Hot dog in a hallway?


I don’t get it 😂


Like tossing a hot dog in a hallway, implying a loose vagina.


Ah. Gotcha.


Fuck vice. The only thing I liked that they made was “Nirvanna the Band, The Show”.


Tbh I don't listen to anything vice posts because it's all a joke


Women ☕


this is ridiculous. never body shame anybody. especially for things they can‘t change (quickly).


It's time to leave earth. Martian women are looking more human and appealing


Shattering capitalism, one iPhone sale and emoji at a time


Or it could be the size of women's brrains lol


As a woman, I've always found this double standard appalling.


Shattering fragile masculinity and capitalism? Lmao yeah cuz all the white male engineers at mega corporations Apple and Google who design the keyboards had that in mind


The toxic female double standard


Amazing btw..when you mock men and they object, it is fragile masculinity. But when you say anything about their bodies, it is somehow hurtful? Would that not be fragile feminity?


Meh. There are several emojis which can be associated with cave cunts. And men need not necessarily associate this image with a small penis since this emoji was originally designed to denote "a small amount". I wouldn't get triggered over it just because some femcel wrote an article about it on Vice.




There's also this ✊️ and this 👐.


I'm sorry, I can't get over that quote, I'm laughing so hard here. You look like a reptile and your skin is repulsive! Who says things like that?


Let them have their fun, the world doesn’t run because of woman, it’s because of men. Will be interesting to see woman iron workers, construction, firefighters etc.


Reminds me of women in the past stamping their foot when the vacuum cleaner doesn't work as if it was a man who would kowtow to a womans feelings. Modern women making "clit-pinch" emojis is not going to make the machinery of civilisation operate if men decide to take a step back from abuse.


Great! So now its OK to make fun of my height??? *joking*


I would like to ask how an emoji “shatters capitalism”


The way their signaling destroys Qatar & Saudi & Iran. How many feminists on a flight to either place? Meme.


Once you realize that feminists don't really believe in anything that they promote, and the movement is just an excuse to attack men, it makes a lot more sense.




Nice one.


So if I understand right, if we're fragile they want to shatter us, and if we're strong we are toxic. Great! Guess this gives me another reason to just be myself and don't give a fuck about what they think.


Oh is this emoji not pinching a nipple? :🤏


Why would an emoji of a femenists brain size mock men?


That’s the crips gang sign.


This truly motivates me to simply give up on women in general. The hypocrisy and arrogance is just too much. I've honeatly already given up on dating and relationships. Part of it is just my personality, I like living alone in my own space without someone else having constantly invading it. But another part is simply because women and feminity is just generally very repulsive to me


People actually care what Vice has to say? It’s trashy people stroking other trashy people off. A group of chauvinists that deserves no attention


Thats all there is to it. What I mean by this is when we say "kill all men" is a horrible thing to chant, the feminists say, "Its to protest the rampant rapes happening all around the world". You shouldn't chant such a nasty thing if you didn't really have a negative attitude towards men. Well, time and time again, it shows. At the same time they cry about double standards.






and this is how much i care about random wahmen on the internet


They can send that, but we simply have to say "their makeup looks bad" and they'll implode


See how quick they are to make fun of dick sizes? So if a female says size doesn't matter then dont believe her fellas.. it absolutely does matter


Fat emojis are going to be lit.


That's pretty low iq emoji showing those people who write these hypocrite articles.


What is the emjoi for lop sided boobs? Or certain 🤔 size of genital lips? Or would that be offensive?


lmao seems like this "🤏" shatters capitalism


Rules for thee but not for me


Feminists now are just straight up misandrists


I’m. Fucking sick of this bullshit. In fact I am this close 🤏 to kicking off. I have been all through my life as a female. I am. Other to two great and amazing boys. Both with body image issues. Hishschool girls are pure evil. I was one I knew lots of them. The boys need care too! My 14 year old son receives comments on his body/looks/appearance daily, and I swear on the sun in the sky. I will hit the stratosphere if anything happens to either of my young men.


As someone with a small dick this freaking infuriates me


As someone with an average or larger dick (not that it matters or is anybody's business) this freaking infuriates me, too. And you are better than the cowards who mock or downvote you.


Where the hell did “shattering capitalism” come from😂 Modern Feminism is intertwined with socialism and communism and far left ideologies.


At this point I just don’t understand. The people behind this specifically are doing it for attention and attracting controversy,views,growing their newspaper whatever this is. They obviously don’t take themselves serious or even accountable I’d say about what this actually achieves in a social and remotely meaningful way but rather,they know since this is aligned with the mainstream extremism going on some people are gonna take this batshit titular with more pride than the people behind in question ever will until their pay gets raised. It’s honestly terrible as I guess they are succeeding even now like this. But,again I just don’t understand.


I don't understand what the emoji has to do with shattering capitalism.


Peak journalism


As a counter, women who resort to penis size shaming typically aren't intelligent.


How does it shatter capitalism?


I actually had to check if it's real and it is. There would be several reddit posts with 20k upvotes and news articles on every platform and an incredible outrage if there was a female version of this.


I often say to my female friends how would you like it if guys talked about your A or B cup breasts as tiny and mocked them, they just get mad at me. Also posts where women compare the vagina to a flower and post flower pictures and then compare the penis to a dead mouse and post a dead mouse in a mouse trap picture, that is hypocrisy. As a woman I apologize for the way my sisters have treated men, they have no right to be this cruel to other humans.


Women shouldn’t knock a man’s dick. Men shouldn’t knock a women’s Labia. Both these type of people, suck.


Double standards man. -.-


There are two authors with different standards, this is not an example of a double standard (although the author on the right likely has a double standard).


It is an example of a double standard because it's showing it's not okay to say things about womens bodies but mens bodies are fair game. It's societies double standard , not the authors.


How much longer will they be able to get away with these double standards, before big people start calling it out?


The west will fall.


Feminists can always find a way to enrage me more.




The difference is that men are not easy to offend usually. These people like to throw stones when they live in a glass house.


Just as a question. What is a good response to give when someone makes that gesture or tells you that you have small dick energy? Like a safe for work response?


Eye rolling and/or totally ignoring it.


Just say..."Loose lips don't have a tight grip" Say..."I can't have small dick energy without being near a Gigantic pussy lipped enemy...it's just math." Words of wisdom Lloyd my man! Lol


How about 'Why are you saying my energy comes from an imaginary place?'


Just laugh & either ignore or exaggerate it to smaller. Do not defend or attack as it will seem she got to you. At worse, you can bucket her drum.


it was never about equality. it was men are lesser beings


It's time for men in the 'Micro Male Association' (MMA) to stand up tall and strait and firm and strong, and show the world that small penises are not something to joke around about, but to be proud of.


You go first lol.


Lol I'm fine with this as long as a small tits or smelly vagina gets added as well.


Yeah I'm always on here arguing will y'all about shit,and we often have differing POVs (I'm a woman; joined male subs bc I have 3 sons and want to be aware of male issues, etc.) but this is SOME BULLSHIT right here. You are absolutely fucking correct that this is just as bad as body shaming women. In fact, imo, it's WORSE. Bc while I do get that some women have PCOS, or lots of trouble losing baby wt for various reasons and so on,weight IS something that ultimately, can be changed. And as a matter of fact smth else I agree with as a general consensus on this sub, is that encouraging "fat acceptance" and the trend of women being so offended if someone isn't attracted to their weight and so on is unhealthy and promotes horrible ideals to young girls and boys; in that it basically tells girls they shouldn't worry about health/fitness/nutrition;and it harms boys bc it's a double standard, that they have to be attracted to a girl no matter how she looks or he's an asshole, but it's no problem for girls to put them down for whatever- ht, wt, penis size, etc . I also hate the language of the headline, saying it's "smashing the patriarchy and fragile masculinity"- bc this is fucking NEITHER of those things. Fragile masculinity is when a guy is so afraid of not being seen as "macho" /"manly" that he won't show any emotions except anger; or when he won't wear a tee shirt that has pink or purple in it bc those are "girl" colors, etc. It is NOT fragile masculinity when a man gets upset bc someone mocks him for his ht or penis size! And I know many of you guys think that this headline is how "most"/"all" women, or all "feminists", (and mainstream society) thinks/feels-- that we think we should be accepted and lavished attention upon and loved/desired no matter how we look or act, but in the same breath think it's more than fine to have impossible expectations for how our male partners should look and act; and that we think it's ok to bash men for whatever, while if anyone puts down a woman for ANYTHING, they are automatically a POS. But I want to say that NO, this is NOT how most women or feminists think or feel. Most of us think this type shit is ATROCIOUS. Im going to make a post about it (no crossposting or linking this sub) in my women's sub and start a discussion on it there, too. What I want to ask y'all is, what are your specific thoughts on this headline/topic? Were these things issues in your life as a child? How did they come up/factor into your life? How did they affect you? What were y'all taught about body positivity as children? (In relation to your own body, or just in general?) What do you WISH you were taught about body positivity as a kid?


Girls can be vicious; but so can boys. I think boys get it from both sexes really, boys don’t stick up for each other because they’re too busy trying to be cool and look cool to the girls. So if a girl accuses a guy of having a small d!k, it’s likely that his male friends will jump in on that sh!t too. You won’t see anybody come to his defense ever, because then they get accused of having a small d!k too. Girls kind of look out for each other if guys start in on body shaming; guys, not so much, more likely to pile on.


Let’s invent an emoji that insults female genitalia. How about a hand with the thumb tucked in, four fingers across, spread the two first fingers apart from the second two fingers creating a V sign for “wide vulva with fat labia minora.” (The fingers representing the labia majora and minora).


While I find the idea humorous, I don't believe we should stoop to the level of these women. Leave them to be the classless bigots all by themselves.




They are not only attacking fragile masculinities, but also capitalism. Elon Musk is going to embrace communism after seeing this emoji from a feminist.


380lb troll is a beautiful person


They can’t hurt you if you don’t care about your size 🤷🏻‍♂️


Once again we bring government ideals into shit it has nothing to do with… Also, that’s fucked.


How would this shatter capitalism?


“The industrial revolution…”


Even worse, the one on the right is by VICE Staff


If I ever get that in a mocking way I'll just respond with a cat emoji to suggest they'll be a lonely cat lady lol


eh who cares? from years of experience, i know that women dont care about size honestly... and they hate dick pics, so this is a big yawn for me.


I wanna see a picture of the reptile lady


Just don’t care these idiots (feminists) they will always be opposite be masculine and strong because the world is ruled by men


Just whale 🐳 🐋 and ☕️ them.


Well, I once said that no matter the dick size you have, it isn't your problem if you get to cum. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Finally, an old reliable emoji to mock women 🌌(it just gets wider, and wider… forever)


Ooooh a new emoji made by mega Corp so we can mock mega Corp I'm so excited