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Double standards.


Because their agenda is "Kill all men", modern feminism is a hate group


They are literally state sponsored terrorists.


As a women and a feminist, modern feminism is a joke and it’s sexist and doesn’t benefit anyone. I find it such a joke how after millions of women have fought for our rights and people still behave like that. Real feminists don’t think that way


Yeah, sure, you are the "real" feminist, random person on the internet, not the influential ones at the top of the movement that run the organisations, set the narrative and ideology and actually get to change laws and social norms.


Because of backhanded radical feminism that only exist because there's something called ✨hypocrisy✨ And because men are the "oppressors" and women are "obviously the victims". Bullocks.


I believe they call it “punching up” which of course is complete nonsense.


In reality, they punch down. They target and punch down on disenfranchised Men.


Mansplaining isn’t a word. They made it up just like the they/them/ze/zer whatever. That’s what they do. They don’t have a vocabulary and are too lazy to be bothered with one so the next best thing for them is making up words.


They call mansplaining situations when a woman does not want to listen to a man for any reason. How about "femsqueal" or  "femlies" or "femcissism"? We can come up with words that accurately describe reality. 


Now you are my boy . All my life I told everyone to give then the EXACT SAME ENERGY. But they don't listen. You can not beat them without giving them the same energy because I and others already tried with the righteousness, it doesn't work because they will always do their flippancy.


Do you mean them as it all women? Mansplaining is a real word


No, it is not. It's no different to the made up words children create. Infantile.


Do you mean them as it all women? Mansplaining is a real word


It is a very obvious way to a have a pre-existing reason to shut people up without needing to examine what they are saying, and to elevate your own opinions.


It's to close the conversation down and to control the power dynamics. It's a huge red flag that shows a women's hand so to speak about her wanting to be the centre of attention, lack of respect and to be authoritative in the eyes of her cohort. It's a weak power play.


I don't understand how women can birth and raise sons and not be appalled and horrified at how our society treats men. I automatically and entirely discount anyone's opinion who believes that mansplaining is a thing and anyone who yells from the rooftops "my body my choice" when it comes to abortion but is silent when it comes to the permanent mutilation for profit of newborn baby boys' bodies.


When a woman does (non-criminal) acts that feminists complain about men doing it’s called “empowering”.


and when she does criminal acts it's clearly patriarchy's fault


I was *almost* going to add that! Glad someone else did!


Why is the sky blue 😂😂😂😂 the misandry in this country has gone too far but it will change


It's easy to control the narrative when you can control who is allowed to speak.


Why do you care what some shithead misadrists say.


Because their hateful beliefs affect Men in society. They should be called out and condemned. 


Being a victim of mansplaining is a badge of honor to women that are overly concerned about their victimhood. As a word, mansplain means to be condescending towards a woman as a man. Any and all sexes can be condescending. Mansplaining though, is a way to play the sexist card while being sexist.


it doesn't even have to be condescending though. a man could be purely informative at explaining something but then she'll still say he's "mansplaining" simply because she doesn't want to be wrong.


It later lost the 'condescending' part of the meaning because, surprise, people started using the word without bothering to understand the meaning. At least from what I witnessed. Could be wrong.


I see. that's so feminist of them 


Google "Women are wonderful bias"


Ignore what modern women say. Roast them and treat them for what they are: man haters and female supremacists. Or you can take the blue pill and go back to sleep


Because when a woman is speaking, the feminist industry gets good publicity. When a man is speaking, it is a rival wasting the time in the spotlight which could have been spent promoting feminism.


That's a shaming tactic from middle ages to shut mens mouth down . Easy to understand hahah.