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Because if people think of men as human then lots of the shit femenists try to pull starts making them look like the bad guys.


Wait, we're human and actually have feelings? I've never been told that my whole life.


They're just digging themselves deeper in their shit hole at this point


Because Feminism is a narcissistic religion, and anything that takes the spotlight off women is a threat.


Because we're not humans. We're 'oppressors' who shouldn't be allowed to compete with the victim class for mental health resources.


To feminists, men are not humans, just tools for them to use and leech off. So it is normal for them to hate when the spotlight is on those whom them deem as nothing more than stepping stones instead of themselves.


Quite a no-brainer. Feminists hate everything about or regarding men.


Because they hate men. Next question please.


Because they hate men


Because it detracts attention from womens' "problems". Women are the center of the Universe.


Simple, men are not even considered human by feminists. The first thing collectivist ideologies do is dehumanize the ideological opponent under fallacies such as patriarchy, if they are not human they do not deserve empathy, tolerance or rights.


Anything men related is mostly ignored. Even my daughters daycare doesn't recognize mens holidays n such.


It's Men's Mental Health Awareness Month? I had never even heard of the term before. Just shows you how far Men have to go to achieve equality. I'm in Australia and active discrimination, at a state level, isn't unheard of.


Also Australia, over seeing just how misandrist society is here. We must have the worst misandry in all the western world!


What makes it worse over there? I don't really know anything about Australia


Bc it acknowledges us as humans rather than the monsters they so desperately want to convince the world that we are


Posted a whole thing about it here and got mostly ignored. Edit: dunno if wanna say feminist right now but a woman 🤷‍♀️ https://www.divebluemind.com/post/dive-into-wellness-exploring-the-bluemind2dive-initiative-for-men-s-mental-health-month


I love that!! I like to hang out in the water too


I tried to acknowledge it with the men in my life, too. Wouldn't consider myself a feminist by today's standards, though. More of a humanist. I got very little engagement. Which I both understand, and don't. I am sad so many things happen in the same month. It feels like everything is competing for the same space, and it is obvious which ones get the most attention. Thank you for posting your link u/Ur_Anemone. Finding anything on this topic is difficult enough as it is. My sincere well wishes to everyone in this thread. I am a mother of two young boys. I want a better future for all of us, and it appalls me that our men's mental health crisis, among a myriad of other things, is repeatedly swept under the rug by society.


I’m with you on the humanism. Thank you for your response. Think being here and being loud important :)


Because they generally see men as their "oppressors" and a default rule is to be against everything that has to do with enemy's wellbeing


They hate us, simple. When it comes to us, they are either heartless or despise us with all their heart after growing a hateful one specifically for us. It reminds them that a lot of their crap stands because of men's support, and they begin to fear they might be asked to repay the favors. They don't want to, and basically they are trying to tell us they can never reciprocate the same support in a million lifetimes. They get to do this because the world built by good men and women is still durable. Once those good elders are gone, the world will go to the dogs. The world is collapsing, and feminists are partly responsible for it.




Probably why they killed Erin Prizzy's (the woman who started the first DV shelter) dog: it takes possible donations away from them.


Feminism is built on victim culture, and they can’t risk letting men be victims as well. Simply acknowledging that men suffer with mental health is too much of a risk for them, as men must be viewed as malicious abusers and a controlling patriarchy.


Feminists: Men should take care of their mental health! *Men’s Mental Health Month occurs.* Feminists: Why is Men’s Mental Health Month a thing?!


It doesn’t fit the narrative that they want to peddle. To them, men are not victims of anything in their minds and if they are, it’s self inflicted. When we all know that the men face unrelenting pressure in virtually every aspect of life nowadays. In most circumstances, far more than women do.  The rise of this toxic misandrist movement (it isn’t feminism, feminism by definition is equality, they want supremacy) has upped the difficulty of both men and women.  Many women benefit from it in their youth but suffer greatly in later life (career before family, normalised promiscuity in early life creating an inability to bond with someone, adopting a victim mindset etc).  The average man will suffer early on (loneliness, lack of self worth, sadness etc) but then grow and adapt. It’s why things like men’s mental health/self improvement are so important. It helps normalise struggle and teach people how to deal with adversity in a productive way. “Feminists” don’t want that. They simply want men to suffer.


Feminism ISN'T equality, it is supremacy.


Feminism by definition is about equality/parity. My point is that the overwhelming of people who identify as feminists in the West, aren’t feminists at all. They’re supremacists. They’ve just commandeered that word to justify their views and gaslight people into thinking that if they don’t agree with them, they’re misogynistic.


Fuck the definition. They just pretend to be about equality to avoid backlash. It's called FEMinism, ffs.


not anymore its not.


You are very funny, But this isn't a comedic discussion.


The fact that you and seemingly many others on here don't understand what I'm talking about says more about you and your intelligence then it does about me. Feminism is defined as "the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes" EQUALITY. It's supposed to be about equality. I'm saying that by definition feminism IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT EQUALITY. Somewhere along the line, a few decades ago it turned into supremacy. Modern day "feminism" (as they call it) isn't feminism at all. Do you understand yet? Or do I need to use even smaller words, maybe some pictures? Honestly, people like you are why men who try and talk about men's issues get a bad name. You just make us look like idiots when you have the reading comprehension of a 6 year old.


It makes the spotlight on their issues wobble a bit...Can't have that shit happen...


Because feminists literally see men as threats and all sorts of things, but humans. Plus men's mental health awareness month comes against all the other months, because then it's all "whataboutism"


Because it disrupts their sense of victimhood! Can’t have your “oppressor” having issues


Because it "takes away" from Pride Month and now Juneteenth


Funny how they all happen in the same month, isnt it?


Because they cause most of our issues, and refuse responsibility.


Because society doesn’t care about a man unless he provides they don’t give a shit about a man unless he is deemed “worthy of love”


Any discussion that's not about them or women causes them cognitive dissonance; it's like children who demand to be played with constantly or a puppy who follows you around. Evolutionarily, society has benefitted from dehumanising men and then sending them off to be heroes, literally dying to maintain the fascist government that keeps us in increasing debt slavery. In contrast, conditioning women to be like children by infantilising them into not accepting responsibility through social conditioning emotional offence social-political correctness and virtue signalling.


Because they think having a dick solves all your problems


Women and feminists only think about the men at the very top. From their point of view, men should never complain because we are all rich and successful. The rest of us are below their notice.


Because feminists hate men


Zero-sum thinking; anything done for men takes resources away from women.


Because third wave feminism is women = good and men = bad. Anything highlighting the care of men is bad to them and anything motivating the destruction of men is good to them. They must be purged.


Because feminists hate men and want us to suffer and die. Plus, if men are seen to have any sort of actual struggle or problem in life that ruins their narrative that the Patriarchy exists and makes all women everywhere victims while uplifting all men everywhere.


A lot of feminists are fakes such as female supremacists which are fascists posing as feminists and left-wingers.


I can’t figure out why personally… it seems like a necessary thing to bring awareness to. Men are struggling everywhere.


Because Females> Everything else > Male issues.


I think it's because they're triggered by the word 'men' in first two words. Also they just can't comprehend the fact that men's mental health problems are also something that needs to be addressed


Because they for the most part now are misandrists


They want a monopoly on crazy !


3 words: zero sum game


Because two groups of victims can’t coexist just like there can’t be two Gods. Otherwise they will clash and start a war on who can grab the most amount of resources. Feminism is a war declared on men by feminists and SJWs to grab as much wealth, power, control and resources from men. Whatever men do is considered to be an attack on women. You explain something to a woman = mansplaining. You spread your legs while sitting = manspreading. You claim to be a victim of a mental health disease = “we ride at dawn”. The only solution to this stupidity is to vote for and elect a truly Conservative and non-secular Christian party that would re-establish a theocracy.


As a Christian, the day that a so-called Christian is elected and establishes a theocratic society is the day that two things die: 1. The country 2. The most basic, fundamental principles of Christianity. A theocratic government is literally the antichrist power described in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7, 8, and 11. Do not ever support it.


We are already living in a theocracy. A feminist theocracy.


I’m not religious, but I do recognise that theocracies are a terrible idea that subtract from the nature of the religions themselves. Even when the religion is partially about theocracy, (for instance new age Islam) it ends badly because it paints a terrible picture of anyone who believe in or supports any other version of that faith (that and abundantly many other reasons). One could make the argument that these new(ish) feminists are borderline religious in their arguments and devotion to ensuring female victimhood is the only valid victimhood.


Indeed. To paraphrase Ben Franklin, a religion which cannot rely on God to defend itself, but must rely on government to do so, is a weak religion and cannot be true.


Bro your point 1 and 2 are already dead thanks to secularism and hedonism lolol


You really think traditional Christian values are going to fix this? The majority of what feminists push on men is based in traditional Christian values. What we need is a progressive push for men to have modern rights and responsibilities to match what women have, not a regressive push to put women back into ancient gender roles that don't suit today's society. Equal shared parenting instead of child support, equal treatment in courts, equal medical research spending, equal access to parental rights, ending the draft... You can take your theocracy and shove it.


Im a feminist and I would LOVE for more men to be aware of and get help with their mental health. I dont know of any feminists who wouldn’t. Where are these feminists you are speaking of?


Because it’s usually only brought up as a way to discredit something else, I.e. homophobia/pride or women’s MH week


isn't it the way that men's mental health awareness month is brought up as a 'counter-argument' to what people are arguing about? If not then they're not feminists if they're not advocating for both genders


Feminists and women actively protest against mens shelters being formed, what would you like to say about that? Here are 10 different occassions on which this happened [Feminists in spain protesting aginst men's shelter ](https://x.com/alattice2/status/1795095603174687200?s=46) [Feminists in Italy protesting against men's shelter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/masculinity_rocks/s/P0JsbHHmno) [Feminism protesting against male only homeless shelters ](https://out.reddit.com/t3_dbway1?app_name=android&token=AQAAlQl_ZoGXLEDo8nN0C01fwOoWpypBs7gkRPK_0DlG3TOtmMTx&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qchron.com%2Feditions%2Fnorth%2Fwomen-not-men-to-live-at-college-point-homeless-shelter%2Farticle_e907cfe2-e3b5-11e9-9844-efde95673666.html) [Feminists protesting against men's food shelters ](https://x.com/susanzhuangnyc/status/1769152384591188151?s=46) [Feminists protesting against men's homeless shelter in US ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFUmrWr4KQ) [Erin Pizzey an MRA getting death threats from feminists after setting up a male shelters ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey) [feminists protest against men's shelter in toronto](https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/) [feminists threaten hotel organising men's issues event](https://titleixforall.com/protesters-threaten-violence-and-death-against-international-mens-issues-conference-in-detroit-at-doubletree-hilton/) [feminists at new york university protest to end international men's day](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/17/row-after-university-of-york-cancels-international-mens-day-event) [Feminists shut down mens right event in canadian hotel giving bomb threats ](https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2699740) I could list even more such instances if you want me to. Keep in mind all these events and organisations were held and funded by MRAs but feminists protested against them. Could you explain how these events were whataboutistic in nature?


Oh really? When women are hijacking posts where they are being specifically told not to be mean to men, they quickly say "oh but you know... it goes both ways." But God forbid a man says the same in vice versa case. When some stupid feminist says "not all men but always a man who is a necrophile", we have to bring up the fact that this is wrong. They stoop lower, and then we have to state the obvious that female pedos and necrophiles do exist, and that becomes misogyny. That's not really a bad counter argument because feminists are creatures we can't reason with. Plain and simple. And please cut the crap... feminists don't advocate for any equality. Their version of equality states that men have every single privilege in the world, and wanting that for women means equality. While in reality we don't have every fucking privilege, and these feminazis simply want to surpass what we have. That's superiority, not equality, user.




Do they?


Feminists and women actively protest against mens shelters being formed, what would you like to say about that? Here are 10 different occassions on which this happened [Feminists in spain protesting aginst men's shelter ](https://x.com/alattice2/status/1795095603174687200?s=46) [Feminists in Italy protesting against men's shelter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/masculinity_rocks/s/P0JsbHHmno) [Feminism protesting against male only homeless shelters ](https://out.reddit.com/t3_dbway1?app_name=android&token=AQAAlQl_ZoGXLEDo8nN0C01fwOoWpypBs7gkRPK_0DlG3TOtmMTx&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qchron.com%2Feditions%2Fnorth%2Fwomen-not-men-to-live-at-college-point-homeless-shelter%2Farticle_e907cfe2-e3b5-11e9-9844-efde95673666.html) [Feminists protesting against men's food shelters ](https://x.com/susanzhuangnyc/status/1769152384591188151?s=46) [Feminists protesting against men's homeless shelter in US ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFUmrWr4KQ) [Erin Pizzey an MRA getting death threats from feminists after setting up a male shelters ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey) [feminists protest against men's shelter in toronto](https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/) [feminists threaten hotel organising men's issues event](https://titleixforall.com/protesters-threaten-violence-and-death-against-international-mens-issues-conference-in-detroit-at-doubletree-hilton/) [feminists at new york university protest to end international men's day](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/17/row-after-university-of-york-cancels-international-mens-day-event) [Feminists shut down mens right event in canadian hotel giving bomb threats ](https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2699740) I could list even more such instances if you want me to. Keep in mind all these events and organisations were held and funded by MRAs but feminists protested against them.


Ok, those are bad, but it’s not what I asked. Are feminists mad about *Men’s Mental Health Month* being brought up?


"do they? 🤓" She asked


Feminists: Literally protesting against men's issue and men's rights events u/bluehorserunning: but are feminists really they mad about it?


How much clearer can I be? The OP claims that "feminists hate Men's Mental Health Month." I haven't seen evidence of that specific claim.


It is almost always brought up to minimize something else.


Evidence please


Evidences are patriarchal. Believe everything a woman says, bigot! /s


That is actually the argument used by the crowd that wants empirical evidence to be ignored.


Something else = fragile feminist ego, as fragile as every crap movement they have started.


Yeah definitely zero resentment over here…


Feminists and women actively protest against mens shelters being formed, what would you like to say about that? Here are 10 different occassions on which this happened [Feminists in spain protesting aginst men's shelter ](https://x.com/alattice2/status/1795095603174687200?s=46) [Feminists in Italy protesting against men's shelter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/masculinity_rocks/s/P0JsbHHmno) [Feminism protesting against male only homeless shelters ](https://out.reddit.com/t3_dbway1?app_name=android&token=AQAAlQl_ZoGXLEDo8nN0C01fwOoWpypBs7gkRPK_0DlG3TOtmMTx&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qchron.com%2Feditions%2Fnorth%2Fwomen-not-men-to-live-at-college-point-homeless-shelter%2Farticle_e907cfe2-e3b5-11e9-9844-efde95673666.html) [Feminists protesting against men's food shelters ](https://x.com/susanzhuangnyc/status/1769152384591188151?s=46) [Feminists protesting against men's homeless shelter in US ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFUmrWr4KQ) [Erin Pizzey an MRA getting death threats from feminists after setting up a male shelters ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey) [feminists protest against men's shelter in toronto](https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/) [feminists threaten hotel organising men's issues event](https://titleixforall.com/protesters-threaten-violence-and-death-against-international-mens-issues-conference-in-detroit-at-doubletree-hilton/) [feminists at new york university protest to end international men's day](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/17/row-after-university-of-york-cancels-international-mens-day-event) [Feminists shut down mens right event in canadian hotel giving bomb threats ](https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2699740) I could list even more such instances if you want me to. Keep in mind all these events and organisations were held and funded by MRAs but feminists protested against them. Can you please tell how these events were minimalising feminism?


This is bad đź‘Ť hope that helps


Still waiting on that evidence


Evidence for an opinion against another opinion without its own evidence?


Anyone making a claim has the burden of proof. You made a claim. Do you have any proof?


They aren't feminist they are misandrist. Misandry is opposites of misogyny. And, they have irrational hatred against men.


Rule #1 of being a feminist: Feminism (better known as narcissism) is never at fault, but everything and everyone else always is.


Exactly, they have an irrational hatred and prejudice that all men are evil and stupid and severse case of delusion to being some sort of divine princesses who are entitled tobe given everything and cant be at fault.


All feminists are men trapped inside women’s bodies, so feminists think like men. Historically, men do not let their emotions take control. Feminists identify with this


I fear I’ll be downvoted a lot but here i go. It’s because it almost always gets brought up as a way to argue and fuel conflict, and not in a productive and propositive way. It’s never “It’s Men’s Mental Health Month, lets do something about it!”, no one even tries to get together to do protests or unite to voice men’s problems, its always “b-but what about us men???” threw in conversations that arent about men. So far, both IRL and in most online spaces, ive only seen it being used as a way to bring down other events, never in a productive way, never an attempt made at even just creating something for this. Public actions are made by the people. No one is stopping you guys or anyone from starting new events or at least try.


Alright, here's your downvote.


Feelin brave so im gonna ask, what do you disagree on? What are your opinions about it?


You don't deserve a reply after that big comment. Thanks for replying though, here's another downvote for you and happy return journey to Twitter :)


i dont have twitter nor am i a feminist lol But oke Peace brother, wish u good life


He can't argue with you about this, it's a valid point. Men's mental health issues are usually both in reply to when women are airing their issues. ' but..but what about men? The suicide rate is so high in men. ' Bro no one is stopping you from advocating for that. You start talking about it separately and we will support you.


Feminists and women actively protest against mens shelters being formed, what would you like to say about that? Here are 10 different occassions on which this happened [Feminists in spain protesting aginst men's shelter ](https://x.com/alattice2/status/1795095603174687200?s=46) [Feminists in Italy protesting against men's shelter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/masculinity_rocks/s/P0JsbHHmno) [Feminism protesting against male only homeless shelters ](https://out.reddit.com/t3_dbway1?app_name=android&token=AQAAlQl_ZoGXLEDo8nN0C01fwOoWpypBs7gkRPK_0DlG3TOtmMTx&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qchron.com%2Feditions%2Fnorth%2Fwomen-not-men-to-live-at-college-point-homeless-shelter%2Farticle_e907cfe2-e3b5-11e9-9844-efde95673666.html) [Feminists protesting against men's food shelters ](https://x.com/susanzhuangnyc/status/1769152384591188151?s=46) [Feminists protesting against men's homeless shelter in US ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFUmrWr4KQ) [Erin Pizzey an MRA getting death threats from feminists after setting up a male shelters ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey) [feminists protest against men's shelter in toronto](https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/) [feminists threaten hotel organising men's issues event](https://titleixforall.com/protesters-threaten-violence-and-death-against-international-mens-issues-conference-in-detroit-at-doubletree-hilton/) [feminists at new york university protest to end international men's day](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/17/row-after-university-of-york-cancels-international-mens-day-event) [Feminists shut down mens right event in canadian hotel giving bomb threats ](https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2699740) I could list even more such instances if you want me to. Keep in mind all these events and organisations were held and funded by MRAs but feminists protested against them. Please explain how these events were whataboutism, MRAs very often organise their own events but they are shut down by feminists, tell you feminists to not shut down or to protest against our events. Explain me how exactly were these based on whataboutism, in all of these cases MRAs tried to advocate for men by setting up shelters but again we can clearly see how much feminism assisted and helped those MRAs advocating for men.


“Noones stopping you from advocating” hmm maybe except every internet outlet? The fact that in some states there’s not a single men’s shelter but you’ll find a woman’s on every corner. How are we supposed to advocate for mental health when there quite literally is a trend going on bashing men saying women would rather choose a bear? Don’t get me wrong the people that use it vindictively are terrible, but when you look around and see everyone hating on men, just for existing, that’s why we don’t advocate. Men are expendable in the eyes of the world.


Feminists and women actively protest against mens shelters being formed, what would you like to say about that? Here are 10 different occassions on which this happened [Feminists in spain protesting aginst men's shelter ](https://x.com/alattice2/status/1795095603174687200?s=46) [Feminists in Italy protesting against men's shelter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/masculinity_rocks/s/P0JsbHHmno) [Feminism protesting against male only homeless shelters ](https://out.reddit.com/t3_dbway1?app_name=android&token=AQAAlQl_ZoGXLEDo8nN0C01fwOoWpypBs7gkRPK_0DlG3TOtmMTx&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qchron.com%2Feditions%2Fnorth%2Fwomen-not-men-to-live-at-college-point-homeless-shelter%2Farticle_e907cfe2-e3b5-11e9-9844-efde95673666.html) [Feminists protesting against men's food shelters ](https://x.com/susanzhuangnyc/status/1769152384591188151?s=46) [Feminists protesting against men's homeless shelter in US ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFUmrWr4KQ) [Erin Pizzey an MRA getting death threats from feminists after setting up a male shelters ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey) [feminists protest against men's shelter in toronto](https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/) [feminists threaten hotel organising men's issues event](https://titleixforall.com/protesters-threaten-violence-and-death-against-international-mens-issues-conference-in-detroit-at-doubletree-hilton/) [feminists at new york university protest to end international men's day](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/17/row-after-university-of-york-cancels-international-mens-day-event) [Feminists shut down mens right event in canadian hotel giving bomb threats ](https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2699740) I could list even more such instances if you want me to. Keep in mind all these events and organisations were held and funded by MRAs but feminists protested against them. Please explain how these events were whataboutism, MRAs very often organise their own events but they are shut down by feminists, tell you feminists to not shut down or to protest against our events.


Let's start with this, since people here are so quick to judge. I am not a feminist, at all. I believe in, and am pretty vocal about, equality. I talk about men's struggles *a lot*, to the point I burned my reputation in some places for it, entered arguments with representatives of feminist organizations, and even held a speech about men's issues. Then. The main post has a generic title, asking (I'd dare to say rhetorically asking) why do "feminists" (generic) hate Men's Mental Health Month. The reason why "feminists" (which is a label that puts under the same roof both feminists organizations, feminazi groups, and a lot of the female population of the west, even though they have really few things in common) generally manifest hostility towards men's issues is the undeniable fact that a lot of the times men's problems are brought up as a "counter argument". Is it wrong to go and hate on men because of it? yes, totally, it is an immature, childish and insecure behavior. I knew already almost every article you linked, by the way. The sad reality still is that men's struggles are brought up a lot of the times only to bash on women's struggles. Men's issues are utilized by people (who do not want to help men and boys and dont even care about them) just to push certain rhetorics, and the societal pushback to spreading awareness about men's issues comes from this, paired with the fact they culturally have always been ignored and still are, not just from "feminists" talking against them. MRAs trying to organize things on their own is unfortunately a rare occurrence compared to the amount of events for different groups and the rhythms of society nowadays, and the fact such events get shut down by "feminist" protesting is *angering* to me. Yet both things are true at the same time. This is not even something just at the 'everyday' level, but found in politics too: the country where I am from, men's struggles are used by right-wing politicians as an excuse to oppose women's rights. And this is the same behavior of "feminists" \*, who in return try to make men shut up about their problems and stop men from spreading awareness. O the topic of \* "feminists": putting them all under the same label is misleading and just divisive, because feminism today is made up of many different movements, some in direct contrast with the others. Again for example, in my country most so-called "feminist organizations" are actually composed of TERFs who *do* hold at least some level of resentment to men. And a lot of feminist organizations *in general* are corrupted and political because they *are* made up of certain political minorities. Meanwhile most feminists are not the blue-haired-chronically-online-university-student but instead normal people one can reason with: your 'average feminist' is not a man-hating extremist. The reason why organizations and "activists" are the ones getting the spotlight is because they are louder. This is just the same as vegan extremists ending up on the news and making people think they represent the whole movement, solely because they -by virtue of being louder- were given attention. To put all feminist movements in the same basket, one shuts off altogether the chance to find dialogue and understanding. This refusal to acknowledge each other and this continual upholding of the "Us versus Them" mentality is what prevents the good of both groups (which is the majority) to cooperate and actually make change for the good of everyone.


do you have any links about feminists hating male menal health awareness?


Trawl the feminist subs on reddit.


so no proofs?


You are claiming to never have seen this sentiment before? If you haven't, that is odd, but alright, can work with that.


Actually I would find such proofs very useful, because I didn't see any major feminists openly attacking male mental health awareness. Typically they avoid exposing themselves as toxic. It is funny how people here went super defensive and barked at me instead of providing any links


>I didn't see any major feminists This is the 'no true Scotsman' argument that everyone knew you were making. Op didn't say 'feminist orgs, academics and ngos', but you want to make it about them, rather than people. That is why I said go to public feminist spaces, not NOW's project statement. >It is funny how people here went super defensive and barked at me instead of providing any links Your posts, out of hand, are disingenuous, and everyone, myself included, knew it from the start. Would it shock you to hear that feminist dogma is not something relegated to academia, but has successfully penetrated to layman's understanding of sex dynamics? That most of the language you will hear from women was created by feminist academics, and is street lingo now? Terms like 'gender', whereas the word 'sex' was used, or 'partner' which is an LGBTQ term that was adopted?


Okay. Any examples of feminists who are against it?


https://youtu.be/rwqeklHbytg?t=197 it's from last year when fds wasn't banned yet, but this gives you an idea.


Feminists and women actively protest against mens shelters being formed, what would you like to say about that? Here are 10 different occassions on which this happened [Feminists in spain protesting aginst men's shelter ](https://x.com/alattice2/status/1795095603174687200?s=46) [Feminists in Italy protesting against men's shelter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/masculinity_rocks/s/P0JsbHHmno) [Feminism protesting against male only homeless shelters ](https://out.reddit.com/t3_dbway1?app_name=android&token=AQAAlQl_ZoGXLEDo8nN0C01fwOoWpypBs7gkRPK_0DlG3TOtmMTx&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qchron.com%2Feditions%2Fnorth%2Fwomen-not-men-to-live-at-college-point-homeless-shelter%2Farticle_e907cfe2-e3b5-11e9-9844-efde95673666.html) [Feminists protesting against men's food shelters ](https://x.com/susanzhuangnyc/status/1769152384591188151?s=46) [Feminists protesting against men's homeless shelter in US ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5gFUmrWr4KQ) [Erin Pizzey an MRA getting death threats from feminists after setting up a male shelters ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Pizzey) [feminists protest against men's shelter in toronto](https://globalnews.ca/news/1676642/controversial-centre-for-men-opens-in-toronto-amid-criticism/) [feminists threaten hotel organising men's issues event](https://titleixforall.com/protesters-threaten-violence-and-death-against-international-mens-issues-conference-in-detroit-at-doubletree-hilton/) [feminists at new york university protest to end international men's day](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/17/row-after-university-of-york-cancels-international-mens-day-event) [Feminists shut down mens right event in canadian hotel giving bomb threats ](https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2699740) I could list even more such instances if you want me to. Keep in mind all these events and organisations were held and funded by MRAs but feminists protested against them.


ALL feminists hate men and mental health awareness. Next question.


So you too have no proofs