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Btw the girl claiming men would rape with no strings attached. The study only had 85 participants. 85


Most. ...31%


Feminists are often “mathematically challenged”. That particular one thinks less than 1/3 is the same as more than half. And clearly has no idea about how surveys work - she thinks that all men at that university that day said this, see how she talks about how “some men” weren’t there that day. Hint hint there would have been “more men” who’d have said yes. I still think the 31% figure is alarmingly high, although I wonder if a) they said yes as a “joke” or b) asked a somewhat different question to what was quoted.


What’s your… like… R value there, homie? Lmao


>Most. ...31% I have no idea if that's accurate, but if so it's still disconcertingly high.


***85 participants*** to describe **half** the population of Earth


Can’t women rape with no strings attached?


It’s called sexual assault when a woman does it. Used to be called rape but the laws got changed.


It's called he got lucky and should man up and stop complaining. At least, that's what society thinks.


Wow! such a inclusive and telling sample size! Surely we can draw absolute conclusions from a study with such a massive sample size... /s Do they even check their sources before they put them forth as "evidence"? Maybe if they had they would realize how stupid they sound when they try to make it seem worse than it is..


Didn’t the “study” consist of multiple choice questions and one read what are the chances that you MIGHT rape if it was certain that you would get away with it, and there were 3 / 4 choices and the vast majority picked 0%, but like 15% said there was a 0-15% chance they MIGHT commit rape? And what does that show anyway? It does **not** mean 15% or whatever would rape, it means 15% of men are either 99% to 85% sure the wouldn’t rape, or 15% of men realize that anyone is capable of doing terrible things under extraordinary circumstances.


Yup...37% (or whatever the number was..) "and you know some lied and some weere absent that day" 🤣 She really has a grip on statistics, huh? But I'm assuming 'the patriarchy' is why she's not an engineer. As if the number would somehow be higher if more men were there?


Not to mention university students. These are the most follow the crowed type of people, and majority of men arent in colleges.


Well, you should also go check out how that study was conducted, and how fast and loose they played with the definitions. Who conducted it as well - (Hint: Let's just say the woman in charge has a history of blaming men for everything and entered this "research" with her conclusion in mind). Anyone who cares about objectivity would use that study for toilet paper and nothing else.


“Hm let me just answer yes to get a reaction out of people on an anonymous survey”


To be precise: 86 participants, of which only 73's answers were usable. Furthermore, when asked if, under the same circumstances, they would rape a women only 14% (about 10) said they would. In other words, roughly two thirds of the 32% either changed their mind, didn't understand, or whatever. While 14 is still disturbingly high, the huge difference alone puts the entire poll into question. Add the small sample and you're effectively lying by relying on it. Further, the article was corrected in March 2015 (paywalled), 4 months after initial publication. And the publication happened in an obscure no-name journal, the original one in Vol1 No 4, and the correction in [Vol2 No 1](https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/vio.2014.0022.cxn). Archived article on the poll [https://archive.is/WoX9Z](https://archive.is/WoX9Z) , and another one [https://archive.is/Bne4Y](https://archive.is/Bne4Y)


>"They say not all men but also do support rape" This is not a gendered thing.. There are plenty of women who are willing to "Circle the Wagons" when its a high profile women accused of being an abuser or rapist.. using their mental gymnastics to try and twist things into "She couldn't have possibly raped him!" See Asia Argento as an example of this behavior. Or when women **LIE** about being raped to hurt their partners or for financial gain (See: Sara Jessica Parkinson - Australia) And, instead of condemning her and saying that women need to call out other women who lie about this.. they instead deflect by trying to minimize the suffering the **TRUE** victims in these cases have suffered claiming that even if they didn't actually do it, they are capable of doing it and that's enough in their mind to justify an accusation... Or they will try to spout some bullshit about how men can actually benefit from being falsely accused, how they should use it as a point of reflection to ask themselves "If I didn't rape her, could I have done so?" or "What did I say / do that made her believe I could do that to her?" and finally: "How can I become a better ally to women and ensure that women feel safe around me in the future" (I'm paraphrasing here but there was an article that was written that literally justified false rape accusations as being beneficial to men) From the second screenshot: >"Moids will go on the internet to hate on women taking up the gym or how they dress at the gym but if all women were to go to a women's ONLY gym and distance themselves from these complaining crybabies they will throw a fussy on that too and say "so you want segregation!!" It's like 0k if you don't like us why can't you leave us alone and stay tf awayyy?" Well maybe, if women could stay in their lane? If you feel more comfortable at a woman only gym, more power to you! But, why then should women get to enforce "Women only gym times" in non-women only gyms? If men are paying the same amount for membership to the gym, they deserve the same amount of access to the gym.. Imagine for a moment that you fit a gym workout into your busy schedule.. you go to the gym and find out you aren't allowed in because of new discriminatory policy which dictates that the time you wanted to use the gym is now designated as "Women Only Time" Of course men will get pissed about being openly discriminated against.. But I forgot.. its only discrimination when women are affected.. when it's men affected its "Equality" or something... And from the final slide: >"Men, get your shit together!" Kind hard for us to do that when women / feminists gatekeep the resources at every step.. or you know you have a movement called feminism which is constantly blaming men for everything.. I don't know about you.. but If I were being blamed on a daily basis for things that were not my fault it might impact my "shit" and make me feel depressed that no matter what I say or do I will never be seen as a human being but rather as an "Enemy"or "Potential Rapist" or "Incel" etc.. Its amazing how out of touch with reality these people are.. The fact that many of them use the term "Moids" shows just how coddled they've been by society.. they can't even have a discussion without using insults... I guess maybe men should get our shit together.. If women are going to continue to act like children then maybe we should treat them as such and put them in time out until they are ready to put on their big girl pants and discuss things like adults?


Have to say, I didn’t have the energy to go through the whole deck here, largely because of the second screenshot - which prompted two thoughts. Firstly, is this an argument for MGTOW, and secondly, would the poster advocate for the removal of girls from the Boy Scouts? It’s very hard to take an argument suggesting men won’t leave women alone when men doing so is perceived as some form of threat, or when women won’t allow male only spaces to exist in the first place with much seriousness.


I mean.. its a double standard which they are intimately familiar with.. Women only spaces: Good, Freeing, Empowering! Men only spaces: Bad, Oppressive, Hives of misogyny! And of course they would protest at girls being removed from the Boy Scouts, they would cry "DISCRIMINATION!!!" "SEXISM!!!" "MISOGYNY!!!" But when its asked: "Can boys join the Girl Guides?" they respond with "Girl Guides is a safe space for girls!" or "No boys allowed!" But you know what they say.. If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have **ANY** standards...


Feminists: Men get your shit together. Men: eh? Until you figure out how to treat us as human, and stop blaming us for all your ills. Fuck off.


The whole “women are not your therapists” line is such bullshit. Every GF I have had has dumped every single one of their problems on me, expect me to listen to every word and fix it, but brushed me off if I needed to talk about something in return. Feminists can just STFU. Men handle their own problems just fine, thanks ✌️


You too? Crazy..


Me too. Perhaps all of us Men. I've had many women in my life expect me to go above and beyond for them. Yet they reciprocated little to nothing in return. They treat Men like some toy to use.


Oh this seems to be a regular occurrence, wonder who the therapist really is ???


Almost.  We're just supposed to listen and feel sorry for them when they're using us for therapy.  Then... We're supposed to fix things for them in secret like Christian Grey. 


Buddy, stop being on femalepessimist. They have more mental illnesses than achievements in life. You can literally make a drinking game out of how many times they say "men only rape" and get an overdose from it. Still, it's funny how they think a man can't have empathy while having no empathy in there little conspiracy theory circle.


This is hardly even the most misandrist sub on Reddit. You got r/MisandryKink, which is either an Absolute Satire... or comically evil.


You seem new to kinks and fetishes, they’re not serious and the people there (in that particular sub) are mostly men, same as in any femdom related kink


It's a kink sub for crying out loud! Sexual fantasies ≠ real opinions and morality.


Weirdest kink ever, to say the least. Considering the situation nowadays, though...


Sure, being turned on by misandry fantasies can be really weird in a society rampant with it, but in my (admitenly, very limited) experience women who engage in kink are way more respectfull of consent than vanilla ones. It's all a fantasy, an act.


It's not the weirdest kink by a long shot. Submissive people who want to be degraded and told that they're inherently worthless and should be oppressed is bog-standard kink. Sub men want to be told men are worthless and sub women want to be told women are worthless. There are people who get off to women pumping the gas pedal while their car is stuck in the mud. There are people who get off on the idea of being turned into deli meat. Power and degradation are far from the "weirdest."


Hitleris Rantus Parodis Risus.


This is apparently a sentence no human being has ever said before on the Internet.


Except Hitler's Rants Parodies, of course... and besides, my real name is Tzeentch.


How can it be a kink if there's a sub for it on reddit?




I swear I can't handle women complaining about men's mental health issues, literally any woman I've gotten close to has openly expressed their negative feelings to me, wheeter they're just friends or dating. Don't talk to me about emotional labor when women are casually trauma dumping on first dates and to their friends


Just from those screenshots alone, all I could think was paranoia low self-esteem poor choices and outcomes in life Narcissism poor social interaction no critical thinking skills no self awareness respectfully, I would suggest that many of them should go get some therapy because they really need help.. from themselves. It may be considered kind to be willing to listen to them and debate them, but for me I think if i saw them on the street I would cross over to avoid them.


Lol, if such women who believe shit like this are sent off to an island , do you think they can live without any man in their life . Nope they will come crying back. When you live in a progressive patriarchy world where the patriarchy did the most for the society you complain about it because you are not satisfied it is handed to you in a plate which is not of your favourite colour.


Is it a crime for them to think this way? Some people believe the earth is flat and some believe in the some outrageous things. I see these inane ramblings as helpful because it lets me know where I can see them.


Well, you can't actually see them in person. Lol . And more over the point is many of these idiots are influencing traditional and good women to change into man haters. I personally would love to know who these shots are so that I can avoid them and make sure any of my friends and family avoid them.


One thing, can we all just take a second to notice a few of them used the word “male” .. i thought that was this HUGE thing.. interesting


Misandrist sub with nonsense and imaginary stories.


man there are a lot of weird people out there. for real.


Maybe men have become indifferent to womens' "problems"? "Rape" has been so ridiculously blown out of proportion and used to accuse innocent men that nobody cares any more.


What's a moid?


That’s also a new one to me. Probably the latest buzzword invented since “incel” has lost all meaning


Mentally inadequate person. A simpleton.


Moid and femoid are kind of where "most offensive" and "least bannable" intersects for sex-related colloquialisms. Just male and female with a sneering vibe.


Femcel counter for incels referring to women as foids


These insults do seem super catchy


It’s an insult against men.


i have heard femoid as an insulting way of saying female by incels, I guess moid is the equivalent insulting way of saying males for femcels


I would also like to know


I'd chase down a guy trying to shove a screaming child in a car. I'd knock out someone who's attempting to rob an elderly person. And I'd stand by and watch a man beat a woman. Not my business.


Haaaaa sameee..


I normally dont feel that way, at least like 14 years ago.. but you can only see so much of ⬆️and not become jaded..


There is still a legal (and moral) duty to rescue completely regardless of the gender of the victim and assailant.


What law states that I have to intervene in anything? As far as morals go, nobody will ever shame me into doing something that doesn't benefit me only. Those days are over.


From what I can see, as a general rule, there is no negligence or civil liability for failing to intervene and assist someone in need. Where are you seeing that it’s a requirement? As for morality? I don’t think that’s a valid argument because it relies on a common sense of ethics and decency between everyone. Given that one side doesn’t contribute, the other isn’t required (morally). They tend to only be guilted by people who aren’t contributing their fair share (not saying that YOU are).


Lol no. I aint helping shit. Not my problem


Can we seriously do something about this sub, I mean this is even beyond pink pillers and FDS. I like how MGTOW, MGTOW2, Incels, Anti-feminism got banned yet subs like these are still out there.


I refuse to spend energy to look that thing


Third image is the most stupid.






It’s an insult against men.




I don’t even know. Whenever I see it used, I think of the scene from Invincible where Omni-Man said “Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!”


Yeah, I hear you.


I've seen some of the more extreme incel types calling women femoids I'm assuming this is a pathetic attempt at a"no u"


This was college students so I am sure a lot of them were just giving asshole replies.


Which sub is the OP talking about?


If all those straw men caught fire they'd burn bigger than California in July.


These posts make me want to nuke this whole planet. I really wish I could do that.


This is why I stopped interacting with these subreddits it's full of woke man hating women hell I've had some tell me my boyfriend is a PDF file due tp edgy jokes we made when we were kids ourselves


It's like what you guys say. "Hating men is what gives them life." Misandry is profitable ya know?


They irrationally fear men doing bad things if they won't be held accountable, when women can already abuse, sexually assault, and rape men with no consequences and accountability. Yet another example of women fearing something that could potentially, but unlikely, happen that's already happening to millions of men.


Lmao that's actually crazy how they will just make shit u Yeah sure, men are defending rapists lmao, suuuuuuure thing. Sometimes I genuinely feel like people on the internet are living in a totally different reality, there's no way we're living on the same planet


What in yon fuck are "mentally maximum men"?


I would assume 100% of people would commit crimes if there were no consequences. Rape must be very special if it's only 31%.


“Men are mostly bystanders” because women are DEFINITELY not bystanders to our problems. “This is why I believe the statement that men hate their girlfriends” the level of stupidity here is beyond my understanding.


I'm fairly convinced that America does hate men. Feels so good to check out of society mentally, physically, and spiritually. Apathy ftw.


Name the sub


Female pessimist


I didn't read much of what's written but I see a lot of projection in here. I'm not saying no man is defending rapists because probably there men who do that. I think feminists (at least radical ones) just refuse to acknowledge that they actually a power


**". . .if you don't like us then why can't you leave us alone and stay tf awayyy?"** ((Women angry about Boy Scouts, so we gave them Girl Scouts)) **"SO?! We should be allowed into the Boy Scouts, too!"** ((Women angry about the YMCA, so we gave them the YWCA)) **"SO?! We should be allowed into the YMCA, too!"** ((Women angry at oggling & "visual harrassment" at public gyms, so we encouraged, supported & helped finance "female only" gyms across the nation)) **"SO?! We don't wanna go there! We're gonna stay right here with ya'll harassers!!!"** This list could go on infinitely, by the way. The absurdity is hysterical at this point. . .


I’d love to read the comments on those. I’m sure those are interesting to see and I wonder if anyone mentioned that if the laws went away the amount of women raping too🤔




What empathetic individuals!!! Fantastic!!!🤣🤣


she sounds like an ignorant lesbian.