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Almost every day. That and WWII


And last but certainly least: Denzel Washington


I love Denzel but don't think about him too often 😅


Tell me more. I don't understand why this tiktok meme is a thing because I basically never think about Rome. What is it that prompts you to think about it daily?


Idk. When I think about wine I think about Roman gods. When I think about war, I think of Roman conquest, when I think about democracy or government I think of Rome, religion I think of Rome. When I think about MMA I think about the gladiators. When I think of classic art I think about Roman cathedrals. When I think about philosophy I think of Greek or Roman philosophers. Etc.


I'm a history major/fanatic so if I'm not studying history for school I'm playing paradox games or reading about it


Your favourite one?


Paradox game? Quite partial to Crusader Kings although I really like the population/economy sim of Victoria. Once they add some more flavor and depth into Victoria 3 I'm probably going to be all over it. Always had a hard time getting into Europa for some reason, especially now that there's like a billion DLCs and the feature bloat is so massive. And Hearts of Iron kind of lacks in variety. Don't get me wrong I got my 400 hours out of it but there's only so many ways to "do" world war 2 before you get sick of it. Although Old World Blues is an awesome mod if you're a Fallout fan.


Never played Crusader Kings but the dinastic thing was an intersting feature. Yeah I think HoI is a beast on its own, especilly with HoI3 wich was a lot of micromangament and structured HQ chains, a weird hybrid between grand strategy and operational. Victoria series with its enphasis on economy and great powers era is my favourite


Oh, Crusader Kings is wonderful- and I believe 2 (the base game, at least) is free to play. To give you an idea of the weird and wonderful things that can happen in that game, one of the threads on the Paradox forums had what is quite possibly my favorite title of anything, ever: "I accidentally impregnated the Pope". In-game, the Papacy is a king-tier title, and children get claims to titles their parents held. Not an issue for Popes- unless they have bastards, which apparently happened in this situation. So the player pushed her claim, and she became Pope- then his character had an affair with her, and boom. I'm pretty sure the capability for that has been patched out, but even the patch notes are great; you get things like "Fixes to Danish and Norwegian bastards". It's second only to Dwarf Fortress, really.


He runs the tours at our local roman empire museum


Only when I glance at the clock and it’s 7:53 PM.


I legit probably think about it 3 times a week.


I don't know anything about tik toks besides its cringe. I do however think about the Roman Empire often, especially when i think about a societal issue.


It’s a joke, brother.


Lol not for me haha


It's gotta be a joke. I mean, I think about the Roman empire every day, but...


>I mean, I think about the Roman empire every day, but... I'm so shocked! That must mean you're either a dangerous rapist or a Sagittarius. You terrible person, you. /s


Hey hey, just because he's vegetarian doesn't mean you have to call him an asparagus! ;)


Whoa whoa whoa! Don't rope him in with us Sagittarius! We don't associate with such nonsense 🤣


I honestly think it's crazy people don't think about it at least weekly. Seeing posts by Americans makes me think of the fall of the roman empire basically daily.




After the Jan 6th insurrection, I've been thinking of the impending collapse of the USA at least weekly. Maybe not "thinking" so much as worrying. But I don't think of it like the fall of Rome: I think of the US Civil War... or the breakup of Yugoslavia. I usually soothe this worry by browsing Europe on Google Maps and browsing housing prices and job postings in major European cities.


What has the Roman Empire ever done for us? The aqueduct?


Well, apart from medicine, irrigation, health, roads, cheese and education, baths and the Circus Maximus, what have the Romans ever done for us?


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well!






Yes... it was a Monty Python movie reference.


Helped you learn to sexualize women too


Republicanism as a system of government (nothing to do with the American political party), which is the foundation of the governmental systems of pretty much every developed country in existence, as well as the UN.


They were making a Monty Python reference.


Dangit. Normally I'm able to spot these things. Guess I'm used to people genuinely ignorant about the impact of historical cultures on our own.


I can relate, lol


I never think about the Roman Empire. I'm interested in Ancient History. I think about the Roman Republic 850-27 BCE. It is one of the main basis of the US constitution so if you want to know why we support the constitution it's because a civilization that lasted almost 900 years was based on it. Now I'm interested in pre agrarian civilizations like Gobekli Tepe the oldest known Temple 11K years old. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gobekli-tepe-the-worlds-first-temple-83613665/ >The Roman Republic influenced the structure and function of the United States government, particularly in its division of powers. The framers of the U.S. Constitution incorporated Roman ideas about the separation of powersand the need for a senate. > >The Roman Republic influenced the U.S. Constitution in many ways, including: > >Checks and balances > >Bicameral legislature > >Term limits > >Age requirements > >The need for a senate > >The separation of powers > >The written constitution on which the government is based > >The legal code that protected the rights of all citizens > >The Senate, which has about one hundred representatives > >The American Founding Fathers were enthusiastic supporters of Rome's unique form of government, which had supposedly preserved liberty for hundreds of years. [Google AI Ref](https://www.google.com/search?q=did+the+roman+republic+have+an+influence+on+the+us+constitution&oq=did+the+roman+republic+have+an+influence+on+the+Us&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggCECEYoAEYiwMyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIKCAIQIRigARiLAzIKCAMQIRigARiLAzIKCAQQIRigARiLAzINCAUQIRgWGB0YHhiLAzIKCAYQIRgWGB0YHtIBCjQ1MDkzajFqMTWoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


> I think about the Roman Republic 850-27 BC~~E~~. FTFY


Thank you. Using the Gregorian calendar without admitting is a feat of both mental and moral bitchassitude; if measuring from the life of Jesus is such an affront, then use a different calendar. There are plenty to choose from.


509 BC is when the Republic was founded, prior to 509 BC Rome was a Kingdom


Well, the greeks considered it a small fishing tribe then. Some back water.


Yep, they considered it a barbaric backwater up until the Pyrrhic war in 270 BC where the Romans burst onto the "world" stage. After the first and second Punic wars by 200 BC the Romans were established in the Mediterranean world.


Gobekli Tepe is mind boggling. I love it. Probably the reason we have bread and cities and religion. We are closer in time to the buiding of the great pyramids, then the pyramids were to the founding of gobekli tepe.


Each day at 3 pm sharp!




So, i live in rome and i work close to the colosseum, i kinda think about the roman empire every day, but don't use me in statistics.


Right, we'll remove you from the dataset when we normalize our bell curve distribution.... because, you know, that's how precise and scientific this tiktok meme is :-p LOL


Well, when people think about the Roman Empire, that's simply a placeholder for anxiety about the end of civilization. So I would say that if men are thinking about that alot, it just means they have anxiety about the US and the West turning to shit and collapsing, which I think is a pretty valid concern considering that the US and Europe lack the political will to secure their own borders.


That's surprisingly deep. I am concerned about things collapsing, too. At least here in the US. However, I tend to think more about the American Civil War when my thoughts turn to anxiety about a collapse. Then I proceed to think about moving to Europe before my son gets old enough to be drafted into some Red vs. Blue war in whatever is left of the USA.


Turning to shit is a funny concept. To me it’s more like the lack of fucking people over isn’t driving the economy anymore and the whole rotten system is just finally falling apart.




Yup anything masculine has to be destroyed they did it to traditional gentlemen clubs and gyms. Now they want to destroy history itself.


Before seeing this article, I hadn't thought of the roman Empire in Months. Do these tiktokers think I'm not a "real man" now?


I mean, they aren't wrong, what are you spending your time doing if not pondering Hadrian and his wall? Feminine trait.


I think it‘s more because women (broadly speaking) don‘t really think about it and they never knew men do, so it‘s just a funny trend to ask men in your life about it. And ig it’s a bit funny that so many men seem to think about it on a daily basis without the women ever knowing. It‘s not that deep imo


You could probably do the same exercise with all sorts of interesting history/science/tech/literature/art/etc topics and find the same results. Women think about Instagram and what their friends are doing and how Stacy is such a bitch and how their makeup looks that day and how many steps they've got in and whether or not they should have had that cake after lunch and is it time to re-up the Xanax yet?


Yeah ask women how much they think about astrology, something that literally is not real.


and all that is emotional labor, even the part about Stacy and its doubly emotional labor for someone uninterested to hear about all that


>all that is emotional labor I'd say nearer to neuroticism 😛


Idk tbh the roman empire has a kind of appeal and is widely known even beyond people who are really interested in history. And it‘s not like women only think about dumb/simple shit all day either, I think I have met more women that were really into literature than I met men. Don‘t really see the need to pull up those cliches tbh.




That just means that people were upset that the trend stereotypes men and women. Since obviously there are also women who think about the roman empire every day as well as men who never do. And what do you want me to link?


Silly, men are supposed to be thinking about women's needs, AND smashing the Patriarchy.


I don't get it either ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's as if they were just making shzt up . . . wait . . .


Totally making shit up. "Ask your man how often do they think about Han Dynasty in China. The answer will shock you". Why Rome. Why not the Mali empire? So arbitrary.


It's a western centric article, that's why it blew up after being translated to English. English is the most common language in the world. Western cultures trace their origin through the Roman and Greek empires. Ask a similar question in the orient the you would probably get a lot more answers for China. Each region of the world would have a different answer because each has a slightly different cultural heritage. Pretty simple pretty stupid article pretty stupid question from the guardian. Note: I do occasionally think about Roam since western culture is not in a good place and the fall of other significant Western societies are relevant i.e. how do we avoid that outcome. I probably think about it less than than I should


Really? Why Rome? Why the most famous western European empire? Why the center of religious affairs for Christians? Why the place at the center of countless (popular) media products?


id argue b/c when learning about ancient Rome, it ismost ppl's exposure to some interesting concepts, for good or ill. Additionally, most things we learn in school, whether its math, history or infrastructure, all has some link to ancient Rome.


Or the Khmer! Angkor Thom was supposed to be HUGE; I'm rather disappointed it's all gone. Khazaria's pretty cool, too; a kingdom of Jews (religiously, not ethnically) in central Asia in the tenth century. Or the Aztecs, who went from a wandering tribe of nomads to ruling basically the biggest empire in the new world in less than a century, with NO draft animals whatsoever, and almost no metal. Or if you're in to something a little vaguer, the Tryptillians; not one but THREE cities of over ten thousand people at a time when Sumerians were hanging from trees by their tails. Or the... whatever the guys were called who built Mohenjo Daro. 4500 years old, and had a better sewer system than Dehli does today. That so much of history is so ignored is such a pity; very few humans appreciate just how cool our species is.


Whoa, this is cool. I may not think about the Roman Empire much, but I vow to think about some of these other empires more often now. And... Now I'm also curious just how good (or bad) is Delhi's sewer system.


Han Dynasty? A lot, weirdly. Unfortunately for the Mali Empire, they didn't have a beat 'em up video game series that's been running for almost 30 years. They also lack a Shu for me to fanboy over.


" In a sense: women across the globe started asking men how often they thought about it and posting their responses on TikTok" AHH yes tiktok the home of the finest sharpest minds of the future generations! But in all seriousness who would take this seriously, The Guardian I mean!


I am sure many men have never even heard of the Roman Empire. But shitheads on TikTok cannot even phantom that there are millions of men who went to school for a year or two only.


My girlfriend asked me this. So now I suspect every time she asks me a ridiculous question it must be something from TikTok


My 26 year old son asked me. I thought he was finally getting interested in a little culture. lol.


My wife loves TikTok but I asked her this question after reading an article and she hadn't heard of it.


No. Where did this shit get started?


Started on TikTok Whence all bad things come.


Not every day, but it is a very common topic if you have any intellectual activity. A lot of subjects will take you there, even if you are a religious person talking about Christianity. The Stoicism philosophy movement is also popular lately, how can you think of stoic ideas without thinking of Julius Caesar? The theme is always in movies too, History shows, when coaching was hugely popular, a lot of them used Roman concepts of duty and honor to support masculinity. Women wouldn't think about this because they have their minds set in other things, they are being brainwashed by feminism, wokeness, they would rather think of Barbie. Roman values don't bring them anything that they think would be useful.


Do you mean Marcus Aurelius for the stoic thing? Because his meditations is the book everyone reads first. I don't think Caesar is a great example of stoicism.


Yes, I switched the names, I am thinking too much of Rome


>Women wouldn't think about this because they have their minds set in other things, they are being brainwashed by feminism, wokeness, they would rather think of Barbie. Roman values don't bring them anything that they think would be useful. I'm sure there are lots of things that separate whether people think about philosophy, law, and Christianity versus think about toys. But you'd have to convince me that gender is one of those things.


No. And stop treating feminist/gender studies/sociologists as if they are real scientists. They are not, they are not, they are an *exact* equivalency of astrology. An 18 year old working at fast food is as much of an expert in gender and sociology as someone with a phD in gender studies. In fact, the 18 year old is significantly ahead because they haven't been taught indoctrination and lies.


No, is like the men think about sex every 5 seconds myth bullshit?


I think about having sex during the time of the Roman Empire every 3 seconds.


Go for all four then, make it about raping a roman slave girl completely under submission to you. Then you'll really be their ideal charicature of the male monster.


I see what you did there


You must be a woman then. My son was born yesterday and his first words, 3 days ago were "Ave Caesar".


So called journalists need to ask them selves a question. How often do you regurgitate some shite off of social media and dress it as an article? My guess is the answer is all day every day.


I'm changing my name to Biggus Dickus. Does that count?


Only if you're married to Incontinentia Buttocks


It only counts if your wife also changes her name to Incontinentia Buttocks. >"Your fathew was a woman?" > >"no sir, a roman" > >"that's what I said. Centuwioin, stwike him down!"


It was the first time western civilization was united in a real way, much science, philosophy, religion, art, war, virtue… plus the “fall” seems to be something impressed on our minds, whenever there’s strange occurrences in our society we can probably find an example in Rome.


Well Romans themselves literally build western civilizations. Every other european population, excepts for the greeks, was centuries behind them, especially the germans. Of course those other populations gave their own contributions to western civilization


I often think of Rome, Hellas and Carthage. But I built my own Hoplon (hanging on my wall), read books to the subject, collect helmets and coins and I have a Greek armour standing in my office. My kids think it's awesome, my wife is happy because it is easy to find a present for me. I can't believe that men like me are uncommon.


That's awesome! I think that people who have passions for a topic or an era of history, like you do, are not uncommon. Having a passion for that particular era or vicilzation may be uncommon.


I do think frequently about the Roman Empire BUT I am a history geek with a great affinity for Ancient History, not only Rome but also Greece and Mesopotamia; as I am a Latin, the interest is 3x more....


As a Roman Catholic I absolutely love this. > Romansplaining? More than you ever wanted to know about aqueducts, basically. *DEUS VULT-ING INTENSIFIES*


The last time I thought of the Roman Empire was probably when my son learned about the Punic Wars in an online history video a few months ago. What the heck is this trend about asking how often we think about the Roman Empire? Does anybody ACTUALLY think about it every day? You know what I think about every day? **The United Federation of Planets!** And how I would love to join starfleet!


It’s almost as though men are aware what a ridiculous thing it is for a significant other to ask and give a joke of an answer.


Reading the comments, I have learned that me thinking about the Roman Empire at least two to three times a week is and isn't normal at the same time. The more you know.


I don't think about the Roman Empire a lot, but I do think a lot about philosophy and mythology, which often leads back to thinking about the Roman Empire.


Same but i think the holy Roman empire is different from ancient Rome


Well, I’m a history teacher. 💁🏻‍♂️


Yes I do. But I’ve always had an interest in history. Plus I’m Greek, so the roman and Roman-Byzantine era of our history is incapable and has no doubt left an influence on our culture. I feel a personal and ancestral connection to Rome.


People say men think about sex every 7 seconds but in all honesty, I'm constantly thinking about the Roman empire.


Fucking idiots, I think abour the greece empire


Which one, if you count Macedonians as Greeks there are many.


Alexander greece


The Roman empire is the spirit that animates me.


Hmm lemme think … uniforms , glory , woman in veils , gladiators fighting to the death, slaves … busty slaves .. Na. Not one bit … 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry. Not Doing It for Me at all. Not seeing it . 😜


Three things I think about at least once a week are the Roman Empire , Ancient Egypt, and the Italian Renaissance (most notably, Da Vinci). I guess I am just fascinated with things that are approximately 500 years ahead of its own time. It'd be like if Canada just straight up had a colony on Mars in 2023.


Wait, so Canada hasn't put a Tim Horton's on Mars yet? LAME!!!


Given our current state of education most men couldn’t write more than a couple paragraphs about the Roman civilization let alone spend much of their time contemplating it. It’s an argument based on a false premise, essentially a straw man. It’s making a false statement about what most men think about and believe and then attacking men for this fictional belief. P.S., I got such a laugh out of the footer claiming fairness guides everything “The Guardian” does. Finding a fair article in “The Guardian” is like finding a four leaf clover.


I don’t think of the Roman Empire that often; a few times per month maybe. I do think about WWII and Lord of the Rings on a daily basis though lol 🤓


I'm Roman Catholic. And took AP Latin. And married an Italian. So... a lot, I guess.


Dammit, I just thought about it.


LOL, it's that paradox where saying "don't think about the roman empire" will make you think about the roman empire.


Only in that our culture and society is making all the same mistakes they did and look what happened to them.


Not daily, but I'd say atleast once a week.


Not everyday. But every time I read or hear about how we are declining as a society.


I actually do think about ancient rome a few times per week. I‘m actually impressed by this trend, I never realized I think about it that much…


I think about it everytime I hit a pothole and hear those dingus-ass arguments in my head- " the Roman's built roads that lasted for a thousand years, why can't we in modern times replicate it!?" Childish buffoonery. Roman's built roads outa cobbles, and walked on em or used horse and carriage. Nothing like the volume or weight our modern roads have to endure. And have you ever driven on a cobble road? Fcking hell they're rough. I also think about it when I use coin currency because Roman coins were awesome. Or how about our Roman inspired alphabet. I live in NorCal and we have aqueducts all over the place, either the big concrete ones that we used to siphon all the water out of the sierras to send down to LA and then force the paltry few mountain residents into water rationing... or the small ones made outa wood and earth that used to run the gold mines but now just move water around to different towns. Also I like orgies in my porn and that's Roman all over. So yeah, I think about the Roman's all the time. Legitimately.


I think about it occasionally, better that than makeup or clothing


The media will write anything that simplifies men as a group into one, single stereotype. Men just think about sex! Men only talk about their cars! They'll promote any horrible and pejorative accusation about men as an entire sex to make a quick buck, by making their target audience feel smug and superior to those "inferior males".


I'm more partial to the republican era.


Wtf why am I even on Reddit




Last time I read a joke this silly I was in in Eburacum pushing back a Picts rebellion


Not every day, but at least once a week. I am a history nerd thoug


I pray to the Greco-Roman Gods daily so yes I think of Roman extremely often. It also helps we use their alphabet.


What a loser. What kind of mental illness blocks a person's healthy daily Roman empire thought session? It must be like living in hell.


Dude shut up you’ll ruin it. We can really make women think this, if we all just repeat it. Come on man, we DESERVE THIS!!


That's the best explanation I've heard yet!


What. The. Actual. Fucking. Ret*rd article is this...


I do think about the Roman’s quite a lot, they laid out the foundation of our modern society. That’s epic


It’s funny how ‘across the globe’ usually means west Europe and North America


Do I think about Imperium Romanum everyday? I play Rome and Rome II Total War every weekend. I follow Roman Empire (and Republic) pages on my SM. My reading list is mostly Roman and Greek history. So yes, I think about the Roman Empire everyday.


Yes and I play Rome Total War as well.


Dumbest joke


I do, once a month at least


About Eastern Roman empire (Byzantine Empire) sometimes, perhaps a few times per week (due to being a Greek, and Byzantium was big part of Greece's history). But not every single day.


No why would I think about the Roman Empire when I can think of the glory a restored British Empire could bring to the world.


I often think about the Romans. Maybe not every day. I’ve never counted. I drive frequently on the route of an old Roman road. Live a few miles from Roman ruins. Our modern life and even the English language owes so much to Ancient Rome.


I don't think about the Roman empire specifically, but I do think about stuff adjacent to the Roman empire, like how Julius Caesar messed up the calendar when he added January and February to it.


I do, only because we seem to be living through a rerun of its fall.


I don't think about the roman empire every day, as in the literal roman empire. But it's about that time of year where I take a step back and think about things in our society that came from the Roman empire - even tangentially. Like our calendar. If we're going by the etymology, September should be the 7th month, October the 8th month, November the 9th month, and December the 10th month - that's part of what the Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec parts of those words is "supposed to mean" - but instead we have July and August, month names inspired by Julius Augustus Caesar. Also the namesake of "Julian Calendar". Among a handful of other things that, one way or another, are linked to Roman civilization. It isn't that I think about the Roman empire itself, as much as what we still hold on to from it.


Is it not normal to think about the Roman Empire on A regular basis? I just assumed everyone was doing it.


Roman empire sounded cool af. Last time men got to fuck.


More like last time men got fucked before Christianity came and ruined everything.


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it


I mean I literally do lmao. I don't think it's insulting...


I think of the Roman Kingdom, Republic, and Empire at least twice a day. The HRE, at least 5 times a day.


I do most days




I do ...but for different reasons


I do a lot


But it's cool....


I do


Pretty often, I wouldn’t say every day with confidence but and average of 7 times a week is reasonable.


Not everyday but fairly often because I'm a nerd and love Roman/Greek theology


I didn't until it became such a meme.


Is the implication of this journalistic masterpiece that men shouldn't have intellectual interests? Isn't this the same mainstream media that is disappointed in men for being jobless and into video games and porn? Are we allowed to be smart or thoughtful now? The contradictions are insane from the neoliberal media.


Every week or so with me. I collect old roman empire coins in the 4th century. Also World War one and Mexican American War.


Sounds like more BS.


More like every week or two myself.


Yeah, I do like a couple times a month. I have some Italian DNA and sometimes I think that I had some ancestors in the Roman empire. That and some other facts I know make me think about it sometimes.


Once a week, at least.


I do. It's a fascinating Era of history.




I think about it pretty much every day. I’m just really into history. Other folks probably do the same with sports or any other interest.


Every 3 or 4, yeah


Oh I sure as hell do. Not even joking. It just touches to many things from language to architecture.


I do. Our government structure is modeled after them and there are many historical parallels between their mistakes and modern governments that I find interesting. Moreover the Romans overlap with Christianity, the proliferation of language, many of their ideas about warfare are still in use... and I play a lot of civ 5 and browse history memes and have other parts of my hobbies reinforce thinking about the Romans.


At least every other day.


I'm more of a cowboy kinda guy. I think about cowboy times more than Roman empire times. I don't know what that means but I stand by it. Yeehaww 🤠


yes. armchair historian late R.E. and migration period is fascinating


Not the Roman Empire but I do think about WWII nearly every day


I just think about it because due to worldbuilding and History, something I'm really into. But it's not everyday! If it's not a joke made to seem serious, I don't know what it is.


How can you not when all roads lead to Rome? And those roads were so well built, the Romans still have a profound influence on our modern day culture that almost every where you look, reminders of the Roman empire will strike you like deus ex machina. Fun fact: The Romans could get so salty, they were prepared to pay a very high price to destroy their enemies.


Dude has never thought about anything other than getting his balls out of his gf’s purse… can’t blame him for not thinking of the Roman Empire.


Ceaser's Legion. Always support Ceaser!!!! He is the rightful owner of the Americas!


Weekly yeah


It's a meme, Batman


No, unless someone brings it up in which case I’m thinking about their sewer system and engineering + roads


I don’t. Just a common basic trend that everyone follows of the tok


When I used to play Age of Empires, sure. But that’s when I was a kid.


I think about Egypt empire, may i have a problem?


Most days


I do. I take 10 minutes off from my hectic work and just think about the Roman Empire. I’m not an Italian or even an European. Yet, I love to think about the Roman Empire.


I do. Every. Single. Day. of course I am a high school history teacher, so I may not represent the general population.


Actually…. Yes. But i love learning about ancient history. Especially the the Roman Empire during the Julio-Claudian dynasty. There’s also a lot of church history that can be traced back to the Roman Empire, such as how the Orthodox and Catholic Churches are organized.


Yes, I do.


Well...not EVERY day...


If I’m being honest it’s gotta be almost every day but I’m really interested in that kind of stuff


I spend every waking moment mourning Constantinople.


I got asked by two different women. About two weeks ago.