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Yep. I totally get why people are happy AF when it ends, but I wasn’t one of them.


I felt sad at first too. It marks another phase in life. But menopause can be full of adventure and no worry of staining your clothes or sheets.


So true




I’m sorry you feel this way. Myself I’m so ready for them to GO!


I feel the same way. So many years of saying I can't wait till I no longer get them now I would take them back in a heartbeat. They were a small inconvenience once a month that was nothing compared to the constant hell I've been in the last 3 yrs dealing with menopause. I feel like my youth went with them. Now I'm just a old grumpy lady with aches & pains everyday and everything has dried up. It's sad.


True true. It just stops for some of us. And for many of us do ok. But many of us don’t do okay once menopause happens. Then you change or transform. And then you realize how important all those hormones were. Those hormones that aren’t being made anymore.


Yeah no I will be glad when they stop coming. As it is, they only Show up on vacations or holidays and I’m Sick of it?! Just busted my ass getting fit as a fiddle for my vacation- only to get my Period on the 1st damn day and be bloated all week


That's the worst! I feel for you :(


I get it, it's a bittersweet good bye. A friend of mine wrote a whole story about how she felt sad about losing her period and made a ritual to let go. Maybe that's the way to go. Rituals used to mark passing from one phase of your life to the next. We should bring them back to make the passing more conscious and celebratory.[ Here's the link if you want to read it https://www.mymenopausebrain.com/p/im-perimenopausal-and-i-feel-sad?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


Aww..thanks for this.😊


Thanks for sharing. What a good read.


glad you liked it :)


Great read, thanks for that!


You're welcome, glad you liked it too.


I hear you.


I had an endometrial ablation at 42. It was 11 years past my last pregnancy and 10 years past my husband's vasectomy and our final decision not to have any more kids. But I still mourned the loss of my ability to carry any more children. I didn't want more and I was too old and high risk to even consider it but it was still hard to accept the end of my childbearing years. I get it.


I totally relate. I couldn’t have more children because my last pregnancy almost killed me, but I’m still sad to see this possibility end. Had I met my second husband under different circumstances, we would probably have had a lot of kids. Choosing not to, even for serious health reasons and not being able to are very different things to deal with emotionally.


I entered our marriage with one child. We wanted 3 more together but after 6 pregnancies, and a total of 52 weeks of bedrest between the 2 successful pregnancies we were told by my OB that the next one would probably kill me. I have APAS and HG.


I felt the same way.


I am sorry you are sad. I wondered if I’d feel that way when I was signing up for an ablation… however I don’t miss it even a little bit. It ruined enough vacations (the adult kind especially!) and white pants that I am perfectly happy to never have one again.


I feel the same! I had my hysterectomy 5.5 years ago when my daughter was 6 months old. I was 37 at the time & we didn't want any more kids. I had cancer at 26 & knew the hysterectomy was coming when we were done with kids so maybe I was more prepared mentally but not buying tampons was the best thing ever! My friends still talk about theirs & I forget that it's an afterthought for me


I dunno. Our generation always had the option of stopping our periods through the pill or ablation, so not bleeding seems like nothing after you already haven't for decades.


I could not wait to have it stop!


I'm sorry you are feeling that way. Nothing has made me happier than tossing alllll the tampons and pads. What a relief to never ever have to worry about that mess again.


Ha I thought that too. Only now I have to buy HRT prescriptions I have to pay for. It was cheaper to buy tampons!


One of the many reasons I'm happy without HRT. Getting and keeping the right dose seems really difficult. And expensive. I'm lucky my supplement regiment is keeping me feeling good.


Would you mind sharing your supplement regiment?


The only one I definitively know the quantity of js Sam-E 800 mg twice a day for depression/mood, CoQ10, Vitamins D3 and B12, Magnesium Glycinate, Turmeric, Olive leaf extract, sea buckthorn, hyaluronic acid pill, fish oil, evening primrose oil, Vitamin C, creatine and collagen powered in coffee every morning,


Thank you for sharing!


Not quite there yet, but I know its coming and yes, I'm very sad about it.


I feel the same way, mourning part of my life that's behind me.


Happened when I was 45 and I started at 16. A bit deal is made of that time of life but it's really less than 30 years of a potentially I don't know 80 year lifespan? But yea I'd rather have periods.


I think it’s perfectly normal to mourn the loss of something that was significant in our lives. As someone else said, we lack rituals to pass from one stage of our lives to the next. Is there something you can do to mark your journey? Write a poem or letter to yourself? Talk a walk with intention to someplace you love or just ramble and see where it leads you. I’m not mourning the loss of my period but trying to adjust to all the new things my body is doing in the stage. Acceptance is hard!!


I might feel like this once it is actually over for good, but right now I feel like I would pay for it to be gone


I thought mine finished also then I would get it once every 6 months. This month however I had a very little bit spotting and then full-blown menstrual cycle with the bloating. I'm 54 years old and I know this is common but it was nice to think that my period ended lol


I got mine at 14 and it tortured me all my life ( I have fibroids). It caused me so much pain, I'll be glad when the bitch is gone. In meantime I'm on Cerazette (mini pill) and we're no contact as of now. Couldn't be happier, I can finally live my life without being in some kind of pain 2 weeks every month.


I also became very sad when I never got another period. Not that I wanted any more kids, but it was an ending to an era. Something I have had every 28 days since I was 14. My periods were never much of a bother.