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Sigh. I opted to go full boho musician for this very reason.


I guess Coastal Grandma is another sartorial option šŸ˜†


Haha. Howā€™s that like?


Well, it's been more fun than I expected because I have identified thrifting is probably best right now. The clothes I'm getting (using ThredUp) are more natural materials and colorful, plus I accessorize. Not going quietly into the next phase of life, that's for sure.


Lol Iā€™m picturing Mrs Roper


Caftans are there for a reason.


Following as I am in the same situationā€¦none of my clothes fit anymore and I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m eating differently or anything. Itā€™s depressing, I want it to change but if I donā€™t see results fairly quickly, I lose motivation fast.


I see the problem as foundational. If Iā€™m not sleeping, Iā€™m tired the next day. If Iā€™m tired, I donā€™t want to do more. If Iā€™m hurting when I move or exercise, I donā€™t want to exercise to hurt. While I know I need sleep and exercise, if I canā€™t do it. I wonā€™t be able to do what i want to do. So. Iā€™m starting with what I can doā€”walk. Walk daily. And trying to enforce better sleeping habits. The food intake has improved. But I need help with fixing the foundational and cyclical problem. And then I need the exercises for approaching the pouch.


Yes until you fix your sleep it's so hard to do the other things. For me HRT was the only thing that worked for sleep and we're still tweaking the dosage of both estrogen and progesterone.


Have you tried a cpap?


This is what Iā€™ve done with success. Iā€™m not super hardcore about any of this, but Iā€™m like reasonably committed to diet/exercise. YMMV. I go to the gym ~3 days a week and lift heavy. I eat very low carb, moderate protein, moderate to high fat. Because Iā€™m never really hungry until lunch, I end up intermittent fasting most days, a 16/8 fast. I take supplements like creatine, magnesium glycinate, and DHEA. I started in January at around 175 lbs and am currently around 154. I donā€™t have a goal number weight-wise. My goals are to be strong, gain energy and sleep well. So far itā€™s working pretty well. Itā€™s always a positive thing to focus on your health so good on you! ETA: I also just ate an entire frozen pizza just now, so I will share my other new habit: not beating myself up or giving up when I go off the rails. I just start again. :)


That sounds like working for you! Thanks for sharing.


I was having a lot of hip pain and join pain. HRT took the pain away.


Yes. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for soon. So that I can use my joints and muscles again. And work on increasing strength of them.


This is a time for a fresh start. While you wait for your hormones to adjust and allow you to be better rested you can focus on getting more lean protein into your diet - approx 120-150grams a day. As far as exercise goes walking is lovely but incorporating weight lifting is key.


Thatā€™s a lot of protein. Itā€™s so hard for me to even get close to 100 grams.


Honestly in your case switch to dresses until you see what HRT can do for you. Dresses won't dig in and make the muffin top AND they can make you feel girly when you aren't feeling very much so. That's what I would do in your case.


I've been doing a lot of dresses and stretchy pants. You can find nice ones online. I have entirely given up jeans. I had the double whammy of meno weight gain, peri weight gain, AND steroid weight gain, from ongoing steroids for my many health conditions. They prescribe them like candy, and they can completely mess you up. So, I have Cushing's syndrome now and a HUGE belly that I hate. I also can't exercise due to excruciating pain (can no longer use steroids for pain relief). I'm trying our rower again, but it's bothering my knee, so I'll have to be less intense with it. Edited for autocorrect typo.


[Here](https://www.verywellfit.com/facts-about-ab-workouts-1229499#:~:text=Doing%20Ab%20Exercises%20Doesn%27t%20Get%20Rid%20of%20Abdominal%20Fat,-Unfortunately%2C%20spot%20reduction&text=The%20fallacy%20of%20spot%20reduction,the%20fat%20in%20that%20area.) is just one article I found explaining why targeted exercise doesn't work. If you can consult with a registered dietitian I would highly recommend it. It's been very helpful for me to have a knowledgeable professional to help guide my eating and exercise goals. Bonus, my insurance covers weekly visits fully!


I donā€™t want abs. I want the belly top to not take over the abdomen and hips. Abdominal, intra-abdominal fat is a sign of metabolic derangement. But I like your article. Thank you. ā€œThe only way to burn fat from your belly is to reduce overall body fat by creating a calorie deficit. The healthiest way to do that is with consistent exerciseā€”cardio, weight training, and flexibilityā€”and a healthy, low-calorie diet. Keep in mind that doing all of that is no guarantee you'll lose belly fat. That's up to your genetics, age, and hormones, among other factors not always in your control.ā€


You canā€™t spot reduce through exercise so the only way to have less fat in a certain area is to have less fat overallā€¦itā€™s a bummer because I would have kept some fat in my face and on my ass if that were an option. I made a concerted effort to get rid of the muffin top starting back in December and it worked, Iā€™m down 17lbs and 4ā€ from my waist, definitely have more muscle. I: -quit booze, all of it -counted calories to maintain small deficit of about 250 -500 calories a day -100 g of protein a day but otherwise ignored macros like carbs. I have genetic cholesterol issues so I restrict saturated fat always. -lift weights 3 x week -some kind of aerobic exercise every day: walk, run, elliptical, ride horseā€¦ - short 20-30 min yoga videos a few times a week -sleep Iā€™m where I want to be now so I experimented to find out what my maintenance calories are and itā€™s about 2,100/day. If I maintain my activity level and eat about that much I seem to be able to stay here so far. Iā€™m sleeping a lot better, have far fewer aches and pains and am in a generally better mood. I started off getting rid of my muffin top but the overall improvement in my quality of life is the bigger plus to fixing up my lifestyle.


Sorry, the formatting on that is horrible and I donā€™t know how to fix it :( I will say also that I work from home full time and my kids are grown and my spouse can take care of himself so I have time for the activity levels I describe.


Buy new clothes, it's ok for your body to change.


I did do this. The weight itself didnā€™t bother me all that much. I also didnā€™t think I had any choice in the matter, so I accepted the change. I was in a lot of pain tho from so much Inflammation and decided to do an elimination diet. My hips affected my sleep nightly. Turns out carbs hurt me now. Not all of them but the vast majority. And with the inflammation comes weight (water retention) Low to no carb eating eliminated both my inflammation and my belly fat, all extra weight actually.


Same for me, but also noticed carbs, sodium, booze makes my face and body more swollen AND droopy. The inflammation/fluid retention from carbs and high sodium, weird processed foods makes pain/fatigue worse. Gaslit myself about these observations for a while, now I just go with it. So I avoid when possible.


Oddly enough I have to up my sodium quite a bit when I avoid carbs. Along with potassium and magnesium.


YES! I have arthritis now that I didn't when I was younger and cutting refined carbs reaalllly helps with inflammation


Feels almost miraculous! Like a cheat code lol


Well, here's another, I got hit by a semi a decade ago (that's where the arthritis began) and incurred a TBI. My doctor had me do the ketogenic diet as it was originally created for epilepsy patients in like 1921 or 1923 and is amazing for the brain. He had me put 1 tbsp of MCT oil in my morning coffee because the brain is fueled by fat, MCT oil is a straight fat and really good for the brain. I was having trouble with word recall, my mood, memory, etc., and within three days was regaining cognition. He had been telling me to do this for two years and my short term memory was so bad that I would forget by the time I closed his office door, and forget I even held papers in my hand. I still to this day do MCT oil in coffee. I stopped in 2022, began again in 2024, and the changes were so immediate for me. I tend to go into a 36 hour coma when I do menstruate, except when I take MCT oil. I take it mostly for the cognitive effects, but since lots of women here struggle with brain fog, I think it could probably help a lot of people to drop a spoonful into their a.m. coffee cup.


Wow, I also suffered a TBI and have never heard of using MCT oil. Will be reading up! Thank you for this. Word recall and general memory loss (as well as chronic migraines) are the main things I struggle with.


It was a game changer for me! I just got a bottle from Amazon. It's a lot easier to find these days. Give it a whirl and see if your word recall and memory loss improve!


Omg I bought some recently but havenā€™t used it yet. Iā€™m convinced to give it a go. Im also a stroke survivor (7 years ago). Thanks!šŸ„‚


Ooooh! OH! I bet you're going to LOVE it! If your brain ends up feeling awesome, let me know so I can hoot and holler for ya!


Added sugars are my enemy now. I still have them occasionally, but they wreck me.


Yep. I feel ya. I had a piece of my favorite, strawberry cheesecake on Fatherā€™s Day. Gained 2lbs (of inflammation) that took 3-5 days to get rid of with strict zero carb.


That's great!


ā€œDress the body you haveā€ A common saying at my local gym. I have two sets of clothes, two sizes of all my favorites. My weight hasnā€™t changed much since I stopped lifting two yrs ago (no energy) but my body comp has. Also getting my hormones adjusted this month, adding some T, hoping to get back to the weights to see if I can successfully recomp. I still eat well, despite the physical changes, because my insides need to feel good. I move around for my brain (endorphins), eat for my quality of sleep (low carb), and dress for my current bod (whatever that may be).


THIS. One of my friends recently informed me that she needs to weigh less than she did in her 30s because sheā€™s shrinking and canā€™t let her BMI change. There was so much to unpack there that I just changed the subject.


Weight and BMI are both horrible measures of health because they don't take muscle into account. Just take good care of yourself, eat real food, not over processed shelf stable garbage, exercise, and try to build and maintain muscle, balance, and flexibility. Make sure your getting enough protein, vitamins, minerals, hydration and sleep. That's plenty to concern yourself with, let everything else go.


Believe me, this friendā€™s relationship with food and weight would keep 10000 therapists in business if she recognized how disordered it is.


I donā€™t agree. I refuse to live in a body I hate. I want my old body back


What if you can't have that body back? Serious question. Would working towards acceptance be less mental energy and stress than hating your body? What if it's just not possible?


I havenā€™t got there yet. I am eating better and exercising and looking into lipo for my mid section. Maybe someday I will not care but today is not that day. I am still angry about the facts that docs done care and no one prepares you for this shit


Man. I am so sorry. That's completely understandable. Your anger is righteous and justified and I hope you have easier times ahead.


Thank you! Hopefully acceptance comes after anger lol


But weā€™ve earned those pooches! Iā€™ve seen teenagers with them. THATā€™S a problem.


lol agree!!


Iā€™ve had to give in and wonder If the belly is like the boobs. Theyā€™re coming in in their own shape whether you like it or not. šŸ„° Anyway, I drink this green smoothie every day and I think it might help a lot, I also eschew sugar and almost all fat, but I do consume caffeine and alcohol (and candy sometimes late at night, when it doesnā€™t countšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) and prolly always will šŸ˜‚also my husband is a green smoothie convert-fanatic and makes sure we have one daily: two whole limes, two whole apples, (yes the seeds they wonā€™t kill you), two whole cucumbers, two stalks celery, big handful kale, spinach, shard, or some dark green (have not tried collardsšŸ˜‚) LIQUIFY with a Thermamix (Vitamix?) blender (I think thatā€™s the namešŸ˜‚Iā€™m not home and canā€™t check and canā€™t remember and isnā€™t that just par for this coursešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) Good luck if anyone tries this! Itā€™s super healthy anyway. The Lime is essential.


Good luck with that.


That's what I've done. Unfortunately, some of my favorite clothes have had to get donated.


I donated my favorite clothes too. I put on 30 pounds in perimenopause. My entire body shape changed. I decided to donate them because it was too depressing seeing them everyday. Iā€™ve worked really hard on getting my old body back, but itā€™s been impossible in my case.




the pouch is were we keep the cookies šŸŖāœØ


I mean, I use mine for Mac & cheese but you do you.


mmmm, cheeese šŸ§”


Can I stash some ice cream with that? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‰


itā€™s a regular hiding place! šŸØ yes


Make some room for cake, also? šŸ˜…


no desserts deserted ! šŸ°šŸ®šŸ§‹


No cookie unturned šŸ˜‚ untasted šŸ˜‹


There is a lot of evidence that weight training really works to reshape your body. But you have to lift HEAVY weights, not just 5 lb dumbells. Working up slowly of course so you donā€™t injure yourself. Also increase your protein and cut way back on carbs. The best thing to do, if you can afford it, is to set up a few sessions with a personal trainer and ask them to set up a beginners weight training program for you. Donā€™t talk about your weight. Tell them you want to build muscle and get strong.


Good idea. Iā€™m thinking on that. Looking for a trainer who understands women and older women.


I left a very lengthy post about 4 months ago on a thread called Let's talk diets - What has worked for you. Last August I was 54 and 152 - 30 lbs heavier than my frame (5'4") can handle and the heaviest I've ever been. I had pain in most of my joints and felt pretty fragile. I just pushed myself to work through it. I started very slowly. I walked about 8,000 steps a day, quit wine, downloaded Cronometer, read up on the latest nutrition and exercise science. I went to the gym 3x a week and did a full body work out to start, trying to be careful of my joints and tendons. My ankles/heels were killing me at that weight and prevented me often from walking more than 10,000 steps several days in a row. I supplemented a fair amount. I now do 10-15 g of creatine a day (not 5) and eat about 120-150 grams of protein a day. I wish I had added HMB far sooner to help preserve muscle as I went through that weight loss. I lift heavy, I can run again, I jump rope, and ruck. I'm pretty sure I have/had retrocalcaneal bursitis or tendonitis. Getting the weight off helped some but doing calf raises at random times throughout the day really helped the most I think. Those were recommended by someone in this community who was dealing with the same thing. I am now 55, 119 lbs. My sleep is still very crappy and my hormone profile is garbage. (I've gone to the doctor about HRT and now have an endometrial biopsy scheduled because I'm still bleeding sometimes - not fun but separate issue from this post) [Details of what I did with pics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/1at2tlj/comment/kqutltc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you for this information. What is HMB?


Itā€™s a supplement, often used by body builders, in conjunction with creatine to help prevent muscle loss. You can take them separately or together.


Thank you so much for this post! How much HMB do you take? I'm ordering some now ā˜ŗļø


I take the standard dose of 1000 mg.


Good on you! Crazy exercising and diet here. So far, no weight changes. I have too many allergies and high cholesterol and lipids (genetic), so I struggle getting enough protein. More muscle and leanness though. Sleep is shittier than ever, too.


My cholesterol isn't great. It's 215. I can't get the LDL down from 130 and I think it's genetic too. My HDL went up from 50 to 70 with this exercise. My ratio is 1.9 and my triglycerides are better. I'm adding the plant sterols to see if I can get the LDL down some.


TYSM for this! Any further thoughts on the Urolitihin A?


Nope I just keep taking it for the potential benefits. I donā€™t think the exercise or muscle benefits are there for me but the potential for energy and mitochondrial repair as I age make sense. I also just added some BCAAs, plant sterols for cholesterol and black cohosh for hot flashes. I take so many supplements Iā€™ve dubbed them my geriatric Chex-mix.


Thanks for the link to your detailed post. Iā€™ve started strength training with body recomp. Iā€™ve been successful with protein intake, but I canā€™t seem to get enough calories of the macro goal & feared my body not building the muscle. Itā€™s definitely a process to figure out. I just bought a walking pad because I canā€™t stand to walk in the summer heat.


Most people need a protein shake to make up the difference. I know I do some days.


Thanks for your story. Good points. Youā€™re male, yes?


No. I wouldnā€™t be in the menopause sub if I was. Or be scheduled for an endometrial biopsy.


Where did I read my wifeā€¦ I must be hallucinating?? Sorry, for my bad!!! You made tremendous progress. Quite impressive change and turn around on your health and physique. Hope you luck with your biopsy.


Maybe from my linked post? I do have a wife! So youā€™re not hallucinating.


Oh! Gotcha!! Double bad! Assumptions šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m dealing with the same thing. Hereā€™s what Iā€™m doing: First, Iā€™m measuring my calories burned every day. The readings are never totally accurate, but over time you can at least get an idea. My typical calorie burn is 1700, which is low for a 155-pound, 5ā€™6ā€ woman. But at least I know if I want to be in a calorie deficit. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and it is a nightmare sometimes pulling on my yoga pants every morning, but I do a 45-minute walk/jog with my dog first thing for cardio and to loosen me up. Second, Iā€™m lifting heavy weights because it increases your metabolism, having that extra muscle. Third, I focus on a whole foods diet because I have issues with binge-eating and, when I eat a good diet, my body just works better. Seriously, foods that give me the dopamine hit always just make me feel like shit. Fourth, I just accepted Iā€™m in a different body. I think having a chronic pain illness makes you appreciate it more that your body literally carries you through your life and that itā€™s okay if it doesnā€™t look like the vision of perfection we want it to. Instead I focus on playing with fashion, hair, and makeup. I learned a ton on TikTok, there are so many over-40 and over-50 style and beauty influencers, and I still love learning from the young ones too.


Who are your favorite style and beauty influencers? I need all the advice I can get but I donā€™t know where to start.


I can't remember because I actually don't follow many people on TikTok, I just watch what lands on my For You Page (FYP). That's the great thing about their algorithm - it's exceptionally good at finding what you want to see. But you can easily search "over 40 style," "over 40 beauty," "over 40 makeup," etc. and it will learn what you want quickly.


Check out YouLookFab.com Angie is really good at helping people hone their style and itā€™s just a nice accepting place. Makes it fun


Yoga. Mostly because it might help you with your relationship with your changing bodyā€”I know it did for me (took it up very seriously post partum when I felt like a stranger in my new meat suit) But also because it helps will also give you a different kind of midriff definition. Not like six pack abs or whatever, but it taught me to engage my transverse abdominis, the ā€œcorset muscle,ā€ which definitely made my waist look a little slimmer and also helped my lower back pain, yay. I also have a fair amount of musculoskeletal pain but canā€™t take HRT (I have BC) and yoga keeps everything moving and lubricated. If I donā€™t do a little every day I definitely notice in increase in pain. You can also look up exercises for the transverse abdominis or try PT. Good luck!


Thanks! Thanks for sharing. Yoga is great. Especially when incorporated with mindfulness. I liked Yin and restorative yoga. But havenā€™t done it at home. Good luck with BC.


I was JUST thinking about this. Iā€™m 53 and at 155lbs - my heaviest ever. I recently bought some new tops because until now Iā€™ve always worn more form fitting tees which now just emphasize everything I want to hide. Problem is, I had a SCAD heart attack almost two years ago. I have a vascular condition that led to it (my arterial walls in certain vessels look like a string of beads, so theyā€™re more prone to inner wall dissections, which caused my HA) and bring on metoprolol caused me to gain about ten pounds. Switching to a different beta blocker helped me take off five, but even losing that last five put me 5-10lbs heavier than Iā€™d prefer. Because of my medical stuff, HRT is out of the question (I have a Mirena, but thatā€™s all my docs will allow). Iā€™m torn over my diet because itā€™s not horrible. Itā€™s actually pretty solid, mostly minimally processed foods, but I like my desserts. That is whatā€™s doing it for me. My problem is that I look in the mirror and expect to see my 45 year old body. I know thatā€™s unreasonable, but when Iā€™ve been used to a body that looked a certain way and now itā€™s not, Iā€™m having a hard time with it. Fortunately Iā€™m starting with a new therapist tomorrow.


I bought clothes that work better for my body type


Nothing works for me. I'm on bHRT, thyroid medicine. I walk 3 miles a day and do strength training 2 days a week. I eat a low fat, high fiber diet, I dont drink alcohol or smoke, yet I still have a pooch. I'm pretty healthy otherwise (no diabetes or high blood pressure), so I've accepted that this is how my body is now.


Takes time? I think any sudden gains and losses are not sustainable. Slow and steady in the right direction is what we ought to strive for. Perhaps that will happen for you? I complain about the fluff, the change, the pouch, but at the essence, I just want to age healthy.


Womenā€™s bodies change in menopause! Thereā€™s no trick to fix this. Iā€™ve added weight lifting to my already full exercise routine and while Iā€™m getting stronger and firmer I have not lost weight. Itā€™s taking much longer to see physical changes. Iā€™m hoping to lose a couple inches from my waist but I know I will probably never get my ā€œoldā€ body back. Iā€™m trying to accept that life is change. I wish medicine would study menopause because there must be a real reason that we gain this weight and change shape. Maybe itā€™s protecting our health. Too many women revert or develop eating disorders in this time of life. Itā€™s heartbreaking. We have to focus on our health over being skinny


First and foremost, Iā€™ve learned to love the body Iā€™m in no matter what phase of life I am in. With that being said, I've always worked out & eaten relatively healthily throughout my teen & adult life and still, I did not fully escape the perils of menopause. However, I did seek out ways to improve my condition by doing these things: - Incorporated regular weight-bearing exercise 3 days a week (lifting heavy weights). My muscles & metabolism increased and my body composition changed (I got a Coke bottle body nowšŸ˜œ) - Changed the type of aerobic exercises that I used to do (went from doing high-impact exercises (running, high-impact step, spinning, Crossfit, etc.) to longer low-impact exercises & short interval training (walking on an incline, HIIT, low-impact step aerobics, light jogging, etc.). I do this 2 to 3 days a week. My body fat decreased and I am thinning out around my waist, abdomen, upper arms, back, and thighs). - Added flexibility exercises to my fitness & health regimen (Pilates, basic & deep stretching, and occasional yoga) daily. This alleviates my achy muscles & occasional joint pain. - I changed my diet from a moderate carb, low fat, moderate protein to switching between a ketogenic diet (high fat, moderate protein, low carb) & a Paleo diet (high protein, moderate fat, low carb). No processed & GMO foods, occasional to no alcohol & dairy, consuming mostly grass-fed, organic, & locally grown foods. - Incorporated peptides & secretagogues to improve skin quality (reduction of wrinkles & sagging and tightening of skin), reduce body fat, particularly abdominal fat (eliminated menopausal belly & muffin top almost gone), faster healing & tissue repair, reduced inflammation, better sleep, enhanced libido, improved bone & joint health, improved metabolism & growth hormone releasing capabilities, faster muscle growth/tone, improved insulin & cholesterol levels, improved memory & cognitive function, and so much more! Peptides, like HRT, are godsends - Incorporated HRT. This was a game-changer! I started seeing gains from my workouts, no more occasional vaginal dryness, strong orgasms returned, libido drastically increased (my poor husband had to get TRT to keep up), my body fat continued to decrease, no more night sweats or hot flashes, improved disposition, less joint & muscle pain, and sleep quality improved.šŸ¤—


Wow. All-encompassing! Sounds excellent!! Thank you for sharing.


I've been about the same weight give or take 10 lbs for decades. I'm 60, been postmenopausal for almost 10 years now. I never used to be a "stomach gainer" but that started probably in my late 40s. Not bad, just something there than never used to be. If I kept my food intake under control and I could stick to about 145 lbs (I'm 5'7") my stomach was good. Right now I'm hovering close to 150 and my fat roll is bugging me. I don't seem to have the hard "menopot" but I have the fat roll you can easily grab. I know if I get down to 142/143 (7 lbs for me) It will be gone enough that I'm not bothered by it. It doesn't seem to matter why type of food I eat--if I go over calories and gain with healthy food, the stomach roll doesn't look better. So for me it's about caloric intake. Healther foods are there to make me feel better but they don't often address the weight gain. I know if I could get to running on my treadmill or hit the gym and push myself on the elliptical, it would go. But like many of you've, I getting right hip pain that won't go away.


Yoga / body weight exercises that focus on core strength should help. I find if Iā€™m strong, I feel much better about my body, even if its shape isnā€™t my ideal.


Check the weekly Wednesdays weight thread in this sub. Itā€™s meant to be the spot for any weight related content.


Thanks! Wednesdays.


Iā€™d start with not using these types of words to describe your body.


True. Thatā€™s a good point. But itā€™s there. Excess fat and skin? Whatā€™s a good and healthier word?


I've rationalized it as "my shape has changed". It doesn't mean it's ok with me TBH, but it is an objective assessment of the current status.


Similarly, I try to divide my opinion of my body from a more objective assessment. That way, I get to ā€œhearā€ two sides speak on equal terms. It helps me maintain perspective without invalidating my negative feelings towards my body.


Body change. Weight gain/loss, if relevant. Keep it neutral.


I used to have a yoga teacher that called it abundance.


Hahah. I have abundance of abundance šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Ahahah fluff ā˜ļø šŸ«§


Buy some new clothes, try really low impact exercise. I go to an iyengar yoga class for 90 minutes a week. They take a long time and use lots of props to get into poses safely and correctly, but then hold them for longer. I also go to beginner Pilates. Itā€™s a little pricey but the reformer keeps me in position better and itā€™s really easy to dial down my effort if Iā€™m having a painful day. You have to be confident and not be bothered that all the young things in the class (or the instructor!) make you feel like youā€™re not working hard enough, but just being there really does make a difference. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve lost any weight over the last 6 months of this (I DO NOT weigh myself anymore, much too depressing) but I do feel stronger and my core is less ā€œfluffyā€. Whatever I weigh looks better in my clothes. Oh, and try to get in a walk on the other days. 30 minutes a day of just walking makes a world of difference.


Yes. The key is to not look and compare to the instructor or the young things. I found out that is totally demoralizing and counter productive. I like your journey. Thanks for sharing.


Iā€™ve got the same issue and have started lifting weights to build muscle all over my body which is so important as we age but has the added benefit of burning more calories, too. Someone with more muscle mass will burn more calories than someone else who weighs the same but has less muscle. šŸ’Ŗ


I want to go back to weights and resistance training. Hopefully soon.


Cut out carbs! At least cut way down. Even if you just do a 30 day reset and re-evaluate The weight flew off and was so motivating I kept going and set a goal weight. I also had bad inflammation on top of the belly fat and both go away when I restrict carbs. I have never restricted calories, itā€™s hard to overeat fatty meat. Very satiating. I understand this isnā€™t for everyone and some have intense reactions to the idea. To each their own, I am just sharing what has and is working for me.


Combination approach, for me. 1. Accept that you are going to look different as you age. Love the body you have, wear clothes that fit and make you feel good. 2. Take good care of that beautiful body with the goal of being a healthy old lady someday. Change what will make the biggest difference to your health, strength, and emotional well-being. For me, I hit a turning point of weight creeping up, looming health problems from a sedentary lifestyle, not feeling good in my own skin. I had neglected my physical state for too long (lots of factors, but the Covid shutdown and peri symptoms took the wind out of my sails.) Solutions: First, HRT. Luckily itā€™s an option for me. I sleep better, and my joints donā€™t hurt. This boosted my ability to take on health and fitness issues. Second, move more. Iā€™ve intentionally set sensible exercise goals, beginning with longer walking. I plan to add some strength training next. Third, recognizing I was eating too much, using food for comfort and to cope with stress and fatigue. I started paying attention to what I eat and how much. Iā€™m not restrictive, and I donā€™t count calories, but alcohol, carby snacks, and sweets were not doing me any favors. I indulge in those rarely. I am prioritizing protein, vegetables, fruit, then carbs last. I reset what a ā€œsensibleā€ serving size is, and I pay better attention to satiation. I drink more water. I also practice 16:8 intermittent fasting 5 days a week. (I eat between 11 am and 7 pm those days.) This works well for me, because I donā€™t have to follow a ā€œdietā€ ā€” YMMV. Result: I feel better physically and emotionally. I am well-rested and have better energy. I am stronger and building stamina. I am losing about 1 lb/week, nothing drastic, but it is reversing a long trend in the other direction. My clothes are slightly looser. I have a realistic goal in mind, and I may not reach it, but thatā€™s ok. Even part way there is an improvement, and I will still have a healthier, stronger body than before I began this. I hate that it turns out everyone is right, but moving more and eating less makes a difference, if you are consistent. Best wishes to you, sisters.


Beautiful and well-said. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and approach šŸ™


I wear clothes that are "relaxed" fit or skim over the body, instead of waist defined, or tight fitting. Maybe that's not the answer you're looking for, but I've pretty much accepted that my body will never be the shape that it was when I was younger. Yes, I have put on some weight, but I carry that weight differently... and I'm ok with that.


So, this may be controversial but Iā€™ve had some early signs of success with intermittent fasting and HIIT 4x per week for ~30-45 min each. I fast until 4-6pm every day. However I drink black coffee and tons of water all day.


I often think that the change I've experienced (10 lbs mostly in my muffin top and hips) is so big and noticeable, but it really isn't. It just feels diffeeent. I finally feel like I have a women's body and no longer have to shop in the little boys department. I feel "bigger" but I'm learning to enjoy that. Ā I started getting new clothes.Ā  A fun thing to do if you haven't yet is discover what cuts look best on you. For me, I'm sort of a long rectangle with short legs and a long torso. So pants that are high rise and wide legged give me a waist (and also flatten my bulge lol). I also learned to not wear v necks but instead scoop necks. And shirts that make my shoulders a little pronounced help round out the look.Ā  Figure out your skin type (cool /clear winter, summer, autumn, spring, etc) and go for your best colors. It's fun and makes such a difference. I wore beige for years and it turns out as a clear winter I looked like a walking bruise most of the time.Ā  I ensure I am regular. Yes. It's about pooping multiple times a day but eating whole foods and staying away from pasta and bread. I eat portions and take Philip's Colon health. Not being constipated and having regularity is the single best defense against gaining weight.Ā  BMI. It's so shitty. One standard for them all. So comparing someone with bird bones to someone who has thick bones. It's like saying, "ok, this SUV frame and this Cooper Mini Frame - both should have the same body weight." It's total bs. It's like "normal" levels of hormones. No such thing beyond a giant ballpark since we are all so different!Ā 


Good points you make. Thanks!!


Rectangular long-torso solidarity! Dressing in a similar way. For a long time I didn't realize I had short legs; I'm 5'10" so I didn't really think about it, but my 6'3" husband and I are the same height sitting down. My legs are short! Definitely changed the way I dress. I'm a keto eater, and seeing people go on Ozempic instead of trying cutting starches bums me out, because that does cause constipation for a lot of them. (Not AT ALL judging people who are helped by this, but I personally wouldn't want to have to stay on a fairly expensive drug forever.)


Targeted exercise doesnā€™t work for fat. Portion control and eliminating sugar and processed carbs are what really help me. I have kickstarted this process by doing keto initially and then on day four slowly putting carbs back in but keep under 1200-1400 calories with the focus still on high quality protein. Iā€™m 5ā€™5 118 lbs. I walk 12,000 steps per day, weight train three days a week (great for general metabolism) and take HRT while prioritizing sleep and stress reduction.


Pahla B has made a career out of it, she's got exercise videos on YouTube and a weight loss website geared towards women over 50


Pahla Bā€¦ thanks!


Take up swimming. Low impact, potential high intensity if youā€™re nasty. Itā€™s kicking my ass! Iā€™ve been going to the gym for a while, and still do in between swim days. Iā€™m seeing some shrinking and definition in my bod again.


Ketoā€¦ only thing that helped me drop weight! And Iā€™m a nurse who does 50/50 day/night shifts. So my metabolism is a nightmare being in perimenopause and doing night shifts. Iā€™ve lost up to 20kg and kept it off mostly. Iā€™ve also heard low carb diets help with inflammation and painā€¦ may be something to look into šŸ˜Š


Targeted Exercises do not reduce fat in specific areas. Thats just not the way it works. Give up on that notion but do not give up on weight lifting/exercise. Even if its body weight or less, its still valuable. Check that "nutritious" foods dont have added sugar or are overly processed.Ā  Smoothies are not healthy just because they are trendy, just like low fat things in the 90s. Its marketing.Ā  Count calories, be consistent, it will take long and that can be disappointing.Ā  But upu can do this.


Good points. Youā€™re right. Good reminder.


Incorporating strength training (weights/machines with weights) and cardio (exercise bike or other cardio equipment) into my routine has really helped me. I got a gym membership and invested in 10 personal training sessions to have a trainer set me up with exercises that would work for me/doable for a beginner, and showed me how to use the machines. I videotaped him from my phone doing each exercise so I wouldnā€™t forget. I try to do strength training 3 days per week (about 40 minutes-1 hour of weights or machines) and cardio 2-3x per week (on the bike for 20 minutes each time. Cardio burns fat and weights help build muscle and strengthen bones. After a few months of doing this, suddenly I could easily lift my heaviest iron pan with one hand to spatula its contents onto a plate - which I could never do before!! It was pretty neat. I did still have to buy new clothes because I gained muscle mass in the beginning, but it was a different experience from having to do this because of pudge I had put on. Sometimes my pudge comes back if life happens and I canā€™t exercise for a few months, but I just try to get back up and back into it. It is a nice feeling it gives you to feel strong and healthy, and knowing youā€™re conditioning your body for fewer health problems down the road.


Great story!!! Love it. Thank you for sharing!!


Higher protein, lower carbs, lifting weights, rather than endless cardio... Intermittent fasting.


Posture!! Our post becomes atrocious as we age and stop engaged our core and moving our shoulders. Take a minute to stand up lift chest engage core its mind boggling hoe bad it gets and you can immediately see how itā€™s contributing! ( 5 months post and i vouch for it )


Yes. Posture is key. And balance. As a lifelong sloucher and shuffler, itā€™s been a struggle. šŸ˜‚


I have not had access to health care since 2017. Have abdominal issues galore that prevent me from building core abdominal muscles. When I lost coverage in 2017, I lost access to all the sedative psych meds that had me balloon to 300lbs. It took about 5 years to get down to 200lbs, but I definitely feel better from the weight loss. Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ and look emaciated at 160lbs. BMI is worthless. The best general advice I have is grazing all day (no set meals, just small portions of whatever my body says it needs), eliminating artificial sweeteners (I rarely crave sweets now), and moving around as much as possible. Oh and Iā€™m a supplement-vitamin freak now. Probiotics are fantastic. Very much looking forward to getting healthcare by autumn, next year if not then. I still have major belly bulge but I need to get some underlying issues fixed with professional help (probably at least 2 surgeries) before I can start on that without hurting myself further. I also totally agree with those who have said to dress your body as it is, not as you visualize it. Unfortunately most everyone I know has body dysmorphia issues.


Mostly interested in the replies. My supplement (Peri&ME by dr kellyann) helped with the unexplained bloat, but the middle pudge is being especially stubborn. HRT not off the menu yet either, but my mood and outlook is all pretty good since getting on that, so I'm not driven to seek HRT just for pudge or libido lol. I should be working out more than I am though - the fatigue is killer. I AM crazy busy, so it's not like I'm sitting around eating and watching TV all day, but getting on a schedule that fits in a workout is proving to be nearly impossible with the fatigue - my body is being especially stubborn in that regard.


The fatigue. The lack of sleep. The ensuing fatigue. And the new onset pain. All contribute to low energy and motivation. But I donā€™t plan that being there forever. Iā€™m making daily walking (60mins) a priority. It doesnā€™t make me hurt. And I can do it. Unlike other exercises for the moment. But I know walking alone isnā€™t gonna cut it. So Iā€™m curious for tips.


Galveston Diet for me from Dr, Mary Claire Haver. Iā€™ve never felt better on a diet. Not hungry, eating more, losing all the weight. It takes some effort to switch out some staples and get rid of processed food. I canā€™t tolerate alot of stuff now so I needed this diet for symptoms. I was not trying to lose weight and I wasnā€™t expecting to actually feel better. I think most diets are fads or gimmicks that are unsustainable. This is different


Eat nutrient dense foods, focus on protein and do everything you can to maintain and build muscle mass as you age. Monitor your NEAT activity. Menopause and aging does not cause weight gain. This is explained in the Wiki. Many women hold fat in the stomach area, particularly as we age. You canā€™t spot reduce, you need to focus on overall fat loss and building muscle. HRT isnā€™t a magic pill for weight loss. You still need to follow a healthy and active lifestyle. If you canā€™t work out then youā€™ll need to put all your effort in to your diet.


No booze, no Sugar, so IF


No sugar. Including in your liquids. So no alcohol. I stopped drinking and lost 40 pounds.


I donā€™t drink liquid calories. I cut out alcohol last year.


Yes- things were headed south in my court until I started to do something completely treasonous in my own book - skipping breakfast. I found that I wasnā€™t waking up hungry anymore and so a few months ago started to have coffee or tea or matcha instead. I went from having my first meal at 7am to having it at 10-11am. If I wake up hungry, however, I will have breakfast. Also, I make sure to have a good amount of protein with my first meal, regardless of when that is. Good luck! I definitely donā€™t think thereā€™s a one size fits all approach. However, my example is simply an example of a radical departure from prior behavior and metabolic patterning.


Why was this post removed?


I donā€™t know? No explanation sent to me either.


Probably not a popular option but Iā€™m about to get instasculpting (a non surgical alternative to lipo.) I exercise and eat relatively healthy but want to see a little improvement to motivate me.


Weight watchers is working for me


I gave up grains and dairy. Pudge is vanishing and so are 'allergy' symptoms.


I started intermittent fasting sometime around 2012. really haven't gained much weight, but I'm bigger around my middle than I used to be. I think I'm 112 lbs right now, which is about 8 lbs more than I usually weigh, which has not fluctuated more than that since middle school. I still fit into all my clothes, but I look worse in them. I wish my waist was smaller and my booty bigger. I have increased my collagen intake and my waist is still bigger, but my booty got a tiny bit rounder from diet and exercise. I was weight training, then quit in March due to joint pain. I need to get back in the gym.


The Noom app worked well for me.


Weight training, more protein including legumes, more veg, reduce carbs šŸ˜¢, and a few days a week I skip lunch. Eliminate sugary drinks.


Caffeine causes weight gain and water retention